The Truth About ILoveKimPossibleAlot

KP's Mistake by Mayde

ILoveKimPossibleAlot styles herself as a “brony analcyst” while not producing much content herself. You see, she beguiles others into making it for her with illusory promises of becoming #HorseFamous themselves. Once ensnared in her claws, she proceeds to milk every ounce of labor out of her victims before discarding their empty husks. 

Is that a menorah cutie mark on her mother's flank?

Her empire is sizeable and consists of four departments: Editing, Artists, Animation, and Leadership. Each department has its own “bible,” instructing her servants on how to best properly serve their Lord and Savior. There is even an eight page code of conduct educating her mistreated minions how to act at all times to which all must agree by signing a poorly worded and legally unenforceable non-disclosure and work agreement

Read them in full here: Editing, Animation, Artist

In 2014, ILoveKPAlot released the first animation her team had developed, Let’s Go and Meet John de Lancie (this video has been taken down since this article was published), in which she white-knights for the eponymous actor by berating the evil pirates who illegally distributed his brony documentary. The hypocrisy of this is that she pirated the leaked DHX assets to make this animation!

Pleading ignorance of the law

KP is so full of herself that in 2015 she sent out a form letter to a number of pony conventions around the country linking to 19 videos she's in followed by a request for the convention to help pay her way with a promise that “any help […] would certainly benefit the convention.”

“I can’t support herself to pay for absolutely everything.”
Why are we writing a massive article about this now?  Well, she’s just released a new animation, A Different Dispective, which is a self-insert Discord fic featuring her shitty OC riding his big blue beepus (transcript).  A thread was made to promote this new ego stroking video wherein some of her current and former victims came forward to give their stories about working with her.  But first, some critique of the animation:

“I think you misunderstand the sheer VOLUME of errors in this animation.”

An anon came forward with his harrowing tale of working for ILoveWhippingSlavesAlot.  He outlines how people working on the project were required to attend mandatory meetings or risk getting a “strike,” regardless of time zone or personal schedules.

“In the end I got zero exposure from working on her stupid project.”

Another anon who appears to have worked with her then calls her a “manipulative bitch that corrodes the self-confidence and optimism of any that work for her.”  He then proceeds to tell us what he really thinks, describing her as a “sociopathic [...] control freak” with a need to “feed her insatiable ego” who “would sooner verbally tear a man apart than hear any sort of criticism.”  Finally, he throws down the gauntlet by naming her a “massive pooplord.”  (I apologize, dear reader, for posting such language on this Christian news site.)


In the wake of this drama, YouTube user itsannachloem released a video entitled ‘Horsefame’ and Slave Labour where she apparently talks about her experience working with ILoveKPalot and the recognition she received; though she never mentions massa directly in that portion of the video, it’s fairly obvious about whom she’s speaking.

In closing, here's some useful advice from someone named Anonymous directly to those who are working for ILoveCucksAlot:

“KP will do nothing but disappoint you in the end.”

There will be more related drama to follow, including a detailed account on the record from a former animator. Keep checking back.

Comments (121)

  1. Nothing about the AnonKPLeaks Twitter?

    1. There will be at least one more follow-up, there's a lot more to say on this topic.

    2. does anyone actually believe this shit?!

    3. I see one side here, I don't listen to one side, it is not fair in my book, allso low blow with the insults very disrespectful.

    4. >having something against "low blows"
      >being on horse news

      ... ok

    5. Galaxy sandra pony 145428 July 2016 at 14:01

      people can be butts sometimes everyone has flaws

    6. .This is redculous and is basically everyone bashing and bullying her, and it needs to stop. Help support KP and stop these rediculous claims. #SAVE KP!

  2. From what I've been seeing on Twitter, this is the tip of the iceberg.

    1. You're right, we'll have more to talk about shortly. Keep your eye out.

  3. I just realized you used a word I came up with in this article.

    1. it was originally ILoveShekelsAlot and when you posted ILoveMahShekelsAlot I knew I had to change it.

    2. i like your name is it based on the faze

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Pfft, I've been saying KP is shit for years, you guys are so late to the party.

      Fucking normans.

    2. kp leaks is corpulent brony.

    3. your just jealous KP didn't want you in her team

    4. I didn't even submit a video for the finalist contest. I wanted to sneak horse porn into her videos, but then I realized I actually had to spend time making shit.

