ToonKriticY2K, a self-described pedophile (as seen in screenshots in this article), was recently caught apparently grooming a 14 year old girl in a series of erotic role plays. Over 500 screen caps of Skype conversations spanning a period of 13 months were recently released, detailing his relationship with the pubescent girl.
These allegations came to light recently in a video released by brony drama enthusiast Vida. Some of the more damning screenshots are below, along with the video and a link to an archive of all the screenshots.
UPDATE: Video released of ToonKriticY2K's friends asking him to turn himself in to the police: (Mirror)
ToonKriticY2K (also know as CarToonZ, his edgy alter-ego) began his relationship by offering to teach the victim "a thing or two" about "lewd RPs" while being concerned she not "think [he's] a pedo or anything like that." Yeah, we're all buying this, right? They then began a quite steamy RP where they played themselves and, well, OwO what's this? Yep, there was a bulge.
Over the next 13 months, the two had quite a few erotic role play adventures, most of which appear to be documented in the group of 500+ screenshots. ToonKriticY2K continued to groom the victim until she finally apparently began to fall for him. They began talking about meeting up in real life at a convention, sharing a hotel room, making out in their underwear together, and re-enacting some of their ERP sessions in person.
Before any of this could happen, though, he eventually realized what he was doing was wrong and ended their RP sessions stating, "Up until recently I thought this was just for fun but then I realized, I'm doing this with a 15 year old." Oops, better late than never, right?
The victim then apparently released the screenshots. We've also heard rumors that others within their circle of friends may have been aware of the depth and depravity of their debauchery but remained mum.
your a dick his friend did not tell on him because one they had no hard proof at the time and because they cared about him and wanted to help him and you forget they did tell the police about it once they had proof and also i'm following zephyr cause i'm not a dick like all of you
So he never knew she was underage to begin with? At least he stopped when he found out (unless that was an excuse).
Is erotic RP with a minor a crime (especially if you didn't know the other person was underage)? It's definitely weird and wrong, but is it illegal if he didn't act on any of it?
>but is it illegal if he didn't act on any of it? You are getting closer in taking that red pill than you think. Vast majority of people are so easy to exile pedophiles who would never act upon it, but always preach that sexuality is not a choice. Nobody chose to become a pedophile just like how gay people didn't choose to be gay. The crime is child molestation, not sexual preference.
Great quote to live by: "I feel sorry for pedophiles that keep their eyes and hands to themselves. I wish death on those that don't."
ERP is an act but however, despite doing said act sending illicit messages to those who are underage is a gross thing to do and also kinda illegal in a way on some occasion.
ERPing is not acting upon it, but it's up there on the pedophilia creepy level. It's on the social morality background and on the same area as Woody Allen is Anon. Don't get it twisted in anyway shape or form, HE KNEW that she was underage and he encouraged it.
Well in that case, he's the one who stopped right? The teen enjoyed it until he put his foot down and said no. Why would he get casted out for something he regretted doing? I'm sure you and other people in HN knows exactly what regret is, as well as forgiveness.
You can blame Toon for so many other shit. But being the one who stops underage role playing is a step in the right direction for him. IMO.
Seriously, how many of the Anal cysts are guilty of this? Josh Scorcher with Ink Rose who was fucking 15 at the time too, and no one batted a fucking eye at that, instead there was all this ship art of them. Like, what the fuck. Why has no one called them out sooner?
Nor did anyone bat an eye or ever question GoldenFox (24 at the time) hooking up with Keyframe (15 at the time) because her real age was kept hush hush by the "Analysis Community" until she turned 18, when they suddenly started a fund raiser to help her move out of her home and closer to closer to GoldenFox, who apparently had known and kept the fact she was being abused a secret as well.
How the fuck was that not grooming on GoldenFox's part? Not just wooing this teenage girl, but setting himself up as this white knight would one day save her, but not till she was 18 of course cause heaven forbid he contact the authorities. I mean, it's not like it was about sex or anything, it's not like they banged soon as they met for the first time and put up a post-coitus photo with them in bed. Oh, right, they did do that.
They were never dating, and they're not dating now. It was all a gimmick done in some videos. Josh is dating someone else now, who is considered his OC's secretary.
On Goldenfox and Keyframe, while I am not well versed on their relationship, what do you have to back up your staement of "it's not like it was about sex or anything, it's not like they banged soon as they met for the first time and put up a post-coitus photo with them in bed. Oh, right, they did do that." Because that is a heavy statment that falls flat without validation and citing.
The fact they fucked soon as she turned 18? You want a source on that? Are you mother fucking retarded. The fact they were open about it isn't worth sourcing you dumb mother fucker, she was 18 already, it doesn't matter.
The fact they were a couple before that is well known and documented, it wasn't kept a secret. The only thing that was kept on the down low was her actual age, but everyone was so focussed on the whole rescuing Keyframe from her crazy was mother few made the connection she JUST turned 18. The few that did point out Golden was in a relationship with an underage minor were basically ignored, because she was 18 now so who cared.
Goldenfox is a pedophile? Well actually he's ephebophile, since pedophiles are attracted to childern under 11 and ephebophile are attact to minors ages 15-17. Girls usually finish puberty around 15-17, while boys are done around 16-17. However, 15-17 year olds are still mentally maturing, so having sex with them especially if your more then 3 years older is still wrong.
okay but what kinda sicko fucking STARTS THIS SHIT TO BEGIN WITH??? she's a little fucking girl who doesnt know shit about this and he took advantage of that and would put someone as young as 14 in this situation. he could have you, just not ERPed with her the second he fucking found out, but instead he groomed her, got her to fall for him and made attempts to try and fuck her both fictionally and in real life
Amazing how many pedo apologists there are commenting.
