Editors Note: NewsieLicious is a Horse News Member that offers in-depth analysis on fandom culture. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely his.
Recently, an article was posted here on HN that lambasted AnimatedJames for his recent video, "The Truth about the Brony Fandom". In the video, he says the fandom has lost touch with one of the show's core values, honesty, in its seemingly unanimous resistance to people who may be considered "brutally" honest. He concludes that this hugbox mentality will slowly unravel the fandom we know and love, as nobody wants to be the one to tell people when they really need to just stop.
Here's the thing, though: I think he's right.
In the beginning of this whole scandal, AnimatedJames stuck to his guns, not because he really liked rape jokes or harassing people, but because he believed that comedy was a medium where you shouldn't be silenced just because someone is offended at your material. This proved to be a mistake, as LeekFish and her supporters retaliated by assassinating every last shred of his character, declaring anyone who supported him to be a harasser and a delinquent, and even going so far as to threaten to use the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) as a legal weapon to silence his video and strike his account as punishment.
At first, this argument seemed simple. AJ could've just taken Leekfish's name out of his joke, and this would've all been over before it started. Clearly, his stubbornness was fueling the fire, and in the beginning, the court of public opinion was widely in Leekfish's favor.
But then, she started getting aggressive. Clearly, keeping the video from being seen was the least of her worries; days of outrage on Twitter had done more for the video's view count than AnimatedJames could ever have accomplished alone. More than just taking down the video, it was clear she wanted to "win" the argument. She began telling her fans to abuse YouTube's reporting mechanism to bring the video down, and then began to justify using the DMCA against him. Yes, just like Cyrricky and dozens of other magnificent assholes before, she was willing to use YouTube's takedown system as a weapon to silence her opponent. She had gone too far, and people were starting to realize it.
Conveniently--almost too conveniently--this is when Leekfish started reporting that she was receiving death threats from her opponents. Anyone who ever followed a Tumblrite scandal before knows that the very first thing a Tumblrina does when backed into a rhetorical corner is claim to be receiving death threats or other harassment. It instantly forces anyone involved in the debate to qualify their responses with such platitudes as "Harassment is wrong, but..." or "I don't agree with what's happening to you, but...". It quickly swings the scales of public opinion back in your favor, without you ever having to prove that such threats ever existed.
Eventually, AnimatedJames did take the video down. Of course, by then the drama had attracted so much attention that it was saved by hundreds of people (and reuploaded by a few), so it's possible that it'll never completely vanish from the Internet. Nevertheless, this wasn't good enough for Leekfish. After AJ made a snide remark on his Twitter account about taking the video down, Leek's reply was: okay, but you didn't have to be such a dick about it.
Even if AJ was wrong at first, he had good reason to be angry at the lengths that Leekfish and her supporters were willing to go through to resolve such a simple conflict. So, to get some of this anger out of his system, he posts this video, lambasting the decision to use the "nuclear option" of the DMCA takedown and rolling it into a greater complaint about the state of the fandom on the whole.
Watch it, though, and you'll notice something: not once does he mention her by name, and not once does he mention the week of relentless character assassination that led up to it. Instead, he sticks to the facts of the situation, and without naming names, he describes the whole situation and why he saw it as wrong to consider hauling the law into this battle at all.
This is why I think he won this great debate: in the face of all of this back and forth drama, he stuck to the facts. Leekfish, on the other hand, has spent days now spewing hyperbolic nonsense at anyone opposed to her, silencing and blocking those who don't unconditionally support her, and making the persecution she's suffered at the hands of this situation extremely public. She was undeniably wrong for entertaining the idea of a DMCA, but you won't hear her admit it; in fact, you won't hear her much at all, as she hides behind her boyfriend, Steve Streza, who (shit you not) is about to start his shiny new job at Tumblr itself.
Today, though, shit got real.
After the release of AnimatedJames' video today (which, as a reminder, doesn't mention LeekFish by name once), she began to receive a new wave of criticism about her willingness to use the DMCA. Needless to say, the YouTube audience really doesn't take kindly to people like that. The disruption was apparently so severe that she had to cut short her time vending at BronyCAN. This time, she claims that she was being stalked by her critics, plus the previous claims of harassment and threats.
