Toxic Tracing... again? Seriously?

"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old-man?" - Harold the Fish from Spongebob

Yep. We're back at it again. Still. However you want to say it. We got sent multiple emails about yet another accusation of tracing by Toxic Mario, complete with overlays. Another anime girl, and another anthro abomination. Here, let's take a look.

Looks like the image was just stretched and skewed a couple times to us, but what do we know? We're just humans with eyeballs afterall.

Lets see what Toxic Mario has to say for himself this time:

So basically the defense is "I'm just lucky I guess".
Sure. Sounds legit. Totally.

None of this would be an issue...if he didn't try to claim copyright on it, while also not giving credit to the original artist.

Maybe try making an original image for once? Just a thought.

Comments (88)

  1. Goddamnit fag, at least trace pictures that are half decent, not this preschool shit.

    1. If you had eyes you'd realize he's getting better.

    2. Prove it?

      He's been doing pony artwork for 6 years now, however his work does not reflect 6 years of improvement.

      It shows a style that got popular at one point, long ago, and then plateaued. Fortunately, he's documented his progress redrawing the same picture every year, so it's rather easy to see his progression.

      2013 -
      2014 -
      2015 -
      2016 -
      2017 -

      Improvement? No, Refinement, sure. That I can at least give him, but he hasn't advanced in any meaningful way over the last few years at all.

      Have you even watched his streams? He doesn't draw. He just uses the line tool and adjusts the points around, it's why everything is so sterile, so flat, and so "clean" but not in a good way.

      As he "references" so many things, it's literally impossible for him to really ever improve this method. Hence his stagnation.

    3. >He doesn't draw
      >He just uses the line tool and adjusts the points around
      You mean like people using a plastic pen, 200 layers with different properties and apply 50 different filters before downsizing the whole thing to hide their mistakes?

      Must feel so good to know how to "draw"

    4. Hi toxic!
      :3 ;)

    5. the best part is that i actually think in 2013 he was much better in the art department, then it all became blocky and stiff

    6. in reply to that anon who posted the 4 years of were-luna:


      I remember that 2013 were luna. That was the first thing I saw when walking into Trotcon's vendor hall one year, in the first minute, and dropped $80 on this huge wall-sized copy of it. I still have it hanging on my wall. But what the hell happened in the 4 following years? That's not the toxic-mario art style I remember.

  2. Former Horse News reader here, not gonna lie, it's awesome watching HN crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let these guys harass good fandom artists

    1. Hi, Toxic-Mario.

    2. What "good artists" you talk about?

    3. - good fandom artist
      - Toxic-Mario

      pick one.

    4. Damage control to Major Tom?

    5. Hi, former commenter here, not gonna lie, it's awesome watching OP crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let these guys harass good comment sections

    6. >good
      Toxic Mario has always been shit and will always be, he doesn't even try to improve.

  3. Replies
    1. lol man I don't even do that xD

    2. I'm pretty sure if y'all are on dA it does it by default...

  4. Horse News clearly grasping at straws again. Guess you really need them views

  5. I don't see the issue when you trace and actually improve the original pic

    1. It's that he's selling it. That's the issue. Tracing is an acceptable means to learn artwork, not to produce it however.

    2. The only "improvement" is that he gave Derpy bigger boobs. The rest is shit.

      The taper is non-existent so the lines lack in weight and depth. The shadows have been reduced in opacity so the shading looks bland. The eyes don't even have eyelashes or eyebrows so the expression is uncanny.

    3. Too bad he missed improving it by a large margin.

    4. Me neither but this isn't the case so screw him.

      Also, he's balding. At 27 years old.

    5. well, there's a male ilness that causes baldness at early ages. My dad was bald by 20 years old.

  6. Some of his art looks cute though

  7. Yeah yeah, whatever, now do Tohru!!

  8. he didnt traced it, i was there the whole time he drawed that pic, he used that pose as a reference to draw it and indeed his mistake was to not credit (again) the original artist that draw that pose, saying "he edited the lines so they wont match" doesn't really fits well for an acusation or to validate evidence, but as always his attitude towards this just made things get worse on his side

    1. Yeah I can say with some certainty that he did not trace this one. I say the original sketch and it was pretty bad and then I spent a fair bit of time telling him every thing that is wrong with it and watched him correct some of it. This is a very simple pose and anyone with at least a little skill drawing humans can get it that close for this particular pose. If you got any anime image site you could probably find hundreds of pictures that are similarly close and none of the had ever seen this picture or squid girl.

