Guardians of Harmony Comic Released; HN Writer Proven Wrong

For some reason, Hasbro decided to release yesterday, unannounced, the first issue of the new Guardians of Harmony comic. As I'm sure our longtime readers are aware, we at HN tend to be critical of both the IDW comics as well as the author of this particular one, and even predicted doom for it.

Imagine our surprise when it turned out to be pretty good.

How any good porno adventure story starts
The first issue of the line, at just eight pages, was released today for free. The rest of the issue will follow in December, and a print release in February 2017. Given this writer's general dislike of the direction of the comics as well as Jeremy Whitley's work in general, it's rather surprising. The future of this line is still up in the air, as the trademark registration for an animation has not come up. As for season six, this may lead to Chrysalis not being the villain fought in the finale. One can only guess what Starlight Glimmer and her Suicide Squad will actually face.

Comments (27)

  1. They will face random G1 villain I'm guessing.

  2. It's only 8 pages. Plus early issues of the other IDW books were decent or even somewhat good. As for Whitley well a broken clock is right twice a day. I fully expect normal shitty service to resume pretty quickly.

  3. P U R P L E T R A N N Y !













  4. Whitley's Sombra origins comic was pretty excellent. A solid example of what I wanted to see more of in MLP I didn't see in the show. Not surprising he can put out a hit when he wants to.

  5. Chrysalis! The edgy tweeker! As cookey as she can beeee!

  6. Chrysalis! The edgy tweeker! As cookey as she can beeee!

  7. Wow I did not expect Horse News to become shills just like the idiots modding the comments section at Equestria Daily.

    1. Horse News only covers drama against people who are already unpopular; they haven't covered any of the drama-licious meltdowns among the 'horse famoose' because it might cut into their bottom line/gravy train at conventions.

      HN has always been shills.

    2. Purple Tranny for starters, that lolcow is an unending source of hilarity

    3. CMC_Scootaloo badly needs an article made about them.

  8. The GoH comic will be pathetic!

  9. They say to not judge a book by its cover...I think 8 pages falls into that. There's no telling when it'll fall apart.

    While I've not kept up with the comics myself the impression I get is IDW can come up with good comics if the plot given isn't their own...?

  10. The cover has placed the 'good guys' on the antagonist side and they're the ones throwing the first punch, or in this case, a rubber chicken.

    From the cover alone I'd want a story of Tyrant Sunbutt and her merry band of gangsters oppressing the poor melanin-enriched disfigured folks.

    1. So since when did Cheese Sandwich get top billing?

    2. It's like weird Al owns lauren and craig 's soul. He's even got recurring screentime cameo in WOY.

    3. >lauren

      But she hasn't been working on MLP since Season 2. I don't know about WOY.

    4. She barely worked in WOY (and mostly the weaker first season). Lauren hasn't held down a job since pony. Making it look more and more she is just difficult to work with, and a little less that Hasbro was to blame she left (nit saying they are blameless mind, nit by a long way).

  11. Am I the only one noticing that Spike is all grown up on the cover? What did I miss?

  12. hay que darle una opotunidad, nunca se sabe.

  13. Pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks this art style is hideous.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Since working with a youthful stallion the most recent few days who is head modest, the steed crushes his eyes and shies away when I attempt to strap him, rub his face, or scratch between his ears. "That ___ wrong"

  16. There were Changelings (evil ones) in the comic and considering how they ruined them in season 6's finale, I can safely say that this series may not be canon to the show.
