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The infamous hat rests in its natural habitat. |
This is the story of a hat and its brief journey from the inflated head of the “analcyst” known as ToonKriticY2K (aka CarToonZ) to the depths of a hotel toilet at BABScon 2017 and how a lie about sexual harassment got the badges of the three anons involved pulled, who now face the possibility of being unofficially blackballed for life from all pony conventions. For “borrowing” a hat. A fucking hat.
The Foreplay
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Pro tip: It’s not art |
ToonKritic is the analcyst known for stealing money and for participating in the infamous orgy of BronyCon 2015 involving a plushie owned by Minty Root being rubbed on his genitals. While Minty has long since moved on from this unseemly incident, it surely was in part the source of plans that began cropping up in disparate groups to steal ToonKritic’s hat and perform similar atrocities upon it. I personally witnessed three separate and independent plans evolve to accomplish just such a feat in the months leading up to BABScon 2017. Whether or not any of them would succeed and deliver the keks, we all had our doubts.
ToonKriticY2K “apologizes” to Minty
The Theft
ToonKriticY2K “apologizes” to Minty
The Theft
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ToonKritic on the left and CarToonZ, his alter ego, on the right |
Then, on the afternoon of Saturday, April 15, 2017, a number of anons found themselves in the Button’s Arcade game room to vote for the Autism King and Queen of the convention or some shit. Within they found a certain red-hatted individual Smashin’ with his bros (non-sexually this time). His head was bare, and the object of their desire sat unattended on a nearby chair.
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TK’s favorite time |
Two of these intrepid anons, who we shall name Meatball and Noodles, seized this golden opportunity and made their memes become reality. Noodles gently filched the hat off the chair and nonchalantly handed it to Meatball, who hid it in his voluminous clothing. The two then exited and walked briskly towards the elevator. I witnessed this fleeing as I awaited another event at the con, not knowing at the time the reason for it. It appeared their crime went completely unwitnessed.
They then met up with another anon and fellow conspirator, whom we shall name Dago, for a brief celebratory photoshoot of their booty. The worst thing they were able to do to the hat during this brief period was to place it in a hotel room toilet. Since the water level of the toilets was so low, the hat never quite touched the water, though.
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Artist rendition of the three anons |
The Return
Never forgetti |
As is often the case, though, loose lips sink ships. Meatball told me of his exploits, and this was the first time I knew his operation had succeeded. Word eventually spread to yet another anon, this one a grill, whom’st’ve we shall name Marinara, who learned that her boyfriend, Salmon, knew the person that took the hat.
Frightened by the prospect of losing her shmoopy-doopy sweetie-weetie pony pie for the duration of the convention, she was able to convince him to sing like a birb. Now knowing Meatball’s true identity, Marinara confronted him and offered to act as mediator for the return of the hat in order to ensure that nobody involved would be held culpable. Meatball was frightened to the point of shaking and stuttering as he approached me asking for contact details for WhiteBread to make sure he could return the hat ASAP.
Meatball was followed to WhiteBread’s room by Marinara and Salmon. The three of them met up with Noodles, Dago, and WhiteBread, who had the hat hidden in a bag, in a hotel hallway. They handed it over to Marinara. Worried about my friends, I left the event a few minutes early and arrived in the hallway in time to witness Marinara walking away with the bag.
The five of us — Meatball, Noodles, Dago, WhiteBread, and I — watched from above and witnessed Marinara returning the hat to ToonKritic. The two spoke briefly and Marinara later told me that he was trying to talk her into going to convention security to give up the names of the thieves, but she demurred as she did not want to get anyone in trouble. As Marinara walked away, we watched ToonKritic angrily stalk into the security office to spill some salt.
The “Harassment”
In case you don’t know, because we sure didn’t at the time, Queen Quake is a character in the convention soap opera that is acted out during opening and closing ceremonies and is played by an executive member of the convention staff who goes by the name of Fiaura. I guess she was crashing random panels throughout the con to help get votes or something.
The audience drifted in as our panel started. I recall there were a total of five people in the audience, and Meatball and Noodles were two of them. In other words, only those bored out of their minds or lost showed up. As the panel began, Fiaura came in and sat down at the table, immediately removing her “crown.” We then spoke with her out of character about the background events that had occurred at both BABScon 2016 and 2017.
Fiaura takes off the hat
Fiaura condones murder and rape
Fiaura took this idea and ran with it, creating her own extemporaneous script, which she practiced at our panel in character: “ToonKritic dear, I know what happened to your hat while it was missing, and I will tell you right now, that atrocity is far beyond anything I have done in the last two thousand years. Celestia herself is going to walk in and go, ‘That’s interesting.’”
