Cringe Corner: ForNoGoodReason (FNGR)

The face only a mother could love.
FNGR, also known as ForNoGoodReason, is someone who has been vying for our attention for two years (fucking hell, give it a break man) quite some time now, ever since we have covered any drama that has anything to do with the My Little Pony Analysis Community.

So who is FNGR? Going by the name of Anthony Aguilar, ForNoGoodReason, FNGR, TheSpanishInquistion (he can't spell the word "inquisition"), or a plethora of many names that he uses as aliases - he sees himself as a Brony Analyst on Youtube, or quite possibly a wannabe Brony version of Keemstar, based on various drama videos he puts out against certain people he doesn't like, with fictitious accusations (and horrible spelling) at his disposal. These videos are usually named "How Not To Brony," >implying there's only one way (his way) to be a fan of the show. In addition to the aforementioned videos, he also runs a pony podcast called "The King of Limbo," in which he invites people onto the show and talk about... random stuff and to snidely insult them with or without them knowing. Should they catch on, his response is usually some form of "it was just a prank, bro!"

The King of Limbo - Which probably has nothing to do with this same-titled book I found off a quick Google search.
To the rest of the internet at large though, he is known as a rising lolcow, mostly known for his bizarre and idiotic beliefs according to his own dedicated thread on the /cow/ board in Infinitychan, and his seemingly strange love-hate relationship with Lily Peet, who is another story's worth all on their own. He has managed to garner so much attention, that he managed to land his own Encyclopedia Dramatica page, not a very easy feat - usually reserved for the worst of the worst cases of dumbasses the internet has ever known.

We, however, know him by a different reason - mostly last year for his attempts to defend Fallenwish's scam while we were investigating the matter, by adamantly defending her bogus claim that she needed to raise money through a series of GoFundMe fundraisers to supposedly get out of her abusive home, in which her father supposedly broke her back by throwing a Pepsi can at her. You can't make this shit up.

Long story short, she was successful and raised the money - but spent only a little bit of it to get out of her parents home, instead using most of it to pay her way to Bronycon 2015 (where, through unverified claims, supposedly cucked FNGR in an orgy there with some other guy), and then months later return to the very same home she claimed she needed to leave for good. $7,432 CAD was bilked from naïve bronies for practically nothing.

Were that not enough, FNGR had also threatened the writer of the Fallenwish article of not being allowed back in the Limbo Skype chat if he didn't delete the article telling the truth, denounce Horse-News, and basically beg for forgiveness from a bunch of liars in order to get back into their good graces.

Other than that, all he really does is try to antagonize people on Twitter by an overuse of quote replies and very horrible spelling skills, ostensibly to bait them into going on his own The King of Limbo podcast, where he can do more of the same but over Skype calls.

Things got interesting recently, however, when FNGR called out none other than Mister Metokur on Youtube, who is formerly known as the InternetAristocrat, not even a few days ago from the time of this article being written.

After taking offense at something, going so far as to make a video about Mister Metokur where he rants on about fucking nothing for a good 11 minutes, thereafter sending quite a lot of misspelled shit-flinging over Twitter. FNGR then threw down a challenge to Metokur, that he would agree to be on Metokur's podcast, the Metocast, in the next few days.

The gauntlet was set, and all that was left to do was to pick a time and place, while the rest of the internet waited in anticipation for the greatest roast of the year. Eventually a date and time was picked, to be on Tuesday, 06. September 2016.

On FNGR's part, knowing deep down he was facing stacked odds going up against someone who is well versed in his own brand of shitflinging, asked if he could bring along friends. Metokur gladly accepted this, confident that he can stand anything FNGR might throw at him. In the meantime, the Twitter shitposting continued, generating a lot of hype for what was to come.

And more... you'd think at this point they might just do it here and now with the way they were carrying on.

Things started to get a but muddied up when FNGR was unable to comprehend the time he had previously agreed to appear on the podcast, despite his enthusiastic acceptance of the challenge he set himself not even a few days prior. Perhaps he was getting nervous, and used this as an excuse to save face. We won't ever truly know.

FNGR's reading and comprehension skills: gone.

And yet, after all that shit-talking on FNGR's part, he decided to back down. Despite throwing down the gauntlet for a challenge, despite being allowed to bring friends, in the end he lacked the courage to step up to the plate and back up his words.
Here's a word of advice to FNGR, if he ever reads this article. It's one thing to dish out the banter, but you've got to be able to take it in kind - otherwise you've just outed yourself as the biggest loser in the end. Even if you had gone onto his podcast and were subsequently roasted, that would have been a much better outcome for you than to give up entirely, a few days before this whole thing is supposed to go down, kiddo. ^:)

Update 001 (03.09.2016):
Anthony attempts to save face by trying to get CapperGeneral to appear on his own show. Metokur notices and calls FNGR out on it.

FNGR attempts to back up his decision, but ultimately falls short.