Yes, TK knew her age from the start. Yes, despite not touching her physically he still broke the law. He sent a minor porn, which is illegal in America under the Child Online Protection Act. (COPA) And yes, it doesn't matter if a minor is willing, adults are entirely responsible for their actions. The minor is always the victim in pedophile relationships.
I agree that he needs mental help. But it's clear that after a year of knowing what he was doing was wrong, he isn't going to get help on his own. Both the authorities and his parents need to take action before TK gains enough confidence to ruin some poor kid's life.
Many people are not apologetic to Toon. They are however, apologetic to people gets condemned just because of the sole fact that they are pedophiles, which is an asinine mindset. You're trans Perler. You know what it's like to get judged for something you never chose to be. You're the person here who would understand that pedophilia alone is not deserving of condemnation.
Not that Toon is even a pedo. People seem to think pedophilia is attraction to minors, it isn't. Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescents, typically described as children under the age of 13 or not yet gone through puberty. Attraction to teens, or those going through puberty is known as hebephila or ephebephila. Something that is socially acceptable in most of the world outside western culture and more than likely hardwired into the human condition.
This is by no means being apologetic Toon's behavior, it is reprehensible regardless of this girl's age. Her naivete from being so young simply made her an easy target and part of the whole argument of why minors need legal protection from adults that attempt to manipulate then in this fashion.
I can understand why some men are attractive and want to bang on girls ages 15-17. Girls do finish puberty around 15-17, so it makes sense. However, our society has change, so having sex with them ( if your more the a couple years older ) is a no-no and should stay that way.
>I agree that he needs mental help. Tbh pedos need to die, what other choice do they have, have you ever heard of a former pedo? No one trusts that, and it's almost impossible to get a job, your chances of being killed skyrocket too. The momment this guy was called a pedo is the momment his life came to an end, he has no real exit here, there is no treatment for pedos.
so ur saying suicide is better then living with a title that other people give u cause they think its better to have then to see the history of why children are considered needing protection much before the 19th century children were considered mini adults and had the right to sex to get job to roam the world on their own. it wasnt till victorian ideals that the notion of children being pure and innocent that our definition and laws bound to them for their protection. in reality pedophilia is just a condition we classify that is our baser instincts we are hardwired to seek out a mate or to procreate, its not like its a mental condition, its not different the killing people or animals you do it enough times and it becomes normal and acceptable.
Pedophilia isn't the desire to have sex with minors, it is sexual attraction to prepubescent children. As in kids that have not gone through puberty yet and are NOT sexually mature. Don't try to give this history lesson on how society used to work before the modern age, cause you are full of shit. Even with current cultures that still allow for relationships with younger girls, they are still of sexual maturity.
There is something fucked up in someone's head if they are wanting to have sex with young children if they cannot keep those urges in check society has no place for them.
Funny how you linked our thread and I linked your article and we both linked Vida's video and he references both of us in the description. It's the circle of life lol.
This isn't the first time I've seen something like this. When I used to staff PonySquare word on the block that one of the admins was ERPing with kids and cheating on his wife.
I've watched the video but not read the logs but the thing that stands out is that this fandom reeks of narcissism. It wouldn't surprise me if Toon's friends tried to help but couldn't because narcissists are dead locked in their path of destruction until they themselves realize they fucked up. Same applies to those defending him.
That said, said narcissism overall in the fandom is why my Twitter is set to Jevro II rather than the pony you see here just FYI.
It is unfortunate that the video added mentioned the girl who was involved in all this. Hopefully people respect Pastel's privacy and don't go hounding her. If she does make a public statement it should be her choice.
In the Skype call he claims that this is just "one of the worst" things he's done but there's worse that they don't know about holy shit what else has he done.
A fall like this, the ruining of a career, disgraced in front of a full community, the loss of friends, potential criminal charges. I think everyone should be ready that Toon might commit suicide over this. He has admitted to being suicidal, through that could of easily been a sympathy tactic.
suicide isnt a joking matter or to be brought up lightly, its actually quite serious and many people on the net could be facing charges for pushing him that far. you the people have cyber harrassed toonkritic to the point of closing all his social media account, doxxed his address and phone number and push him so far into depression that he commits suicide, all it takes is a note and the names listed for why he committed suicide and this will turn so political and revengeful that the fandom may never recover. thats what we are really facing those that bombarded him with hate messages to those that contacted his number and harrassed whomever picked up the phone, to thoses that leaked this fiasco to social media. the list is long and varied cyber harassment, doxxing so many crimes and yet people still dont understand the power of words and the damage they do.
And no fucks will be given if he does kill himself. The fallout will be far less then you think it would be. People don't have as much sympathy when it is a monster pushed to such a breaking point. We aren't talking about some awkward kid getting teased a bit too much.
amazing how nobody cares about MLP anymore all these years later, we have brony analysts grooming kids, yet here you are still emotionally scarred by some tranny.
His friends mentioned going to the police over this themselves, however many states have laws that don't require those who know of illegal activities to report them, so they may never have had to.
"They wanted to go public with this." "As long as this doesn't go public." Well it's a little too fucking late for that now, isn't it?
"...I would reccomend starting talking to a lawyer."
Well DUH! Y2K should have never said anything once he was brought into that Skype call. He should have disconnected pending consultation with a lawyer (I'm not sympathizing with him, FTR). How absolutely stupid.
