Cringe Corner: The Audiowave Dasher's Years of Harassment Megapost

It's a new year and once again, the easily triggered wannabe Brony Musician known as AudioWave Dasher / Ben Jackson / TheGreatTailz / Aeons And Airwaves is back again on his campaign of harassment.
Who the hell is this guy?

Ben Jackson, a 41 year old man based out of Orlando, Florida is a guitarist going by many different fandom names, namely AudioWave Dasher (among others) with a huge ego problem and horrible guitar sound quality who essentially thinks his shit does not stink and will not hear a word against it. He first came to our attention around August 2015, when he spammed various Facebook groups to promote his music, and more importantly, after having his incessant requests denied by them, asking the people there to send emails to Equestria Daily, wanting to "bad mouth them in a positive manner" so that they will supposedly give new artists a chance at the spotlight.

Holding himself as a professional musician and praising guitar playing above all other instruments, it's a bit odd that a good chunk of his recordings and so-called original songs are not actually played on a guitar, rather recorded instead via Guitar Pro 3, a computer program that produces MIDI tracks meant for tabs and for guitarists to play along to as practice. Instead, he uses those MIDI tracks as completed songs, in a claim that once he manages to harass other musicians into doing a collaberation with him for the drum, bass and vocal tracks, he will then re-record it.

Going through his other channels, it's obvious he has done the same. As such, when other people find his music, they tend to leave advice for him in the comments because his tone is pretty awful. However, Ben is not the type of person to take constructive criticism from anyone, because, in his own words, that he has 23 some-odd years of experience playing the guitar, to take criticism from someone who is not a musician is outright laughable and ridiculous. In other words, he claims a person must be able to produce music in a much better fashion than him in order to give him advice. Naturally, what he considers better is entirely subjective, and he has been seen flying off the handle at other musicians who create much better sounding music.

And so for the next few years we diligently covered the tales of Ben as he sent spam to many people in the MLP community in a bid for them to broadcast his music, his self-described way of self promotion, and, should they refuse to play his music due to its terrible quality and his piss poor attitude, pester them with emails and other correspondence chock full of verbal abuse. Enter Stallionslaughter, a much better musician than Ben, who tried to give him advice on how he could improve himself and his guitar sound via a Youtube video. Ben, not wanting his precious self-image ruined by someone he viewed beneath him, proceeded to hound Stallionslaughter's Youtube channel with abusive comments and outright copypasta, which then prompted Stallion, as a joke, to make a deathcore song with lyrics comprised of the comments Ben left behind.

Brutal. However after that whole fiasco, we did not hear from Ben for the entirety of 2017, until he appeared recently, circa January 2018, when he had apparently during that time roped Brony Musician 4EverfreeBrony into doing a collab with him, which takes us to the present.

What has he done now?

Stallion for his part, tried to resolve the situation by bringing all parties involved into a call and sort things out. What happened afterward was a whole night's worth of burning, not unlike our very own sun.

And then he flipped out. From claiming he's a Navy Seal and threatening bodily harm...

To making racial slurs...

To making even more threats...

When called out on buying said subs, his response was just as predictable: denial.

No real surprise there.

After days of posting on Twitter about all the stuff AWD has said, CrusaderPony decided to set up a petition to warn all MLP conventions about Ben Jackson attending conventions, and suggested he he prematurely banned. The petition was almost a success, acheiving somewhere around 450~ signatures before it was, predictably, took down by Ben, as he report bombed it to death, and bragged about it later over Twitter. 

During this time, Ben also decided to target Stallionslaughter directly, doing the unforgivable, actually managing to get him fired from his job working at a car dealership, by spamming them with false reviews and emails, that they decided the best course of action was to "let him go". Unfortunately, this had the effect of having Stallion lose his house due to barely being above water financially, and he ended up losing his house. 

The communities response was overwhelming, as a GoFundMe was set up with the goal of $1,000 to get Stallion back on his feet. Of course, Ben couldn't leave well enough alone, and during BABScon weekend it was taken down temporarily due to spam reports from him. In other words, not being content with getting Stallion fired, he wanted to make sure he was kicked while he was down. Luckily, the GFM was able to be restored, and it overshot its goal threefold.

A warning to the rest of the fandom, if you see Ben Jackson / Audiowave Dasher / Aeons and Airwaves / Thegreattailz, or whatever nickname he is going under, our suggestion is to preemptively block him and kick him out from any groups he joins. In order to market himself, as he says in his own words, he especially seeks out Facebook groups who might not otherwise be informed of his doings.

Update: 20.04.2018
He has now contacted Youtube's own CEO over Twitter in an attempt to get the aforementioned videos, the ones of him digging his own grave by showing the world how much of a prick he is, taken down. 

In addition, he is trying now to reach the moral high ground by attempting to compare Stallionslaughter to a gore loving pedo, due to the artwork he makes. 

We'll keep updating the article as the story progresses.

Comments (247)

  1. They need to arrest him, stat.

  2. I created a facebook an account a few weeks ago to follow his groups. He's now begging people to back him up. Quite a shit show.

    1. Oooo I wanna see screen shots of that sad shit fest xD

  3. This scum sucking piece of shit needs to be locked up. He needs to have his life ruined.

    Death is too easy for you, Ben Jackson. You deserve to be force-fed a bag of rusty nails for what you've done. And then, once you're done shitting out those nails, you should be gang raped like the bitch you are.

