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An overlay of the 2 art pieces in question |
Ahhh yes, here were are again. Another #horsefamous content creator, another accusation of being a dirty tracer.
No, not that kind. The DrawPonies kind.
This time, it's longtime vendor-hall regular Toxic Mario who has had the accusation leveled upon him...and the evidence isn't easy to ignore.
Here's ToxicMario's piece.
And here's the piece that people are claiming he traced to create it, Yoko from Gurren Lagann.
yeahhh....we can see where they got the impression this was traced.
Just like DrawPonies, Toxic-Mario makes money selling his artwork at conventions, so the accusation that his art may be tainted is a heavy one.
And of course the subsequent Derpibooru post discussing it.
ToxicMario has denied the claims on his DeviantArt account and assures his followers that it took him FIVE DAYS to create his crossover, and that he has video proof of it. He however has not actually released this evidence...for some reason.
Toxic Mario then feigned ignorance on how to share a 900MB video file on the internet.
When a follower suggested YouTube, he ignored the suggestion.
How an artist who holds livestreams of his work could pretend to not know how to upload a relatively small video file to the internet is beyond me.
>search google for this image
>first page
The artist's name is Kawata Hisashi.
It took literally 15 seconds.
We counted.
So there you have it. RELEASE YOUR
Also, i'd like to point out how i was banned then my comment hidden after i suggested to split the file into smaller one and then zipping and uploading it on sites like mega.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the original artist of that yoko is him: https://twitter.com/kawata_hisashi
can we have someone investigating on his other anthros? They all look traced as well (they are too well drawn for his usual style)
DeleteAnd here...we...go
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for the proof.
DeleteScreenshots will do.
that's what i was telling you would happen on deviantart.
DeleteBut you chose to ban me and everyone, acting like a baby about it.
So, how we say it here, "he who plants wind will gather storm"
Well I only banned you cause you wouldn't stop spamming more and more links all over my page. I still kept the original but then it got ridiculous. :)
DeleteYou banned me after 1 message that wasn't calling you names
Deleteoh, sorry, i was just trying to tell you that it would have only got worse and worse the more you refused to actually talk about it.
DeleteAnd now it did get worse. Is it my fault?
You also banned me. On the internet the more you try to hide something, the stronger it'll come out.
DeleteYou brought this upon you all by yourself basically.
I banned an anon? :0
DeleteI met Toxic-Mario at a con once. He called me a nigger, then he banned me.
DeleteSounds realistic.
DeleteLook I am just gonna sit back and let this do what it needs to do. I've said my opinions on this so yeah. I am a little surprised it got this crazy but eh what you gonna do. As I said it's not a perfect match as much as people want to say...I did work on this just to get the belly and back lines right but again beyond that it's not the same completely. I've seen much worse and seen artist take ideas from other pics. So again this is my 2 cents on the topic so I will go back to enjoying my night and work on a new comic on which I stream everything I do. :)
ReplyDeleteJUST the belly and the back?
DeleteAre you serious?
Look at that overlay
all you did was add a nipple point and a shitty rarity face
Pro-tip: Don't reference anime when you're looking for a pose. That is, when you don't actually trace directly.
Deleteyou are not getting out by saying that you changed something.
DeleteYou said you were going to make merch out of this drawing and you even said you used it for promotional purpouse in various cons
How is taking ideas from other pics worse than tracing a pose?
DeleteOther artists tracing more don't make you any better. You sold or planned to sell this traced picture during cons and that's the biggest problem. Shame on you.
DeleteOh HN correction when owl is referring to sketches...they are my paper sketches. I do these sketches all the time and they are pretty rough...even the pony ones. :)
Deletethe best thing you can do is posting this article on your deviantart and publicly apologize.
DeleteYou did something akin to a scam. If you wish to get back some trust from people you should at least try to be humble and admit your mistakes and wrongdoing.
I will repeat. If you ignore this problem and act smug, the internet won't forget and will make sure you won't forget either.
Then just show us those paper sketches. If you scanned it to do your art, just show us that scan.
Deleteso you say you have the video of yourself drawing it, but they don't count because you did the sketch on paper first and no one can prove it wasn't traced?
DeleteWell you are gonna give me a couple hours. I am away right now at a family thing. I will show you the paper sketch and it should have the date saved when It was scanned. I'll show you it. :)
Deletetox you do know it super easy to trace on paper, that not really going to help you here. you just going to keep making things worse, i already warned you once. do i think you trace idk but i do know you do not take criticism well
DeleteBut you just said you were about to stream a comic, not hang with your family.