His friends in the brony analysis community and retarded fanboy/girls have been covering up his sexual misconduct for years. Pulling this shit with a minor was simply the last straw and they tossed him under the bus. Even then they still tried to keep this shit under wraps, but someone leaked the info.
shit didnt know we have mind readers in the community didnt think u could tell what he was thinking. he thought this he thought that its mere conjecture
Pardon me Seven, but kindly fuck off with this bullshit. You come into an article warning about a sexual predator community and you make post because you got triggered over some old juvenile meme and felt the need to play the white knight.
Please kindly take your head out of your ass and get your priorities straight. How absolutely sad of a fucking person you are.
what is sad is someone who is on fucking anon to scared to show your true colors ass hole. at least i dont post on anon. plus there is nothing wrong standing up for a friend dipshit. not like u would know what a friend is u sad lonely pathetic human being
It never ceases to amaze me the amount of autism people have that are into, MLP and noI don't mean this as a joke. Making fun of this person STILL who made the fandom into something big, yet now that the fandom is tiny you still got these autards that find it funny to make fun of her. Like they can't get memories out of their head, never grow up, laugh at the same stupid shit for 8 years.
Of course it's okay. Everything is okay when it comes to humor. Sorry, PT isn't some sacred cow, just a cow. Or rather a mutilated steer, but you get the picture.
Hopefully this kills the celebirty of analysts. Victims all around but if TK wasn't horse famous they'd not given him an extra glance. Really bruh, being famous for putting cartoon horses under an electron microscope and yakking theories?
Is the horsebase so dead these are the only dicks to worship?
The problem is instead of reporting it and letting the FBI deal with it these dumb fucks waited then recorded it which is very likely inadmissable. As are the emails as that shit can be faked. They needed to tell the cops so they could set up a sting but good luck with that ever happenening. What a bunch of deluded idiots.
where is the evidence that they did report it or that the law is doing anything about it. outside of those involved cant file offical charges against toon but also if the only copy of these messages are censored ones then sadly the cops wont do anything
Their characters were only virtually fucking you guys, I mean come on. Only their OCs are pedophiles, that's not a reflection on the character of the actual people.
People have tired to warn that the brony analysis are a bunch of cucks and whores that have been grooming kids since the beginning. One of them just finally got caught red handed.
Fucking fanboys need to stop defending them. Sorry your heroes are monsters mate. Deal.
Naw fuck that I just read to imigaes and say what you want but that 14 yr is to blame as well did you even see what she said honestly what kinda of "victim" is that? Critict didn't rape her sure talking sexually to under age is illegal but I feel like take is a bit worse and again read what she says in the first two pocs "it's be hard to resist pouncing" bruh what kinda of kid??? There's a reason this should have stayed quiet is cause it really isn't that big of a deal he burned the bridge And it sounds like she's mad and wants him to get in trouble NOW
There are countries where sex with 14 year old is legal (e.g. in Germany). What is the nationality of those involved? You have to know that they actually broke the law before doing anything.
Toon is a US citizen living in Chicago, Illinois. Legally speaking it does not matter what the country of origin is.
At least people do seem to understand that what is illegal is not immoral and is why they ask this. For some though, and I feel this is what has people more upset over what is the law, soliciting a 14 year old for sexual favors is immoral regardless of the law.
actually does matter see the only one in this situation that could file official charges is toonkritic as he is in america the girl from the screenshots is philipino where their legal age of consent is 12 years old. she couldn't file charges as she is considered an adult.
Anyone can file charges against someone and is most court cases that are not civil, as in noncriminal, it is the city/county/state/country that is filing charges against the accused.
As a sex abuse survivor, healing will take a LONG time. I pray this girl does recover from what Toon did. I listened to the video of the Skype call, and I was so furious as `Toon was just blowing it off' and 'Toon was more worried of his career and coming back to fame, than how he manipulated this girl for sex, and a minor no less.'
Toon has shown his true colours, he cares for 'no-one' but his own skin and reputation. He doesn't care about the Skype call, or your demands to turn himself in. When he kept repeating he wanted to do things 'his' own way, meant he wasn't going to do 'anything' involving turning himself in to the authorities.
I sincerely hope you guys did call and contacted the authorities about `Toon. He 'needs' to be behind bars.
I don't care about all his misfortunes he had that led up to this sex thing with the minor, he knew 'exactly' what he was doing, as my attacker did. Toon kept this sick fantasy going on for over a year, my attacker abuser had about 4 months time, and to this day still denys 'everything.'
Now I am married with a loving wife, and a 13 year old daughter. We are all MLP FIM fans. I told my wife 'everything', and my daughter, I love more than life.
Now if `Toon had gone after my daughter online like he did to this poor girl in the Phillipines, I would be going to jail instead of Toon, because even God Above, or Celestia, wouldn't be able to put the pieces back together after I get done with him.
Toon is better in jail, I hope he rots in hell for this...
I think that they can live on without tooncritic. Also what do you mean by so called friends. They did the right thing by reporting his behind to the police and did that before this was leaked.
Anyone else disgusted by the "offical" statements coming from that brony analysts? The fact each one says similar things is cringy enough and takes away any sincerity when they obviously collaborated on what to say.
They god damn admit to sitting on this info for a week and that they tried to clean this mess up internally and yet have the gall to say they didn't intend to keep this all hidden. What's worse is how they are playing the victim card, playing on people sympathies and keep going on about this being a time for forgiveness. I mean, just forget about all the people Toon hurt both directly and indirectly, none of they matters now and we should just move on.
Fuck all of them. This is a god damn PR stunt on their part. They know damn well they have been enabling this predators for years and are just trying to save face.
