Not a clickbait thumbnail this time
After constantly denying the accusations of tracing, Toxic-Mario finally presented us “evidence” of him not tracing his artwork.
First claiming he was about to stream, then saying he was at a family thing, then saying he wasn’t home and he was watching Seven. We will give the benefit of the doubt and assume he went to watch a movie at a relative’s house, the accusation having to do with his tracing and not his questionable life.
Evidence A
First he showed us a few paper drawings of the piece, which strangely didn’t show any form of body structure drawn to prove he sketched the pose himself. It could still have been sketched out on paper by placing the sheet on a screen then redrawn.
His argument for the lack of structure drawing was that he didn’t need to draw them, saying he used “paths” and erase instead.
Notice how there’s barely anything erased, and no structure even seen to have been drawn to give shape to the body. It’s as he drew it on one go, without any doubts on how to pose the character.
On one hand, some artists have that level of skill to be able to draw a pose from their memory, but on the other, this is Toxic-Mario’s skill level here.
Evidence B, notice the filly wings on an adult Spitfire and the sameface
It’s also worth noting that this is not something new. This is also problems he had with his art back five years ago. You would think that the art would improve over that time span, but asides from making his lines cleaner and thinner, there’s not much to say about it.
This is not just a montage of random coincidences, this is literally three different comics with the same pose we found posted in a row
Evidence C
He then showed pieces he used for “referencing” where two parts happened conveniently to be from the one art piece he was accused of tracing.
Evidence C-2, notice how the shorts line up PERFECTLY with both the art he is accused of tracing and the drawing he made
Now, let’s remember TracePonies, and how his art also lined up perfectly with the original material. The counter-argument was that DrawPonies might just have been very skilled and he got the proportions right on his own, but not even Lauren Faust herself could reach that level of accuracy (Unless she tried reaching the accuracy of the vectors on the toys, but that’s another story)
Evidence C-3, best pony drawn by mommy Fausticorn. Notice also how even a skilled artist with years of experience still use a structure to shape the character
Evidence C-4 provided by E.O.W., where a fan art that was referenced rather than traced seems to line up but doesn’t as only one of the parts can be made to match the other.
What TracePonies taught us was that if something is too good to be true, it's generally a lie. The odds of having two drawings done by two different artists at freehand lining up not only being at almost zero even if one looked at the work of the other, most artists would even avoid risking the accusations by making changes to the style or the proportions to make it more personal. If it was referenced like in the example above, only some of it would line up rather than the whole.
Toxic-Mario actually tries giving different proportions to his pony artwork, his ponies having thinner lines, chubbier bodies and angrier expressions. Wouldn’t it make more sense for him to also do that with human bodies? Of course not all artists keep the same rules for all material they work with, but this is very hard to believe that he would adopt the exact same proportions and style of Kawata Hisashi except for the head and the legs. It’s also worth noting that Kawata Hisashi is not an artist who worked for Gurren-Lagann, but a simple illustrator who happened to make a fanart of Yoko (As well as porn), which means Toxic-Mario actually traced over a fanart to make his own.
Toxic-Mario also showed us video evidence in the form of four .FLV files in a 1.4GB zip file streamed from June 8th to June 11th 2016 on Picarto. We will spare you the long download and present you the few moments that really mattered out of these 12 hours of low quality video.
Evidence D, in a file format VLC can open
Evidence E
In a convenient manner, his stream starts right after he is done lining the character. The four files sent only covered him tweaking slightly the paths of the artwork, revectoring it, then doing the background art for the picture. You could argue that he didn’t stream that part because he didn’t want to or he couldn’t, but it’s quite sketchy that the file he uses doesn’t even have the reference layer in it.
Now, what is there to prove with the evidence he posted? Not much really, asides from the fact he watches Iron Chef and The Price is Right while streaming.
Evidence F, on the right, something with taste, on the left, something without
You can draw your own conclusions, or trace them if you can’t draw.
And to end on a positive note, here’s some of Horse-News’ suggestions for holiday gifts for friends and family.
This needs more attention. Toxic-Mario went too far with this.
ReplyDeleteYEAH!!! BURN HIM!!!!
Deletethink that is too far
DeleteWow it's nothing
ReplyDeleteFor a guy who sleeps in airports and goes to every con, this isn't surprising. He went full ham into a spotted opportunity. I said a while back I bet he's another trace ponies, but then I laughed and said nah... The quality is too low.