Is it true? Who knows? I can't say for sure that she did or didn't get harassed, as she has yet to provide any substantial proof of this harassment to the public.
All I know is that, in the face of this latest crisis, she has finally gotten what it seems she wanted all along: the sympathy and support of god damn everyone.
No doubt, if you're on Twitter you've seen the newest campaign, #ISupportLeekFish. Here are just a few of its most notable entries:
If you're the kind of person who would criticize LeekFish's approach to this whole situation, her activities, or her motivations, the message that #ISupportLeekFish sends is that you have all of these people to contend with now. Show staff, influential artists, and dozens of other people have jumped on the bandwagon already, and the tweets aren't stopping.
Ironically, the message this campaign sends is that when it comes to LeekFish, a little "brutal" honesty isn't permitted. As long as someone out there is possibly saying or doing something bad to her, she'll remain immune to criticism.
I think it supports AnimatedJames' original point surprisingly well.
You could only read this post on Horse News.
This post is inconvenient, and perhaps a dangerous thing to say, but it's honest. Still, though, you would never find it on Equestria Daily, Derpy Hooves News, Pickle Barrel Kumquat, the MLP Forums, or anywhere else that news is shared. All of those places have done their part to make sure that this fandom is the ultimate hugbox, only ever posting supportive commentary in favor of the artists they speak about, and categorically avoiding calling people out on their shitty behavior.
That's why when shitty behavior strikes, it's Horse News' job to call it out. Whether it's some dude tracing his way into an industry, conventions shitting on the public interest, or bipolar maniacs going wild, you'll find it here, and seemingly only here.
Why? Because a huge majority of the fandom can't handle that kind of honesty.
He's right.
Editors Note: The article was reverted back to a draft because it didn't follow procedure or formatting. No content within the article was changed whatsoever.
Please stop bitching.
I kind of hoped that the show staff would know better than to stay out of horse drama.
ReplyDeleteI think you mean the opposite of what you just said.
DeleteWhoops. If only there was an edit button.
Delete>Show staff.
DeleteWhich staff, Newsielicious? So far it seems soichet and like one other. Not many people.
And of course Equestria Daily don't comment on that sort of thing... they're there to update the fans on latest show developments and get peopel involved.
HOWEVER. You might be right. I'm going to look at the ED Q n A panel from Galacon.... right at the end, somebody with a voice that sounds a bit sort of like Johnny Depp in that movie with the guys that take a lot of drugs and drive to Las Vegas (I forget the name but I know Capper likes it) asks them about incentives or pressures to do good write ups.
I need to analyse their reaction because they say something about 'oh we wanna keep it positive...' and let you know what I think. Maybe you could do the same and tell me what you think.
I have asked Calpain and Seth in the comments on ED before about drama like this, and they said that they didn't like adding fuel to the fire, something like that.... I'll see if I caan find it all.
But you know, HN, there are two things you MUST remember: 1) Maybe they want to rise above all the stupid drama (for good or ill - some of it might actually be important, like if it involves ripping people's work off or money or unfair conventioneering a la TracePonies) and
(2) YOU CAN AND MUST ALWAYS ASK THE SUBJECTS OF CRITICISM IF POSSIBLE., SUCH AS CALPAIN OR SETH IN THIS CASE. ACTUALLY ASK THEM. Even if they feed you bullshit (not saying they do) the response is insightful and lets you observe and analyze them and their reactions and habits....
Did anyone, on a completely unrelated topic, get coverage of the Tabitha panel and the seeeeeecret character reading?
Yeeesh this site hasn't changed at all since it started. It's full of fucking niggers.
DeleteOh wait it's like 4chan of course it's gonna be full of niggers.
I hope their agents hit them up side the back of their heads, or drop them. You don't get involved in Drama because you're involving your agent's AGENCY in drama.
DeleteHorsenew's and /mlp/'s userbases are proof we shouldn't have done away with legal eugenics on the population.
DeleteReally, a fucking disclaimer? Since when did HN start growing a vagina?
ReplyDeleteShouldn't all your fucking articles that the writers inserts their personal opinions rather than just stating the facts of the matter have this?
Sure, if all of HN share the same opinions.
DeleteDisclaimer is for the benefit of the HN staff that may disagree with the opinion but in fact DO have balls and are willing to post it anyway.