    2. We only found two artists with drawings matching like that, him and Drawponies.
      Find me another example where it lines up from another artist.
      Until then, I'm gonna call bullshit on this claim.

    3. Nothing prevents him from tracing the sketch, then scan it and draw on top of it. That's what he did for the yoko pic last time

    4. Again, im pretty sure he didnt traced the sketch, he had flaws in the sketch and he corrected them, if you look at the comparation you can see a lot of lines not matching, this is the problem with this kinda things, even if there is evicence that proofs that he didnt trace people will still say "oh but he could trace the paper when no one was watching" if he shows a recording of him drawing the sketch people will say "oh but he probably memorized the pose by tracing it over and over until he could do it on his own"

    5. And there's the problem of faggots saying "Oh, but he didn't traced, so stop being so mean!" and dickslurping things like that. :)

    6. thats a way of looking at things

    7. i would believe it, but it might also all be part of the play. Last time he did it too similar and people caught on it right away, now he tried to edit it a bit more, but it still shows it was made with the original down and with minor resizing or repositioning.
      But changing a few lines is not enough

    8. well anyway, he said that one was the last anthro that was made using a reference from an anime, and i've seen a lot of other animes pics that match like this one when you compare them with the original

    9. except the part where the lines coincide a bit too well

    10. Not really, the only line that matches is one of the leg and a line of the head slighly matches too, but the rest of the lines dont match, as i said, he used that pose as a reference so it was likely some lines would match

    11. Tox drew his Derpy over that picture. He moved his paths a little or skewed them from the original to make them appear not traced. He's too bad an artist to copy it this well without tracing. Quit defending him, Potato. You're only making yourself look dumb.

    12. again he didnt, i was there when he streamed and i saw a lot of squid girl screenshots he used as a reference besides his original sketch (which trust me is smaller than a ereaser i still wonder why he makes his sketches so damn tiny), im just defending him because im 100% sure he didnt trace

  9. Hey Horse News, can you please identify which comments defending Mario keep coming from the same IP adress?

  10. so when is the next cringe corner

    1. <-- His crappy e-store, report the hell out of it!

    2. it's creepy just how big his store is. He seels dakimakura too. I want the face of someone that unironically buys one of those... deformed things...
      I really wonder how can he sell stuff with such poor drawing skills.

  11. People these days have no respect, I live on a very busy four lane street and since early April I've had Toxic Mario signs in my lawn, one lasted a month and then got stolen, then I went back to the convention and got two more just in case it happened again and would you look at that, I get up this morning and my second sign was gone after just a week out at the street.

    I don't care how people feel about this artist, but however that may be it doesn't give you a right to steal signs, If you're that butthurt about Toxic Mario's far superior artist skill then go do something productive about it, steal my sign and there will be another one within a week.

    The ratings are rigged, this comment section probably will be too, my opinion and those of so many others will count for nothing, but a sign in my lawn and a loud voice of reason is all I can do to save my fandom from this absolute devil of a fake news website and its 4chan cronies.

    1. That's nice, but nobody cares.

    2. says the person who replyed that comment :P

    3. Wow, that was so clever, you must've suffered a cranial trauma for thinking so hard.

    4. "toxic far superior drawing skills"
      Hi toxic, it's nice to see you again. And if you are not toxic... go check other pony artists. Literally anyone draws better than him.

    5. I love how people aren't getting the joke, especially with copypasta this blatant.

    6. For the idiots: remind you a certain pro Trump thing?

  12. This is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    -----\( •_•) C
    -------< ⌒ヽ L
    --------/ へ\ I
    -------/ /--\\ C
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    -------/ / B
    ------/ / A
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  13. Lol, that overlay image where absolutely nothing actually lines up.

    Obviously he's completely ripping off the pose and not crediting the original artist makes him a giant douche, but that's not tracing.

    1. Finally, somebody with working brain and eyes. Maybe you should apply to join Horse News

    2. Wouldn't those disqualify him?

    3. Yeah... I love me some drama, but this is very clearly not tracing. Toxic is very (VERY) closely referencing, yes. And I mean severe referencing to the point where he's probably doing that grid method of copying art (aka how kids learn to "draw" more complex things in 3rd grade or whatever). None of this excuses Toxic for still being a douchenozzle for not giving credit though. But it's not technically tracing.

