Editors Note: NewsieLicious is a loose cannon Horse News Member that offers in-depth analysis on fandom culture. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely his.
We pledge allegiance to the Faust... |
Yet, when asked about how the bronies felt about her, she sighed, saying it felt like we had forgotten her. That "all the work she did was for nothing".
The audience couldn't disagree more, and neither could I. Faust's name has attracted such clout and influence in our fan base that, despite her departure from the show itself, there's a cult of personality surrounding her name that won't soon disappear. Anything she supports, you can bet that thousands of Bronies will toss their hard-earned shekels at it with little, if any, critical thought.
In fact, I hear a few people are betting on that, to the tune of almost half a million dollars.
First, let's go back to this year's EQLA. Lauren was announced at the 11th hour, just over a week before the convention itself started. Nobody who saw the outburst of publicity from the fandom surrounding this announcement could argue that the fandom had "forgotten" Faust; it is arguable that her presence turned EQLA from "just another convention" to the most hotly discussed topic of the weeks surrounding the con.
Also announced at the very last minute was the convention's charity, which conveniently happened to be the Wildlife Learning Center just outside Los Angeles. This has been Lauren's "pet" charity for over a year now. This spring, she held an Indiegogo fundraiser for the center, catering specifically to fans of My Little Pony, raising $43,386 overall. The top tier perk, a $3,000-per-seat "MLP Writers Party" featuring Faust and friends, was claimed by 6 people. Bronies were breaking out their wallets in record numbers to support Faust and her cause.
A convention has lots of choices when it comes to charities, and many of those choices can affect the lives of the very fans who attend their convention. As young adults, the statistics show that the most dangerous thing in our lives is ourselves; that's where the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention comes in. Or maybe you want to speak up for LGBT rights by supporting the Human Rights Campaign. Hell, there's even Autism Speaks for the rest of us. Any of these have the very real potential to make a noticeable impact right here in our own fandom.
Never mind all those causes, though. For whatever reason, the convention went with the cute animals, and with Faust's help, they raised just over $9,000.
Was EQLA's charity choice a condition of Lauren's attendance? Did she urge a convention to change their charity at the last minute to serve her own personal interests? We may never know; after our last article, the convention staff has been "directed...not to respond" to any further questions we may have. With no other alternative, all we have left is rampant speculation!
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See? I told you. Just over $9,000. No idea why they did that. |
If over $50,000 worth of Brony support isn't enough to convince you that this fandom will gladly sacrifice themselves at the Altar of Faust, how about her status as a "Hero of the People"?
Bronies new and old know that Faust didn't exactly leave Hasbro on the best of terms. She has made her disdain for the company and the reasons for her departure fairly public, and in the process has become a folk hero for everyone with an axe to grind against big evil corporation Hasbro.
Just a few days ago, she rehashed this role in a letter to a little girl whose fan mail was shredded by Hasbro Studios:
![]() |
The Galaxy Quest quote was a nice touch, too. |
Nowhere is Faust's defiance of Hasbro more famous, though, than on February 8, 2013. A few days earlier, the fan project Fighting is Magic was issued a Cease & Desist from Hasbro. The team who created the game, Mane6, vowed to stop development immediately.
Lauren wasn't having any of this, though, and posed a question to the team:
Shortly afterward, the team announced that they would be making a brand new game, with Faust contributing her characters to replace the ponies the game previously featured.
...and here we are, two and a half years later. Not much had been heard from the Mane6 team, so it was assumed that they were hammering away at their new game.
Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a few weeks ago the Mane6 team went on an all-out marketing offensive to the public and, in particular, the Brony fandom. News sites posted about their upcoming fundraiser, they guest-starred in fandom podcasts, and their social media accounts lit up with back-and-forth commentary.
Thanks to the marketing, only 18 hours into their 30-day campaign, their IndieGogo fundraiser had already surpassed $100,000 in donations.
![]() |
Definitely enough to move out of mom's basement...and build another house next door. |
For what it's worth, maybe they're right. After all, they don't have to invoke the name of MLP itself to rake in the dough; instead, all they need to do is repeat after me:
Lauren Faust.
Lauren Faust.
Lauren Faust.
Their IndieGogo page name-drops her no less than 11 times, from the project's tagline to its highest tier of rewards:
![]() |
We're not implying anything with this picture; it's just the first result that popped up. |
In light of this, I leave you with some important questions to ask yourselves:
Why would nearly 2,000 people commit over $100,000 to an inexperienced team of developers making a game that is completely unremarkable, save for its origins and the name attached to it?
Is the Mane6 team riding on the coattails of Lauren Faust's name recognition to fund their own project where it would've otherwise flopped in an instant?
Are we, as a fandom, mindlessly following whatever Faust supports, because we feel like we owe it to her for making a show we like, or we feel guilty for what Hasbro did to her?
Is this really the wisest idea for us as a fandom? Are we denying ourselves the chance to do bigger and greater things with our collective money by chasing whatever cause célèbre our idols tell us to?
I can't answer these questions for you. You'd lynch me if you knew how I would answer, and maybe that proves my point even more. Just something to think about.
get raped
Deleteso cute when an attention whore feels the need to try to make themselves relevant
Deletei hate every aspect of him, i will celebrate the day petey dies.
DeleteChrist, chill out all of you above. I don't even understand why you bronies dislike this Pika Petey dude in the first place. His humor and animation it's basically like Max Gilardi and you all love that sorta juvenile shit. How's this Petey guy any different to you bronies on here?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletebecause he's a shit artist and needs to be shot.
Deletegod the autistic faggot is a furry.
I wish lynching was still a thing. Pikapetey lynching day would celebrated. Cotton candie machines, Adolf Hitler posters but with Peter's shitastic art, and awe hell let's throw purple tinker in there as well.
DeleteThough Peter would make the tranny look like a saint by comparison.