Fiaura decides to crash ToonKritic’s panel
Fiaura announces it’s time to crash
The Lies
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ToonKritic pictured with his lover |
Eyewitness accounts from his panel reported that, after we left, ToonKritic told Fiaura that sexual favors were demanded of Marinara by the thieves for the hat’s return, specifically this appears to be the first time the accusation was stated publicly that someone demanded they “see her titties” and that she pay $20.
In the face of this hearsay, a lie promulgated by ToonKritic, Fiaura understandable became upset and began threatening to file lawsuits if the panel we had earlier recorded with her was ever made public. She knew she had stepped in it with what she had said at the panel, and perhaps was worried about her tenuous position as an executive member of convention staff. So she lied to the executive staff and told them that we forced her to harass ToonKritic and to bring up the hat as she crashed his panel.
As the night wore on, convention staff reportedly began searching for one of my fellow panelists, Owen, who had no connection whatsoever to the hat drama. One anon, who was mistaken for him, reported he was approached by staff and was told they were looking for Owen because he “might be in trouble.” This search was apparently later abandoned and, when asked about it later, convention staff refused to elaborate on why they were seeking Owen.
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Jade, convention chair, doesn’t know why Owen was on FLARE’s (security team) list |
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Scruffy is here to stop the fun |
Sometime after 2:30am Sunday morning, convention staff, convention security, and hotel security showed up outside the room registered to Dago and Noodles. The occupants of the room, which at this time included Meatball, blearily answered the door and were coerced into calling Dago multiple times to get him to come back to the room. Meatball was told by the staff that they were looking for him and then took his badge, with no reason given, and ordered him to return to his own room, as if he were a fucking child.
Once Dago and Noodles returned, they were informed their badges were being revoked as well and were asked to surrender them immediately. When asked why they were being revoked, the staff stated that all the facts were not yet known and they could ask for a complete explanation the next morning. Dago complied with the request to turn over his badge.
Initially, Noodles refused to hand over his badge. He was informed that if he did not hand it over the convention would permanently ban him and, because he was not a registered guest, he would have his badge forcefully taken from him. Once Dago was able to prove to the staff that Noodles was indeed a registered guest of the room, he was given the new option of either complying and returning the badge immediately and facing a single year ban or to keep the badge and face a permanent ban from the convention. With no real alternative, Noodles reluctantly agreed.
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Do you have zee papers? Mmmmm? |
On Sunday morning, Dago showed up at the security office to receive the details and explanation of why he was being banned. What he got instead was the vague reason that he said racist things at a panel with no specifics. When pressed, the security staff told him their investigation was ongoing and to check back later.
Is This Real Life?
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Queen Quake |
With nothing better to do, Noodles and Dago went to the fitness center in the hotel to get swole. On their way back from sweaty gay gym time, they were accosted by Fiaura in the public hotel hallway and she demanded of them, “Why are you still here? You need to make arrangements to find another hotel ASAP. Didn’t you get the letters?,” whereupon she contacted security to report their presence.
Security clarified they still had the right to use the common areas of the hotel, but now Noodles and Dago were even more motivated to find out just what the actual fuck was going on. The messages being sent to them as to why they were banned and the extent of the ban were conflicting and vague. So they spent quite a bit of time running around just outside convention space, searching for the very busy Jade Haybuck, the chair of the convention, hoping for a precise and final explanation.
They finally found her at the Gopher Hole, a gay furry dance club within the convention center. She told them the newest reason they were banned was because they pressured convention staff (supposedly Fiaura) to crash ToonKritic’s panel and to harass him about the hat incident. They were also informed their ban was due to other charges of sexual harassment and saying racist things at a panel. Though they asked for further specifics, none were forthcoming, and all they had was a half explanation.
The Actual Happening
At this point, there were about two hours left in the convention, and they decided to stop fighting and let the convention staff anally rape them without a fair and full explanation. As the day wore on, we began to hear more and more frequently the rumor that ToonKritic had begun spreading at his panel the night before, that the hat thieves had demanded of Marinara to “see her tits” in order to arrange the return of the hat. Sometimes this rumor would be simplified to merely demanding “sexual favors.”
In an attempt to get to the bottom of this, as I packed up on Monday I sat down with Marinara to get her side of the story. She expressed frustration at the rumor, which DustyKatt had been heard to repeat frequently. She couldn’t believe the rumor was still alive and expressed a desire to squash it because it was simply not true.
