Cosplayer deemed "literally worse than Hitler" - People incorrectly blaming BABScon

By now, you've probably heard of the cosplayer who rocked the victims of the internet to it's core over the weekend, when he performed a 1-handed Bellamy salute during the BABScon cosplay contest. The "Führer of Equality", who received the villain award, immediately received gasps of shock, and a short dressing-down by one of the volunteer judges, who informed him of her Jewish heritage. He then adjusted his display to a 2-handed Bellamy salute, in the form of an = sign, upon the direction of the judges.

This, did not of course, prevent the people who needed something to be upset at BABScon for, from swooping in immediately, as the rest of the convention was almost completely free of drama.

Have you ever even SEEN Hitler?
The cosplay, which did not bear any nazi iconography was a purple military uniform, which to our knowledge is not a color ever utilized by any axis power during the second World War. Why that is important, is because military costumes are a staple of every brony convention and have been for quite some time. The armband (a feature on many military uniforms, such as a US Army MP) bore an "=" symbol. The administrative staff of BABScon would have had no just argument in barring the individual from participating in the cosplay contest, prior to the incident.

The cosplayer in question won the prize for best "Villain" costume, because well, we assume saying anyone else won is like telling them that they're "literally worse than Hitler". Afterward, BABScon publicly condemned the cosplayer's tasteless choice of actions on their Twitter account. 

Shamed on stage immediately, condemned by both the convention organizer and the PR department after the fact, case closed right?

 I mean, what else is there to do at that point? Have a guy arrested for a tasteless joke? This IS the United States of America, and until Tumblr gets their hands on the Constitution, freedom of speech and expression are still rights we hold.

But no, this is bronyland drama, and it could never be that simple. Especially, when it involves us - somehow.

In what can only be described as an Fandom Fanfic gone wrong, Nasharchy, OsakaJack, and KickNeckbeardAss (that's a blast from the past right? Wow!) have all begun reblogging each other condemning BABScon because they - and we're quoting here - "allowed a staff member to hand those [Buttons] out" and that "That con is staffed and run by people that are dependent on the 4chan based HorseNews for attendees and attention". Additionally asserting that "ShellShock (the cosplayer) is a writer for Horse News".

All of this would be amazing! If any of it were true.

First and foremost, Chelis is by no means a "Staff Member" of BABScon, he was a "community guest". That title is as easy to receive at a con as it is to convince a porn site that you're 18.

Second, the idea that BABScon would be lost without Horse News' press involvement, is the best compliment I think we could ever expect to receive from Everfree Network. It's so incredible in fact, that we wish it were true. We would make that our banner for months. We would sign our emails with it. I'm pretty sure a couple of the staff would get it tattooed on their asses and emblazoned on business cards; "Horse News: The only reason that BABScon exists". The honest to god truth is, that BABScon would do just fine without our input. Rarely does any standard convention press release receive any great deal of interest on our site. Want to know what the most-viewed post on HN is?
THIS BULLSHIT. That's right folks, this is the magnum opus of the "Scourge of the Fandom" that is the dreaded, omnipotent Horse News.

Now, finally, the one that people will be loving to grill us over (which would be important, I suppose, if we really cared) - "Shell Shock is a Horse News writer".

That's a pretty bold and damning claim right? Absolutely it is! Except we invite you, to click the search box in the top-right corner, and try to find an example of something he's written for us. You'll find such controversial titles as:

Oh. Crap. He isn't actually a Horse News writer? He's never posted a scrap before?
Did I know that before I started writing this thing?
Wait...does he even have an account on here?
Hold on, gotta check something.
We don't even follow him on Twitter?

I don't get paid enough for this.

Where was I?

In recap: the blame being placed on the Convention is unjust.
The responsibility for the offending salute falls upon the cosplayer alone.
The contest volunteers were caught offguard and handled the situation as best as possible.
The convention publicly condemned the cosplayer.
The convention head disapproved of his actions as well.
The cosplayer has never written anything for us.
The costume wasn't explicitly a nazi uniform, it was gesture that caused the havoc.
KNA is still trying to perpetrate the false abduction story from before.
EFN thinks we have more power than we do.

We contacted ShellShock and asked him what he was thinking. He said he wanted a "humanized Starlight Glimmer costume", and that the salute was "a split-second poor decision".

So blame him probably. Blame us if you want to I guess. But don't blame BABScon, they handled the situation (no matter how brief) as best as could be expected.

We look forward to them being bigger and better NEXT year.