If the Mane6 said this has nothing to do with the brony fandom then they would of changed their name to something less pony. Still, it feels damning for them rewarded for doing something most of us with common sense to not do to begin with.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really stupid article. If people want to pay to support an indie game featuring her characters because they liked her work on MLP, big fucking deal. And so what if people would rather pay to an animal charity than for suicidal or autistic people? Get fucked
ReplyDeleteIs this the dude that got all butthurt because the only person that donated to his shit crowdfunding was his mom? If so, Newsie you need to move on bru.
Delete"all the work she did was for nothing"
ReplyDeleteMight not have happened if you didn't take your ball and go home after two seasons.
"I feel like the fandom has forgotten about me!" maybe that's because you spent the last two -years- rebuking every stupid question on twitter with "I'm not involved in the show anymore"? I feel like she made her bed but now she doesn't wanna sleep in it.
ReplyDeleteeither you answer stupid questions from fanboys or you make a clean break from the fandom; your pick.
All my interest with Mane6 flew out the window when they got themselves C&D'd. Fighting games barely interest me, and the only reason I cared about Fighting is Magic is that it was MLP-related.
ReplyDeleteLike others have said the past couple of years: if Mane6 held in their spaghetti and didn't flaunt the game around mainstream conventions like EVO and whatever, we would be playing an actual Fighting is Magic right now.
But they were stupid, made it garner too much attention, then Hasbro came and made them close it down. Shit like that is why anonymity is so important.
And them saying that they're not aiming at bronies for funding is fucking hilarious. The vast majority of the FGC and gaming communities doesn't want them to succeed. Literally all they have are indie fags and bronies.
Good fucking luck. I have a feeling that cash flow will plateau very quickly.
Anyway, as for Faust herself, I wonder what la-la-land she's been in the last few years if she seriously thinks no one gives a damn about her or her contributions. I'd argue that damn near half of the fandom at least misses her, and at least half of that wants her back on the show since it just doesn't seem all that appealing anymore. There's a reason the fandom isn't as active anymore.
They didn't take it to EVO or any conventions; someone else submitted it.
DeleteRegarding Faust, it feels like she's been wanting a pity party since she quit; nobody can make me believe she doesn't know thousands obsess over her and treat her as an infallible godess, given the reactions she gets every time she does anything.
>They didn't take it to EVO or any conventions
DeleteBullshit. They brought it to fighting game conventions and had livestreams of random people playing it.
Channer whinning about them following Radfem Faux-st like sheeps
ReplyDeleteYou made your bed now lie in it
I'll tell ya what, if I could draw well, or write a story, or have any original ideas at all I'd make my own cartoon and get ALL the money.
ReplyDeleteSince I don't want to do any of that, I'll just eat chocolate chip cookies everyday for the rest of my life.
I wouldn't buy or donate to Them's Fightin' Herds since it isn't pony, and because I'm using my own best judgement. Even if it was ponies, people would pirate it anyways because this is the internet.
Uh, Newsie. You're completely wrong
"Bronies new and old know that Faust didn't exactly leave Hasbro on the best of terms. She has made her disdain for the company and the reasons for her departure fairly public, and in the process has become a folk hero for everyone with an axe to grind against big evil corporation Hasbro."
Sauce please? I SAW HER SAY on that documentary that "it was entirely her decision to leave" and while it was partly down to differences in where the show was going to what she wanted the show to be ("I couldn't tell the stories I wanted to tell") it was actually this:
Frustration of constantly discussing with executives + her workload + her distance + health problems
If it was only the first three she would've probably continued.
After all, the problems she mentions in that story quote were present in SEASONS 1 AND 2. If she couldn't/didn't want to handle it, she would have left before then.
SO. TL;DR: Sauce to correct me or you are full of it.
Sauce to correct you: https://goo.gl/WsrtyS
DeleteThe fandom makes it impossible to forget about her. I've never been in the Faust worship boat and have always felt she got more credit than was do. She a decent illustrator, but a terrible writer, is pretentious and seems to have an axe to grind with shows featuring male leads. Her work with PPG was negligible and minor with Fosters Home, which was her husband's show.
DeleteI'll give her credit for establishing some of the bases of FiM, such as the character designs, though every other aspect of the show's look was designed by other artists. Lauren leaving the show was very much a double edged sword, during season 1 she kept a tight rein on what the writers and artists could do, but by season two had lost her status as creative director, allowing the creative teams to be more flexible with their own ideas. While this would mean Lauren's "vision" for the show would fade away, I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing.
Meghan McCarthy has done a better job. People need to take off the nostalgia glasses and realize this.
DeleteGod yes.
DeleteLogical next question is... where in the hell did she get that idea from in the first place? We need to see the actual video in case Seth's coverage doesn't do it justice. Words don't always.
DeleteAlso, newsie, STILL WAITING... Do you not have an answer?
Or was this whole thing to stir up drama for traffic?
In this thread, ISIS has infiltrated the brony fandom by calling themselves horsefuckers in hopes of recruiting white guys who will have no trouble with the law in carrying out their evil, ultra socially conservative biddings in the name of traditionalism and family.
DeleteHer saying in the documentary that it was her decision is probably the truth, but that doesn't mean it isn't also true that Hasbro forced her out. Lauren would never say "Hasbro be bitches, adios." She is way too classy for that. Lauren said in the documentary exactly these words: "I regret that I had to leave but I don't regret the decision to leave." (https://youtu.be/X2RjWOF3Vqk?t=1h8m20s) This tells me that it was an impasse. A struggle. A disagreement. Friendship is Magic was Lauren's machine, but it was Hasbro's to operate. Lauren couldn't continue with her direction, and so she reluctantly separated from the corporation. (And keep in mind, this doesn't necessarily make Hasbro the bad guys, but they were not on the same road as Faust.) There could be lots of other information we may never know about as to what went down between her and Hasbro, but the bottom line is this: It wasn't kosher.
DeleteThe convention chose a charity that wasn't YOUR preferred charity, Newsie, therefore they are wrong.
ReplyDeletePeople are freely contributing to a project that they want to see completed, but because YOU don't like it, it's wrong. I don't care for vidya games, and I think this project is dumb, but what people do with their money and time is not up to me. You, on the other hand, believe that what you think about this project is the only thing that matters about it.