Marinara then sent a message to the @HorseNewsMLP Twitter account denying the charges of sexual harassment occurred, a message which she later shared publicly:
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Marinara denies the sexual harassment charges |
Later that same day, in a public Discord chat, Sonya, the head of the Harmonious Elements board which runs BABScon, stated that these three were responsible for “harassment of [the con’s] own staff members” and that “if these guys [get] blackballed from every pony con on earth, they’ll fucking deserve it.” She then stated that the convention chair “wants blood” and that “a lot of us agree […] make no mistake, other pony cons will be told.”
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On the same server where Sonya made her bold declarations, I informed her that she did not have the full story, that ToonKritic’s sexual harassment story was an outright lie, and that the statements by Fiaura that she was forced to harass ToonKritic were not true and that there existed video evidence which would be provided if she requested it. I have yet to receive any such request or reply from her, but have provided the evidence anyway.
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I try to give Sonya evidence they are missing |
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My second, more recent request for more information where I provide a link to the video |
As of now, the three banned anons still have not received any specific explanation on why they were banned and whether this was a ban from BABScon 2017 or a lifetime ban or if they will indeed be “blackballed from every pony con on earth.” Only one of the accused has even been asked to give an official statement on what happened. I also have not yet officially been contacted by anyone at the convention to discuss these events, even though I was a panelist at the panel in question and witnessed many of these events firsthand, some of which I actually recorded.
I have heard from Jade, the chair of BABScon 2017, who stated, “The official reason from BABS why badges were pulled was due to actions at ToonKritic’s panel.” What's funny about this statement is that I was present during the entire time one of the banned individuals, Meatball, was at ToonKritic’s panel. He never said or did anything. In fact, I recorded that brief moment and can prove he did nothing at the panel for which he should be banned. From what I understand, Noodles and Dago didn’t say or do anything at the panel after we left, though I have only eyewitness accounts as evidence.
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Yet another official reason for the ban |
Dago: “I will not be returning to Babscon after the way we were treated at the convention.” For the record, Dago wanted me to mention he was a Canterlot Pony Sponsor badge holder.
Meatball: “I was freaking out because other people could have gotten punished. I didn’t mean for it to go beyond Noodles and I. We also kinda ruined the con for the Toon cosplayer as well. I knew what could have happened and pretty much accepted it when my badge got pulled. Drama sucks, my brain hurts.”
Sonya: “[ToonKritic] won’t be making any more [Community Guest] appearances at BABS, tho. I’ll see to that.”
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Parting words of Harmonious Elements board president |
TL;DR: ToonKritic’s hat was stolen by three anons and he lied about sexual favors being demanded of the mediator who arranged the hat’s return. Fiaura, as Queen Quake, of her own volition crashed a panel then lied and blamed the anons who stole the hat for coercing her to harass him. She further propagated these lies and added some of her own and the two succeeded in getting the three anons banned. They now face the possibility of being unofficially blackballed from all future pony conventions, with no evidence being requested of them and without being told exactly what they allegedly did, thus they are not able to defend themselves.
UPDATE 1: Jade, the former chair of BABScon 2017, has gotten back to us with her statement:
UPDATE 2: As more anons have come forward, we have learned that the story given by Marinara may have been less than truthful. As originally stated above, based on Marinara’s testimony, Fiaura was understandably upset by events and this may have precipitated her claim that she was coerced to harass ToonKritic. We will continue to research and publish a follow-up article when more is known.
ReplyDeleteGuys, did you even bother to bring your scouter to check his autism powerlevel before you fucked with him? DO NOT FUCK WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS AUTISM POWERLEVELS OVER 9000. JUST DON'T.
ReplyDeleteFucking newfags, when will they learn?
Did we really need a scouter to check his autism levels?
DeleteIf three Anons were dumbshit enough to light the fuse of a drama bomb? Absolutely.
DeleteDo you and Noctis realize it's retarded to bash/make fun of people having autism?
DeleteWhat even is any of this.
ReplyDeleteI truly do not understand, and think I am incapable of ever understanding, pony conventions. Like, does this stuff actually happen? This article is basically near-complete nonsense, but it goes on and on -- is this actually happening in real life? It's hard for me to imagine even some semblance of it (accounting for any embellishments by HN). Or is this some bizarre roleplay fanfiction or the script to an alternate dimension reality tv show? I feel like they must be pumping some kind of strong chemical in to the ventilation at these hotels/convention centers, because it's like con-goers are on some other plane of existence.
DeleteBut whatever. I'm a non-con-going "fan" of the show, so I don't know anything about this. In fact I actively avoid IRL interaction or conversation about MLP, since it's dangerous to reveal that information.
Take three parts autism, one part lonely nerd boys who never touched a tit, two parts ugly cosplay girls with no self esteem, one part middle school education at best, and add a couple gallons of booze per participant, and you get con culture.