Wouldn't be surprised if they sat on this for a week to scrub their own reputations/past pedophilia clean, too. Birds of a feather molest children together.
You're not a friend, you're a debit card. Purple Tranny is putting friendship credits into you, with the knowledge that someday he'll be able to 'withdraw' an amount of favors which he thinks he's owed from you. Because he's a crazy tranny and thinks that's how friendship works.
It just blows my mind that this anon is so autistic that he still posts this on every single horse news article years later when almost nobody in the fandom even knows who he's talking about anymore.
They may not all be pedophiles or even sexual predators, but they are the only subset of the community that actively recruits minors, many young teenage girls, creating an environment that was obviously not safe. Anyone who doesn't think they have something to answer for are just enablers that are part of the problem that lead us here.
This is not as simply as hindsight is 20/20, people have been trying to warn the larger community of this shit for years and it was consistently brushed off as haters starting drama. It is too little too late for them to realize they contributed to Toon's ongoing poor behavior, they need to take steps to prevent something like this from happening again and in this regard they have been silent.
Minors should not be involved in brony project spearheaded by adults, unless their parents are aware and involved as well. As long as they continue to communicate with children, no one should trust there isn't another predator hidden in their mists. This Domain that keeps being mentioned was a predator's playground. This cannot stand.
Who wouldn't feel sick after reading Zack Shit comments? No one choose to be a a pedophile, pedohebephile ( attraction to minors ages 11-14 and ephebophile, which is the attraction to 15-17 years. Girls finish puberty around that age range, but no one more then 3 years older should be trying to have sex with). Anyway no one choose who they are attractive to, but they can choose not to act on it. Zack could've been a non offending pedohebephile, but choose to act apond them. May no mercy be apond him.
I want to say despite what Lily Peet saids, Zack"s friends did report him to police long before this has gotten out.
Horse News retards dont believe them and passive agressivlely tweeted they "allegedly reported them" but Horse News retards need to feel like they make a difference by acting like Internet heroes and potentially fucking up police work now that Toon went in hiding
since when teenagers innocent u got 8 year olds playing errotic sim games already u got teens having sex in school. i think we are long long past the point where a teen even a child could be considered innocent or not knowing better. who are we to decide what is best or not for another person.
its actually quite funny how many of u could say this to his face rather then spew it on social media where ur protected by ur anonymity, its actually like a frog parading in front of a viper its disgusting
please remove the skype chat screenshots. yes it's evidence, but the victim doesn't want this all over the internet. and if you don't believe me, Joshscorcher made a video on it.
Is there a link to the censored version of the dkype logs that is shown above because other ones block out the other replies and we don't really get the depth of how wrong it was but only seeing his replies.
To the all the degenerates and their apologist. Kill yourself. Gay and pedo are a choice, it doesn't matter if you never act on it, you people are defective and need to get fixed. If it's not a choice, that makes it easy since there is not place in a healthy society for people like that. Let me break trough the endless amounts of sophistry and hot air. There are no “good” and “bad” sexual deviants, there is only a spectrum off if they are salvageable and what their punishment should be. If you are attracted to dick or children in any way, that includes drawings, you are a sexual defiant and need to fix your defect. Sexual conduct between teen themselves is a problem entirely different and does not justify your misconduct on said teens.
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Lmao, what a weirdo
ReplyDeleteMeatball (hat theif) here, I should have kept the hat.
ReplyDeletewhy would you ever have given up that hat? kek
DeleteShould've taken a shit in it lol.
Deleteyour a dick his friend did not tell on him because one they had no hard proof at the time and because they cared about him and wanted to help him and you forget they did tell the police about it once they had proof and also i'm following zephyr cause i'm not a dick like all of you
DeleteGreat, another pedo in the brony community.
ReplyDeleteTeenagers are not saints. They're just as capable of doing pedo shit as pedophiles themselves.
I don't think you know what "pedophile" means... lol, idiot.
DeleteSo he never knew she was underage to begin with? At least he stopped when he found out (unless that was an excuse).
ReplyDeleteIs erotic RP with a minor a crime (especially if you didn't know the other person was underage)? It's definitely weird and wrong, but is it illegal if he didn't act on any of it?
He knew.
Delete>but is it illegal if he didn't act on any of it?
DeleteYou are getting closer in taking that red pill than you think. Vast majority of people are so easy to exile pedophiles who would never act upon it, but always preach that sexuality is not a choice. Nobody chose to become a pedophile just like how gay people didn't choose to be gay. The crime is child molestation, not sexual preference.
Great quote to live by: "I feel sorry for pedophiles that keep their eyes and hands to themselves. I wish death on those that don't."
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteERP is an act. It's not physical, but speech is an action, even speech over the internet.
DeleteThey talked several times about her age in the logs
DeleteERP is an act but however, despite doing said act sending illicit messages to those who are underage is a gross thing to do and also kinda illegal in a way on some occasion.
DeleteERPing is not acting upon it, but it's up there on the pedophilia creepy level. It's on the social morality background and on the same area as Woody Allen is Anon. Don't get it twisted in anyway shape or form, HE KNEW that she was underage and he encouraged it.
Uhhhh, she told him within the first month or so her age, and they ERPed quite a few times afterwards.
ReplyDeleteDid Moozua draw that header just for this post? I can't seem to find it anywhere else.
ReplyDeleteshe drew it as a meme in an online chat, we asked her to use it for the article and she said yes.
DeleteWell in that case, he's the one who stopped right? The teen enjoyed it until he put his foot down and said no. Why would he get casted out for something he regretted doing? I'm sure you and other people in HN knows exactly what regret is, as well as forgiveness.