Lauren Faust is assisting in this project, but because YOU don't think she should not do it, it's wrong. I'm sure she's taken note of your objection.
We'd lynch you if we knew what you really think? Aren't you a precious martyr! Lynch yourself, you fucking hero.
Your unbelievably inflated sense of importance is everything that is wrong with the fandom. The fact that you even wrote such a detailed article stating such objections that very few people will ever care about shows that you seriously need get outside and let go of ponies for a time.
It's why it's an opinion piece you preachy dumb fuck.
DeleteAn opinion by one of the most self-absorbed people in the fandom. Someone who seriously doesn't understand that what he thinks isn't always right.
DeleteWell thank god there are hypocrites like you to set us right. Where would we be without people to tell they believe they way others think is wrong.
DeleteYou do realise you are proving the point of the article by acting like a faggot 09:18, right?
Delete>Autism Speaks
ReplyDeleteOh yes, an organization that does fuck all for those with autism and who are the PETA and Komen for autism awareness/ assistance.
Seconding this reaction. Autism Speaks is an organization that claims to speak "for" autistic people, but has no autistic people on its board. Imagine if HRC had nothing but straight cis people on its board, and you can see why this is bad.
Delete>Autism Speaks
Delete>Purple Tinker
This just in: People can care about more than one thing! What's this called? Oh yeah, it's called the real world.
ReplyDeleteMane 6 certainly has set a rather lofty goal for their crowdfunding goal. While they certainly got out of the gate and off to a great start, if they end up with the 436,000 USD they want does remain to be seen. A lot of projects do great initially in the first few days, and another huge surge right before they end. 30% funded does mean 70% to go.
ReplyDeleteOne does have to wonder about their expenses. While I know practically nothing about video game design, but I do know that Lab Zero Games donated the Skullgirls game engine to them, and likewise Lauren Faust created and donated the games character designs, pro bono as well.
That they are asking for the same amount or considerably more then a lot of experienced and professional game creators that need to acquire their game engines rights (or write their own) and various licenses (Space Quest's creative team was only looking for 500K to make their 'Space Venture' game. Likewise, the impressive Silent Hill homage/reboot 'Allison Road' with a development team of ten, is looking to raise about 100K less then Mane 6 is) makes their funding goal seem quite excessive in comparison.
If they can get full funding I say 'good on you'; for making their dream project a reality. I also certainly do hope the end result is a quite spectacular game, worth the 436K and eighteen month production time.
I just really do have my doubts that they will get their full funding; but then one never knows.
christ one of the biggest faggots in the fandom still calls her "mama faust" and oh look it happens to be the tranny faggot
for that reason alone I hope the game fails. i hate everything that man touches.
stay edgy
Deletept go back to twitter no one knows you're an abusive asshole there
Deletewhat's pt done to you lately? not sucked your dick?
Fuck off Purple Tranny, It's obviously you.
No one hates Purple Tinker because he's trans; it's just a convenient smokescreen for him to avoid any responsibility for his actions. People hate and misgender him because he's an old, fat, attention-whoring abuser in the fandom, and people are forced into putting up with him because the alternative is to become a victim of his hate campaign. He shills off of any possible "charity cause" in the fandom he can find; remember when he tried to make something for the Alcorn girl, and tried to get people to call her "Alicorn" when she wasn't even a Brony?
DeleteWhat's truly frightening is, this dude sees nothing wrong with what he does. He tries to post peoples' photos, harass them publicly, tries to rile up 4chan into harassing people he thinks deserve it (like that Hasbro exec), then turns around and says that Gamergate is "evil and abusive" for doing the exact same shit he does. He's literally insane, because he lacks any sort of self-reflection. Any criticism lobbed at him is "transphobic trolling" no matter how legitimate their claims.
Someone needs to take him out back and show him what -real- trans bashing is like.
It's because PT is a sociopath. Not saying this out of any kind of hate, they seriously show all the signs of Antisocial Personality Disorder. They are messed up in the head and even admit to it, but from what I hear form those that know PT personally, she neglects to take her meds.
Delete"Homeless guy showed me his schwanz and then urinated on a fire hydrant in front of me. Kinda shook up."
flashbacks to when that was you?
@22:12, I was going to say BPD; he lacks the ability to see anything in shades of grey, everyone is either his best friend or his hated rival. Criticism is seen as an attack, and there's no empathy for anyone but himself. He's desperately lonely but he everyone who gets close to him is pushed away with his acerbic "I'm just being brutally honest" personality, if you can call it that. He claims to be brutally honest, but when other people are honest with him, he flips a shit.
DeleteSociopathy sounds equally likely. He doesn't have empathy for anyone but himself.
>purple tranny triggered by homeless man with his dick out
Delete>tranny was homeless/jobless
>tranny flashed his crotch at 4chan
>mfw tranny triggered by seeing his alternate universe self
@21:32 wow this seems really personal. want to talk?
Delete^^^^^ NIGGERS. What did I just say hours ago? FUCKING NIGGERS ON HERE, JFC.
Delete@00:06 Purple Tranny go home
Delete(I bet 00:12 is Tranny too cuz he's pretty racist)
Whoo, we all know it's you.
Delete"for that reason alone I hope the game fails. i hate everything that man touches."
Delete"Someone needs to take him out back and show him what -real- trans bashing is like."
mfw, well, all of this: http://bit.ly/1YCIyzX
i don’t care what tinkers are, they don’t deserve hate. no one deserves to hate, what’s the point of fighting hate with hate, it’s only being a hypocrite
Delete@2:30 hi pt
Deletehi, caitlin. how's life in coto de caza treating you?
Deleteit's apparently a gated community and because that you are currently living with multiple jobless roommates in semi-poverty spending all of your time trolling comments sections discussing to what a sociopath you are,
DeleteIm gonna hazard a guess she's doing better than you
"apparently". kek.
woah careful with the cmc porn dude, you'll summon that pedophile purple tinker
Deleteshe prefers scootaloo porn though https://twitter.com/prpltnkr/status/645178057003700224
Deletetop kek
:3 http://tinyurl.com/p97mxwa
DeleteI feel like tinker could stand to learn something from this video, even autists can realize she has fucked up behavior
tinker should save this as a reaction image.
miss her yet? http://imageherd.com/6eZktJ/
DeleteTinker, (let's be real, everyone knows this is you, no one else has a haterboner this obvious for some nobody in the fandom named whoo) how can you logically say "posting someone's photo online is harassment" then in the same breath post someone's name photo and location?
