The now infamous Pacific PonyCon /mlp/anel/Horse News panel was riddled with numerous issues, most having to do with the lack of planning on the host's part and the copious amounts of spaghetti that was spilled the hour we were up there.
However, one issue set itself apart from the others, having not being related whatsoever to our drunken sperginess.
A sudden accusation near the end of the panel that Horse News was using freelance photographers to take pictures of female cosplayers while they were in process of getting dressed.
In response, Horse News decided to take a break from being a bunch of spaghetti spilling depressed alcoholics, and actually do some investigative journalism for once. More after the break.
As previously mentioned, these rumors were brought to light near the end of the Horse News panel at Pacific PonyCon, when a white knight in shining armor decided he was going to attempt call out Horse News for committing acts of voyuerism at BABSCon 2015.
There was only one issue with these claims; Horse News has never used freelance photographers. Ever.
On top of that, there are no pictures of cosplayers in compromising positions floating around Horse News like this guy was insinuating. At least, none that weren't taken without the consent of the cosplayer (entrees for the Panty Horse contest, for example).
Basically, the white knight who was awkwardly standing in the corner of the room was completely full of shit, whether he knew it or not.
After cluing the white knight in on these important bits of information, he was asked to present us with proof of his claims. He continued to awkwardly stand there for about ten minutes, scrolling through his phone as he tried to hunt down the proof to back up his accusations, before fleeing the scene.
That wasn't the last we saw of him, however, as one of our admins happened to run into him when he stepped out of the party to watch some video with Pikapetey.
His affiliation to Horse News ended up being brought up, leading the white knight to continue to throw the fit he was throwing earlier. For the second time that convention, he was told that Horse News did not use freelance photographers, which just received a response of "w-well they said they were Horse News".
At that point, our admin told him to drop the he said/she said bullshit, and to get back to him the moment he had some legitimate proof. The white knight agreed, and the two parted ways.
![]() |
We're still waiting on that proof. |
Regardless of whether or not the white knight still felt that he was justified in making the accusations he made, we were still missing the proof that people with Horse News/claiming to be with Horse News were taking pictures of cosplayers in compromising positions without their permission. So, after a couple weeks of milking our post-con hangovers and waiting on the white knight to get back to us, we decided that we were going to do our own digging and get to the bottom of things, as we were genuinely curious if what this guy was saying had any merit. There was plenty of speculation about the things he was saying, though most of us assumed that someone unaffiliated with Horse News was actually doing this and claiming to a freelance photographer for us, either to frame us, or to use it as a shield to prevent retribution.
After all, it's not like people would just make up accusations like that, right? After all, accusations like these wouldn't just ruin reputations (>implying we have reputations), but they could have huge legal ramifications as well. Anyone would know that blatantly lying about someone taking pictures of women in compromising positions without their permission could lead to serious consequences.
Needless to say, we were shocked to find out that was exactly the case, according to a very reliable source within the cosplay community who is more than familiar with the accuser; Lochlan O'Neil.
As seen in the screenshots above, my source claims that Lochlan O'Neil, also known as Too Rad Cosplay, was the only one behind these accusations, and convinced a friend of hers to attempt to derail the Horse News panel with them.
My source also went on to say that they have been in talks with Lochlan's friend, and he is now not only aware he has been blatantly lied to, but is also pretty pissed off by the whole situation as well.
As for her reasoning behind making these accusations, it's mostly speculation right now. It's believed that Lochlan may have a grudge against a few of Horse News's writers for calling her out on talking shit on people behind their back (including her own fans), something that my source also confirmed to be true, as according to them, she had apparently been shit talking her fans and others in the fandom on her social media accounts (unfortunately, these posts were deleted before we could get screenshots).
There's also reason to believe that this may be related to an incident where an anon posted an image of Lochlan adjusting her bra in one of the BABSCon 2015 threads (unfortunately, it would appear that said post was deleted from the archive). Of course, the actions of a random anon has nothing to do with us, as much as Lochlan may want to believe.