    5. >DM'ing myself two days before publishing article

    6. Hey @ShellyD love the new video man.

  5. You guys need to make a follow up article, there is way too much shit you are leaving out, like all the logs and videos being blasted on Twitter.

    1. there will be at least one more follow-up, I'm already working on it.


    Daily Reminder


  7. The term Jew Claws feels a bit distasteful, but I absolutely see where all the outrage is coming from.

  8. "We cannot negotiate with people who say what's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable." - John F. Kennedy

  9. P U R P L E T R A N N Y !













  10. Who the fuck was retarded enough to work with her in the first place? This isn't exactly a new development, she's always been shitty and self-absorbed.

    Who would want to spend time making animation entirely for someone who can't contribute anything to the process?

    1. She "plays the orchestra" like Steve Jobs.

  11. This is possibly the dumbest shit you've ever tried to do. Literally saying the artists signed a bad NDA then complained about it years later get bent faggots

    1. the NDA is actually a new development, I am not sure how many of her current workers have actually signed it. But yeah, the NDA is such a small part of this.

  12. I met ILoveKimPossibleAlot at a con once. She called me a nigger.

  13. The DeLancie cartoon is now private.

  14. I've been a casual fan of her channel for a long while, and this is the first I'm hearing about any negativity. However, I'm reminded of my own experience Co-Executive Producing a large MLP fan project. It's like herding sheep after a while. After weeks of begging people to do work for free and stay unified towards a goal, you start leaning towards following a militant leadership style and commanding your troops. This way of thinking can turn from Influential Leadership to Brutal Slavery at the drop of a dime. I don't know many new leaders who didn't have a choice but to become assholes, at least until they learned better.

    1. Pay your workers then.

    2. Something I found, when I took a look at all of her work in the past couple years, is that most of it - even the weekly videos - are primarily made by other people. All she has become is the "voice" of the channel. She has people writing scripts, editing videos, making artwork, making music, etc. At the same time, she demands conventions pay for her attendance, treats her volunteers like shit, and maintains some sort of strange empire with its own leadership team that reports to her. It reeks.

    3. To be fair it's proof how stupid some in the fandom are to let KP get away with this for as long as she has.

      I certainly would never be shat on by her like others were.

  15. I used to actually enjoy KP back when she first started on YT but this is actually fucked. Why would some one insist on running a slave labor ring over something that will most likely die down in a few years?

  16. "Oh those poor artists working for that slave driver' Seeing the animation errors posted, they are poor artists but even worse animators!

    Joking aside, bawwwwww, you poor things, being forced into slave labour. Oh, no, wait, you can still choose to not work for her, or anyone! Well I almost felt bad for someone there, but turns out its only whiney bitches who can stop doing what they're complaining about at any time.

    1. This is where the drama confuses me. I looked at the leaked docs of her expectations, said that's too much for me to do, then I forgot about it. And then it is still here. Just don't fucking work for her if it's too demanding.

  17. About that video... Pretty obvious who she's talking about? Is it? Are you sure? Because at the end she's promoting KP's stuff. Doesn't seem like something you'd do, promote work of someone you're complaining about in the same video. Could be, but it's a little weird.

    1. "promoting" is a bit strong of a word. If you listen closely, it's pretty obvious she's not very happy at the lack of promotion KP gave the work nor the amount of time (3 years) it took to release it. She also suggests KP may be embarrassed by it.

    2. Interesting since she didn't actually name anyone by name, so where do you get from that she means KP when she's talking about the mystery horse famous person?

      I do say promoting and I do mean promoting, at the end of the video, after the talk that was it's focus, together with Vanmelon

  18. Honestly the biggest problem with this fandom is having the right connections to get anywhere in this hellhole. I say this because simply because I've been in touch with the right people since 2012 and it's enabled me to staff different websites and I think two different pony conventions. Bear in mind I'm no artist nor musician so my skills are a dime a dozen. I don't even need to bust my ass to prove those skills either. Many of these fledgling artists stuck to KP simply because not only don't they feel obligated but they feel they belong to that group and are unable to break away from it. I lucked out in that I never really hit a dead end since 2012, I simply jumped from project to project nearly instantaneously to keep me in the cycle. In the artist world I would assume those artists don't have that ability simply because they're in the hole and their project leaders don't want them discussing their work publicly. Well and some people feel 'in' with certain groups even if they're treated like shit...Kind of how relationships are I think.