No, it was taken down because the author posted it without the proper formatting. I did not, nor will I even read the article; I only want it to be correctly formatted as an opinion piece. Another person goes through it and checks for grammar.
DeleteSo it was taken down because it didn't go through an editor first? Still does not explain the disclaimer, that the other opinion pieces DO NOT HAVE.
DeleteYes, opinion pieces are meant to be preceded with a disclaimer. The issue is that we've done this for some articles and not for others; we were inconsistent. We're trying to remedy that.
DeleteGot to get your professionalism on if you want to one day reach EFN levels.
DeleteThe Midnight Mares article written by the group I'm in, Hoof Hearted, as well as the "decline of fandom" article written by another member of the group has the same disclaimer. Albeit the latter article had the disclaimer at the end and not at the header. I see why that placement would be an issue.
DeleteWhile not all opinion pieces have this disclaimer, some of them do. No real opinion on the editorial process of HN, just being a tad nitpicky.
No, it was taken down because the author posted it without the proper formatting. I did not, nor will I even read the article; I only want it to be correctly formatted as an opinion piece. Another person goes through it and checks for grammar.
DeleteYour emphatic insistence on never reading the article is odd.
DeleteThis about sums it up.
So that's it? That's how every argument is going to happen now? Pretend death threats, DMCA abuse, use of followers as pawns, etc? Fuck man, the future sounds... amazing! Bring me more drama! Feed me!
ReplyDeleteBrony is becoming Tumblr like the rest of the world.
DeleteIts all these fucking hiatuses, the lack of new pony on the air is driving people crazy.
DeleteI'm glad I don't go to conventions either, I couldn't handle all the concentrated autism.
>Editors Note: NewsieLicious is a Horse News affiliate that offers in-depth analysis on fandom culture. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his.
ReplyDeleteWhere'd your balls go, HN?
>this much damage control
DeleteSo we have to pieces of shit fighting against each other and you are taking sides? please, both of them are dipshits.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteEh fuck it, too tired to go anon. Hit the nail on the head.
DeleteI think the fact that Purple Tinker just posted about sharing something with her good friends at Horse News says it all.
ReplyDeleteFucking sellouts.
it's so brave of you to come here knowing that you are triggered by teenage boys and men
Deletebut I guess you have to use a mirror sometime right?
Nothing's braver than anonymously mocking trans people on the Internet, anon. Nothing.
DeleteThe mob justice people like you try and use anytime someone says or does something you do not like makes it a necessity. You can cry coward all you want, but you only feel so brave because gone out of your way to try and make yourself immune to all this bullshit. Not that you don't get criticism, but have a wall of people to hide behind as you fling shit at people.
DeleteI find it laughable you keep trying to play up you're not just another over the top reactionary sjw and mock the concept in a very general way as if you're against those types of people, even though you've multiple types backed up those very same people. All very convenient what side of the aisle your on, going with whomever seems to be winning at the time to win as much brownie points with people as you can.
You're so sickeningly manipulate and it's so very easy to compare you to Draft. I'd say you're no better than him, but you're far worse.
nothing's braver than building a persona around hate and anger, it's almost as if people go for the jugular with you because they know you're such a shitty person that you understand and deserve nothing better.
Deletegood luck on the job interview today: I'm sure your "sparkling" personality will wow the hiring people. just like it did when you pulled your tranny temper tantrum last time and got your ass fired.
>Nothing's braver than anonymously mocking trans people on the Internet, anon. Nothing.
Delete>Posting on an anonymous-inspired website such as /mlp/ in 4chan
Oh wow, you reached a new level of retardness and faggotry, please kill yourself. Also, reminder.
seconding 13:24. I'm getting tired of his whining. time to chin up and act like a man tink.
DeleteI guess he did because he closed down his twitter account
Deletenot so fun when the shoe is on the other size 12 foot, huh tranny
So whoever put up that disclaimer do you wanna just start the next article in the series with "Alright now Leekfish PLEASE don't be mad at me" and save us all some time? Horse News was made to stand up to the bullshit, and what Leekfish is doing sounds like bullshit.
ReplyDeleteWhen did the horsefuckers who used to run Horse News turn into fucking bronies?