And one more thing:

Nash has declared that every time someone defends us, he'll donate $20 to a Feminist Charity!
We think that's great. We suggest donating to RAINN, just like all proceeds from our traffic are supporting.
To give everyone a chance to help Nash's cause, you can find him here and here. 

Now, because everyone is really pissed off about a very bad nazi joke, here's some good nazi jokes.

Comments (48)

  1. LOL at donating money to Zoe Quinn, professional crybully

    1. even funnier is that he didn't donate to CON, but to another con-artist

  2. Okay, so he was claiming to be an HN writer on his Twitter bio, but he never was?

    That's the strangest resume-padding I've ever seen. Congrats, HN, you've officially become valuable professional experience.

    1. Not too surprising in an age where we're spoon-fed information and people eat it without checking (HN being the lone exception).

    2. It never occurred to me that someone would lie about writing for a fansite.

    3. Eh... I had someone who I believed lied about writing for EFN 4 years ago.

    4. I don't work for HN, nope. Well probably because even if I did work for HN I wouldn't publicly identify myself as such. It's one of the advantages of being able to hang around Nash (BronyCon '14), Index (week before that), Silver Eagle (BFF/NMND/FE) and a few others is there aren't any major biases towards me. I still don't trust anyone, though.

  3. I honestly think Nash and Osaka really need to sit down and learn how to use Social Media. It's kind of sad to see Nash not having common sense that 'if a person unfollows you it's not good etiquette to apologize/question/stalk it.' At least...In the 3 years I've been on Twitter I've never done such a thing.

    Welp. I can't even comment to this.

    1. OsakaJack blocked me on Twitter while I was still running a site hosting his podcast. It was good to finally hear back from him after so long I guess. :(

    2. I suppose it is. I dunno, I'm kind of that guy that wonders why brony podcasts aren't "indie" and have to be backed by an "AAA" radio station.

      (Quotation marks used for sarcasm)

  4. The fourth video you posted actually contains the skit from the first video. Do you even check what you post?

    And yeah, I personally knew Hitler and he was a pretty cool guy. He liked animals, art and literature. I used to enjoy visiting the old man every time I'd go on my hiking tours through Brazil back in the 70s. I don't know why so many people hate on him. But I guess it's one of those things that might happen when you're a famous TV personality.

  5. First video: "This video is not available in your country".

    Oy Vey!

  6. Ok, so I was on stage in that cosplay competition, and here are a few things:
    -We prejudged (looked over his costume in detail before the show, as we did for all the cosplayers) this guy, and "starlight himmler" was the name for him passed around the judges table. We knew what he was cosplaying. It wasn't subtle.
    -His costume was genuinely good. The celebrity judges (the same ones who gave him shit) were the ones that WANTED him to win! He was pretty much picked as 1st place the moment he walked away from prejudging, before he ever did the salute. But even after, everyone pretty well agreed he should win anyway.
    -The dressing down on stage the guy got was really a judge messing with the poor fuck. He was turned away from the audience as she told him "I'm jewish," so you couldn't see the horror that flashed through his face. He looked like he was going to vomit all over himself the moment she said something to him. It was...kind of beautiful.
    -Babscon staff, besides the judges, had no say and no idea about who was going to win, that he was going to pull that salute, or that any of this would happen. It's not their fault, and no one should be blaming them. It's pretty absurd to blame horse news for that too. I mean, reall?
    -If there's a slice of blame pie that's being forced upon people, I guess you might want to pass a small one to the other judges and me. Maybe we should have taken him out of the running after that. But simple facts were: his costume was well put together and well made.
    So yeah: horse drama being horse drama I guess. Shame, at the time it was a lot of laughs.

    1. question for you, why were all of the judges so bad at cosplay yet chosen to judge cosplay

    2. One was a three-time cosplay contest winner.
      3 were VIPs.
      One was Catie Wayne.

    3. That explains why the VIPs looked like casuals. No excuse for memequeen and landwhale.

    4. >three-time cosplay contest winner
      >implying anyone gives a shit about strumpet's "wins" except herself

      hi strumpet, literally no one gives a shit about your halfassed costumes except the virgins who gawk at your massive tits

    5. Strumpet wasn't a judge. She had no say in picking a winner.

  7. This is one thing I do despise about the community, people like EFNW and the BABS staff that don't know how to have fun and love to point fingers. "hurr durr someone have an offensive costume" fuck off, no one is getting offended except for you blowhards because you like to cause drama the very moment HN members or the people who associate with HN comes to conventions.

    Nash is the Anita Sarkesian of the fandom, and OJ likes to bitch when he's the one using blockbots to block anyone who follow HN. We need more con staff that is willingly to tell people to fuck off in this fandom. I shouldn't be this surprised and upset, but damn, it's always the same people and it gets less and less amusing the more it happens, we're getting too old for this, don't you think?