    I'm not surprised by it, really.

    1. Do feel obligated...I should be obligated to check my grammar.

    2. So, basically, they're toxic obligations people hold to in order to feel good and included. They're afraid of leaving for fear of betraying what they love or who they hang with, or just being a part of something that makes them feel good.

      Don't you get tired of this shit? Or feel like leaving this behind and moving on to something better for yourself? Maybe this is a question for them and not for you.

  19. This kinda reminds me of the Sonic fandom with some of their "Sonic famous" idiots in their fan-dumb. With MLP it's a case of I like the show, I work on something in the fandom but mostly keep myself to myself, I have probably what I would call one proper friend from this fandom outside of that I have people I don't mind hanging with but wouldn't exacly trust them fully.

    In the end you're only going to not get shat on if you work for yourself, and if you do work for someone the more "internet famous" they get the more shitty most of the time they get. Yeah there are rare exceptions but look what happened to the likes of Doug Walker as they got more and more well known.

    1. How is Doug Walker not a good example of someone who isn't being an attention whorse on the internet?

    2. What? They were saying it was a perfect example of that. Learn to read friend.

  20. kp's Chinese sweatshop treatment of the people who used to work for her is despicable and I hope it bites her in the ass and destroys her reputation forever

  21. Dude!! 90,000 subscribers!? What a YouTube god!!! So popular!

    Seriously, that's like me having 100 subscribers acting like I should have a red carpet rolled out. I don't know this Kim chick, but I don't like "brony analysis" channels. Just a bunch of BS, thinking their opinions matter.

    1. Agreed. Joshscorcher, MrEnter, DrWolf and others all may put on a facade of competency but it quickly crumbles on closer inspection. Hell Enter couldn't get his supposed pet project Growing Around as an animation after he pissed off his volunteers and he ended up writing it as a shitty novel.

    2. They probably are aware that their opinionsatter only to themselves, none of the people you mentioned seem, to me, put oon airs that their words mean everything and should be taken as gospel and absolute truth. All I see them doing, is share their opinions and visions about the episodes with the world, agree or disagree with it as you please.
      Maybe you get a different vibe from them but there's the possibility that you're mistaken. Or I am.

      Anyway, I like the analysis community because they bring details to light I've missed, or viewpoints I haven't thought about.

      Plus, some are downright funny, and it's worth watching for laughs if not different insights.


  23. As a fandom us Bronies only really have one thing to give us merit. The love our fandom gave each other is dying, and that needs fixing. But what I refuse to see die is our creativity. The only redeeming quality of our fandom is the artistic parts of us. look up mlp art. It could take you days to sort through it all. The art we make is extremely diverse, from fanfiction, to animation, to Clipart, to fullsize paintings and the like. All of our art is cared for, and to have some bitch I used to look up to almost literally rape our only redeeming quality, well it pisses me off. I am absolutely pissed. As a fanfic writer I know just how much work can go into a project, having written fanfics for readers before. Deadlines can be everything but holy crap this is ridiculous. Everybody I have worked for has been forgiving with schedules, and keep in mind that I am just writing simple 3 chapter long stories and the like. Plots are easy when you work with them long enough (That sounded wrong) the hardest part is naming things, which is pretty much not required in MLP fanfiction any more. But just thinking about animation and having taken classes in it, I know how taxing it can be. So with that in mind, being cruel should not be allowed.

    Whatever... In the end I have no say in what KP does, she can be a bitch. But there are people who DO have a choice, and those people work for her.

    1. My own experiences with some Brony youtubers absolutely sucked. I never got to hang with any of the big name people, but one youtuber I did actually make friends with ended up shitting on me. His name was Winged T. Spears and while his content as a fanfic reader is good, he only does clop, and some is gay clop. (No offense to gays, I just don't like gay clop) I tried to help him, and as a result he shit on me. He introduced me to a group of his friend, only one of which I still talk to. One of these friends one day got into an argument with me, an argument in which got very heated and I ended up leaving the group. Not even a week later Spears intentionally provoked me to get a response. When I didn't get pissed he said "Good you passed my test" This fucker had conditioned me. He told me "I don't sugar coat the truth. If I offend you too bad" That was his excuse to be a douche to me. Every time I would present one of my fics to him he would shit all over it like a Japanese floor toilet. He would criticize it in the worst ways possible, absolutely tearing up even the smallest flaws. I endured this, accepting as how he talked and actually acted. When I found out that he would intentionally piss me off to get a reaction to "test" me the reality crashed in. He had conditioned me like a dog to take a beating for no reason, and when I made it clear that I wouldn't accept that, he terminated our friendship.