ReplyDeleteWhen this article was originally posted (as captured by All Seeing Google here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:EhosYh6IK0IJ:www.horse-news.net/2015/08/counterpoint-animatedjames-leekfish-and.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us) it used to end with a couple paragraphs calling out Equestria Daily, Derpy Hooves News, Pickle Barrel Kumquat, and the MLP Forums for the giant hugboxes they are and for being too afraid to post inconvenient pieces like this one.
Why Would they feel the need to remove this section right here?
"You know what really makes me think he's right, though?
You could only read this post on Horse News.
This post is inconvenient, and perhaps a dangerous thing to say, but it's honest. Still, though, you would never find it on Equestria Daily, Derpy Hooves News, Pickle Barrel Kumquat, the MLP Forums, or anywhere else that news is shared. All of those places have done their part to make sure that this fandom is the ultimate hugbox, only ever posting supportive commentary in favor of the artists they speak about, and categorically avoiding calling people out on their shitty behavior.
That's why when shitty behavior strikes, it's Horse News' job to call it out. Whether it's some dude tracing his way into an industry, conventions shitting on the public interest, or bipolar maniacs going wild, you'll find it here, and seemingly only here.
Why? Because a huge majority of the fandom can't handle that kind of honesty.
He's right.
(Note: This is an opinion piece, and the thoughts and feelings shared here are not necessarily those of Horse News as an organization.)"
Thanks 00:08 for posting that. I lost some respect for HN just now.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDamn, they even edited out some of it to boot? Jesus HN, what the fuck is going on? Since when do you, of all organization, try to stifle someone?
DeleteWe mean no censorship. Newsie told none of the active part of HorseNews about the article so we pulled it to place a disclaimer. Whatever happened the article was on bloggers end because we only wanted to fix a formatting error.
DeleteIf Newsie had told us it was his article there would be no issue. We've had problems with ghostwriters posting recklessly so we pulled it haste. Everything should be good now.
Also, Newsie, we need to talk.
Edited it out because I felt it was far too self-circlejerky.
DeleteSo much for blaming blogger... Twas in inside job after all.
Delete"When did the horsefuckers who used to run Horse News turn into fucking bronies?" wrote the channer while posting on a website about MLP. But ,oh right you channers have your head so far up your ass that you'd rather be called "horsefuckers" because that's fucking less cringy than brony
DeleteGo back to /baphomet/ whine about how people defend themselves when they are insulted by random loosers on the Internet
Of course a horsefucker would post on a website about MLP, where the hell else do you want them to be?
DeleteBronies aren't retards because they watch MLP, they're retarded because they enthusiastically adopt "love and tolerate" as their mantra without realizing has always been a /b/ joke that has never been stated in show. They think this fandom has to be squeaky clean at all times and have to put "vulgar" tags on porn sites like derpibooru despite the fact that the complete version of their supposed mantra has always been "I'm gonna love and tolerate the SHIT out of you". Bronies are the faggots that want everything related to this show to be a giant hugbox.
Horsefuckers are people who are honest about the fact that they want to cum inside rainbow dash. They don't want to be called horsefuckers because they think it's somehow less cringy, because of course "horsefucker" is the cringier of the two terms. Bronies just aren't honest enough to admit their desires because they want to see themselves as normies.
Bronies like being bronies because they feel that identity connects them to a larger community of people just like them and this normalizes their fetish. Horsefuckers accept themselves for the uniquely fucked up individuals that they are deep inside that like to jack it to flash games with shitty MS paint artwork, and don't have to hide it behind cutesy phrases like "clopping"
Funny, I do not see this disclaimer on the other Opinion pieces. Kind of a lame excuse if you are trying to say why that is there. Feeling your balls in a vice maybe and trying to stay on the good side of certain folks while desperately trying to not look like hypocritical douche bags?
ReplyDeleteFuck everyone. All of you need to get a real fucking life. Stop using the internet as a means to feel way more important than you are. Literally no one outside of this crybaby autist fandom cares about what the fuck is happening between these two pieces of shit.
ReplyDeleteGo outside, get some air, and stop jerking each other off. You too HN.
Ohey Leekfish, when did you get here?