ReplyDeleteToxic-Mario's newest Wereluna picture would be the best to show off his "skills"
ReplyDeleteThis is no Traceponies for who the evidence was overwhelming.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing here but suspicions, this is getting ridiculous and tiring.
Next time, please report on real drama instead of trying to get page views.
Hi Toxic-Mario!
DeleteHi, Toxic-Mario. But in case someone reads your comment, please have in mind there is strong evidence in both articles.
DeleteNice damage control, Mario.
DeleteThe T-M page is an overblown account with no skill that occasionally posts stuff way better than normal that looks like something else it looks traced off of that has no proof of otherwise that sells their art at cons.
XD if this were a clickbait article it'd be about someone that has a decent audience and skill level, this is a warning post to cons and potential buyers that they themselves might be getting conned.
also i like how people assume anon comments like that are me. XD That's just even more silly than I expected considering I have my own account like this. Why hide behind an anon when I am right here?
DeleteIs it really so unbelievable that some people don't fall for Horse News propaganda and "proofs", look at the evidence showed, and reach the conclusion that there's nothing worth making all this drama?
DeletePropaganda? You get his sketch and picture lining up perfectly with the source image and it's not enough for you? People like you would believe only if they had a video made with four cameras showing that Toxic-Mario traced it.
DeleteThis originated on Derpibooru.
Hey Mario, if you could stop signing on and off, posting as Anon as well as yourself, it's just getting ridiculous. We all know it's you.
Delete>posts 20 minutes after anon
Delete"that's not me"
Alright one final comment here cause I can. As I said everyone can draw their own conclusions as horse news says here. All I know is I will do what I will do and that's all I will say. I know someone is gonna say where is the video before the paths were in....but if you ever come to a full stream when I work on these from start to finish you'll see.
ReplyDeleteAlso I did spend the day trying to see if I could recover the 2 previous xsplit files cause I apparently there is a way to get the videos back from a recycle bin if you empty it but according to MyLittleTies who's good with this stuff mentioned you can only get it back usually a month max IF that. I tried and I may have found some files but I have no way of knowing what they are on they are all unrecoverable any files I found. It's weird it was finding files from 2012 mainly.
Now.....why would I go and delete xsplit recordings from my hard drive and a bunch at a time in periods? Why is it that those 2 videos are missing? So let's say you did delete them by accident tox and didn't notice the dates of this and it is coincidental, why do it in the first place? Ever know how much those files chew up? One file is about 400mb or so and this is an old comp from 5 years ago. I delete them to free up disc space since I am usually down to 40 GB free these days. If I wasn't so confident to try and go out of my way to go do my best to get the files today then that should be good enough in my eyes for people to kind of at least show I did make it a concerted effort to get the files back. O and Getting new comp soon anyway . :)
Anyway I doubt some people won't believe me from just my words alone. That's fine. As I said people are welcome to come in my stream when I start comics or art to see how I do stuff. I stream every night as you may have noticed. As for the rest of this, that's all I have to say. Thanks :)
You coincidentally deleted videos of the most important part of the stream but you kept the remaining part. Yeah, I believe you, nothing suspicious here. Nothing at all.
DeleteHow can you look in the mirror, Toxic-Mario?
Again I am totally down for someone if you know how to recover files like that I am totally down for it. I pretty much know the first 1/3 of the file names and where they originally were before I deleted a bunch from like Mid-April-these videos and a little after for now. If anyone has a better program than Recuva then please let me know. :) My only fear is that if I did delete these a month ago there's no way to get these and the other videos back. I'm all ears if people have a program or a way to get these back.
DeleteThe guy who visits your streams every time said you never showed how you did the lineart and coincidentally you can't find the videos. You know very well no one can find your videos because they never existed in the first place. You fell so low, Toxic-Mario.
DeleteAnd anon again you can make the conclusions you want to make. All I know is how I usually run my computer to keep it together...if you come to a stream you see how much of a RAM killer this comp can be running on 4GB :). I am all for trying to get the files back if you have suggestions.
DeleteThe incredulity that "some" (SOME?) people have is because your casual dismissing of the accusation. No one should believe you by your words alone. The overlay is pretty indisputable alone and so far you haven't successfully provided counter-evidence. Your argument isn't bolstered by calling people silly and idiots.
And people going to your stream is irrelevant and unsubstantive. It easily parallels the scenario in which there is no coinciding between your vector lines and this ragged source sketch of yours.
And i would have expected you to take this more seriously how you emphatically condemned DrawPonies last year for doing the same thing you're doing.