ReplyDeleteYou can blame Toon for so many other shit. But being the one who stops underage role playing is a step in the right direction for him. IMO.
Not surprising from a community known for creeping on teenage girls. IE Keyframe and Ink Rose before they were 18, just for starters.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, how many of the Anal cysts are guilty of this? Josh Scorcher with Ink Rose who was fucking 15 at the time too, and no one batted a fucking eye at that, instead there was all this ship art of them. Like, what the fuck. Why has no one called them out sooner?
DeleteNor did anyone bat an eye or ever question GoldenFox (24 at the time) hooking up with Keyframe (15 at the time) because her real age was kept hush hush by the "Analysis Community" until she turned 18, when they suddenly started a fund raiser to help her move out of her home and closer to closer to GoldenFox, who apparently had known and kept the fact she was being abused a secret as well.
DeleteHow the fuck was that not grooming on GoldenFox's part? Not just wooing this teenage girl, but setting himself up as this white knight would one day save her, but not till she was 18 of course cause heaven forbid he contact the authorities. I mean, it's not like it was about sex or anything, it's not like they banged soon as they met for the first time and put up a post-coitus photo with them in bed. Oh, right, they did do that.
How deep does this fucking hole go?
DeleteReplying to the thing about Josh Scorcher. There is this
They were never dating, and they're not dating now. It was all a gimmick done in some videos. Josh is dating someone else now, who is considered his OC's secretary.
DeleteOn Goldenfox and Keyframe, while I am not well versed on their relationship, what do you have to back up your staement of "it's not like it was about sex or anything, it's not like they banged soon as they met for the first time and put up a post-coitus photo with them in bed. Oh, right, they did do that." Because that is a heavy statment that falls flat without validation and citing.
DeleteThe fact they fucked soon as she turned 18? You want a source on that? Are you mother fucking retarded. The fact they were open about it isn't worth sourcing you dumb mother fucker, she was 18 already, it doesn't matter.
DeleteThe fact they were a couple before that is well known and documented, it wasn't kept a secret. The only thing that was kept on the down low was her actual age, but everyone was so focussed on the whole rescuing Keyframe from her crazy was mother few made the connection she JUST turned 18. The few that did point out Golden was in a relationship with an underage minor were basically ignored, because she was 18 now so who cared.
Goldenfox is a pedophile? Well actually he's ephebophile, since pedophiles are attracted to childern under 11 and ephebophile are attact to minors ages 15-17. Girls usually finish puberty around 15-17, while boys are done around 16-17. However, 15-17 year olds are still mentally maturing, so having sex with them especially if your more then 3 years older is still wrong.
DeleteWait! Is it actually true that Golden Fox is some pedoephebophile?
DeleteGolden is almost 10 years older than Keyframe and was in a relationship before she was 18.
Deleteanyone can change just because they never have before does not mean they can't i will give toon/zephyr a chance
Delete13 months after engaging in it and being completely fine with it ... and trying to get her into his hotel room ...yeahhhhhhh, no.
ReplyDeleteokay but what kinda sicko fucking STARTS THIS SHIT TO BEGIN WITH??? she's a little fucking girl who doesnt know shit about this and he took advantage of that and would put someone as young as 14 in this situation. he could have you, just not ERPed with her the second he fucking found out, but instead he groomed her, got her to fall for him and made attempts to try and fuck her both fictionally and in real life
ReplyDeleteAmazing how many pedo apologists there are commenting.
ReplyDeleteYes, TK knew her age from the start.
Yes, despite not touching her physically he still broke the law. He sent a minor porn, which is illegal in America under the Child Online Protection Act. (COPA)
And yes, it doesn't matter if a minor is willing, adults are entirely responsible for their actions. The minor is always the victim in pedophile relationships.
I agree that he needs mental help. But it's clear that after a year of knowing what he was doing was wrong, he isn't going to get help on his own. Both the authorities and his parents need to take action before TK gains enough confidence to ruin some poor kid's life.
It's almost as if she was MANIPULATED AND GROOMED.
Deletejfc, pretty awful when HN writers are having to remind everyone about morality.
>pedo apologists
DeleteWow it's almost as if a community of adult men who jack off to children's cartoons might have pedophillic tendencies
Many people are not apologetic to Toon. They are however, apologetic to people gets condemned just because of the sole fact that they are pedophiles, which is an asinine mindset. You're trans Perler. You know what it's like to get judged for something you never chose to be. You're the person here who would understand that pedophilia alone is not deserving of condemnation.
DeleteNot that Toon is even a pedo. People seem to think pedophilia is attraction to minors, it isn't. Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescents, typically described as children under the age of 13 or not yet gone through puberty. Attraction to teens, or those going through puberty is known as hebephila or ephebephila. Something that is socially acceptable in most of the world outside western culture and more than likely hardwired into the human condition.
DeleteThis is by no means being apologetic Toon's behavior, it is reprehensible regardless of this girl's age. Her naivete from being so young simply made her an easy target and part of the whole argument of why minors need legal protection from adults that attempt to manipulate then in this fashion.
>Wow it's almost as if a community of adult men who jack off to children's cartoons might have pedophillic tendencies
DeleteI only jack off to pastel colored sapient ponies, humans are a turn off tbh.
I can understand why some men are attractive and want to bang on girls ages 15-17. Girls do finish puberty around 15-17, so it makes sense. However, our society has change, so having sex with them ( if your more the a couple years older ) is a no-no and should stay that way.
Delete>I agree that he needs mental help.
DeleteTbh pedos need to die, what other choice do they have, have you ever heard of a former pedo?