DeleteHypocrisy citation: "No one hates trolling more than me" https://twitter.com/prpltnkr/status/646758555513692160
Showing sympathy to someone who is having their photos/address posted publicly for harassment: https://twitter.com/prpltnkr/status/645947698806263808
DeleteSure is Whoo and PinkieCunt in here!
DeleteAlso, Onision is shit. If anyone's a fan of that fagget, tell him we horsefuckers think he's shit. Thank you.
I don't care what people say, Wildlife Learning Center is great and that party was damned awesome.
ReplyDelete"Also announced at the very last minute was the convention's charity"
ReplyDeleteSee date stamp: https://twitter.com/EquestriaLA/status/626799717704409088
Just sayin'
@04:04, wow what a cute pussy! I'm surprised you know a real pussy when you see one, Tranny
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me? Purple Tranny is now mocking someone's dead pet? holy fuck kill yourself you waste of a hacked-up penis
DeleteITT we dis http://imageherd.com/j09U3v/
Deletesays the fucker who wrote "Someone needs to take him out back and show him what -real- trans bashing is like.", which isn't sociopathic at all. SURE IS CRAZY IN HERE.
Deletef off and go back to your daddy, khunt. i hear lawyers give great head.
DeleteWheres that POOPIE SCOOBIE guy? I miss him.
Deleteomg why are you guys shitting on him don't you know he's famous?
Countdown to another one of purple tinker's "wah I can't take it I'm gonna kill myself" fake-suicide claims in 10, 9, 8 ...
DeleteHOLY SHIT THE FAGET DID IT look at his homepage http://purpletinker.com/
Deletemen are just naturally less nurturing and kind than women, 04:46. men are naturally more posessive and obsessive than women, tinker's just doing what's natural to him. maybe the bitch shouldn't have friendzoned him in the first place, kek.
DeleteI'll pray for him. Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, (Titus 2:7 )
Deletei shiggy diggy, caity
DeleteIt would be a lot harder to pick out Purple Tranny's samefagging in this thread if he didn't keep mentioning his crush by name
DeleteAs it stands, it just looks like a desperate attempt to get her attention, sort of like the 4th grade boy throwing rocks at the girl he likes. Which is appropriate, because in 4th grade Tinker was a boy, and he hasn't matured since then
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0
Deletedear god you people are retarded. pt says he's a victim and you're all just fueling that bs. stupid stupid fucking stupid.
Deletestrawberry lotion is not an appropriate sexual lubricant
DeleteThank you ever so much, Caitlin, for playing right into my hands. I've now established beyond all reasonable doubt that the anon who keeps calling me 'Purple Tranny' is you. The same person, in fact, who sicced Focus on the Family on me, but claims to be a pro-LGBT SJW. The same person who wrote "Someone needs to take him out back and show him what -real- trans bashing is like.". Which, by the way, is illegal. Incitement to violence? Fighting Words? Incitement to commit hate crimes? You and I both live in California; you know that trans people are a protected class. Either way, take your pick. You're in BIG shit now, Miss Beam. BIG shit. You should know better, you know; your dad's a lawyer.
ReplyDeleteOh, didn't think I know? I know. I also know you're his secretary, because you can't hack it in the job market. Unlike, you know, me. I know who you are, where you live, what your father's name is, what he does for a living, and-- most importantly-- WHERE TO SEND A SUBPOENA. And now I have evidence that you threatened to "trans-bash" me IRL. i.e., you know, commit actual acts of violence. Which (I'm sure you keep forgetting) are illegal.
And I also know that now I have enough evidence to subpoena logs of all your postings, anonymous or not, should I desire to take your lunatic violent ass to court. I can demonstrate a pattern of harassment, incitement to suicide, incitement to violence (if not outright death threats-- so many ways "Someone needs to take him out back and show him what -real- trans bashing is like." could be read by a skilled lawyer!), and so much more.
Put plainly, U FUKED.
So "Whoo" are you, Caitlin? Are you the righteous SJ warrior? Or are you the 4chan troll who calls people "faggot" and "tranny" to get their goat?
Obviously, you're neither. You're just a pathetic fat rich kid with no goddamned life.
Anyways, thanks again for letting me play you like a big ugly fiddle. I have a wonderful pile of screenshots and logs. People are being made aware of what a violent, unhinged, lying hypocrite you are. Expect to lose some old friends, some new friends, and maybe-- just maybe-- even see the inside of a courtroom. Either way, you richly deserve it.
Ta ta. Gotta get some sleep before my job. You know, that thing you don't have, because you work for daddy.
Oh, one last thing. This will be 'Exhibit A' should I ever decide to haul your ass into court. If your ass can even FIT in a courthouse, that is. You dangerous, violent lunatic. http://i.imgur.com/xGgntp1.png
>thinks that someone saying she's gross and should get his ass kicked is illegal
Delete>doesn't think that posting someone's name address and photo is illegal
you dum
Ah, I didn't post anyone's address. I redirected your five different proxies to that. So, I sent YOU your address :)
DeleteSee you in the legal papers, Caitlin.
This is all well and good and all but where the hell is Newsielicious? He/she is clearly a lunatic and as I asked before I want answers or sauce to correct me.
DeleteWhat do you think her of her comments and my replies? Who is valid here? Goddamnit people stay on topic! Newsie is full of shit! Or I'll put the goddamn leeches on you and fist a horse just to curb my anger!
http://www.imageherd.com/2JpbU8 lead to a photo of someone's house, but the shit you've said in the comments is still a lot more actionable than "someone should kick his ass." It's vague at best, but then I don't expect a half-wit sociopath to understand logic or reason.