I can see the memory usage on your Photoshop bar, the real RAM killer is you playing YouTube videos while you stream.
DeleteI am casual on this cause I know I did have the files and I did go out of my way today to get them back. I purge Xsplit videos ALL the time if they are more than a few months old to get back memory for my comp. Wouldn't you do the same if all they are doing is sitting on your comp doing nothing? They aren't labeled videos when I do purge them cause it's like 2016-03-14-thenbunch of #s. If you expect me to know which stream is which just like that then good luck and expect me to keep dead space like that around. Personally I am so casual about this cause I am happy I did find at least those 4 videos. :)
DeleteAnd noctis It's just how I stream man. I just like doing it my way. I like keeping myself and the streams fun. It's 4GB but hey don't care...I like how I do them even if it does freeze the comp after a while. D:
Well you suuuuuure convince me...
DeleteYou convince me you're a tracer and this is a clumsy attempt at clean-up and denial.
FFS Mario. I said to cut the crap, it's time to do so.
DeleteYou want this buried? Here's an idea: Do a stream right now or soon of you redoing this lineart without trace material or being near your computer, then upload that to Youtube.
You claim you "had the lineart footage and deleted it?" If that really is the case, here's your best bet to prove it. Use your method thatg Faust herself can't manage and recreate your work. Consider this a challenge.
"I am casual on this cause I know I did have the files and I did go out of my way today to get them back."
DeleteBut you don't have them. Or you're not presenting them. Therefore you have no evidence.
wait this is confusing as hell. XD How can you redo lineart not near a comp. Paper you mean? How can you stream without being on a comp?
Deleteand how can one not know if I were to have a reference on hand? How could one not know if I had one on my comp and it was on? How can you know if it's shot straight down I don't have my original one on the paper to the side? Again you method has flaws
DeleteToxic-Mario LOL you can't be serious right now.
DeleteFeigning ignorance...
DeleteThis reminds me of your "What's a Youtube?" reply.
DeleteI've given you your best bet. Take it or sit and let the storm hit you full-force.
It's not my money at stake here.
DeleteWhen you delete a file, it's just marked as free space. It is recoverable, unless other files write over it. You said you are "usually down to 40 GB free these days." This would overwrite "deleted" files. If you're consistently creating and deleting ~400MB files, old files are lost to the void. That said, you claiming that you were "finding files from 2012" is a flat out lie.
You asked yourself "Why is it that those 2 videos are missing?". Who said anything about two specific videos?
Lastly, no, we won't take you just on your word; we have no reason to, and we have reasons not to. We thank you for providing evidence, but... You kinda damned yourself here. Providing a few videos but conveniently not having the one that would prove you didn't trace is only working against you. Stop trying to defend yourself, you suck at it. Ignore this and it'll (hopefully, your drama is droll and overdue), go away.
The solution is simple. Schedule a stream where you show us your drawing start to finish, digitally. Just show us if you can draw the way you're saying you can draw, live. It should be easy to show us how you get to the finished image from a blank page with no paths or lineart on it when you begin.
DeleteSince you do not trace, it should be easy for you to show us how you can so accurately recreate a pose using only a reference image without tracing any aspects of it. Right?
At this point the traced artwork isn't even the main problem. It's his attitude.
DeleteEven in front of undeniable evidece he keeps repeating like a mantra that he did not trace, while dismissing the story on twitter and derpibooru (but not deviantart), doing things like banning and tag altering to get every inconvenient comment or material out of his galleries.
This is an attitude that will bring him to repeat this over and over, actually turning him into the next Drawpony.
Even if this was the only traced artwork, i want you, toxic, to understand why this is wrong.
Right now you are acting like a manchild that thinks he's the supreme winner and everyone around him is a stupid loser.
You are making this blow out of proportion with your ego.
That is the problem you don't want to address. It's not even about the trace anymore.
Toxic, think about it. Think about what happened to Drawpony. Why don't you just apologize and stop doing this? It'll be better for you
also, do a simple, easy thing: pick a web-cam and record yourself drawing on paper the thing. No computer, you may have the original drawing on hand, but only to look at it, not tracing it.
DeleteThat is referencing.
But really, it won't prove anything. The fact that yoko is clearly traced is too obvious.
Indeed. Instead of apologizing and admitting you traced over a fanart (which is good ONLY if you want to study a certain part of anatomy), you let the initial spark to turn into a huge bonfire and linking "proof" that doesn't even prove anything and trolled those who looked through your horse manure.