DeleteI don't understand why this drama in continuing, L.F has been adding fuel to the fire, and now I see she always try to get her way, and if she don't she rebels until she do. I love her art, but her attitude is a lot different. The last thing anyone want to see in the fandom is hugboxes, we all try our best to avoid 'em, but they always come crawling out whenever they don't like or approve of something.
ReplyDeleteAlso, MLP staffs getting in the middle off horse drama? That's another thing I don't like to see for some reason.
LeekFish is the one that caused this to get instigated at the level it did and could of put an end to it at any point while keeping the whole issue private, but instead she made it public and stirred up unnecessary shit in the community, just to get her way. While I do not think James is exactly blameless in all this, Leekfish and those backing her are just as guilty of targeted harassment. James did not put a target on her and say go get her, that was just an unintended consequences of his actions mentioning her by name in his panel. Leekfish, on the other-hand has gone out of her way to try and ruin James. She can play the victim all she wants, but she is also behaving like an abuser.
DeleteOh, I know James is partially to blame, but L.F has been acting more like an ass than him. I've seen him try to be rational and squash the whole thing, but I've never seen drama like this drag on for no more than a few days unless it's something huge like "Down with Molestia" or any other thing we had in the past that don't cross my mind right now.
DeleteI'm not saying I'm on James side, but he seems to be the one a lot more lvl headed in this situation than L.F the drama didn't have to be this huge, it could've been easily looked over. but since she has a lot of followers, things like this will happen. L.F do not like any kind of "offensive" joke of any kind, she's just another SJW who take things too far and too serious, and I've seen her do it plenty of times in the past. Funny how that works since the fandom is full of "offensive things" and I'm surprised she didn't leave by now.
It is too large of a source of income for her, otherwise she would be completely dependent on the boyfriend with a far larger income than her. This boyfriend she had after years of claiming to be a lesbian towards any male that tried to get close to her and tried to claim that she is still one despite having boyfriend.
DeleteMakes me wonder if she misunderstand what the term lesbian means. It certainly isn't reject all men till a sugar daddy shows up, it means you are attracted to women and ONLY women. You cannot be dating a guy and claim to be a lesbian, for christ sake.
"But then, she started getting aggressive. [...] She began telling her fans to abuse YouTube's reporting mechanism to bring the video down, and then began to justify using the DMCA against him"
ReplyDeletecitations on these wild claims AnimatedJames? because let's be honest who the fuck else wrote this article, no one here is going to defend your autist ass unless they're one of your brony fanboys lodged up your ass along with your underage, cracker girlfriend
DeleteSee attached for citation.
I am not AnimatedJames. I might even be the exact opposite of AnimatedJames.
a white man who's seen a vagina in person?
DeleteSeriously anon, that shit was all over her twitter. Just because you don't pay attention to the EXTREMELY IMPORTANT HORSE DRAMA OF THE DAY is not our fucking problem, faggot.
DeleteYeah, hi, how ya doin? Guy that was actually in the vendor hall at the time here. Yeah, she wasn't stalked, she wasn't threatened, she wasn't harassed. What happened was one guy made a joke relating Jame's rape joke and the status of her virginity and another guy laughed. The two then walked away.
ReplyDeleteSince I don't normally pay attention to the shit end of this particular stick known as the brony fandom I didn't know what they meant until Twitter came along. But yeah, this entire campaign is just based on more Tumblrina bullshit over one comment in the vendor hall.
You are saying that the whole thing was blown way out of proportion and details of events were exaggerated? Get out of town!
DeleteI bet everyone else is as shocked as you are.
DeleteThank you for clearing this up, now I know this is more B.S than it already is.
Deletefucking knew it.
Deleteleekfish confirmed for drama stirring tumblrina shithead. take those asspats LF and shove them.
gosh you sound so truthful no way this could be animatedjames
DeleteNo matter how hard you try in either this article or the other, anon, Leekfish isn't gonna suck your white knighting dick.
DeleteIdk has Animated James ever come to this site? Either way, no, I'm not.
DeleteLook at her recent posts, she has reduced it from being a bunch of stalking and such to being a single comment aimed at her and having to do with rape.
Delete>No content withing the article was changed whatsoever
ReplyDeleteSo I guess the author of this article is a liar?