DeleteWhat I mean is later mint XD. Currently watching that movie 'seven'. It's so so....I think after I'll be heading home and the get this file and stuff set. :) they posted this at the worst time when I am not at home and on my phone. D:
DeleteAh, I get it. Toxic needs to draw those sketches now so he can show us something later.
DeleteAre you a fucking sociopath or what? A normal person would meet this kind of thing with humility or even anger. You just act like a huge autist (as usual) and treat the whole thing as a joke.
DeleteYou don't even know what a joke is. That's obvious to anyone who's seen "your" "art."
wait, first you are drawing a comic, then doing some family stuff, then watching a movie.
DeleteAlso, now it's too late to show any sketch. How can you prove it wasn't made right now? And even if you did to it before, how an you prove that is not a trace as well?
You should have posted proof when it was time, now... it's gonna be hard believing them
you talked about the video all day and only now you are bringing up the paper sketch. That's not what you started with
DeleteE.o.w. Well cause it got this crazy...now I have to show the proof. Which I can do
DeleteRare real life photo of Toxic-Mario found:
so what people kept telling you to do and it's all could of been avoided , but you passed it off as a joke https://twitter.com/Toxic_Mario/status/806308782745747456
DeleteWell that will be their opinion to judge. I can't stop everyone having an opinion. Everyone has a right to believe what they want to. Sure it looks bad me saying "oh he is at a family thing so must be an excuse to make a sketch or whatever." Again people can say I am lying or whatever but they can believe that if they want to. As I said before when I get home I will show you. I ain't running from this cause now I gotta defend myself and unlike drawponies when he got caught and did whatever...i do save stuff. :)
DeleteYo anon I'll admit I got a kick out of that :P
DeleteYou still keep passing it off as a joke. It's no joke, Toxic-Mario. https://twitter.com/Toxic_Mario/status/806670533328781312
DeleteThere's still more evidence that you traced than anything. You can't deny the evidence.
DeleteAny artist in their right mind would avoid making it line with the original one.
I'm not talking about lining as in having the body in a certain angle, I'm talking of when the lines match the ones of the original one down to a few millimeters.
Nobody can freedraw art down to the millimeter like that and most artists don't aim to because that's worthless.
Toxic-Mario, just go write a journal on DeviantART and explain everything to us so we can see all your sketches, videos there. That's the best thing you can do now.
DeleteMint...do you want me to prove what I got or not? I mean seriously. xD
DeleteYes I want you to prove you didn't trace. You keep telling you have the evidence but I still haven't seen anything yet.
Deleteand everything we saw wasn't strong enough to counter current evidence
Delete>dmg control everywhere
TM's like a real, viable form of Autism.
seing all the evidence and how things are moving i can only say somethings
Deletei know for a fact tox takes references from animes to do poses he likes, i've been in most of his streams when he do so, when something is traced no matter how many changes you make its still visible, but references also match with some lines, not perfectly though, some lines are wider or larger than the original work
another thing to point out is what people are saying, that it may be not 100% traced and the only parts that look like a trace are the legs, the belly and the belt, human parts like legs and bellies are easy to draw, the belt dont seems too complex either so if he got the reference from that pic its likely to match if you compare them
it sounds like im trying to prove tox's innocence but i'm honestly doubting at this point aswell, if he is avoiding the facts and his only answer is to give vague replies and saying he has evidence without showing most it... then there is something going on
i hope he releases the video evidence he says have soon, a 900mb file may be heavy but if he really wants to prove his innocence (and avoid things to get legal because of copyright stuff) then he must find a way to split it in parts... i still have faith he didn't traced that pic...
he did upload the video of how he made that pic
i hope it really helps him to prove his innocence
no, bellies are not easy to draw. Believe me, drawing is more than just scribbing lines, it's about giving a convincing volume.
DeleteIt's almost entirely traced, with some element just slightly moved.
well, i have a friend who likes to draw anime, and he always says that bellies are the easiest part of the draw, then it comes the legs, the arms and finally the face and hair, its likely he took that pic as a reference to make his anthro and he did the mistake of placing most of the things like the original draw have them, trust me, if you take a reference its likely to match with the original
Deletenot saying he is fully innocent though, if he did take a reference then he had to credit the creator of the character
as i said, i may be sounding like im going to protect him and say whatever thing i can to prove his innocence, but im also kinda doubting it for two things
1 - some "evidence" that says that he traced are kinda forced to fit
2 - the actitude of tox and how he is not taking this seriously is not helping him at all, in fact, its making it get worse to the point is hard to believe in what he says
well, no, the sketch he posted is traced as well, while the recording starts from when the lineart is already done.