DeleteThis is the Dunning-Kruger Effect at its maximum.
I'll give Toxic Mario the benefit of the doubt.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing really damning in this article or in the previous one.
His art is not as bad as some people say.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually thinking about commissioning him. Does he draw NSFW pics?
You're better off commissioning someone able to do their own work.
DeleteAnd I'm pretty sure I didn't ask you for advice about how to spend my money. Thank you very much.
DeleteNSFW ain't my thing.
DeleteWell that's a shame. Thanks for answering my question.
DeletePretty sure idgaf what you asked me :)
Delete@Toxic-Mario I need some anime art traced can I commission you?
DeleteI haven't seen a denial this sad and plaintive since the Iraqi Propaganda Minister in 2003.
ReplyDeleteC'mon, man, do the right thing and admit you got lazy and after getting away with tracing little bits of your other anthros you figured you were in the clear and stepped up to tracing this outright. The chances of a ref and final product lining up *that* exactly are approximately nil.
So what if this is true? Will anyone outside of the shitholes that are HN and Derpibooru really care? Tox might be a scam artist, but Caveat Emptor. Not that I don't think it's good he was exposed.
ReplyDeleteAnd nice work on getting view inflation, Horse-News. I thought you were dead. Should have stayed that way. You have become what you once mocked. Drama for the sake of drama. Capper has done well to ignore this place.
Literally this.
DeleteHorse News has become a new EFN trying to be relevant.
Delete>be HN
Delete>only post 5 articles in a month
>literally cannot put in less effort
>"anon" claims you're becoming EFN in how hard you're trying to stay relevant
because we clearly care
I didn't claim anything, I said "K"
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@21:45 If you don't care, then why make any content at all?
Delete...This is the first time I've heard or seen of Toxic Mario.
ReplyDeleteI remember him from way back, like 4-5 years ago, he made mostly-unfunny MLP comics. I just remember him saying that he spent some ridiculous amount of time (like days or weeks, i don't remember) individually drawing the backgrounds for each of the panels in his comics. But I thought he'd just disappeared or whatever. This is the first time I've heard his name in a long long time.
DeleteThat said this whole issue is pretty stupid TBH; yes it's obviously he traced a good chunk of the image, and him denying it has proved he's just a bad person (esp. since he is so focused on selling his art). But HN is really playing up the drama here with their "daily coverage."
So much samefagging to try applying damage control, holy shit.
ReplyDeleteI see a lot of speculation and not much hard evidence here.
ReplyDeleteThere is some hard evidence in my pants.
DeleteDoesn't help him that its 2016 and he is still watching Iron Chef. also, could you put the artist that did that referenced Yoko artwork?
ReplyDeleteMario promised evidence to back his claim that he didn't traced, only to see the footage starting right after he did the lineart.
ReplyDeleteNot keeping promises is a thing, cockteasing is another.
Like Traceponies drama, who was the bigger fool here, the tracer or the fans who blindly buy from the tracer?
ReplyDeleteI think anyone who buys work as bad as his is a sucker whether he traces or not :P
DeleteThis is my thought as well. He apparently goes to almost every single MLP con?? Who the hell is buying his art? It's so... mediocre. At best.
DeleteActually, he rarely if ever breaks even at cons. And people who don't draw have a surprisingly low bar as far as what constitutes 'good' art, I've found.
DeleteIsn't it just ironic that Toxic Wetback is caught tracing, and he had the gall to play the outraged 'honest artist' during Tracepony's drama. And here he is pulling the very same shit (with expectably much lower profit margins, because traced shit is still shit)
ReplyDeleteNo denying, Jarrod, the internet doesn't forget.
Your post is there, FOREVER. shortened url for your pleasure
DeleteTo be fair the show's ratings are shockingly low. For almost any other show or on any other network it would've been cancelled a long time ago due to low ratings. And I know ratings don't include online views etc, blah blah. But network execs don't care about that stuff. The only reason the show is still around is because Hasbro gets most of their money from toy sales, and as long as the show is spurring people to buy the toys it'll be around. But I could see it moving away from a traditional season-to-season show after S7 and the movie. In fact I'm pretty sure that's what will happen. We'll get a couple holiday specials or whatever and a few more direct-to-dvd movies (after the theatrical one next October inevitably does really bad at the box office)
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've seen with other franchises, my guess is that Hasbro will do a soft reboot of the franchise with the movie.
ReplyDeleteThey might just drop the "Friendship is Magic" from the title and make a new series with a new subtitle in place that happens after the movie.
