SCANDALOUS EMAIL LEAK: Sethisto outed as Leader of Anti-Mane 6 Movement (kek)

In a series of scandalous leaked emails discovered by Top Pony Investigator #1 WonderRed93 aka Raffaele Lanza, found that Sethisto, the main admin of Equestria Daily is actually a Russian spy sent in to sway the fandom into abandoning the Mane 6 in favor of having Trixie, Wow! Glimmer, Somnambula, and the Sphinx as the new main characters of the series.

In this leaked email that totally wasn't posted publicly on Twitter by the culprit himself, Sethisto admits that he, the self proclaimed Sethisto of Glimmerglam, is in cahoots with DHX and Hasbro, whose uncle also works there, in order to replace the Mane 6 with the aforementioned characters.

"I knew when I saw that reply to my carefully crafted email, that there was trouble. Sethisto is clearly abusing his power as Administrator for Equestria Daily to convince everyone to remove the Mane 6 from the show, despite it being all about them! He is a monster who must be stopped at all costs! REEEEEEEE!" WonderRed angrily screeched at us in an exclusive interview. In an attempt to thwart Sethisto's master plan, he Tweeted directly to Big Jim Miller, asking him to make sure this fire does not rise.

"I'm not really sure what this guy is on about," Sethisto said, "we get strange comments on EQD all the time, but this guy really thinks that there is a movement out there to remove the Mane 6 from the show. Wouldn't it be funny to kick the hornet's nest a little bit? Hold my bed, watch this."

Comments (44)

  1. Something something red-pilled something

    1. Gonna need a quick rundown on the Bogdanoff brothers.

  2. WonderReed is a literal autistic person with nothing but this tired cartoon on lis life, and he's constantly harrasing the staff about whetever conspirations of sob stories he's currently obsessing about in order to get pity and attention from them.

    That's the current fandom for you.

    1. I wonder what he'll do when the show will be over...

    2. @14:55
      Probably he will keep stalking the show's staff to fish for attention and to ask them about the "totally secret FIM episodes stash they have been saving as a surprise" before killing himself after he's told there's nothing left.

  3. I've had several interactions with this guy in the comments of other sites... I kind of just feel bad for him. This show gives him so much anxiety yet he can't quit, despite announcing his intention to do so after X episode every few weeks/months... MLP is harmful to his health, with the constant stress causing increased blood pressure I'm sure and all the other negative health impacts.

  4. Well considering Sethisto created Equestria Daily just so he could fiddle little girls this other stuff isn't exactly the biggest scandal.

  5. This guy is such a tool.

    1. Let's be honest: at this point, any person still gushing over the show and still treating it's staff as celebrities is a giant, autistic tool.

    2. The level of retardation this guy has, though, is something else. He's worse than Murrison. At least Murrison pretended to be coherent. This guy simultaneously claims love and hatred for the show, the staff and everything. He complains constantly about how he doesn't like the show anymore and he's gonna quit watching because he thinks the Mane 6 are being displaced.

      It got so bad even the EqD hugbox started telling him to stop watching and leave if he really feels this way. This guy is a portrait of everything wrong with obsession.

    3. EqD comments sections is the fucking worst thing and it's all because of that retard Octavia having no idea how to moderate a chat. Try and tell with evidence his much of a fucking asshole Jeremy Whitley or Ted Abdrson are on an IDW and you can removed for not being "on topic". Equestria Daily and it's staff can go fuck themselves, they haven't represented the fanbase in about 4 years now.

    4. I totally agree. EqD is a massive hugbox and pretty much everyone knows it. The fact that WonderFag's autistic screeching is so bad that it annoys the autistic screechers just proves he's even more retarded than they are.

    5. Meh you had twats there like BolttheSuperPony and CMC_Scootaloo for years, it's not like the idiot in this article is anything special when it comes to autism.

    6. Fortunately the latter, CMC_Scootaloo, or as I call him, Peter the Retarded My Little Pedo: Fucking Idiotic Manboy, got rightfully banned.

  6. This is some good horse news for god knows how long

  7. he was funnier when he lusted over Cynder and constantly complained about how his dick is caged in varicose veins

  8. Anyone with half a brain knows that Starlight Glimmer drove away those who still had hopes the show could continue with some reasonable quality. Ask any former fan from after Spring 2015 and most will tell you they left because of her.

    And by Starlight Glimmer, I mean Josh Haber.

    1. Wasn't just Starlight that drove me away, Starlight's reformation was only the opening act, then it was their stupid decision to reform and fuck up all the Changelings with those stupid wannabe Yellow Submarine designs (that was where I threw in the towel), and then the way the movie played out...all I can say is the show's death is probably just around the corner...and the ponies, they're in pain so much they need to be put down, it's humane to do that (but with Starlight, Tempest, the new Changelings, hit them with a brick or smash them with a boot to the head or beat the living shit out of them).

    2. The show has been sucking ass since season 4 and for WAY more reasons than Starlight Glimmer.

  9. Welp, if there's one thing I learned it was from former fan Lore-Lei (who left the fandom to move on, wisely):


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  11. I kinda liked Starlight Glimmer, gave the show writers a new character to develop and she seems to keep Twilight awkward and panicky. The 2017 movie was kind of shit tier though, don't like how helpless they made all of the characters however I did however like seeing the mane6 being tossed into a world that was not safe or kind to them.

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