DeleteAnd one thing is looking similar, another is to be an almost perfect match like you can see in the image above and the gif in the comment
the sketch as it seems in the pic is small in comparation with the original pic, if you make it smaller then it will lost quality and it will be likely to be harder to trace, another thing to poin out is the paper he used, its not white, which adds more difficulty and by that the trace will look bad and the details will be lost (shading, decorations, etc).
Deleteas i said before, if you used a reference to draw, then its likely to match with the original work, he may used that pic as a reference and his mistake was to not credit the original artist, but in the end no one will know, if he says he didn't traced that draw people will be saying he did no matter what he says or what proofs he have people wont believe it, and if he says he traced the pic he will risk to be target of legal stuff because he is selling it
as i said, im not fully on the side of tox but im also not fully in the side of the rest of the fandom, both have points to follow and both have evidence to prove them
look, there are gifs showing how perfectly the two match. He just resized and moved some parts around and for what we know the sketch might have been drawn right now just to shut us up.
DeleteThe video he posted doesn't even prove that he didn't.
Also, his behaviour and refusal to aknowledge the fact in his artwork descriptions. He said he had permission from the original artist (which was contacted, but hasn't replied yet) and another artist's help.
He never credited anyone, only saying that "i will in the next drawing".
as i said before which makes me wonder if anyone really reads the whole thing i write, if you take a reference to draw some thing its likely to match, both sides have their evidence, though the side that says tox traced are stronger because the pic matches almost perfect, the problem is as you pointed is his attitude towards this, and other thing is that somepeople are not looking at both sides and are either fully with tox or fully against tox, im not in any of those groups because if we really want an answer then we must take both sides and compare the evidence and see which one is giving more answers, it is also his mistake to not credit and saying he will do that in the next pic is not a solution either, i want to think this is all a misundertanding but this isn't really looking bright for tox's side
Deletelook, i show you what a referenced artwork looks like: http://imgur.com/a/noiin
Deletef the artwork is just referenced it should look similar, but the lines shouldn't coincide to the degree seen in this overlap gif: http://imgur.com/XSNEqtv
We are not attacking tox because we hate him, we attack him because the evidence is just that strong and his counter-evidence don't prove anything.
His video is being uploaded to youtube, so it's easier to check out
i already checked it some hours ago, i know you are not trying to attack him, though not gonna lie, some comments feel kinda violent (funny enough almost all of those comments come from anons), as i said, things aren't looking bright for tox, anyway seems like the evidence that proofs that tox did traced this one is stronger than his video and his sketch, lets see how this ends... i hope that if he is lying about not tracing he says that before things get worse for him on the legal side...
Deletetoxic mario sucks ass
DeleteAlso i would like to point out how much he tried to delete the tags off the incriminated pic: https://derpibooru.org/images/1311309/tag_changes
ReplyDeleteHe removes the artist tag (so that it wouldn't show up when people search for him) at least 4 or 5 times.
And i'm reading the comments under the two pics and well.... it shows how much he denied it and acted like the drawing was all his.
The best reply was probably "I have the paths of the pic, that totally proves I drew it!".
ReplyDeleteGetting called out by Horse News...
ReplyDeleteIt's not like they have an habit of spewing lies and slander. I'm totally convinced now!
Hi Mario
DeleteUh Hi?
DeleteYou know, except for the whole evidence Horse News has posted here and in the past.
DeleteFace it Toxic Mario. You are a hack and you got found out.
>Horse news
Please, let's be serious here.
The only evidence they have shows that he only traced a part of the work of another artist. And that was just one time.
We are far from Drawponies, it's nothing in term of drama.
If the breasts, legs, arms, belly and clothing count as "A part of", then yeah, he only traced a part of the work.
DeleteGood thing he drew the face himself. That must have been really hard to do.
the drama comes from the fact that he's also a complete ass about it, meaning he will keep on doing it
DeleteYou just lemme know if those goal posts get heavy my sweet wittle Nonny.
DeleteThis whole article is some fake drama and everyone is in on it!!!! Just trying to get page views for Horse News.