    1. You're confusing a PR bit with actual caring. I thought it was fucking hilarious, unlike the joke that's his costume.

  8. R.I.P. Equestria Gaming January 2011 - April 26 2016

  9. Good ol' Nash, throwing an entire con under the bus just because of something that ONE person did that a judge and maybe a few other people found offensive.
    Seriously, he's just so desperate about trying to stay relevant and making BABSCon look bad just because him and his sugar daddy Final Shaft got kicked out, it's more funny than it is sad.

  10. We were in the prejudging for the cosplay contest, never made it to the actual contest. We saw the guy sitting behind us and thought his costume on its own was pretty funny. The salute went a little too far but the amount of fingerpointing to find someone to blame is insane.

    And lol at Nash donating to professional victim Zoe Quinn.

    1. yikes, thanks for adding your name to this, I actually thought you were sane for a hot minute there and now I know who to avoid.

    2. They you have assholes like this. Adding another to the block list do to a difference of opinion.

    3. cry some more

  11. this sounds like the typical bullshit that Nash and the regressive left as always because they have to take offence where none was given jesus Christ we are living in some Super Happy Interesting Times aren't we

  12. He's going to donate to feminists to spite people arguing over a military salute? What the fuck does anything this guy says have to do with anything else?

  13. This is what people with no life do, try and destroy and ruin the fun, joy and life of others.

    If Nash had anything better to do, like you know actually try and make the world a better place for women and minorities rather than just bitching online, he would do so.

  14. Then again there are many people at a con so some shit is just bound to happen. These people have literally been digging for things to guilt/shame a con for.. especially since it's a brony convention. Was the hitler thing in public ok? Neh it wasn't but the con itself clearly didn't approve of it either but likely didn't stirr up problems more to cause more issues on stage.

  15. My biggest question is this:

    Is there nobody in Nash's life who's willing to take him aside and say, "Look, Nash, it's way past time someone told you that your haircut/facial hair combo makes you look like Ginger Hitler?"

    1. The bigger question would involve his consumption of vanilla coke. I don't think he'll even make it to be the 40-year-old virgin.

  16. >Horse News on Saturday
    "Ha ha! Das ist der Hitler Horse! Ha! top kek!"

    >Horse News on Monday when shit hits the fan
    "Only SJWs would think this costume referred to Nazis, because they're oversensitive twats, everyone knows this actually refers to [fart noises]"

    Pick a side, faggots

  17. Who the fuck is Nash and why is he important?

    1. Pardon, why does he THINK he's important?

    2. Because he was part of Everfree Network.

    3. because you ashy niggas are so thirsty for his attention

  18. i'm more offended that one of the judges is trying to justify letting that shit fly at the time by saying "BUT THAT COSTUME WAS REALLY, REALLY GOOD". nigga pls, this guy looks like most military bronies in casual attire.

    1. I'd ask who could possibly think this garbage was decent, then I look at the closet cosplayers on the judge's panel, and it all makes sense. "I really like how he went to Target and found a shirt in the right color, that took a lot of skill I think, like yeah"

  19. On the Nazi-saluting faggot: All the class of a typical /mlp/ Aryanne thread, without the adorable Nazi pone. And Starlight Glimmer was a COMMUNIST, which is completely different from a Nazi. Learn your history.

    On EFN: How do these assholes still think anyone actually cares what they think? Haven't they blocked like half of Twitter by now? Nobody cares about your vendetta against HN, guys. Stop circlejerking.

    On HN being accused of being relevant by EFN: Good job legitimizing your hated enemy by giving them too much credit, guys. They're just pissed because their petition to ban Chelis didn't work.

  20. Remember, kids: it's not enough to do what you think is right. You have to make sure everyone on Twitter knows you did it.

  21. Question for Liki Weaks, I've read over the article and I don't see anyone who's calling the cosplayer "worse than Hitler"... except for in your article. Did I miss something, or is this journalistic dishonesty? Or are you neglecting to point out that you are the one deeming him that?

  22. At least strumpet had the decency to put a bag over her head this time

  23. I wonder what Purple Tinker thinks of Osaka Jack and Nash colluding with KickNeckbeardsAss. Seem like these three, along with Dragon Dicks, are all chummy and part of the same SJW hate group echo chamber.

  24. I'm not going to lie, the thing that made me laugh out loud in all of this is that the nonexistent site "" is apparently run by Anita and Zoe. What's next, "" run by Thomas Robb?