DeleteGenerally these conventions are large enough that things like this are easy to fall through the cracks to the casual observer. While the drama I've observed on Horse News at a convention I attended was much smaller in scope it's generally hard to know what is really going on in person without being there.
DeleteThat and most con-goers really don't give a shit about what goes on around them.
I wish this was a bizarre roleplay fanfiction or the script to an alternate dimension reality tv show, tbh.
DeleteGood work Corp. God bless. Fuck ToonKritic too.
ReplyDeleteHi there folks. Jade here. Please contact me on Discord for a statement from the 2017 chair.
ReplyDeletePlease post the correct statement, I informed you that I misinterpreted the opinions of the three people in question and ran it by one of them specifically.
ReplyDeleteI've always wanted to go to BABScon, and used to think I would at some point.
Deleteused to, but not anymore. Maybe I'll reconsider with spergkritic gone, but right now, its a no from me.
hi Jade why does your con welcome nazis and instead of banning people who cosplay nazis rewards those nazis with cosplay titles
Deletealso why is strumpet in any position of influence she's literally the fattest THOT cosplayer you could have found the only contest she can judge is how to cosplay while obese and basic bitch
Jade, I think you literally caught the article in the 5.2 seconds between which I had posted your original statement, received the new statement, and updated the article.
DeleteNot gonna lie, former BABScon attendee here. This is fucking hilarious watching toonkritic crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy return to BABS.
ReplyDeleteCon staffer here - the idea that every brony con on the planet is going to ban you based on BABS' say so is fucking hilarious, especially when even the official statement reads to me like a staffer throwing three attendees under the bus to cover her own stupidity, and the exec backing them up.
ReplyDeleteToonkritic is a plushie fucking piece of shit and BabsCon made a mistake having him on as a community guest.
ReplyDeleteRather than admit that in their statement, they seem to be saying that the people who had their badges pulled had them pulled almost entirely for hurting Toonkritic's precious feelings.
It's not a good look for you to support this dumpster fire of a person, BabsCon. It's an even worse look to threaten to blackball 3 people from every con within earshot for calling him out on the shit you should've known he did before he ever came to your con.
God I hope you permaban the 3 of them just because that's one sponsor badge you won't be selling again. One step closer to Babscon sinking into the ocean.
As shown in the article, we additionally are not having ToonKritic back. The badges were pulled due to the report from our Second being manipulated to harass someone; the fact it was at a ToonKritic panel was happenstance.
Deletei love tooncritics panel if u do not have him back i will be pulling my sponsorship from the next con u have.
DeleteYou say that as if it's a bad thing.
Deletethis con is a hot mess cuz it's run by the shadowy puppetmaster
ReplyDeleteP U R P L E T R A N N Y !
S H I T T Y C O M M E N T !
Honestly sounds like everyone involved was at fault. Sure, toonkritic is a huge dick but it sounds like the 3 anons deserved the ban. I don't think it should be a permanent ban. But actions have consequences and the whole situation just sounds incredibly autistic.
ReplyDeleteIf even most of this is true, those bitches deserve more than refunds for that bullshit.
ReplyDeleteIf any of this article was true, there'd be defamation lawsuits and stuff.
ReplyDeleteOkay. This cluster fuck is just unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, ToonKritic is a jackass. Another one of these people who believes that horse fame makes them relevant. BABS shouldn't have invited him and the drama he creates to be a part of the con.
The femanon should not have put herself between TK and the hat thieves. If she really showed her tits just to get the hat back, she's stupid for having done so and even dumber for lying about it.
And the three anons who stole the hat are all stupid. They fantasized about stealing the hat. They seized the opportunity to do so when it came. And then they did NOTHING with it except cry when it started to catch up to them. Why steal it if you're just going to bitch out? And shame on them for not having the balls to man up and give it back to him themselves.
And if you three autistic retards really did ask to see tits in exchange for the hat, then you scumbags get what you deserve and you're lucky you're not worse off.
exactly. When SonyaLynn is somewhere, you know the PurpleTinker hides behind, it's something we learn in school here: never trust a greedy unicorn.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I can say about BABSCon is that while often the heads of different departments of their staff are seasoned and competent, this con has always been lead fucking morons that have no idea what they are doing and constantly sabotage the efforts of everyone else by constantly playing favorites, giving special favors to their friends and pushing personal agendas into the convention programming and policies.
ReplyDeleteIt is a ponycon, no one gives a fuck about the LGBTQAlphabetsoup community and that you are trans.
I agree, and I was a BABSCon department head this year.
DeleteBitter ex-staff? Have any stories to share?