    What goes around, comes around, you disgusting excuse for a human being. You'd better hope that you don't wake up one morning to find out the FBI wants to speak with you. It'd be at least as funny watching you get accused of something that would ruin your life as you probably thought it was to do such a thing to someone else. The only difference, Ben, is that there are people capable of doing substantially more damage to you.

    Watch your back, Ben. We sure are.

  4. Might wanna add that AWD's main twitter and youtube accounts managed to get taken down. Been relatively quiet since then heh

    (Emphasis on the "main" of course since he has multiple.)

  5. 41 years old, and he never grew up. Actually, that's mean of me to say, I'm sorry. Children are smarter and better behaved than this.

  6. Drama is good and all, but you did not write anything about any of the NEW SHOW EPISODES.

    1. This is Horse News. If you want articles about the new episodes, I'm afraid you're in the wrong place. Horse News does drama and little else.

    2. I member when that was not entirely true.

    3. Horse News did some pretty extensive coverage of episodes from seasons 4-6. Then, they stopped.





    3. it still triggers johnathan so it will still be posted

      until he dies

      have fun john

    4. shithead anon go fuck off this is getting old

  8. Someone forgot to turn of his youtube-twitter connection lmbo.

  9. where did all these chats happen with 4everfreebrony and slyphstorm etc?
    do you have a discord server?

  10. >Ben Jackson, a 41 year old man based out of Orlando, Florida


  11. This crap is all nonsense, cheap fake click bait journalism, and shock value. The real Audiowave Dasher's story can be found on youtube where he discredits about 90% of this GARBAGE. I suggest if you really are attracted to drama then go listen to his side of the story. Hes done philanthropology work, childrens charities, and most of all writes stuff thats in line with Hasbro's vision. I'd take one word of his over 100 from this junk drama site

    1. Get out, Ben.

    2. 8===D This world is just so empty without me! *Plays "WITHOUT ME" by Eminem

  12. His name is too hard to remember, I'll call him "Florida Man".

  13. Awesome post. Appreciate your efforts and really enjoyed the style of your writing.

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  16. Your post is good and funny, thank you so much

  17. I have read many other articles about the same topic, but your article convinced me! I hope you continue to have high quality articles like this to share with veryone!

  18. I love the idea of using shoes for fact and opinion

  19. I see the proposal every weekend should be a long weekend, everyone will be able to work at home most of the week, I find this proposal very cool

  20. Looks like he's leaving Florida - this posted today on CL:

    1. I love how Im so famous some of you whom I dont even know feel the need to stalk me

  21. I blew up at you because you were a douche. Dont flatter yourself, you were never that good. I wont go to prison for disliking you and being a dick haha

  22. this kind of shitshow should be barred from our fandom.. this is what gives us a bad name and rep,

    I say idiots like this should be BARRED from conventions and there posts should be taken to right people so he can be thrown behind bars for such fowl threats of that nature

    He as NOT changed and still on facebook claiming to work in "Law" while posting about having petitions having FiM go on even longer..

    1. Youre right! HN is the laughable shitshow of the pony fandom, and @Rhe7orical_HN is losing credibility, viewers, and attention so he reaches out to low hanging fruit. Well here ya go Rhetoric, you can grab these low hanging fruit. 8===========D This vile scummy troll needs to get a talent and a hobby other than being a scuzzy leech on the fandom. Please disregard this VILE VAPID CUNT as nothing more than an internet attention craving thirsty whore. DISREGARD EVERYTHING THIS CUNT SAYS

    2. You know Dasher, I would stoop to your level pretty damn easily, almost tempted to. But I was raised to not make fun of the mentally retarded. So with that, I bid you a farewell and hope that you get the psych help you need and you get the meds you need, and that you learn socially acceptable behavior.

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    1. Fildena 120mg treats impotence and erectile dysfunction. The "Triangular Purple Pill" is the popular name for this tablet. This tablet allows the user to experience orgasm when sexually stimulated. It is a simple and effective method to treat erectile dysfunction. Fildena stimulates sex. It enhances erections naturally by providing adequate blood flow to penis. Sildenafil can unblock the nerves in the male genital area to allow for smooth blood flow. It also increases the production of cGMP and prevents it from being broken down, so blood can continue to flow towards the genital region.

      Vidalista 40mg is used to treat impotence and erectile dysfunction. The "Weekend Pills" are popularly called this medicine. The user can experience orgasm when having sexual relations. This is an easy and quick way to treat sexual dysfunction. Vidalista 20, a much less costly substitute for the more expensive brand Tadalafil, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction. It is a medication that can help with any erectile issue, and it's becoming more popular.

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  143. Cenforce 200 mg is a medication suggested for the treatment of erectile brokenness (ED) or barrenness. Further, the medication is best for men who are experiencing erection problems because of any explanation. Moreover, it is just reasonable for men with age going from 18 to 65 years and not for any other individual. Besides, the pills are a powerful treatment for ED as a result of its dynamic fixing named Sildenafil Citrate.

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  159. Buses are hired for various travel reasons that include weddings, corporate events and picnics where booking luxury bus a highly suitable option for many.
    Bus Rental India

  160. Our online gynecology appointments allow our patients to receive the medical care they need without having to leave their home or work. So, book your appointment today and meet with our experienced and compassionate gynecologists from the comfort of your own space!
    Online appointment with Gynecologist
