DinoOmNoms part 2: the Assault on Amy Keating Rogers continues

It's Friday morning here at Horse News. The sun is shining, the air is warm. A national holiday weekend, time for some relaxation and nothing to bother us. But then, as we sit down at the breakfast table we open up a box of our favorite cereal, and our twitter feeds, to find this. A nice big bowl of RAGE to start the day.

It's been nearly a week since the "Agender", "asexual", ASSHOLE that is DinoNoms began harassing Amy Keating Rogers on Twitter. Here we are at day 5 and DinoNoms is still at it.

WHY was...she?...harassing Amy? Because Fluttershy's voice got deep briefly in an episode that aired nearly half a decade ago, and she wasn't transgendered. So DinoNoms decided to go on a delayed crusade against a writer who doesn't even work for the show anymore.

Also because of Derpy, a character whose name didn't have any connotations related to disability, and was already changed years ago, and because Zecora is a "magical black person" in a world where literally every character is magical.

You can't make this shit up folks.

Needless to say, the more rational fans on twitter (MORE rational being a group that includes 99% of Twitter's userbase), decided to take issue with DinoNoms and engage her, about her decidedly misplaced views.

Then this happened.

Presented in no particular order, we have DinoNoms' latest complaints

hold that thought.


From Lauren Faust herself.

So this doesn't show any signs of stopping. DinoNoms has dismissed the opinions of "People of Color" as she calls them, those of members of the Transgender and Transsexual communities, and even those of people with disabilities - the very groups she claims to speak for - telling her that she's mad at nothing and is only harming the causes she claims to champion.

Officially speaking, DinoNoms has Blocked Horse News on Twitter. 
Who's the coward now?

We end last night's rampage with an anonymous quote.

Comments (51)

  1. Fury Belle's live again, though.

    1. Kinda, the blog is back but it's inactive

    2. The only reason it's back is because Catfood's an attention whore. I mean, as soon as someone mentions Fury Belle, he suddenly he quits hiding it? Has he been lurking around this whole time, checking to see if anyone mentioned him?

      I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he was the jackass who kept badgering Horse News to do an article about Fury Belle being hidden after he made an ass of himself with that Steven Universe thing.

    3. What was that Steven universe thing?

    4. >implying Catfood wasn't every single anon commenting about his "absence"

  2. This summer's gonna hurt like the MF he is. He must die.

  3. You guys do realize this is just a troll, right? A troll that could be blocked?

    1. but why block a troll when you can pander for sympathy from your horde of retarded horse followers?

    2. Why block when you can follow the river to the sea?

    3. There are people who are legit crazy, though. They're surprisingly consistent in their approach. It really, honestly looks like they believe they are the victim, and everyone that is not in 100% agreement with them is some horrible villain.

      They're seeing all these horrible things when there is none. I think what's more disturbing is that they're not even willing to engage anyone in any sort of discussion. It believes itself to be 100% right and everyone else is wrong.

      I don't know how you can live to be 32 and be that goddamned retarded.

    4. This entire fandom has dealt with this exact same shit for years. That's why I get the distinct feeling everyone who's going "she's just a troll, you guys" is DinoDumbs trying to troll shield herself because she thinks 4chan is full of hackers on steroids who will blow up her yellow van if they realize she's serious.

    5. No she's being fucking serious. I actually posted a link to a thread on KiwiFarms discussing Dino & someone managed to dig up some very, very interesting info on "her" which proves she IS legit insane.

    6. Okay 4chan, you can stop with the shit trolling now. It's not funny, it was never funny to begin with. Jesus H Christ give it up. We all know it's you trying to remind us of how deranged nutjob social activists are.

      We don't need to be reminded after 8 YEARS of hearing and laughing at bullshit coming out of the mouths of those lolcows.

  4. Borderline personality disorder, Ha, classic.

    1. that's what tinker has too

  5. DinoNoms seems to be on the fast track to a severe brain aneurism. That level of vein-popping rage just isn't healthy.

  6. DinoNoms's real name is Morgan Dambergs.
    Morgan Dambergs is a 32 year old Political Author from Halifax, Nova Scotia.
    She was found because @DinoOmNoms used to be @MorganDambergs
    Morgan and DinoNoms even have pictures of the same cat on their profiles.

    If you would like to learn more about Morgan Damberg's writings, here is some contact information for you to utilize.


    If you would like to report Dambergs for Cyber bullying (as clearly all of this qualifies) you can report her to the Nova Scotia Justice Department's Cyberbullying Taskforce, a government organization tasked with this exact purpose.

    You can find them here http://cyberscan.novascotia.ca/

    1. Oh, fuck. This psycho is living just across the harbour from me. Thanks for the info, m8.

    2. Can you check out the book store they supposedly run? Worried they might be having a psychotic breakdown or something.

    3. Do it, and if you own any pony apparel be sure to wear it when you go in.

    4. doxxing is super cool! your dick must be like 3 feet long

    5. Meh. I don't give enough fucks, nor am I stupid enough, to actually cross the bridge and visit this fucker's business (which, if the pictures of Orphan Books are any indication, is run out of a repurposed shed). I will, however, recommend to my other book-nerd friends to avoid that store like a plague because the owner is a loon. No amount of visitation and IRL trolling will smack sense into someone this divorced from reality. But I will be warning people about this clearly dangerous individual and making sure not to grant said individual any form of financial support.