      Damn baby Furs. Yup, saying it now. Winged T. Spears is a baby fur. I think he named his baby mlp oc Muffin Top or some stupid shit.

      He had major issues dealing with abusive family, so I chocked up his attitude to him releasing tension from having to deal with that. Sadly I tried to get him back, but Paradox Noctis, the friend who bullied me out of the group chat, blocked me at every step, utterly white knighting Spears. Hell a friend of mine tried to talk to Paradox after I recommended his horror story readings. Vox (Was our name for Paradox noctis) Completely disrespected him, talking shit about him and me, saying that he was me in disguise because we both have an interest in under water welding. The scary part, the whole time he acted like he was entitled to be a dick to me and a guy he never met. Even after I got into contact with Vox and explained what happened (Rather angrily) he told me to fuck off, that he didn't care at all that he just randomly insulted a stranger and accused him of shit he didn't do and for being somebody he wasn't.

      Don't talk to youtubers, your perceived notion of who they are will be ruined.

    2. I've had I think one or two brony YouTubers follow me. Not even six months later they became total asses so I can concur. People can't handle the popularity.

  24. The more I think about this, the more it sounds like KP is pretty typical of media creators. When you really start reading up about many of the most notable film directors and the like you get a sense that so many of them are egotistical, demanding control freaks.

    1. KP isn't a director though, she is an untalented analyst who does not have talent to justify any of this.

    2. And yet, you can't deny that she is successful.

  25. She did say something negative and cruel about mccarthy once.

  26. I'm sure the analysis community is quick to try and defend her, they are a tight group that keeps their dirty laundry in house as much as possible. They've already tried covering up the solicitation of minors, the physical and mental abuse of a minior, human trafficking, fraud, embezzlement, extortion, and blackmail.

    1. Human trafficking. That got a snort outta me.

    2. The whole story regarding Keyframe is fucked up.

    3. Anon, can you share any more details? We'd love to bring these stories into the light of day.

    4. You mean the fact that almost 30 year old Goldenfox knowingly started an online relationship with a minor that he was well aware was being mentally and physically abused and despite having video evidence of this abuse kept silent about it for years along with others in the analysis community. Evidence that could of had that poor girl emancipated and her tormentors locked away. Rather then get authorities involved, he plays up as her hero in waiting and soon as she turned 18 finally broke the silence of her abuse. Does he tell the police? No, he tells the bronies and gets crowd funding going to help ship her cross county so he can finally tap that ass.

    5. Self-centeredness at it's finest.

      Kinda glad I'm not the dating time. I'm afraid I might've turned into something like that early on.

    6. I like how you are the only person who seems to think our fandom traffics children.

      Cite your evidence you twat.

    7. I wonder if the creepers even waited for Ink Rose to be 18, considering how many older men kept helping her get to cons and she's been "shipped" with Firebrand.

    8. Cyborg Satyr,

      Hey moron, fucking moron! No one said anything about the FANDOM trafficking CHILDREN. Learning to read you rucking idiot.

      What was mentioned was a specific individual in regards to the pony analysis community. For which Goldenfox pretty much admits to all of what was mentioned above in the Youtube video where he is trying to raise money to help Keyframe move. He admits to having a relationship with a minor and to keeping silent about her abuse, for years. This was pretty damn wide spread at the time, if you were not aware of this then I guess you don't follow that community or the news on this site well.

  27. Oh yeah, let's not forget the threats and intimidation tactics used anytime someone tries to callout the illicit behavior of the analysis community, or question the quality of their videos.

  28. I for one am looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. You can't go around stepping on toes and expect not to be put in your place.

    1. Hey, did you even see this?

  29. Saw her post the other day all excited about attending FillyCon before all this went down. They haven't announced shit. Whats up with that? Did she cancel because she doesn't want to show her face or did they cancel her?

    1. To be fair, she never announced she'd be a community guest, so perhaps she's going as a normal attendee?

  30. Why are these cucks afraid of quitting? What is she going to do, give them a bad reference? "I'm sorry Mr. Fedora, your resume was promising until we contacted Ms. ALot. She told us you were a poopiehead who quit a YouTube project. That lack of commitment really doesn't sit well here are Burger King."