DeleteI guess you have no problem getting banned from conventions, since based on the chatter I've heard, you're riding on most con heads' last nerves. Bronycon and Ponycon NYC already dumped you due to the crazy. The last thing they need is yet another angry email from you about your latest drama-bomb - it'll be funny to see who bans you first.
PT - just how did you get his name, address, etc and find out his dad's a lawyer!? I need to know how to do this for my own personal benefit - obviously I don't want this guy's details, I just want your procedure.
DeleteOr you get the leeches! THE LEEEEECHES!
Oh yes, it led to a photo. With all street names removed. Good luck finding that on Google Earth.
DeleteIncidentally, I just checked. That photo was accessed by... you, me, three or so of your proxies, and one dude from Mexico (also probably you behind a proxy).
Real actionable.
You lose, madam. Good day.
Posting someone's name/address, while being stupid enough to admit to it with your own screenname, is considered much more of a threat than someone saying you should learn what real harassment is. In fact, as I recall, you've said much worse about other people - a fact that would likely come up in court. What was it you said about that poor Hasbro employee, right before you posted her name and contact information, again?
DeleteBut you seem to be dodging my question; what do you imagine con organizers are going to do with an email from a known-shit-stirrer and big drama-hound when she has yet another nobody to trot before them as a "problem", Jessica? Who do you think looks like the problem-starter in that situation? The nobody, or the woman known for making problems wherever she goes?
Caitlin, Caitlin, Caitlin, the only thing I've ever "threatened" to do to you is to drag your ass to court. Now please, stop bugging me. I need my ugly sleep.
DeleteIncidentally I'm sorry for spamming, Purps, I just need to tell you - if you have a lwayer and he did it for you, could I have his number? I'd like to ask him how. It's all part of a book I'm working on about privacy on the internet. And for my own personal knowledge and peace of mind, I need to know precisely what sort of ways there are for people to get around MY privacy.
DeleteAlso leeches.
Kind of an uncomfortable truth, I know it's hard to face. I mean, after being kicked out of the con you started, understandably every following convention kicking you out just feels like salt being poured into the old wound. Kind of sad that the only legacy you choose leave behind is one of "known shit-stirrer" instead of "benevolent former con-founder."
DeleteI ain't caitlin. I'm someone else. Honestly. How did you even find out what IP addresses accesed that image? I'm still trying to learn things and I would need your advice for this.
Delete[1] We used to be friends, and [2] I have a LOT of connections. Anyways. Leeches. Yes.
DeleteWhat ways are there for people to get around your privacy? I don't know; probably lots. Security isn't my specialty. I just know enough to be dangerous-- like, enough to gather evidence on a sanctimonious liar who pretends she's some social justice saint while making violent threats and siccing anti-LGBT hate groups on trans people. :)
By the way Purple, imageherd.com is ded. Wat do?
DeleteYou have so much technical knowledge, and yet the simplest answer has always eluded you; that someone like your hatecrush Caitlin might have friends who go toe-to-toe with evil old crones on her behalf. But I guess that would never occur to someone without any friends at all.
DeleteThanks Purple, but how did you figure out it was a former friend of yours based solely on the comments on here?
DeleteAlso, what connections do you have that would help with this? Not necessarily asking for names, just the type of things, just to try and get a bit of a map built up (again, I'm not after names unless you're okay with it because, hey, your privacy).
If you want to do thi more privately here is my dropmail eofwgblduope@dropmail.me
Cheers again, Purple, I appreciate this. I don't give a shit about the drama.
"figuring it out" implies he isn't a paranoid creep who thinks every anon hater is her, ha ha. Check out the last 30 or so threads about him on 4chan and you'll see that him claiming every anon is "whoo" isn't exactly a new trick of his.
Deleteitt: damage control.
DeletePlease, Caitlin. You lost. Accept reality. You apparently forgot I can READ: http://i.imgur.com/OBrwGCx.png
And before you say that wasn't you-- yeah, I know, you tried to pass yourself off as my ex.
My ex is asleep.
I checked.
It was you. Go away.
>Tries to impersonate someone.
Delete>Fails common sense type checks
Keke. BTFO.
.... Purple how did you even get the kick-neckbeard-ass URL? Why is that significant? Also, isn't the term "strawberry lotion" a tenuous link? Just because it's being used in a comment and it's the first thing you find on google.... at least on that URL? Sorry for the quesstion torrent, I just really am trying to learn more.
kick-neckbeard-ass.tumblr.com is Whoo's primary blog.
DeleteYou may remember Whoo from previous coverage here on Horse-News, such as:
Also, if you'll look at the term referenced, it's a very specific reference to "strawberry lotion" not being an appropriate personal lubricant. Not exactly tenous in that context. Pretty specific (and gross).
It's old drama from an ex of decades ago. Whoo referenced it to impersonate said ex and attempt to embarrass me (not knowing that I do not embarrass that easily), but said ex was ASLEEP while Whoo was impersonating her. I know, because I checked with her wife and one of her good friends. (Said ex and I are also on good terms at the mo, but Whoo didn't know that. But "asleep" is more important.)
I'd always SUSPECTED that Whoo was behind all of the "Purple Tranny" comments here, but I never was able to prove it until tonight.
Thanks, Whoo. I feel a lot better now.
I seeeee. Lucky he mentioned it on his blog as well otherwise the link wouldn't be there. I wonder why he mentioned it there ... so he obviously knew about all this beforehand, anyway, yes? BTW, that link you posted... that just makes me intrigued about how KNA was able to GET CHELIS'S ADDRESS AND UNCLE'S ADDRESS when that was never posted online! How do you end up associating these things?
DeleteYou'd think he'd have seen the trap you laid as he's clearly good at doing this kind of shit himself!
You are devious. I like that. Good to see you're giving payback at last.
>Thank you ever so much, Caitlin, the anon who keeps calling me 'Purple Tranny' is you.
DeletePffft, you're so stupid Purple Tranny, there's a lot of people who call you this on 4chan, and I was the first to call you Purple Tranny on this thread, just like I call pikapetey Pika Shitty, mind you, I always found Tranny Tinker more appealing, I don't give a crap about your legal papers or whatever the fuck you're planning to do, I'm not an Americunt so it doesn't matter if you get that fat hippopotamus arrested you can't do anything against me.