ReplyDeleteHi, Mario
DeleteSeriously, it's no Drawponies folks.
ReplyDeleteWe're talking about only one piece of art and only a part of it was traced.
It's literally nothing.
Hi Mario
DeleteOf all the people, Mario, you should not hide behind the anonymous.
Deletewhich background pony were you shilling as in the thread?
DeleteWhat would the world be like without horse drama. Wooo Hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou know, as bad as this is I find Tox far more annoying on Equestria Daily whenever they post viewing figures. The conspiracy theories he would post on the future of the show were just downright hilarious in how uninformed he is.
ReplyDeleteThere is a conspiracy that all these comments are written by the same person.
ReplyDeleteI have been a supporter of Mario for a very long time and I'm confident that he'll provide any proof needed.
ReplyDeleteHis art made me want to learn how to draw, he was my inspiration to actually do something with my life.
I won't believe, even for a second, what he's accused of.
Every artist use and will tell you to use references.
Tracing can make you understand how the original artist made his piece and make you a better artist.
This whole drama is nothing more than an attempt to sully one of the most promising artist within this fandom.
Probably just Horse News in need of some page views when they have nothing to report on.
Oh Mario, what happened between you, princess Peach and Luigi was insane.
DeleteHi Mario. Also -
Buddy, have you seen how much he's "improved" over the years? And besides that, what fucking artist will tell you to be a lazy sack of shit and try to claim the work of other, better artists as your own? No, Toxic-Mario doesn't count. I said artist, not total hack.
You know you're doing something right when basement neckbeards pretend to know anything about art and have the nerve to criticize your work.
Delete>Most promising artist within this fandom
Inflating the comment section is fun.
ReplyDeleteI miss the days Horse News was reporting real drama.
ReplyDeleteYou mean like the time BolttheSuperPony, a guy who helps run at least 3 cons in this fandom spread lies about CinemaQuestria's C&D just because he couldn't get his own way from those that ran that site.
DeleteI'm talking about the time when we weren't wasting our time over shitty drama about some random artist tracing a pose for one of his pic.
DeleteYou know Tox, you could just use your account here, you did earlier.
DeleteThis is a dude that stirs drama everywhere
ReplyDeleteTries to shit talk me and my booth while at cons (only know for sure about that due to friends telling me afterwards what he says about me behind my back)
It's honestly quite hilarious cuz he knows I'm friends with some of these people and still tries to talk smack anyways xD
He sounds like a triple deluxe nigger with cheese, sorry you gotta deal with his screeeching autism
Deleteoh hi there Ardail :O
DeleteOh hey Ardail, I've still got that body pillow business card you were handing out at EFNW. Good shit my man http://i.imgur.com/f1cljaA.jpg
Deleteoh ya that was fun xD
DeleteI wish they weren't so expensive to make I'd do it more often
Alright so who wants some evidence cause I am now home from my event. :)
ReplyDeleteI'll take two for takeout please.
DeleteStop playing around it and just show whatever 'proof' you forged by now.
DeleteWe are waiting, Toxic-Mario.
DeleteLet's see this "evidence"
ReplyDeleteAlright here we go. I push it all into one big ass imgur file. http://imgur.com/a/KpJ1n
ReplyDeleteIf you want my video from streaming I can do that too if we can....I will Zipfile the 3 available streams of 15 hours I did.
You don't even have construction lines under the drawing, and no erasing marks under it either.
DeleteIt's more different from your picture than the traced picture is. It's a cover-up sketch to fool people.
DeleteWait what? I use paths....you know all you have to do is stroke the paths and erase right? Have you see how I do my stuff?
DeleteAnd wait the scanned one is different? no shit...I clean it up. :O That' something you are suppose to do. I don't work the same way someone like NC or others do cause I use a mouse...not a tablet even though I have an oldd one. Hell look at the pony ones...I do the same. People so naive XD.
DeleteThat album doesn't prove anything.
DeleteYou Toxic-Mario are naive if you think you can fool anyone with those cheap sketches.
DeleteI'm talking about these lines. You know, circles for the head, the cross for the angle of the head, the cube for the muzzle if you use the cube technique.
what we're supposed to believe here
Deleteis that you freehanded a sketch based on images that AREN'T the one that people claimed you traced
then you supposedly scanned in those sketches
and then built paths ON those sketches
that HAPPEN to match PERFECTLY with the pic you didn't trace
bulllllll shit dude
this was a concept drawing of what you wanted the crossover to be in the end, then you traced. All there is to it.