Or may Google is the real liar?
It should be good now. Please understand that its tough dealing with blogger. We mean no harm to the author.
DeleteAye, one of the guys accidentally removed that closing paragraph. I re-added back in. We're not trying to censor anything, mind you. We're simply trying to label an opinion piece for what it is.
Delete"Trying to label an opinion piece for what it is."
^this guy gets it
DeleteUm, everything posted on this site is shit, just some of it is more interesting than the rest flung at the horrible people, including myself, that visit here.
Deletethat final part is still in the article l2r sperglord
ReplyDeleteThey added it back in, lovely. The ass-covering continues.
DeleteIt really was not there before, though I know it is hard to prove that without a screen-cap.
He's right, the part was accidentally removed for some odd reason or another.
DeleteIt looks like it has to do with the way the Blogger software interpreted the all bold line of text in the article. For some reason the shitty software thought that the bolded section (and everything that followed) wasn't part of the article proper so it just cut that off
DeleteYou can't hide what was originally written, NewsieLicious.
ReplyDeleteI speak for myself as (shitty) satire writer and not the whole of PBK here. I don't care about fandom drama. I write entirely fictional nonsense because I think it's fun. I am under no obligation to cover any of the nonsense that happens. The fandom isn't life, and the horrible way people sometimes treat each other in the fandom has no effect on me.
PBK gets at best 200 views a day. I highly doubt it is are contributing to any hugbox. The fact that you even rolled it into your accusation shows how distorted your perception of the fandom is. People are horrible to each other all the time. Being horsefuckers doesn't make that any more relevant.
Now I see it updated, so the first sentence is irrelevant.
DeleteFuck my bad grammar and lack of proofreading at 2 AM.
DeleteLooks like someone touched a nerve.
DeleteIf you didn't care you wouldn't had made your post, so don't try and give any bullshit about not.
I actually only threw PBK in because I didn't want you guys to feel left out. Plus, there really aren't that many news outlets left in the fandom any more.
DeleteAnon, I'm not really upset. I only felt it necessary to point out to Newsie what the "mission" of PBK is.
DeleteBut, NewsieLicious, if you meant it in jest, then we can take a joke!
"My pile of shit smells better than yours." - This Situation
ReplyDeleteHN, you need to seriously address the issue that is going on, this has all been massively mishandled.
ReplyDeleteI am actually inclined to believe that what's been going on is a massive misunderstanding, that the articles was pulled for proper editing, that the disclaimer is meant to be for all opinion pieces but is, conveniently, overlooked with others and that the ending paragraph was left out on accident during the re-post of the article. Though that is a hell of a lot of shit to mess up on.
Can you blame people for thinking you are backtracking and simply trying to cover you asses as best you can with this?
Absolutely not, I would agree with them if I was in their shoes. As an admin, I can give you my insight. The article was hastily pulled because no editor reviewed it. It was temporarily reverted to draft so it could be properly reviewed; the author did not contact any of the editors that were online. Another admin accidentally removed the ending paragraph because he's fucking retarded and I already chewed him out on it.
DeleteI will give you kudos for trying to clean up what is obviously a fucking mess created by a series of unauthorized events.
DeleteThis writing sounds a lot like Silver Eagle. Which actually makes since since PVL is an affiliate of HN and some of these sentences quote some of his tweets earlier.
ReplyDeletePonylluminati ahoy.
DeleteI'm going to post here what I posted talked to animated james:
ReplyDeleteAnimators are Entrepreneurs, we are go getters and we GET SHIT DONE
the type of personality required to make animation is one with a tough outer skin and doesn't waste time with stupid drama.
So we are honest. EXTREAMLY HONEST. You wanna see how BRUTAL and HARSH animators can be? Watch them critique each others work. Most novice artists would run away with tears streaming down their cheeks. Why are animators such assholes to each other?!
We aren't we WANT to see everyone improve their art, we WANT to see everyone get better and that's why we are so brutal to each other. The biggest insult an animator can give to another animator is "looks great." when there are GLAREING ERRORS in the animation. That's equivalent of saying "you are not worth my time. I'm going to let you continue to suck and you'll never understand why no one likes your work." So we are very straight forward and point out all the flaws in that persons work. Because it is our job to bash each others ego in to a bloody fucking pulp and spit it back at your face.