No one trusts that, and it's almost impossible to get a job, your chances of being killed skyrocket too.
The momment this guy was called a pedo is the momment his life came to an end, he has no real exit here, there is no treatment for pedos.
so ur saying suicide is better then living with a title that other people give u cause they think its better to have then to see the history of why children are considered needing protection much before the 19th century children were considered mini adults and had the right to sex to get job to roam the world on their own. it wasnt till victorian ideals that the notion of children being pure and innocent that our definition and laws bound to them for their protection. in reality pedophilia is just a condition we classify that is our baser instincts we are hardwired to seek out a mate or to procreate, its not like its a mental condition, its not different the killing people or animals you do it enough times and it becomes normal and acceptable.
DeletePedophilia isn't the desire to have sex with minors, it is sexual attraction to prepubescent children. As in kids that have not gone through puberty yet and are NOT sexually mature. Don't try to give this history lesson on how society used to work before the modern age, cause you are full of shit. Even with current cultures that still allow for relationships with younger girls, they are still of sexual maturity.
DeleteThere is something fucked up in someone's head if they are wanting to have sex with young children if they cannot keep those urges in check society has no place for them.
What a disgusting creep.
ReplyDeleteFunny how you linked our thread and I linked your article and we both linked Vida's video and he references both of us in the description. It's the circle of life lol.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't the first time I've seen something like this. When I used to staff PonySquare word on the block that one of the admins was ERPing with kids and cheating on his wife.
ReplyDeleteI've watched the video but not read the logs but the thing that stands out is that this fandom reeks of narcissism. It wouldn't surprise me if Toon's friends tried to help but couldn't because narcissists are dead locked in their path of destruction until they themselves realize they fucked up. Same applies to those defending him.
That said, said narcissism overall in the fandom is why my Twitter is set to Jevro II rather than the pony you see here just FYI.
Light Heart?
DeleteUnfortunately yes.
DeleteIt is unfortunate that the video added mentioned the girl who was involved in all this. Hopefully people respect Pastel's privacy and don't go hounding her. If she does make a public statement it should be her choice.
ReplyDeleteIn the Skype call he claims that this is just "one of the worst" things he's done but there's worse that they don't know about holy shit what else has he done.
ReplyDeleteMy money's on an hero before the months over.
A fall like this, the ruining of a career, disgraced in front of a full community, the loss of friends, potential criminal charges. I think everyone should be ready that Toon might commit suicide over this. He has admitted to being suicidal, through that could of easily been a sympathy tactic.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIf Toon does decide to commit suicide sometime soon, I seriously wonder how all of his friends will react to the news knowing who he truly was.
DeleteI just hope that his friends realize that he was shitty and was shitty to them.
Deletesuicide isnt a joking matter or to be brought up lightly, its actually quite serious and many people on the net could be facing charges for pushing him that far. you the people have cyber harrassed toonkritic to the point of closing all his social media account, doxxed his address and phone number and push him so far into depression that he commits suicide, all it takes is a note and the names listed for why he committed suicide and this will turn so political and revengeful that the fandom may never recover. thats what we are really facing those that bombarded him with hate messages to those that contacted his number and harrassed whomever picked up the phone, to thoses that leaked this fiasco to social media. the list is long and varied cyber harassment, doxxing so many crimes and yet people still dont understand the power of words and the damage they do.
DeleteAnd no fucks will be given if he does kill himself. The fallout will be far less then you think it would be. People don't have as much sympathy when it is a monster pushed to such a breaking point. We aren't talking about some awkward kid getting teased a bit too much.
DeleteOne is a tragedy, the other us justice.
amazing how nobody cares about MLP anymore all these years later, we have brony analysts grooming kids, yet here you are still emotionally scarred by some tranny.
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ...
ReplyDeleteRegarding the newly-posted YouTube video:
ReplyDeleteHis friends mentioned going to the police over this themselves, however many states have laws that don't require those who know of illegal activities to report them, so they may never have had to.
"They wanted to go public with this." "As long as this doesn't go public." Well it's a little too fucking late for that now, isn't it?
"...I would reccomend starting talking to a lawyer."
DeleteWell DUH! Y2K should have never said anything once he was brought into that Skype call. He should have disconnected pending consultation with a lawyer (I'm not sympathizing with him, FTR). How absolutely stupid.
He thought he could talk himself out it like he has so many times, unfortunately (for him) he had used up all his good will.
Delete>He thought he could talk himself out it like he has so many times, unfortunately (for him) he had used up all his good will.
DeleteWhat good will? Also, his shitty behavior was going to catch up to him eventually. Karma is going to repay him with massive interest.
His friends in the brony analysis community and retarded fanboy/girls have been covering up his sexual misconduct for years. Pulling this shit with a minor was simply the last straw and they tossed him under the bus. Even then they still tried to keep this shit under wraps, but someone leaked the info.
DeleteEven though they report him ( long before we knew that Zack was pedo). They shouldn't hid it from the bronies.
Deleteshit didnt know we have mind readers in the community didnt think u could tell what he was thinking. he thought this he thought that its mere conjecture
Deleteu need to fyck off i know her she is a kind person and if all u do is come to this articles to spread your hate speach then u are a sad fucking person
ReplyDeletePardon me Seven, but kindly fuck off with this bullshit. You come into an article warning about a sexual predator community and you make post because you got triggered over some old juvenile meme and felt the need to play the white knight.