Mint....I don't do that....I never do that. Do you see me do that on my other sketches in there? Mint....don't be an idiot. XD
Deleteand anon....uhhh you want my streams? XD Know what this is why I laugh at the horse news comments at times.
DeleteI see you don't do that on your other sketches, I also see a massive drop in quality too.
DeleteAlso I am pretty convinced no one here will no one believe me no matter even if I put the video streams cause people will say "this isn't how art has to be done....if you aren't doing it like a "normal artist" with lines and guides or other shit then it's all fake. I am laughing my ass off here. XD
DeleteToxic-Mario found a reason to not upload the video. Because he doesn't have any.
DeleteI also see that the shorts and the belt are the exact same on the references you took and on the art you were accused of tracing.
Tox, what is the pixel x pixel size of your sketch?
DeletePixel Size is IDK..it's like 3in x 2 inch. I just blow it up on a bigger canvas. :|
DeleteMint did you just shrink it just so it would fit XD ?
The only thing I did was a proportional resize to match the size. I didn't do any perspective correction, warping or any other kind of tweak for it to fit flush.
DeleteThat means it's from the same base.
The thing about this, Tox, is...
DeleteYour sketch picture is 1100 pixels tall, but the finished picture is over 4 times larger. And somehow coincidentally these scruffy lines yield paths which match the lines of the suspected traced art.
"Do you get why some of us might be incredulous?
no one here will no one believe me no matter even if I put the video streams cause people will say "this isn't how art has to be done....if you aren't doing it like a "normal artist" with lines and guides or other shit then it's all fake. I am laughing my ass off here. XD"
This is a strawman argument.
Sorry, these are supposed to be separate.
DeleteDo you get why some of us might be incredulous?
"no one here will no one believe me no matter even if I put the video streams cause people will say "this isn't how art has to be done....if you aren't doing it like a "normal artist" with lines and guides or other shit then it's all fake. I am laughing my ass off here. XD"
Uh, not every artist uses lines and guides. The fact you get hung up on these things means you probably are not an artist. FYI pictures can be resized in every single art program. It is common practice to make higher quality pictures when scanning from a traditional sketch to do digital work.
DeleteIn my three years of art and animation school I haven't seen a single artist not relying on lines and guides to work.
Deletethen you haven't seen many artists or you are blind. Most art school will actually tell you to stop doing that. It is kind of irrelevant and not exactly a great example (because lets face it toxic-mario is not even within sight of their level) but a lot of manga artists don't use forms. Of course if you want proper anatomy and you don't draw 17 hours a day for a living you probably want to use forms. The lack of forms is not evidence of tracing though. They are just evidence of poor art practices.
DeleteToxic-Mario is "laughing his ass off" because people laugh when they are in a stressful situation or out of fear.
Deleteor trying to cover up the fact they don't know what the fuck is happening.
DeleteMost art schools will not, in fact, 'tell you to stop [using construction lines].' That being said, practiced artists sometimes don't use guidelines because they have enough experience to know how things should be proportioned already, and inexperienced artists who don't use guidelines either weren't taught to or don't care and are cutting corners.
DeleteThat aside, Tox's lack of construction lines by itself doesn't prove anything, but at the same time, Tox, the inclusion of a sketch proves nothing. You very easily could've traced the image as a 'sketch' onto the paper and worked from there, and frankly that would fit with your character as far as I've observed.
i don't think tox is an experience enough artist to completely foergo construction lines.
DeleteIt's not a proof per sé, but it adds up and weakens his counter proof
http://imgur.com/a/5FGNB also, i think even the skecth might be traced
Deletehttp://eowart.tumblr.com/post/154201862674/totally-not-traced-toxicmario it took me a grand total of 5 minutes to do this
DeleteAdding XD emoji everywhere will not help you, Toxic-Mario.
ReplyDeletestill waiting for that video proof
Well son then you will have to wait till this 1.44 GB Zip file gets uploaded in the dropbox and I can link it. :|
Delete>upload files to DropBox
Delete>IP log anyone who downloads them
>sue those people for defamation
>folder contains viruses anyway
DeleteToxic Mario seems pretty worried about his reputation as an artist. Why would I say this? I dunno, maybe its because he says he will sit back and let this play out, yet he is now a regular here in the comment section to give us the "proof" that he is not "le tracing criminal". This is KP, blackgryphon, hitler, and traceponies shitstorm all over again
ReplyDeleteHe's confident it will blow over by tomorrow, as he bragged in his stream little while ago. It's "isolated to Derpibooru and HN"
DeleteThis isn't how an accusation of plagiarism is addressed. You don't glibly dismiss this. I want that video because some piecemeal imgur gallery doesn't provide a real-time picture of how this went down.
and that's the problem. Acting this way shows he has learnend nothing and will probably do it over again.