We are used to this..... The average person is not.
The average person will take your sincere gesture to point out flaws that they can approve upon as an attack.
The average person needs to coddled, to protect their precious ego cause it's already grown to the size of a disgusting , slime monster. They will take your "please stop sending me messages, I have work to that needs to be done, each time I reply to you I have to stop what im doing and type." as an insult.
its just the way it is man.
I like James, I never have to question his intention, and if he doesn't like you, he'll tell you.
Mad respect for him.
draw james farting
DeleteTo be honest, for an animator, you sound like a huge retard who doesn't know how to critique well. Not with that attitude.
DeleteHere's a guide: http://akreon.deviantart.com/art/The-Hitchhiker-s-Guide-to-Critique-287120707
I wonder if it's coincidence that you two both have encyclopedia dramatica articles talking about what furry fags you were before bronies
Delete>To be honest, for an animator, you sound like a huge retard who doesn't know how to critique well. Not with that attitude.
DeleteWell petey did have a reputation for saying that anyone who critiques an artist is a fedora-wearing turbonerd.
If you know about me, then you must know my view of Anons and people too cowardly to attach their name to what they type.
DeleteI don't acknowledge you as another human being.
DeleteOld news for some people, but an interesting read.
anybody can literally write anything about someone on that site you know that right?
DeleteWow, Pikafaggot is still here, he never learns, do you want to get your ass rapped like yesterday
You're pathetic Pikafaggot, You have always wanted to be famous but nobody gives a crap about you.
You realized you can't be famous by your own merits, that's why always you suck the dicks of people more famous than yourself because you're an attention whore .
>anybody can literally write anything about someone on that site you know that right?
Pathetic damage control, people are pissed at you because you shitty attitude, you want to be noticed so you act like a retard manchild everywhere and discrediting and insulting other peoples works, you're defendig AnimatedJames because both of you are massive pieces of shit, you subconsciously identify with him.
again, if you're "so busy" being a "successful animator", why do you have so much time to troll for drama?
Delete> Anons to cowardly to put their names
DeleteBruh do you even Horse News? The point of being anons is to level the field - this way we are all equals in faggotry. Well that's the theory anyways, of course there's always people like you to break science and demonstrate autism has no bounds.
"Freedom of speech means I can say whatever I want forever with no consequence for my actions, douchetard"
Delete^^^ Hey petey! You seem to have went on anon. Did you make that mistake? Or are you that much of an insecure cunt? Maybe you, James, Leekfsh, and that try hard edgefaggot Hotdiggity should start cucking each other in the same space.
DeletePika Faggot, I'm stepping in as DIRECTOR and telling you it's not worth it with these anons, you're just making a fool of yourself again.
Delete>"Freedom of speech means I can say whatever I want forever with no consequence for my actions, douchetard"
Delete>with no consequence for my actions
You're more retarded than I thought Petey, being disliked by everyone and being ass-raped online every time you open your fucking mouth are the consequences of your actions.
The idea has become the institution
ReplyDelete>all these namefags
ReplyDeletetwitter and tumblr pls go
Much drama would be forgotten and disappear if HN weren't here to fan the flames?
ReplyDeleteIsn't that what HN is here for?
DeleteThe tagline to this website used to be "/mlp/: we know drama", so yeah you summed it up pretty well
Deleteleekfish is one psychotic person but then again what do I except from a man-hateing man-enslaving anti-white social justice warrior feminist (no iam not racist or but I do believe that white people and men can be subject to racism and sexism just like anyone else its wrong ether way but don't the sjws or ill get labeled as such cause I don't believe in their narritive )
ReplyDeleteQuit the fandom
ReplyDeleteYou always say that. Why don't you just leave and stop reading Horse News.
DeleteI...can't... I can't...
DeleteThe ride never ends
DeleteLadies and Gentilmen, i do believe it is time that we all gather our ponies and leave this drama infested fandom once and for all, im getting to old for this childish bullshit. Have fun with your hug box
ReplyDeleteI leave the web for 24 hours and this stuff starts up? Wow, crap sure flows quickly in this fandom.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see how far this would have gone if the "victim" wasn't a woman...