ReplyDeletePlease kindly take your head out of your ass and get your priorities straight. How absolutely sad of a fucking person you are.
what is sad is someone who is on fucking anon to scared to show your true colors ass hole. at least i dont post on anon. plus there is nothing wrong standing up for a friend dipshit. not like u would know what a friend is u sad lonely pathetic human being
ReplyDeleteIt never ceases to amaze me the amount of autism people have that are into, MLP and noI don't mean this as a joke. Making fun of this person STILL who made the fandom into something big, yet now that the fandom is tiny you still got these autards that find it funny to make fun of her. Like they can't get memories out of their head, never grow up, laugh at the same stupid shit for 8 years.
ReplyDeleteIf you ever read any articles on Horse News you'd know this anon posts that exact same thing on *EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE*
ReplyDeletethat still does not make it right to make fun of someone for a laugh. how would u like it if i found something on u and made fun of it
ReplyDeleteOf course it's okay. Everything is okay when it comes to humor. Sorry, PT isn't some sacred cow, just a cow. Or rather a mutilated steer, but you get the picture.
ReplyDelete>Anthro that's the best way to do it
ReplyDeleteThat itself should be a crime on it's own always those who are no hooves
Liking Anthro IS a punishable crime by death by fire
DeleteHopefully this kills the celebirty of analysts. Victims all around but if TK wasn't horse famous they'd not given him an extra glance. Really bruh, being famous for putting cartoon horses under an electron microscope and yakking theories?
ReplyDeleteIs the horsebase so dead these are the only dicks to worship?
The problem is instead of reporting it and letting the FBI deal with it these dumb fucks waited then recorded it which is very likely inadmissable. As are the emails as that shit can be faked. They needed to tell the cops so they could set up a sting but good luck with that ever happenening. What a bunch of deluded idiots.
ReplyDeleteThey did report it and did that long before this had came out. How about you check your facts before spitting out bullshit.
Deletewhere is the evidence that they did report it or that the law is doing anything about it. outside of those involved cant file offical charges against toon but also if the only copy of these messages are censored ones then sadly the cops wont do anything
ReplyDeleteTheir characters were only virtually fucking you guys, I mean come on. Only their OCs are pedophiles, that's not a reflection on the character of the actual people.
Delete>this much salt
DeleteAnalyzing. cartoon. horses.
People have tired to warn that the brony analysis are a bunch of cucks and whores that have been grooming kids since the beginning. One of them just finally got caught red handed.
ReplyDeleteFucking fanboys need to stop defending them. Sorry your heroes are monsters mate. Deal.
Cant wait to find all the pedophiles in your 4Chan communities,fam
DeleteAh, seeing the Analysis Community burn is music to my ears.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I hope Toon gets locked up for what he did.
The only thing I can say is he didn't take her ERP sure you can't do it with anyone under 18 but it's better than forcfully doing somthing to them
ReplyDeleteNaw fuck that I just read to imigaes and say what you want but that 14 yr is to blame as well did you even see what she said honestly what kinda of "victim" is that? Critict didn't rape her sure talking sexually to under age is illegal but I feel like take is a bit worse and again read what she says in the first two pocs "it's be hard to resist pouncing" bruh what kinda of kid??? There's a reason this should have stayed quiet is cause it really isn't that big of a deal he burned the bridge And it sounds like she's mad and wants him to get in trouble NOW
ReplyDeleteThis is victim blaming. Are you really defending a pedo for manipulating and underage girl
DeleteThere are countries where sex with 14 year old is legal (e.g. in Germany). What is the nationality of those involved? You have to know that they actually broke the law before doing anything.
ReplyDeleteToon is a US citizen living in Chicago, Illinois. Legally speaking it does not matter what the country of origin is.
DeleteAt least people do seem to understand that what is illegal is not immoral and is why they ask this. For some though, and I feel this is what has people more upset over what is the law, soliciting a 14 year old for sexual favors is immoral regardless of the law.
actually does matter see the only one in this situation that could file official charges is toonkritic as he is in america the girl from the screenshots is philipino where their legal age of consent is 12 years old. she couldn't file charges as she is considered an adult.
DeleteAnyone can file charges against someone and is most court cases that are not civil, as in noncriminal, it is the city/county/state/country that is filing charges against the accused.
DeleteI wanna see what his OC looks like in a prison jumpsuit
DeleteThis sounds fake, Purple Tranny doesn't have any friends.
ReplyDeleteAs a sex abuse survivor, healing will take a LONG time. I pray this girl does recover from what Toon did. I listened to the video of the Skype call, and I was so furious as `Toon was just blowing it off' and 'Toon was more worried of his career and coming back to fame, than how he manipulated this girl for sex, and a minor no less.'
ReplyDeleteToon has shown his true colours, he cares for 'no-one' but his own skin and reputation. He doesn't care about the Skype call, or your demands to turn himself in. When he kept repeating he wanted to do things 'his' own way, meant he wasn't going to do 'anything' involving turning himself in to the authorities.
I sincerely hope you guys did call and contacted the authorities about `Toon. He 'needs' to be behind bars.
I don't care about all his misfortunes he had that led up to this sex thing with the minor, he knew 'exactly' what he was doing, as my attacker did. Toon kept this sick fantasy going on for over a year, my attacker abuser had about 4 months time, and to this day still denys 'everything.'
Now I am married with a loving wife, and a 13 year old daughter. We are all MLP FIM fans. I told my wife 'everything', and my daughter, I love more than life.
Now if `Toon had gone after my daughter online like he did to this poor girl in the Phillipines, I would be going to jail instead of Toon, because even God Above, or Celestia, wouldn't be able to put the pieces back together after I get done with him.
Toon is better in jail, I hope he rots in hell for this...
Kimonoskunk <><
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DeleteIs he doing the sex offender shuffle yet?