DeleteHe thinks he can dismiss accusation by saying they are jokes, but he's letting them explode and build bigger and bigger by acting this way.
OK, Toxic's picture is obviously meant to be in reference to the Gurren Lagan picture.
DeleteMy question is, so what? Where is the evidence he traced anything else? Is he even selling this picture at conventions?
This isn't like DrawPonies who traced images from the show, styled them like the show, and then was selling them.
Personally, I'm not a fan of Toxic's work, but so far the only evidence of wrongdoing is the fact that he won't admit that his picture was meant to be like the Gurren Lagan one.
Get your shit together Horse News.
To follow up, Toxic IS a scumbag for not crediting the original artist, though.
Deletewell, there are gifs overlaying the two and showing the have the same exact lineart. Tracing, but changing it a bit doesn't mean it's not traced.
DeleteLike Greg Land did
You are not really a scumbag for not citing a reference. It is a pose reference. People don't own poses. Sure it is cool to give credit, but 99% of artists don't credit their references because it is just something you don't need to do.
Deleteunless the referenced artwork is so clearly similar (or traced in this case).
Deletehttps://camo.derpicdn.net/11d94a8f3bf8169d15e75953dd2835a107feed58?url=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FXSNEqtv.gif gonna drop this here, for those who still don't believe it.
ReplyDeleteSo…here’s whatever video I got from my streams I found in my Xsplit recordings. Hope you all like 10 hours+ of video. This will be my final post on this cause I am done personally going over this and you guys can enjoy talking about for whatever length you all want. I am moving onto normalcy as usual cause this is really silly to one. I given everything people wanted even though I didn’t need to so that’s up to you to make your opinions. I don’t care if don’t believe me or apologize to me or whatever cause to me I really could care less on something like this. I mean really. XD https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65509277/Toxic-Mario%20Picarto.rar oh and I will be deleting this in a day or so from my thing so you best enjoy 1.44 GB on your hard drives.
ReplyDeleteanyway you all have fun. I will go back to doing more art while you all just gossip some more about whateverness in the comments here. Have fun. :D
See, you keep acting like an ass.
DeleteBecause acting like an ass TOTALLY solved the problem and did not make it bigger and bigger.
You are basically telling everyone that you will do this again. Well, people will notice again.
Have fun being an arrogant pick for the rest of your life.
DeleteWho's going to actually watch it?
DeleteI'm downloading.
Deletei heard the video starts when the lineart is already set and done.
DeleteAnyway, the sketch he says he digitalized is traced as well: http://imgur.com/a/5FGNB
At this point some should write to Horse News so they make part 2 of this little scandal and they show his worthless counter-evidence and what he was doing about it. It deserves part 2.
DeleteSo I downloaded the whole 1.4GB zip file. You don't even draw Rarity in it. All you do is vectoring rocks and bushes while watching reruns of Iron Chef.
Deletei think he's buying time so that he can record a false video where he draws rarity from scratches
DeleteToxic-Mario, you're hitting the bottom now.
Deletei think it deserves a part 2. Including his constant tag changing on derpibooru and how his evidence actually go against what he says.
Deletehave you seen his tweet on the matter?
I seriously believe this guy will just do this over and over.
The video's gone from Dropbox now... and it's been less than 12 hours... I guess that's what he meant by "a day or so"??
DeleteI still have a copy, I can upload it if you want but there's not much substance to it.
Deletethe best would be removing the audio and putting it on youtube. But was it really worth to make a 15 hours video when the only needed thing was you drawing the lineart?
DeleteWhich isthe only part that is absent, funnily enough.
He tried to fool people. Now he can say that the proof was on the video he deleted ;)
DeleteSo, tox tries to use bullshit imgur album as "proof" of his process. Scroll down, sketch goes from on screen and becomes finished lines in next image. Scroll down to "references">
hmmmmm that disembodied pants and hair seems...familiar>
and as was already pointed out before...
keep lying your way deeper into that pit there, moxic-luigi
The fact that he even brings up the point "Think I changed the file name or date or something" makes me think that yes, yes he did change the date. It's super easy to edit the created/modified/accessed dates with a program, and all three of those dates shown in the properties window are exactly the same (which in itself isn't a red flag, but combined with what he said, it is)
DeleteToxic, why do you refuse to aknowledge the thing in your work's description?