Also stop replying to your own comments anonymously, remember you're a disgusting animal and no one supports you.
sssh anon, it's much more funny if she thinks the hundreds of people who hate and troll her are just one person, it makes her paranoia much more funny. #callmecaitlyn
DeleteI recommend imgur.com. imageherd.com was just a honeypot to get logs and evidence against Caitlin.
ReplyDeleteHohohoho devious! How did you set that up? It sounds like something hard to do, setting up a SITE, but you managed to do it, so it can't be too hard. I mean it sounds like something you can do with minimum fuss, rather thn long drawn out type shit.
DeleteDo you have a host company you use for that or do it yourself or what? I mean, you;'ve got to host it somewhere and all the hosting services charge, so how did you do it?
Before I started BronyCon, before I was unfortunate enough to meet you-know-Whoo, I was a systems administrator.
DeleteSo how did you set that honeypot up? I'm currently studying my computing degree and a quick guide would be really helpful.
DeleteThis is literally sysadmin 101 stuff. I'm sure you'll learn it quite soon. Best of luck in your career! Computing is my passion.
DeleteI mean from home or however you did it! They won't cover "How to set up honey pots" after all so I would appreciate a bit of a run through :D And thanks!
DeleteOn that note - how would you get their postal address from their IP? I mean, the IP is obviously only going to give you a rough location. How did you do that?! That's like the holy grail for me.
Deletethat dropmail up there is mine, btw, i forgot to put my name on
Your rage fuels me, Caitlin. Please, rant on. This is fucking hysterical. I notice you even dropped the use of your five different proxies, so now I have your IP address. Again. Yet another data point to be used against you in court. :)
ReplyDelete>Why would nearly 2,000 people commit over $100,000 to an inexperienced team of developers making a game that is completely unremarkable, save for its origins and the name attached to it?
ReplyDeletepeople gave money to Schafer's game because of its origins and the name attached to it.
people gave money to Inafune's game because of its origins and the name attached to it.
people gave money to Shenmue because of its origins and the name attached to it.
people gave money to Yooka-Laylee because of its origins and the names attached to it.
people gave money to Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night because of its origins and the names attached to it.
do you not understand how this works?
shit article. stop writing
Ah yes, a beautiful list of completely inexperienced people. Kek.
DeleteI don't know about the rest, but Yooka-Laylee is being developed by the original guys from Rare.
DeleteCall me a nostalgic faggot who pines for old-school Banjo-Kazooie platformer games again, but that looked pretty decent.
I still haven't spent a penny though, because my money goes for other things of more immediate performance.
The Faust-loving faggotry needs to stop. People act like MLP was all her, when it wasn't. Hasbro owns the IP, and they asked her to do G4. She provided a creative direction for the show, but it was her choice to take her ball and leave. Let me rephrase that for you autistic faggots out there: she abandoned the show, and us along with it.
ReplyDeleteI have no interest in supporting Mane6's new game because I am not a Faust worshipping moron. It was good of her to do a lot of what she's done, and I don't believe she's a bad person. But Newsie's right, for once. How in the fuck could she not notice the thousands of autistic faggots out there who worship the ground she walks on?
She wanted a reaction, and she got one.
I'm going to watch the video of the panel and study her reaction etc. Closely. Take cliff notes etc. See what happens. She may have said "It sometimes feels like you've all forgotten me", or something else that the ED coverage won't do justice, which implies... well, sometimes she just feels a little like that but knows better.
Deletewow, purple tinker going absolutely batshit insane at anons trolling her, what year is this, 2011?
ReplyDeleteSo when's the article explaining what the fuck I just read in the comments coming out
ReplyDeleteLast time I was here this article had 30 comments. What the hell happened?
ReplyDeletePussy Tinkler further confirms that trannies are batshit crazy wrapped in their own false reality generator. Must unplug them from the Transtrix, save these poor souls.
ReplyDeleteFunny how bait cancer articles like this one attract bait cancer posters (you can count me if you want).
ReplyDeletePT going crazy. So much drama.
ReplyDeleteNeed more.
Purple Tinkle clearly believes that she is the less-batshit person in this comments section... yikes. Are we gearing up for Canterlot Gardens Meltdown Pt 2? I can't wait to see how she plays this one off - is she off her meds or is "someone out to ruin her name" again?
ReplyDeleteNext episode: "Caitlin" deepthroating PT's meaty cock, or eating her out, I'm confused.
DeleteHas PT undergone a sex change surgery?
PT still has a penis, now it's in a jar on his desk
DeleteBut the jar is LED illuminated!
Delete>someone else calls purple tranny a tranny
Delete"omg! hate crimes!!! slander!!!"
>tranny calls himself a tranny
"kek i'm so chill with my 4chan buddies huh my fellow youth? lel kek doge oldmeme"
Don't worry, I'm done spamming this thread. Probably every thread. See, I had suspicions that Caitlin/Whoo was the one posting a lot of the "blah blah blah Purple Tranny" shit. When she went so far as make what might be interpreted as a death threat ("Someone needs to take him out back and show him what -real- trans bashing is like."), she'd gone too far. I knew I needed to catch her in the act.
ReplyDeleteAll that spamming and trolling was me attempting to goad her into slipping up so I could prove she was, in fact, the anonymous "Purple Tranny" basher. Which I did.
Now I'm using this information to get her fired from the major brony convention she's staff on. Because, despite writing shit like http://i.imgur.com/xGgntp1.png about bronies (the image is a collage of Whoo quotes from her lovely Kick-Neckbeard-Ass blog), she's managed to slime her way onto the staffs of two major brony conventions. She's already banned from one; I'm working on getting her removed from the second.
So there's your explanation. I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time with my spamming and trolling. This was just a two-person grudge match that spiraled out of control.
Looks like Purple Tranny is as delusional as she is crazy ...
DeleteIt was for a good cause Tink.