    6. No wonder she's making up shit like "agender" and all that. She's just a white girl! And she's confirmed her "partner" is just a man in drag, so she's basically straight! She's straight AND white! Strip away all the genderkin shit and she's just a straight white girl.

      40 keks out of 10

  7. You do realize this is likely to backfire, right?

  8. This "person" is clearly a troll. But if it's not...dog pile the bastard with reports. If twitter doesn't do anything it, it just goes to show what side of the fence they are truly on. Remember, no bad tactics, just bad targets, amirite?

    1. Even if she was a troll, harassment is harassment. Do you really think "I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!" is a valid defense anywhere?

    2. >she

    3. There's proof she's female.


  9. *sigh* The last thing a person thoroughly enjoying their self-portrayal as a suffering martyr with every hand raised against them is being given anything remotely like actual legitimacy.

    With as much anger, hate and vitriol this person has, I think the most appropriate sentence has already been handed out; they are stuck being chronically unhappy with anyone or anything (seemingly including themselves, from what I gather from their writings) for the rest of their life.

    Rather ironic, to rage at anyone and anything in range like a wolf trying to chew its own leg off in a trap, serving a life sentence of abject misery, while the whole time being your own guard.

    Report them to Twitter, then leave this sad little person to fade back into their obscurity.

    1. If you don't want to enjoy the freakshow and watch karmic retribution play out, then ride your high horse out of here.

    2. I do admit to it being morbidly entertaining watching someone socially melting down like this; "Like watching a monkey swallow an hand grenade" as I believe The Simpsons once put it :D

      However, several days later the novelty has certainly worn off, and honestly the more ammunition handed to them, the more justified they are going to feel in continuing lashing out. Now, if this is a good or a bad thing I suppose is up to each to decide for themselves.

      However, without the back-and-forth, reading their history they do seem to have a rather short attention span (even if still a rather singular mindset) and I think will quickly move onto their next windmill to tilt at.

      As for Karma, I think that to someone who has apparently well trained themselves to be abjectly miserable with everything and anything, there is probably little anyone else can do to make them more miserable then they already are?

    3. Don't care.

    4. Tell me more about this wolf who chewed his own leg off

  10. Given the glee displayed at being "the anti-brony", it's obvious they're just regurgitating this garbage for attention. Not surprised in the least.

    1. Then let's give her attention. Let's make fake twitter accounts, make her think she has support, lead her along, then reveal it's all a joke! Just Chris-chan the shit out of her!

  11. Wait, one of those posts involved Sargon?

    Well, I think we all know what'll be in This Week in Stupid....

  12. Thing I am never quite sure of is if someone is labeled as trans woman means that she's female identifying as a man or male identifying as a woman. Can't you just go with MTF / FTM?

    1. If someone is "trans-X" then X is what they identify as. A transman is a woman who wants to be a man, and a transwoman is transwoman is a guy who wants to be a girl. So transman is FTM and transwoman is MTF.

      Of course, this person is neither of those things, because being "agender" is for jellyfish and bacteria, and even if I DID believe that their identity isn't pure fiction and that this person isn't actually just an attention-starved white girl, you can't be trans anything if you're claiming to be nothing.

  13. i swear now I think dinonoms is a goddamn motherfucking troll trying to piss everyone off show she can then play the victim card and claim assrasment

  14. So, I thought that Twitter kicks people continuous abuse now. Why is this person still in possession of their account?

  15. As an asexual, I just want to make it clear that identifying as such does not make you like this idiot. It just means I want either dick nor poon.

    That's it. That's seriously it.

    Between people using asexuality as an "easy" excuse for avoiding the advances of others and people like DinoOmNoms, Asexuals seem to look like universal assholes.

    The thing about asexuality is that, tbh, there's little need to go vocal. No one's systematically killing people for not fucking, no religion hates us and we account for maybe 1-5ish percent of the human population. Yeah, knowing that asexuality was a thing could have saved a lot of people some personal turmoil, but its not all that big an issue. Heck, most people spend part of their life completely asexual, aka:in childhood.

    In other words, there's few circumstances in which asexuals have to get "vocal" over some uniting cause. So please don't associate us with this Dino motherfucker or any other person like them; we just want to not-fuck in peace, and have no agenda against sexuals.

    1. Rock on Anon! There's nothing wrong with being asexual/agendered. Just don't be an attention-craving asshat drama-starting "I hate you cuz u did something I din't like and now ul hear my fucking tweets" dumbshit like this DinoNoms is and everyone will be cool.

    2. People like this Dinonoms are doing a lot of harm to the trans/etc. communities by making them out to be crazy oversensitive idiots. I wish they could see this, but of course they never will because that would mean having to admit they're wrong.

      Sane, rational people, regardless of gender identity, don't behave this way.

    3. 13:44 have you met purple tranny tho

      all trannies are like this

    4. I don't think the psycho ever claimed to be asexual. She made it a big point to mention as often and loudly as possible that she has a partner who is also a snowflake like her. What she actually claimed was that she was agender. And personally, I don't think that's even a real thing at all.

  16. Why am I not surprised people like these are coming out of Canada. Canada is full of RDDB's anyway.

    RDDB's=Red Diaper Doper Babies

  17. akr is retarded enough to never have understood the adage "don't feed the trolls"

  18. https://twitter.com/M_A_Larson/status/617699216719085568

    Holy shit, thank you based Larson.

  19. I just tweeted him "Nigga please", I am excitedly waiting for the >triggered response