      Shitty artist? Yes.
      Terrible person? Yes.
      Tracing? (in this specific case?) No.

    4. It's a you! Mario!

  14. It's been said that the appearance of impropriety is often just as bad as the reality, and this is a good example.

    I can believe that he referenced the image. It's close enough that it's clear that that's what's it based on, but not enough to be an exact trace. It's actually quite normal for artists to use references to help work out parts of a pose or elements of an drawing. it's another thing entirely to make an direct or near copy of someone's work. Referencing in the manner he's doing without citing sources is at best lazy and at worst plagiarism. The fact that he's doing it for pay makes things murkier.

  15. Be it that he tracedor heavily referenced, he needs to stop, the colors of the outfit is similar, the fact that its a squid girl is similar. is derpy cosplaying her? probably.... but he is an awful person in general. People have been watching him very closely since he has been black listed, I have been to a couple of his streams and honestly he is a toxic person. Why people take up for someone who is constantly in the wrong is beyond me.

    1. "Blacklisted"


      Nigger, Sethisto AND Derpibooru's entire moderation team are fully enabling his asshatery and providing with with protection, attention and 2 sites to promote his traces.

    2. Obviously you didn't read Sethisto's article on it last time. EqD doesn't post his art in Drawfriend posts because he sucks. They only post his comics, and that's because standards for comics are a lot lower.

      Derpibooru just doesn't care.

    3. Actually they post his stuff on eqd regularly, sethisto is just full of shit.
      And the mod on db are more interested in banning people who criticize toxic instead of banning the asshole who's calling everyone stupid

  16. That's not tracing. That's using a reference picture. Everyone can see the lines don't match.

    1. Everyone can see you are a faggot, Toxic Mario.


  17. Everyone can see it's a trace where he just resized and skewed a few things to make it look more legit. It's shocking some people still defend him.

  18. Toxic Murrrio is Trump. Spews garbage and has tons of morons with no standards of quality defending him. Worse, paying for his garbage.

    I want a piece of that Scientologic sycophantic cult following, how do I start? Should I begin smashing my head against the wall a few dozen times, bring my IQ down to his level?

  19. In other words: water is wet. Nobody gives a shit.

  20. Guys... it's becoming a meme!

    1. LOOOL i posted a drawing that was obviously traced, using the same yoko he traced way back then.
      He claimed it was traced from his work and got my pic down.

    2. Derpibooru's staff is obviously siding with him so there's no point on arguing anymore.

    3. they keep saying "but he techically is the artist, so he can take it down"

    4. @Anon 20:35
      Kind of ironic, considering that one of their staff members is a writer for HN.

  21. To be clear, this is not a trace, but a very very VERY shitty copy, down to the awkward fingers. Bronescum's very own Liefeld.

    Toxic Hypocrite has learned a thing or two since the last time he got his manbaby shit pushed in... except how to actually draw like a real artist.

    1. considering he's still calling everyone idiot i doubt.
      But now that he's a meme on derpibooru he has kinda disappeared and refrained to reply. And when he does he still tries to act smug.

  22. I don't know if there's a way to make a witty remark without being on any particular side...But doesn't it make sense to NOT do things if we all know it'll get an article in Horse News?

    1. Nobody in this fandom considers (and with good reasons) Horse News as anything but pure garbage, with the exception of edgy bronies in denial ("horsefuckers") on 4chan.

      So you can get an article here about yourself, nobody will give a shit unless it gets on a serious website (like EQD).

    2. > EQD
      > Serious website

      Nigger, that place is a shilling and autism hub, plus the site founder is a sexual deviant who emerged from 4chan and now hopes nobody remembers his endless tirades about his otherkin and Spyro sex fantasies.

    3. Sadly that's the norm. Not including HN just about every other fandom site is run by said deviants. Oh well.

  23. Especially the face matches perfectly. Sadly he obviously used a copyrighted pose of a girl as a reference and didn't give credit.
    Now get your dicks out of your asses HN and get some real news for a change. This bullshit is getting ridiculous. Or did your seriously shit digging writers already quit, because you've been so lame lately?

  24. And EQD still posts Toxic-Mario stuff.

    1. What do you expect from the spineless EQuine Dicksuckers?

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