DeleteHey dude! If you thought I was incompetent you should have told me, I straight up asked for that feedback multiple times. <3
DeleteHonestly Jade, it is not so much you as it is that Sonya should of stepped down from having any form of influence after year 1. She if the equivalent of having George Lucas direct a film, just a series of bad decisions and not listening to those that know better.
DeleteAs long as Sonya is a member of the Harmonious Elements board you can expect the meddling to continue. As an aside, if the board was serious about putting on the best convention possible, they would've already divorced themselves from the day-to-day operations of BABS.
DeleteSonya will never leave the board. In her mind its her con despite the fact she didn't know a damn thing about cons prior to year one. She has a con that was built by her betters in year one. She rode that success into year two and on, always taking from her talented staff year after year and using her position to fangirl the VIPs and hit all the cool parties. Must be nice.
DeleteI come from the future. Derpkritik has joined the Lean Team as Slacka's replacement and has sworn to swat all pone cons in 2018.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Moonbutt is best pone.
You man/women/lizardman/birdthing/elderbeing has good taste! Sir.
DeleteActually, the three who were removed were not associated directly with HN at all...
ReplyDeleteThe edit was because new information at come to light showing that Fiaura wasn't quite as much of a bitch as she seemed. But even more new information is making me second guess that change of heart.
I was in that panel at the end before queen quake crashed toons panel. They totally made it seem like they were the ones that stole his hat and while they didn't give specific details that did say it would be better to burn the hat after what was done to it. And if anyone on that panel reads this remember when you gave away the last 3 pez dispensers. I grabbed one. There were only 3 of us who could get one and one guybin the audience the guy with the wizard head already had one. On a side note I didn't know too was until that night nor the people in the Equestria now forth year anniversary live extravaganza.
ReplyDeletewanna retry that last sentence, anon?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe blinding cult of popularity is strong wit this one. Sad.
DeleteHe a good boy, right? He dindu nuffin?
DeleteDO you have concrete proof he did something wrong aside from he said she said. Cause unless I read wrong she knew the thieves so she could have lied to get Toonkritic banned?
Deleteread my comment. He's got his fans covered in a veil. I made my way out of it and saw what really happened. He might be a decent human, but he's not on good terms with me.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete>newfag dunno how to reply
Delete>doesn't get dindu
Morons of a feather flock together.
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DeleteAnd how brave of you to reveal how slow and dim Toonkunt's fanbois are. Hint hint nudge nudge.
DeleteHe brave is brave dipshit.
DeleteI am now seeing the light he just raised 500 to get some friends to bronycon but I never once seen him raise money for people who really need it he raised money on last stream so some other friend could get a laptop and vid card like wtf get a fucking job if u want this stuff stop raising money so u can have stuff
DeleteI remember that panel and being confused about what the fuck was going on. Didn't know TK was that big of a shitbag though.
ReplyDeleteWhoever threatened to pull their sponsorship needs to grow the fuck up, how immature can you be to incite such bullshit because ONE peron is being cut from the con? Don't put the blame on the people who run Babscon put the blame on Fuckboy Shit Dick and the 3 retards who thought it was funny to throw his hat in a toilet. Jesus Christ man perfect example of why people say our fanbase is cringey and full of man children most of you in this comment section certainly act like one grow the fuck up this never should have exploded into what it was I wasted an hour reading this trying to figure out what the fuck is going on and all I see is 3 morons and a pervert who rubs his balls on plushies.... ban their ass and move the fuck on those dudes knew what they were doing when they stole the hat and Fuckboy Shit Dick knew he was lying to cover his ass move the fuck on this is tedious as hell and is giving me a damn headache.
ReplyDelete*Facepalms* ...That's all I can do in response to all of this.
ReplyDeleteMeatball: “I was freaking out because other people could have gotten punished. I didn’t mean for it to go beyond Noodles and I. We also kinda ruined the con for the Toon cosplayer as well. I knew what could have happened and pretty much accepted it when my badge got pulled. Drama sucks, my brain hurts.” true story: I was that Toon cosplayer and Toon would ruin things for me later that evening. I stood up for him and he ruined my con. Don't feel bad, Meatball. He's a fucking asshole. I'm still mad at him, his friends and BABS. Things went way to far, and since he was a community guest he threw his weight around. I look forward to holding MY Lip Sync Battle next year in peace, since the dick'ead won't be returning.
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ReplyDeleteSonya: “[ToonKritic] won’t be making any more [Community Guest] appearances at BABS, tho. I’ll see to that.”
ReplyDeleteSeems like Sonya predicted ToonKritic's fate WAY BEFORE anyone else saw it coming.
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