DeleteThe web logs tell a different story. All those image links I was posting last night went to a honeypot image hosting site on a server I maintained. The logs showed that the majority of the time, it was literally JUST HER opening said links. She'd go to one proxy, I'd ban it, she'd move to a different proxy. Finally, my trolling got her so flustered she dropped the proxy crap, and-- wouldn't you know it-- she showed up from a cable modem IP that geolocated within spitting distance of her house. All the while, she was dropping additional hints that it was her-- choices of phrase ("gross", her favourite insult for bronies, used hundreds of times on her blog; "abusive asshole", a term she's called me several times before, use of the word "misgendered", and at least one time when she got so frustrated she slipped out of her 'anon troll' persona and actually called me 'she').
DeleteAnd how did I know it was her? She conveniently posted things in this very thread about the pictures I'd posted. But the icing on the cake was when she attempted to impersonate my ex by referencing something that she'd posted (from said ex) on her blog-- while my ex was asleep. That was my proof that the one proxy-mad mofo was, in fact, her: http://i.imgur.com/bNxYrU3.png
I have no idea what assholes are posting on this thread TODAY, but last night, it was basically just her. The web logs tell the tale.
so if your proof is that someone used a word as common as "gross" to describe you ... uh ...
DeleteNo, my proof is that all the accesses were from one person, who kept switching from proxy to proxy, and finally-- when the proxies dropped-- was coming in from an IP geolocated right by her house. And-- most revealingly-- that she attempted to impersonate my ex (who was asleep at the moment) using a very peculiar and specific reference (strawberry lotion used as lube) pulled directly from her own Web page.
DeleteThe "gross" usage is merely a bonus. It IS her favourite adjective used to describe bronies, with a whopping 673 Google hits for the word on her Tumblr ( http://i.imgur.com/dq5Qc1C.png ) Another bonus is the fact that she used the specific phrase "abusive asshole" to describe me, a phrase she's used to describe me twice before. And a third bonus is the reference to "misgendering", which isn't a term many people outside trans people (like me) and Tumblr SJWs (like her) use.
But at the end, those are just bonuses.
Caitlin, if that's you, I advise you to shut up while you're ahead.
does that mean purple tinker's parents are also caitlin?
Delete>how purple tinker thinks this will go down
Delete"wow, thanks so much for bringing this to our attention tinker, we'll ban her right away, thank you for your information"
>how it will actually happen
"christ why is the lolcow bothering me again"
holy fuck what kind of transgendered abomination would make fun of someone's dead cat??? you have sunk too low this time you purple nightmare may god have mercy on the unmitigated scum of your garbage soul
DeleteIt, the proper pronoun is 'it'.
ReplyDeleteI thought purple tinker was done commenting... seems a bit obsessive doesn't she
and on the day of atonement purple tinker makes this nonsense ... what a shmegegge
ReplyDeleteI'll just butt in anyway to say that KNA/Whoo/whatever is delusional sociopath. It gets old when you can look at a random anon ask on near any pony tumblr and know that it's from her. So if whatever happened here leads to her getting reamed, then hurrah hurrah.
ReplyDelete>someone calls purple tinker a sociopath
ReplyDelete>"anon" turns up a day later to call tinker's enemy a sociopath
gosh I wonder who this could be, definitely not tinker. yawn.
Any perceived madness is incidental and not linked to the transgender identity.
ReplyDeleteMost I know are sane and Tinker is perceived as a bully even among that community. Because, you see, most transgender individuals identify as an actual gender, male or female, it's just their biloical gender and don't want attention brought to this. Tinker, however, specially identifies specifically as transgender, leaving no doubt they wish to be identified as something other than their biological gender, much to the annoyance to other trans-individuals, and treats those that do wish to be discreet as traitors. They have literally called other transgenders transphobic and tried to do one of their famous hate campaigns, which obviously failed and only served to highlight the crazy side we've all been entertained by on several occasions.
DeleteHonestly, Tinker is mostly just mentally unstable, rather than a bad person. Though the woe is me rutien on Twitter gets rather old.
I cannot recall the last time I called a trans person transphobic (though that IS possible— see also, "self-hating Jews").
DeleteWhat I DID do (while very hurt angry, and thus in a bad state of mind) is rant at other trans people for not helping me stand up against transphobia. I did not call them transphobes myself. Nor would I.
It's a common caricature of me that "Tinker thinks everyone who hates her is transphobic." That has never been true. It's just that— a caricature. If I think someone is transphobic, I'll say so. Even most of the transphobic *things* done against me haven't been done by *people* who are transphobic— they're just doing these things to get my goat.
It's still wrong, of course.
I've been upset at other trans women for not having my back mostly during these instances:
1) When BravoTV mocked my appearance on national television and questioned my gender: http://www.equestriaforums.com/index.php?topic=16911.0
2) When Canterlot Gardens staffers started cruel memes about how a store clerk had mistaken me for a man because of facial stubble, and spread them around 4chan, while making posts designed to make people mock me for being trans.
3) When other major conventions refused to distance themselves from Canterlot Gardens for these actions, and even advertised it.
4) When BronyCon staffers repeatedly, publicly called me "Sir" even after I kept asking them not to, and they refused to issue a public (or even much of a private) apology.
5) When a major fandom musician called me a transphobic name. When a major staffer of the Traveling Pony Museum referred to me and my friends as the "he-she brigade" (or something along those lines). And so on, and so on, and so on.
Through all of these times, I wished for the help of other "out" trans people in the community, but did not receive it. I wanted other people to stand up and say "I am also trans, and this is wrong."
But it did not happen. I was, for years, the only well-known *out* trans person in the fandom. Now there are a few others, but still, when people think "transgender" + "brony", they usually think of me. And that means that I have to fight alone.
The reason why I've made so much noise about being transgender is NOT because I "identify as transgender". It's because I'm having to make up for the relative lack of well-known "out" trans people in the community. I WISH that they would come out-- many of them would be far better role models than me.
