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Gotta shill those views

Comments (19)

  1. > Media/News/Publishing

    Is Shitposting not a valid category?

  2. "Facebook"

    Why not face book and study instead, you illiterate fucks?

  3. Like anyone would be caught dead liking this site on facebook. Twitter is one thing Facebook though...

    1. >2015
      >still being afraid of liking ponies irl
      >still being afraid of what normies think

    2. Lol, that faggot might not even be in his 30's and prolly doesn't even have a neckbeard. What a cunt, amirite guise? Lol, kek, over 9000 and up my ass.

    3. you silly, horsefuckers are even worse than bronies in the sense that they have no ability to hide their powerlevels, but they think it's okay because pretending to be retarded is okay, right?

    4. @Jim The Ponyguy

      >plugging facebook
      >not realizing Zuckerjew's encouraging the hiring of illegals.

      Fuck you for trying to encourage others to feed Zuckerberg's fat, Jew face with his website. Twitter's one thing. Especially since the Twatteratti and the tumblrtards hang there. But really? Facebook? I'm not putting any fucking money into Zuckerjew's already rich ass face. Fuck him, and fuck YOU especially, Jim.

    5. Somepony's really triggered!

    6. I eat dicks all day long. Just so you know.

    7. All the nor/mlp/al people can do the whole
      >Facebook shills!
      Routine if they want. But let's be honest with the traffic HN gets plenty of people have Facebook, and some even have friends irl. They probably go outside too

  4. Hey Horse News! Get on the ball surrounding the whole Doxy thing. It's the next DWM but going after ALL the artists and cartoon porn, not just pony. Should be quite a show.

    1. I wanna see an article about Purple Dickless moving to a new city and immediately quitting his job because transphobia", as if anyone didn't see that coming. Countdown until the inevitable begging for money begins ... now

    2. Then it's time we fought back. It's time we destroyed the new Down With Molestia groups going after the said artists and cartoon porn. It's time we struck them down. We MUST be as militant and possibly violent as the SJW hoards who would seek to destroy our rights, IF we are going to survive.

      I'm not suggesting we do it for fun, or to spite these SJWs. But I'm suggesting that we do it for the sake of our survival. Our survival as Americans.

    3. If you have any info on a story, email us, or shoot us a contact on Skype, we'll pick up. Contact info is here;

  5. "Media/News/Publishing/Shitpostting" :-D

  6. >using a platform that doesn't respect your freedom

    1. @1:19

      >Well, maybe your freedom should stop dressing like a little whore.

      Fuck off, Muslim pedophile scum.

  7. >Using Kykebook

    No thanks.