ReplyDeleteI hope all his so called friends fade into nothing cause their nothing without tooncritic
ReplyDeleteI think that they can live on without tooncritic. Also what do you mean by so called friends. They did the right thing by reporting his behind to the police and did that before this was leaked.
Deleteyes she does and i am one of them
ReplyDeleteFirst Digobro, then KP, now this. Which analyst will be the next to fuck up?
ReplyDeleteAnyone else disgusted by the "offical" statements coming from that brony analysts? The fact each one says similar things is cringy enough and takes away any sincerity when they obviously collaborated on what to say.
ReplyDeleteThey god damn admit to sitting on this info for a week and that they tried to clean this mess up internally and yet have the gall to say they didn't intend to keep this all hidden. What's worse is how they are playing the victim card, playing on people sympathies and keep going on about this being a time for forgiveness. I mean, just forget about all the people Toon hurt both directly and indirectly, none of they matters now and we should just move on.
Fuck all of them. This is a god damn PR stunt on their part. They know damn well they have been enabling this predators for years and are just trying to save face.
Wouldn't be surprised if they sat on this for a week to scrub their own reputations/past pedophilia clean, too. Birds of a feather molest children together.
DeleteThey had report him to the police way before this was leak out.
DeleteYou're not a friend, you're a debit card. Purple Tranny is putting friendship credits into you, with the knowledge that someday he'll be able to 'withdraw' an amount of favors which he thinks he's owed from you. Because he's a crazy tranny and thinks that's how friendship works.
ReplyDeleteI like your post, thank you for sharing.
It just blows my mind that this anon is so autistic that he still posts this on every single horse news article years later when almost nobody in the fandom even knows who he's talking about anymore.
ReplyDeleteSo all of them are pedos all because of one. Also his friends had report his ass long before we found out that Zack was offending pedohebephile.
DeleteThey may not all be pedophiles or even sexual predators, but they are the only subset of the community that actively recruits minors, many young teenage girls, creating an environment that was obviously not safe. Anyone who doesn't think they have something to answer for are just enablers that are part of the problem that lead us here.
DeleteThis is not as simply as hindsight is 20/20, people have been trying to warn the larger community of this shit for years and it was consistently brushed off as haters starting drama. It is too little too late for them to realize they contributed to Toon's ongoing poor behavior, they need to take steps to prevent something like this from happening again and in this regard they have been silent.
Minors should not be involved in brony project spearheaded by adults, unless their parents are aware and involved as well. As long as they continue to communicate with children, no one should trust there isn't another predator hidden in their mists. This Domain that keeps being mentioned was a predator's playground. This cannot stand.
DeleteNo minor should be involved with anyone who identifies as a brony, at all.
It's like trusting a fox to guard a henhouse, or trusting a priest to monitor the kids lockers and showers.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWho wouldn't feel sick after reading Zack Shit comments? No one choose to be a a pedophile, pedohebephile ( attraction to minors ages 11-14 and ephebophile, which is the attraction to 15-17 years. Girls finish puberty around that age range, but no one more then 3 years older should be trying to have sex with). Anyway no one choose who they are attractive to, but they can choose not to act on it. Zack could've been a non offending pedohebephile, but choose to act apond them. May no mercy be apond him.
ReplyDeleteI want to say despite what Lily Peet saids, Zack"s friends did report him to police long before this has gotten out.
Horse News retards dont believe them and passive agressivlely tweeted they "allegedly reported them" but Horse News retards need to feel like they make a difference by acting like Internet heroes and potentially fucking up police work now that Toon went in hiding
Deletejust read the screenshots and I have the perfect word to describe toon...CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP
ReplyDeleteI really hope William abandons this crappy fandom. MLP fim is garbage beyond belief #gobacktoT&F
ReplyDeleteI heard of this guy, and ugh, now that I found out what he truly is, either send him to a therapist or lock him up behind bars.
ReplyDeleteThis fandom has become such a hellhole, glad I duped it twice.
Nah, fixing my first sentence, lock this guy up in bars in prison for eternity.
Deletesince when teenagers innocent u got 8 year olds playing errotic sim games already u got teens having sex in school. i think we are long long past the point where a teen even a child could be considered innocent or not knowing better. who are we to decide what is best or not for another person.
ReplyDeleteits actually quite funny how many of u could say this to his face rather then spew it on social media where ur protected by ur anonymity, its actually like a frog parading in front of a viper its disgusting
ReplyDeleteplease remove the skype chat screenshots. yes it's evidence, but the victim doesn't want this all over the internet. and if you don't believe me, Joshscorcher made a video on it.
ReplyDeleteNot going to happen once it's uploaded it's there forever
DeleteSo dam true what a lonely pathetic life to go find post and post it all the time. Get out of your mommies basement
ReplyDeleteIs there a link to the censored version of the dkype logs that is shown above because other ones block out the other replies and we don't really get the depth of how wrong it was but only seeing his replies.
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To the all the degenerates and their apologist.
ReplyDeleteKill yourself. Gay and pedo are a choice, it doesn't matter if you never act on it, you people are defective and need to get fixed. If it's not a choice, that makes it easy since there is not place in a healthy society for people like that.
Let me break trough the endless amounts of sophistry and hot air.
There are no “good” and “bad” sexual deviants, there is only a spectrum off if they are salvageable and what their punishment should be. If you are attracted to dick or children in any way, that includes drawings, you are a sexual defiant and need to fix your defect.
Sexual conduct between teen themselves is a problem entirely different and does not justify your misconduct on said teens.
Can someone confirm this statement?
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