But, as long as "out" trans activists in the brony community are in short supply, I will continue to speak out on trans issues. It isn't because I "identify as trans", because I don't. I identify as a woman. It's because there are young LGBT people who have come to me and thanked me for showing them that they are not alone, that other trans people exist— for guiding them to support resources in their communities. People have told me that I have saved their lives by being out— and by being loud enough for terrified young LGBT people to know that I'm out there, that they can talk to me instead of taking refuge in self-harm or suicide.
If that means that some people on the Internet call me shrill or crazy or an asshole, or misconstrue my words, so be it.
But, no. I don't think that everyone who disagrees with me is transphobic, nor do I "identify as transgender", nor do I think that many trans people are transphobic. On the contrary; most of us are simply struggling to survive.
You need not speak for me, Anon. I'm right here, and everyone knows how to reach me. I'll more than happily speak for myself.
A fandom is not the place for this bullshit, thus why you piss everyone off. That is a fight meant for the larger world. People just want to come into this fandom and enjoy ponies, fan created work and the company of others that enjoy these things. Anything, ANYTHING, that is some purposeful social political agenda, ruins people's fun and sucks them back to the real world, when things like this fandom should be an escape from all that nonsense. Even if for a good cause, which believe me I do believe that activism in the name of the LGBTQ community is a good cause, considering I am part of said community.
DeleteAt some point you are going to have to realize all this and that often what you do while attempting to bring to light LGBTQ issues, is in such a manner it makes it more difficult for other trans. The more you appoint yourself as the voice of entire group of people, simply because you are one of the few and a loud one at that, the more people see you as a reflection of what all trans are like, which they are not, you are simply one individual.
You do not do yourself any good constantly thrusting yourself into the spotlight the way you do and you certainly do no good for the community you are trying to represent, while all at the same time creating drama in a fandom that probably would not exist if you didn't always stir the pot and antagonize people. Because you go looking for problems and issues to address, you are creating your own self-fulfilled prophecy and often times creating your own misery because you cannot let things go. This is not good for your mental and in turn physical health, which I know you know and I am pretty damn sure those close to you know the additional stress is doing noticeable damage.
Of course, and I'm doing my best to start less drama. It's probably worth noting that this entire goddamned out-of-control shitposting fest was started by one of my haters— not me. And I'm sorry for my part in keeping the shitposting going. I just needed to prod her into a corner so I could gather evidence it was her. Now that I have my evidence, I have no more reason to engage with that lunatic. Suffice it to say that MULTIPLE con orgs are already aware of her little "Purple Tranny" rant, and she will find it difficult to find a place on their staffs in future.
DeleteThat being said, when people in the fandom do transphobic shit to me (like in the examples I listed a couple posts above) I'm going to call them on it. Learning to not just outright EXPLODE is tough.
Incidentally, it's "trans people". "Trans" is an adjective. (Short for "transgender" or "transsexual"). Saying "it makes it more difficult for other trans" is like saying "it makes it more difficult for other black". Forgive the minor lesson.
Now, please. Let's stop posting this offtopic shit. Don't speak for me; I won't speak for you. Basic human respect. That's all I want. If you want to discuss this further, my Twitter is always open.
You say that you want people to talk to you to understand your positions, but your response here explains why they won't. No one wants to bother talking to you because you never accept blame for anything you ever say or do, and you don't consider anyone else's feelings but your own. A conversation requires back and forth and concessions, but you only seem to want to lecture people. (See: the unwanted and condescending paragraph that ends with "forgive the minor lesson".)
DeleteYou think it's someone else's fault that you went off on a 100 comment rant, and no one should think lesser of you because the anonymous commenter made you do it. No one controls your actions but yourself. You chose to respond to someone saying shit on Horse News; no one forced you to respond or let it spiral out as far as it did. If you didn't respond to that troll, there would be probably 10 posts on this article, and no one would have even seen that comment about you. Sethisto and other people in the fandom have been saying this since day one: don't feed the trolls. People wouldn't call you a man or a tranny as much if you didn't fly into a public rage every single time someone did it. Most of your comments are responses to trolls, and if you didn't give them any of your attention, they would get bored and wander away. Your responses have created an entire community of trolls dedicated to pissing you off with transphobia.
The majority of the fandom honestly doesn't care and other than a few pockets of Christian Fundamentalis in the fandom, most are fairly accepting and understanding of transgender individuals. Hell, the majority of the fandom does not even know, or care, who Purple Tinker is. Most of the online and convention drama is isolated to those dedicated to the more inner workings of the fandom and the so called horse famous.
DeleteI can understand her feeling. The show has moved away from many of the things that she worked hard on, and the fandom has been eating it up. Another thing is that the fandom has died down so she is likely getting less fan attention than she used to.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhen do you think purple tranny will figure out that no one remembers him for running bronycon for 1 year but everyone remembers him being an assdamaged lolcow for the last 5
ReplyDeleteBut they are (one of) the founder!
DeleteThough, not really, as the group that once called themselves BroNYcon is not the same people that run the organization now known as Bronycon, which are those behind Lunar Solis Corp. PT has absolutely nothing to do with any of this and never has. A whole different group of people, at a new location and actually organized under a company. She isn't even all that welcome there, do to the bad behavior, outbursts and failing to follow the rules.
and not to mention that he got banned from the group that did run BroNYcon, the BroniesNYC, so ... really, no one who knows him wants him. And the average Brony knows him as an overdramatic whiner.
DeleteYeah, pretty much the real reason they fled New York to live out west, already burned too many bridges and found a ripe new flock of tumblrina idiots to exploit. Though I love how she keeps bashing sjw 's to appear cool, when half the shit she spouts is the same kind of nonsense.
DeleteWhen you are your own worst enemy, there's no way to "move away" from your problems; Tinker will find that out the hard way eventually when she ends up in California, along and friendless once more.
Deletepurple tinker is fatter than a killer whale and his breath is worse
Secondly, shit article 11/10 made me waste my time.
i9BET là một nhà cái trực tuyến đáng tin cậy, được nhiều người yêu thích nhờ chất lượng dịch vụ vượt trội. Với giấy phép hoạt động hợp pháp và hệ thống bảo mật hiện đại.