Metokur replies to FNGR, and burns him badly in the process.

Update 002 - 03.09.2016
FNGR attempts to project his own insecurities onto us, by making an ultimatum to us, and more specifically CapperGeneral, who has nothing to do with this drama, to appear on his own King of Limbo podcast in exchange for agreeing to his original agreement of appearing on the Metocast. Sorry, kiddo (I hope you don't mind we steal your word from you and use it against you), but that's not how it works. We're just broadcasting your stupidity for all the world to see, for those interested in it in the first place.

If you want to see his """"argument"""", link is here.

Note that this embedded link is a webm of his video, as giving him views in case of potential monetization, is not desirable.

Update: 06.09.2016
In an amazing display of delusion, Anthony somehow gets it into his head that he is not the one who bitched out, but Metokur himself.

Update 16.09.2016 - Despite Anthony's failure to appear on the Metocast, a video was still made. Enjoy folks (timestamp 8:30)

Comments (35)

  1. P U R P L E T R A N N Y !













    1. I don't get it..

    2. Anon was raped by purple tranny

    3. Purple Tranny confirmed for 14-inch rapist dick

  2. No one give a shit about your Internet fisticuffs.Kill yourselves, channers

    1. Hi Antony you fucking pussy

    2. That's funny, coming from someone who's commenting as an Anon.
      Go back to eating your paint chips, kiddo ;)

  3. horse news pointing out the cancerous members, keep up the good work.

    1. >mocking this autismo for looking like this
      >mfw their writers are even fatter and more autismo than FNGR

    2. >meme arrowing outside 4chan

    3. >missing the irony that a bunch of 4chan namefags decided to make a news site because they wanted to be brony famous

    4. >MEME

    5. >mfw triggered by arrows

  4. I still literally have no idea who this is, but hey, when you've shown yourself to be a pussy in front of everyone you show just how insecure you truly are.

  5. Face it, ya turd-colored nacho-snorting border-intruding anchor-baby wetback, you picked a fight and you pussied out of your own throwdown.


  6. I got to love how this useless piss-ant things he is someone of any kinds of importance. The only reason he is even getting attention is to poke fun and laugh at his own stupidity.

    That is all you are good for FNGR, a laugh. You are no one of any kind of significance beyond that.

  7. fngr clearly has no balls whatsoever blaming the chans and horse news for his own bullshit in life he really needs to realize that he has no one to blame but himself

  8. Well, since Horse News won't tell it, I will. the other guy FallenWish got a good fuck with at the BronyCon orgy is no other than Toonkriticy2k, the same asshole who tried to overjew the GoFundMe jew scam Fallenwish did by taking $1355 from her and tan didn't give $700 back. It's right there:

    Oh and by the way, FNGR and Toonkriticy2k are real buddies, which is kinda ironic when you see Fucking No Good Reason talking shit about people at the Rift Café or most of the "analyst" community Toonkritic is part of. It could also means Toonkriticy2k has the same mindset of FNGR but just hide it? Birds of a feather flock together!

    1. FNGR usually smacktalks either famous bronies who refuse to let him ride of their popularity or he feels personally wronged by (like Brick Brony who has actually improved quite a bit since FNGR made a video about him).

    2. Sorry I mean ANYONE he feels personally wronged by.

      According to this article he'll also try to smack talk popular people in general just to get attention.

    3. So ... Horse News is FNGR?

    4. FNGR has fewer chins than Chelis although he's almost as brown

  9. >giving Anthony more of what he craves: attention

    1. I thought he craved analyst dicks.

    2. That is a form of attention.

  10. So it wasn't a story until it involved HN. You guys are really stretching to remain relevant.

  11. >How not to brony
    >"This guy thinks there's only one way to become a brony"
    Ok, I'm getting sick hearing this claim. Whenever someone says "How not to...", what makes you think he/she is claiming that THAT is the only way to do things? It's merely a rule of thumb based on their opinion. Nobody is claiming nothing. So don't talk shit saying "This guy claims this is the only way."

    That's so much bullshit. Kinda like Shelldon's Commentary/Critique videos. He claims that the people he talks about are talking in absolutes, so he comes up with his different point of view and claims that the people he's reviewing are wrong. It's merely a rule of thumb, dumbasses. If you can't see that, well sucks to be you.

  12. WTF am I even reading

    Why does this fandom sometimes act like 12 year olds

  13. says that we have a short attention span, does he even look a jims comments to confirm? he cancels a series we flip, we want long term shit from him (which he has been keeping up with) he may be a whore, but he's ours

  14. his email
    I have more info but Im not sticking my neck out like that

  15. Thank goodness Vida opened up my eyes and spread the truth on what FNGR really is: a pedophile (and I am not Vida, just some random nobody who wants to provide information):

    Can't believe I used to trust this guy when it was revealed ToonKritic, Performance Major, Dusky Novel and Frozen Dusk were revealed to be pedophiles, but not anymore now.

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