  31. Do people not understand how to say "No" to people? :|

    I mean, seriously. This is one of those situations which is pretty much 100% avoidable with one word. Or five: "No, but thanks for asking!"

    Getting upset over fandom drama seems... silly.

  32. Ahhh bronies. Attacking eachother.
    Poopie scoobie

    1. This is what happens when you get too invested and can't drop the sauce.

  33. Sure is interesting how there's a fandom full of shitty abusive men, some of them even rapists, but you get a mouthy popular woman and you cucks all line up to tear her apart when she fucks up ...

    why not go after the actual criminals, instead of shitting your big-boy diapers when a woman does something you don't like?

    1. Love how people type a spew of sexist bullshit with no evidence to back up their claims.

    2. Our fandom is built around mlp, and our only redeeming factor is art. Art is of the heart, and there is no heart in KPs work now as it is forced. Should we be proud of a white woman who sees fit to manipulate? Run back to Steve Shives

  34. To the asshole who wrote this article, go fuck yourself. You wanna be an immature little bitch then you might as well leave

    1. Truth hurts doesn't it.

    2. What an enlightening and mature comment. Thanks for furthering the conversation, friend.

    3. Kill urself b4 i git raep porn uf ur shit oc maed faggot prince of sucking my wildling cock more like it

  35. Look like she's gonna be repenting for her sins now. Serves her right for misusing Anna Chloem and the others.

  36. in regards to the person posting this, grow up.

  37. Never was the biggest fan of KP, but I don't see where the outrage is warranted. I won't put all the fault on those working under KP, but they're putting themselves into this hole. And people are speaking up after leaving?

    You guys aren't helping unless you get all sides. Say what you will about KP, but this is selective drama-creation at best.

  38. So basically you're taking the fact she uses other people for help with her videos as a sign that they're this evil monster. With simply looking at that, the rules she has for said some Tweets that could easily be edited and word of tongue from 4chan of all places.

    If that's the case almost 99% of any brony analyzer fits in that category and about 75% of YouTube as a whole.

    My honest opinion on the OP - Most likely, they've disagreed with something KP said, (probably on Shipping or Episode 100 knowing this fucking fandom.) and felt the need to throw some slander to try and cause drama, to get what humans are biologically coded to desire - attention.

    1. You've basically glossed over and ignored the majority of the article and it's linked material to attack the OP.
      And just to point out, this article came out to summarise the so called drama not create it.

    2. She does a little more than just use other people for help, if you want to be more informed read the article and our followups:

    3. Hey, did you even see this?

  39. I composed the background score for KP's "Let's Meet John Delancie" Video, and working with her was awful. I barely got credit for what I did, and I opted to work for free after initial fee negotiations. She'd told me that it wouldn't be fair to everyone else who was working for free.
    I eventually got pissed off and left because she refused to pay me, to talk me up to others, not even talk to me like the friend she claimed to be. All the while using me to get to my friend who worked under John DeLancie.
    The bitch later told other people that I was creeping on her, like a psycho crush. What a bastard-skank.

    1. Fuck off. That's not what this drama is about. You signed that NDA that says you're never going to get paid. Stop complaining that you didn't get paid. This drama is about using shady business tactics to get people to do free work for you. Stop steering it in the wrong direction.

    2. Actually, the NDA didn't exist for the JDL project. She started using those after that project, after someone within her staff leaked footage of an upcoming project.

    3. GG.
      Regardless, you still are aware that those are stolen assets. You should have known better to continue working for her, otherwise, don't play victim card with the reason "She made me use stolen assets!"

    4. Fuck off Robbie. Don't you have better things to do?

  40. Hi I'm a fellow Youtuber and fan of KP and really do appreciate her name being drug through the mud. Now granite I've never worked for her but I've worked for jerks as well as run my own company. If you truly want to know what's going on stop listening to the mad former employees of KP and why not just ask her yourself! Any idiot can make a video or post a comment but someone seeking to truly know the truth gets their information straight from the horse's mouth! So stop trashing her and ask her yourself for the truth!

  41. I'm not following what happened, can somebody give me a summary of what the hell kim did or what ever is going on. all I know is she used assets from the show or something

  42. Is there a way people would solve this overblown Ego problem? It seems to be a major problem in Youtube

    Honestly not surprised you HN cucks turned out to be a bunch of racist/sexist pieces of shit.

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