Regardless of the reasoning behind Lochlan's accusations, Horse News has never used freelance photographers, and we do not have any pictures of cosplayers in compromising positions that weren't taken without their consent in our possession.
We're not really big on >no hooves around here, anyways.
you're doing Gods work anon
Deleteyou wish that you could fuck something like this horse fucker
yeeeeeaaaah real gooood fuck
yay more SJW bullshit toward horse news that has no basis in fact at all
ReplyDeleteAnd no one who's worked with Lochlan is shocked.
ReplyDeleteNice article, Roofucker.
ReplyDeleteTell me, as an aspiring investigative journalist, how did you come to find your source? That is, how did you figure out where to look for the source? Did you just post the pic at the top of the article in /mlp/ and ask 'does anyone know who this is?' until they came forward, or did you talk to people who were at the panel and then they referred you to Source?
I need this to use as an example, which will teach me a lot, because determining the best place to look - knowing how to FIND leads and where to find then - is my weakness.
He was there at the panel when the incident happened, as were others.
DeleteYes, but, how do you find out which person at the panel (the source) knows the perpetrator, and how do you find their internet handle in order to contact them? I assume the HN guy didn't know the internet handles of people in the audience. Where would you ask around?
Delete>how did you come to find your source?
DeleteThe magic of Friendship.
My source wanted to kept anonymous for obvious reasons. My source is a friend of mine who is close to Lochlan and is very involved in the cosplay community. That's all I'm going to say. If my source wants to reveal their identity, that's their call. I'm going to honor their request till then.
DeleteSimilarly, I chose to keep the identity of the white knight anonymous to avoid any bullshit on his end. I would care less in most situations, but his stance has changed since the convention. Like with my source, if he wants to come forward, that's his call.
By the way, nice try Lochlan.
DeleteDon't be a tit. I'm not asking for the source; I'm asking for some general advice on how to go about looking for a source, and finding the best place (on that note you'd be surprised how effective going on a chan and asking is). But you've already given it here. Thanks.
DeleteI'm not Lochlan - and isn't that a bloke's name? If you truly believed that, you wouldn't have given me that bit of advice in the first place.
Source is Equestrian Strumpet. Doubt it could be anyone else. That bitch is almost as thirsty for drama as she is dick, she irrationally hates anyone who is better than her at cosplay, and she humps Horse New's e-dick as often as she can on twitter and at cons.
Deletehorse fuckers turn me on.......
Equestrian Strumpet is the last person I would ever say is thirsty for drama. So nice try framing someone you have an irrational hateboner for, Anon.
Deletestrumpetfag white knights are here
Deletesorry I don't wanna tap your obese waifu bro
I guess KNA / Whoo is here again. Got bored harassing transexuals, need to go back to harassing suicidal women?
DeleteWouldn't expect anything less from you, shitmongering parasite that you are.
didn't know strumpet was suicidal, I apologize for my comments and I hope she seeks help
Deletebecause renting a crane would bankrupt her family
What does her being suicidal have anything to do with this conversation. It's like saying Donald Trump can't be an ignorant racist because his puppy died when he was a kid.
DeleteHonestly, just because someone is suicidal, or trans, doesn't give them a get out of jail free card for being giant assholes.
At this rate, you guys are probably going to bring up every popular female cosplayer as a possible candidate
DeleteWhat a catty slunt.
DeleteShe has a point, though. Then again, paying for solo photoshoots seems fucking ridiculous to me.
Delete>implying HN wants to spend their precious shekels on hiring photographers to make photos of fat ass brony girls
ReplyDelete>he said/she said
ReplyDeletejust go with the gender neutral "he" pronoun. despite what feminist want people to believe, "he" can be use in a sex neutral context.
"He said/she said" is a common phrase in the English language dumbass. They're not trying to be politically correct. This is HorseNews, nobody around here gives a Fuck enough in either case.
DeleteYou realize that "he said/she said" is a very common phrase that means something, right? It's not equaling he with she. Try googling the next time you don't understand common English, idiot.
Deletewait, why does HN even have a panel?
ReplyDeleteBecause they are relevant.