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't like Toxic-Mario in terms of style and jokes, his attitude is what will send him to the grave. Why claiming to have proof if you don't even show it and clear name and reputation? He thinks lying in a blatant manner and "ducking" makes him untouchable but instead put even more weight on his burden.
ReplyDeleteThis person's got it. Being an arrogant fuck is far more memorable than being a tracer, but somehow Toxic-Mario manages to do it all.
actually it's even worse. The evidence he showed prove nothing and actually make the evidence against him even stronger.
DeleteSo he claims he has proof even though it doesn't jackshit in his favour? This is DarkSydePhil's level of lying and douchebaggery.
DeleteToxic's """proof""" btw
the sketch as well is traced
DeleteI kinda doubt his dumb coin sized sketch is traced, but that sketch does not even get close to giving you the lineart that comes after it. That combined with the fact that so much of that final drawing line up so closely with the one drawn by the actual artist just makes it woefully clear that it was traced. (And how toxic-mario has shown he has barely any knowledge of how to draw ponies, let alone humans with macaronies for feet and the same vaguely angry pony face for heads)
Deletealso, the video where he supposedly show him drawing rarity? starts with the lineart already placed. Oh, and among all the references, guess which one is cut entirely safe for the hair and pants? Exactly, the one he traced.
DeleteKinda like he wanted to hide it...
Ha, wow! I'd ask if he was really trying to hide it but I guess his cover up effort is as low as his drawing effort. The arrogance of him thinking he could just sweep it under the rug is about the same as the arrogance he has for how he was kinda horse famous years ago but insists on still being famous for drawing the same stuff and somehow getting worse at art.
DeleteWe need a follow-up article about all that has transpired from this discussion.
ReplyDeleteEspecially about his shady actions
Send some screenshots to Horse News mail so they can compose an article on that.
ReplyDeletethis is what a talented artist using a reference looks like. You can tell where the inspiration comes from, but it was done without tracing.
Learn the difference Toxic. Tracing and using references are two different things
Can confirm, it doesn't line with the original at all.
i'm gonna question my friend.
DeleteHowever, the video proof starts with rarity's lineart already drawn, so... yeah.
Also, there are pony videos n it, so it can't be uploaded on youtube
Damn nice. This is what I would call having skill, having practiced and having a style is.
DeleteIcesticker here was allegedly helping Toxic-Mario with anthros. I think he should confirm the apparent truth that anthro with Rarity is traced.
DeleteWhat's this? A huge increase in "XD" ":D" and other phrases to the effect of "lol you guys are funny imma laugh my ass off now ggwp"? Eh, pretty crap attempt at coping with comments here, even if he somehow meant to be ironic on six levels.
ReplyDeleteToxic-Mario is both Rob Liefield and Greg Land of MLP fandom.
ReplyDeleteI'm lead to believe that all this anthro pieces have varying degrees of tracing in them. The wrist action on Dash La Kill is really just the peak of how little toxic understands about anatomy.
Well done.
DeleteI'm.....not seeing much of anything in these still to say tracing. I think people are just out of find anything now wrong to really blow this out of control for the sake of it but that's just my opinion.
Deletealthough similar, they don't perfectyl coincide. But seen from his "i have the skecht" album, it shows that he cuts images into pieces and traces different parts.
DeleteThe arms on both pictures actually match, for instance
I tried it myself and I don't see it at all.
DeleteDamn that KLK one is terrible. The stolen pose is obvious enough but that lumpy swolen wrist is 100% a result of how toxic-mario is too dumb with anatomy to know how to draw around Ryuko's bracelet on her right arm. Not to mention how the sword looks like a traced render of her sword from google images since it's so small and at the wrong angle.
DeleteIt doesn't take a practiced artist to see how someone as bad as this guy would resort to stealing from other peoples art to draw something he just wants to get attention for. Like, how many other artists have already done this exact same type of anime crossovers with the mane 6? I'm pretty sure Ardail did this shit, and plenty of people know how salty Toxic gets at him for being better than Toxic. It's just sad.
https://goo.gl/dY9ck4 scroll down the comments, there's a familiar face there
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