ReplyDeleteIf it had not been of anyone with clout in the con community it wouldn't have gone this far in the first place. Trust me, if a guy pulled some stunt like this the tumberlinas would of high-jacked the situation anyway, as the guy got ridiculed in a far different way than Leekfish has.
DeleteNo one really gives a shit about men's feelings and male social rituals are far different than that of women, mainly other guys would of called him out on his bullshit and not gotten the blow-back people have gotten for calling bullshit on Leekfish. Case in point, AJ as a guy and was indeed called out on his bullshit in this matter, he admitted to this part in all this and tried to shrug it off and move on, Unfortunately for him the other-side of the situation involved a women, who can't seem to let shit go, so he suddenly found himself assaulted by a horde of harpies that would not be satisfied till he completely emasculated.
I try to not remind myself that I'm 'not entirely welcome' at BronyCon due to that sarcastic tweet I made to her last year.
ReplyDeleteWomen are like spiteful elephants dude.
Deletethe similarities are amazing; you'll never touch either one within your lifetime
DeleteThis sort of behavior by by bronies, pegasisters, fans, or whatever would make celestia weep. THIS is why i am a fan of MLP, read the stories, view the pictures, and sometimes give encouraging or comforting words to those that make them... but i DO NOT participate in the fandom. All of you are fans of the show, but you know what it is trying to teach you right? The elements of harmony. They work. Try using them.
Delete>make celestia weep
>try using the elements of harmony like the show it trying to teach you
Are you lost? Did you not see that the logo for this site is Rainbow Dash presenting her ass for us to cum inside? Do you think we come to this site do so to learn the magic of friendship? Because as of right now the two most popular articles on this site are a link to a flash game where you can fuck over a dozen different show characters and a series of images documenting someone sticking their dick in an artificial horse pussy.
I'm your pleas are wasted on us horsefuckers
Says someone who would obviously have to be involved in the fandom to have any idea what'a going on, let alone know about this, that you went out of your way to visit and post. Yeah, I'm calling bullshit.
DeleteYou might be embarrassed to of the fandom you belong to and can deny it all you want, but you're a brony and you just participated in fandom drama. So... kudos.
Only if calling out hugboxers now counts as "participating in fandom drama". I ain't said shit about leekcunt or animatednigger.
DeleteI'm here for the flash games where red alicorn OCs grow an extra dick so they can fuck Luna in the ass and pussy at the same time. The fewer sincere "love and tolerate" bronies that come visit this site and dilute the userbase the more depraved horsefucking content this site will have.
HN has always been shit anyway, and I'll always like them for that.
ReplyDeleteI think a large issue is that a lot of her friends not knowing what's really going on and are just concern for someone who for all we know may be getting threats? Idk
ReplyDeleteLeekfish is a vendor friend of mine, so when I saw she was getting threats or something I was a bit concern of course in the rare case if something may actually happen that would be awful. But most internet "threats" are just people hiding behind a keyboard and too scared to do anything in public about it. And if she was scared about a rape threat I would be willing to walk with her back to a hotel or something.
I agree, AJ's rape joke is a stupid form of comedy to resort to. But I hate that internet mentality of if you disagree with one thing someone says then you have to disagree with everything they say.
I can agree with things from both sides, and Leekfish is generally a good person too. So let's not jump on another bandwagon of hating some "side" cuz all that does is cause a cycle of retribution where you need to get back at them.
Be mature, be willing to give an opinion to show that you disagree with something and leave it at that. Zealous behavior doesn't lead to anything but an internet crusade *cough cough* SJWs
Isn't AnimatedJames that guy who sperged out when some weirdo said marker ink can't melt steel beams or something?
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know, he was the one who got sperged on by some random guy for signing some other guy's face.
DeleteTons of autism either way.
people like 23:05 have tried to claim that animatedjames' complete meltdown over one fellow autist's complaints aren't spergy, but they don't have ground to stand on after the video which reveals his true autismal power
DeleteYou are all tremendous faggots. Srsly.
ReplyDeleteSo much tinfoil in these comments over a simple disclaimer. I didn't realize there was so much overlap between /mlp/ and /pol/.
ReplyDeleteHard to ignore the strong overtone of sjw tactics
ReplyDelete*Until she stops breathing.