Thanks for the info!
DeleteIt's not stealing if I put the word "inspired!"
DeleteI guess Gaurdians of Harmony will be the new subtitle.
ReplyDeleteHe wrote a journal on DeviantART and didn't even mention about the tracing scandal. "Nothing new" xD
ReplyDelete"This is still such BS to me. Again I have a major issue with this....he still made THOUSANDS OF $$$$ off this scam he was doing. This feels like a "oh hey I messed up (cause I got caught finally) but I will still be doing business as usual". Notice he isn't apologizing to the vendors, like me and others, he robbed $$$ from with this over all the conventions we did having to vendor with him and also all the commissioners he robbed too over the years. How about refunding some of these people cause people paid good money for some of these I am told. He's still making $16k (303 PER WEEK) on his patreon alone and again that is still an insane amount of money. IDK anyone in the fandom doing a patreon for a PER WEEK like that for art or comic like that in the fandom let alone have some other people in his "company" make it for him and post it all on one account.
ReplyDeleteThis feels like a apology like he got caught and is like a "no big deal thing and people will forget this" but in reality he still made a TREMENDOUS amount of money off this and if feels like the only reason he is doing this now is caught he got caught. He had 2 YEARS to apologize or even stop this....and I still think conventions still need to come down hard on his ass for the rest of the year cause he's still gonna do his sleezy business tactics regardless where he is attending and I have told some cons I don't think I can attend th same con he is at for the rest of the year. There will be so much tension in the vending halls if he is at these the rest of the year and that is not good to have.
Sorry if this was a long comment guys. Just a lot of frustration I've had with him over the years and this is not just me. Numerous vendors share this.....just wanted to post my 2 cents"
-ToxicMario on TracePonies scandal..
You forgot something. The sketch passed as evidence C-4 is not made by E.O.W. but by an artist called HBheavenlyboy (he actually did it for the purpose).
ReplyDeleteP U R P L E T R A N N Y !
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello, Toxic Mario.
DeleteTrying to make yourself look like a marthyr now?
Actually, I'm not Toxic Mario. And yeah, I kind of went overboard with that comment. I'll probably just rewrite it and send it straight to him instead of posting it on a page it seems like he won't look at again. Probably should've done that before, but hey, at least I admit when I did something wrong.
DeleteStill, comment deleted for just being too overwrought and silly. Funny how a few hours makes you calm down and have a clearer head.
Anon at 15:27. Hey, Toxic. How does it feel your predictions didn't cum to pass?
ReplyDeleteThis is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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I've personally got nothing against tracers. Especially since rotoscoping and inking, are both jobs that are almost entirely about tracing.
ReplyDeleteAnd I even have a bit of respect for them, because you still need to trace it, colour it in and add shading. And that stuff takes time and effort. I should know, I've had done it for a few comic pages (and pictures) for friends of mine on deviantART. (With their permission, for free, and as a kind gesture. I don't trace at any other time.) I can tell you, it's no easy task. As a matter of fact, it's incredibly boring.
But when someone who is clearly tracing, continually denies it. I lose all respect for them.
There's no honour in lying so blatantly. Come clean and maybe you can make up for it.
Or I don't know... maybe actually start referencing pictures rather than downright tracing them. It doesn't take long to master the ability to reference, especially if you're using vector art.
I say try to study and use something as a reference rather than tracing over it, that's what I've done when drawing, and I can't draw digitally.
ReplyDeleteThis means that ultimately it will be the publisher who ends up losing money because when retailers adjust their prices to reflect the increase in cost for used games, the resale value of the game will drop and new games are less likely to be purchased.Agen Bola
ReplyDeleteThe unit was subsequently put together much better and inside the unit there is not as much movement in the main (mother) board during the heat expansion and now the unit has better ability to dissipate heat. domino 99
ReplyDelete2K Marin developed Bio Shock 2 and will release it on February 9, 2010 for the Xbox 360, the PS3, and the PC. In this sequel, gamers can expect to find another impressive storyline, which takes place 10 years after the first game. Game Reviews say the Spear Gun is the most satisfying new tool. my top games
ReplyDeleteMost of the world uses Adobe ( photoshop and illustrator...). I guess it is not going to change in the near future.
ReplyDeleteFor free hand drawing a pen tablet is important for a lot of people.
I use my xp-pen deco 01 v2 ( ) graphic tablet for drawing in these programs .
I feel like drawing is so much easier, especially if you want to make some shapes with the pen tool.
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