DeleteAccording to a drunk Chelis he applied for it to be a /mlp/ panel but the con named it the HN panel. Everything was already printed at the con's side so he just ran with it
Deletewell there was that time chelis raped a girl too drunk to consent
ReplyDeleteAnd I heard she was underage and also had a beard!
Deleteyou're thinking of purple tranny
Deletechelis raped pt?
it's the only way tranny could get some dick aside from his own
DeleteNot this shit again.
DeleteKnowing Chelis personally, I don't think it's really in his nature/personality to rape a girl. Though, to be honest, when these rumors first came up, I was a lot more put off by the accusations being swept under the rug/comments deleted, especially when something like *this* gets its own article.
chelis probably doesn't even realize he's a rapist. this happened at Babscon 2014, when he lead a "rescue" to "save" a "missing" cosplayer who he wanted to fuck, out of the goodness of his heart/to fuck, and it turns out she was so sloppy drunk that she had to be escorted back to her room after the "rescue".
Deletechelis bragged about fucking her at the 4chan party I went to, I'm sure he thought it was consensual despite he being too drunk to stand, most rapists don't think they're rapists.
I seriously wonder who keeps bringing this up while simultaneously wondering when it will these comments mysteriously disappear.
DeleteSo... it boils down to he said/she said/he said/she said... with no proof of anything on either side. Just... words. For all that's said that this girl has something against HN or accused them of anything, the entire article is still just he said/she said published as if it were investigative journalism.
ReplyDeleteIt's fandom drama, they will take what they can get to publish here for site traffic.
DeleteLooks like lochlan's white knights have arrived
DeleteTalking to her at cons, she accepts offers of dates from people and then just trashes them after she grabbed the free meal and drinks accusing them all of being neckbeards.... and then repeats the process for however many days she's at the convention. I'd say she should stop accepting, but she's accepted so many now that it's obvious it's about the free meal.... and a woman saying the male was being rude (since all her dates just happen to, for some reason, bring up feminism and say stereotypical misogynist things) pretty much ends the discussion.
DeleteIf you're going to write a piece like this, you're going to have to present something more than exactly what that guy accusing HN dropped: hearsay and second-hand anonymous accounts.
DeleteIf she's known so well and for so long for these dastardly deeds, as the article states, there must be someone that archived a tweet (or whatever site thing) before she managed to do such a good job scrubbing it all clean, or recorded something she said. Until there's something like that, this is just hurf-blurf.
Considering how many times some anon has started a crusade and succesfully personal-armied against an artist or other personality over what amounts to nothing (like an artist declining a request, some musician saying he doesn't care for some genre, a table artist charging "too much", and so forth), I'm hard pressed to believe, as it stands, that there's anything more here than dramawrhoring.
Yeah, let me just go ahead and dig through 100's of tweets for you and just miss out on valuable masturbation time. She tweeted about it during Crystal Mountain Ponycon. Go ahead and search around that time.
DeletePart of being a writer of this sort is collating information and making it presentable. If it's a relevant part of the info, it should be posted, because doing a tiny bit of *effort* is what separates this site from somebody just posting on /mlp/.
DeleteI mean it didn't have to be published yet, did it? It could wait another day or so whilst he goes through her tweets (or, more accurately, another hour). It's not urgent, after all.
ReplyDeleteWhat took you so long
ReplyDeletehey that's my fetish!
ReplyDeleteFrom the perspective of a female cosplayer, albeit a shitty one--
ReplyDeleteIn my occasional run-ins with HN staff, they've actually gotten me away from creepy fucks who were stalking around me while in costume.
Also, thank you for bringing me to Lochlan's twitter, some of her cosplays make me feel better about my own bad ones - whether intentional or not.
I find it amusing how people assume White Knights do what they do expecting selfishly to be rewarded with sex. Instead of actually being genuinely concerned with doing what is right.
ReplyDeleteBut then people who make such accusations prefer to think that everyone is as selfish and petty as them. So as to feel better about their own shitty behavior.
The fair and the just are typically never treated fairly nor justly.