Anti-brony photoshops #CharlestonShooting images to blame murders on pony fans

Anti-bronies, notorious for being tasteful in every situation, decided today to place the blame of a massacre of 9 people in a church in Charleston South Carolina, on the shoulders of the pony-fan community, by photoshopping the character Rainbow Dash onto images of the suspect's arrest.

The image above which has already begun going viral is a fake, as every original photo does not bear the image of the pony, and no evidence whatsoever has been found to support that the suspect, Dylann Roof, is a fan of the show. We know, because we looked.

Below, we have attached several screencaps of reactions to the faked image, which we are sure will continue.

The image seems to have began on this twitter account, which has since been retweeted hundreds of times.

An original image, without the Rainbow Dash mane.

This is one of the most retweeted versions

So yes, the images of Dylann Roof wearing a pony shirt are fakes.

We believe that the user called "RaspberryPirate" may be the originator of the fake image.

The groups have begun photoshopping other photos....badly..

*cough* *cough*

Comments (70)

  1. Replies
    1. let's face it, the Anti-bronyes are none other than the comun fandoms that we already know about


    2. fandoms hating other fandoms


      here's some example

    3. Kill yourself.

  2. Anti-bronies are like anti-furries: more pathetic than those they go after.

    1. Someone call the /co/ mod, their tripfag got loose.

  3. Truly he is on the righteous path and will soon sit alongside the throne of our glorious God, Dear Princess Celestia.

  4. Here we go again... ugh.

  5. Just wait until the serial killer fandom romanticizes this cracker with uwu love poetry and slash fic with Dylan and the boston bomber.

  6. these anti-bronies are so fucking retarded and desperate to get bronies removed from the internet and public life that they have to resort to outright lying good job anti-bronies

  7. Hahaha who the hell let /b/ have a twitter

  8. Amazing how someone can look at a tragedy and think "Hey, I can use this as an opportunity to fake some evidence to lay blame with a group of people I don't like'. In my opinion that is both incitement and damn near a hate crime in itself.

    In a very recent tweet he referred to some of his re-tweeters as 'Negroids'. I think that says a lot about how much he cares about the victims of the shooting.

    Oh, and if you want a good high-resolution cop of the real image? People magazine has one front-and-centre in their article on the arrest.

    or just for the image.

    1. I will not go as far as "hate crime" since i think the term is completely innapropriate to link with a fandom. This photoshop is ,however and of course, in complete bad taste and is the work of a troll that used an event ripped off the headline to rile people up because "for teh lulz goatse over9000 you just butthurt at my EBIN WEEN"
      RaspberryPirate is a vulture that is not ashamed to circle around fresh corpse just to be salty about people he dont like on Internet

  9. Fact is he he is a brony and we as a community need to accept we have some bad apples among us. :/ I think getting out there now and showing the positive nature of Rainbow Dash is important. I for one will not let this anti-brony smear Rainbow Dash without a fight.
    Bronies unite!

    1. Fuck you, that picture of me is so unflattering. They could have at least let me look directly at the camera for a funny photo, but no, those fat ass cops just told me to hurry up or I may get a stern talking to.

    2. You cank eep your fucking fandom faggot! You ruined it! It deserves to crash and burn!!!!111! Thank GOD i'm a horsefucker and not some sperglord brony! Fuck that gay ass shit fandom. God I'm so fucking mad right now. Fuck you brony anon for ruining my day.

    3. >Triggered

    4. >trying to make people who prefer horsefucker look bad
      I'm not gonna call myself a brony, but bronies are fine. Horsefucker is more fun.

    5. The fandom is the one making your porn you fucking retards.

    6. ^I love it when /b/ actually thinks we dislike the porn and that anyone who would use this site would type anything like the original comment.

    7. anon 18:11

      your not helping that much

  10. capper, you're so not fun. you should have let this spiral for a while haha.

  11. I can't judge, I'd probably do the same if I had this much of a shit-tier horse on my t-shirt.

  12. Oh crap you guys that @RaspberryPirate is a hacker. We are all screwed. I hope like hell our personal information here is safe, I can't have my job find out I am brony!

  13. Looks like killers always dress in style.

    Seriously, let it slide. If people are autistic enough to believe this shit, then they obviously don't deserve the truth.

  14. Autistic and tasteless.

  15. Imagine for a second that the image is real. We'd have half of /b/ praising us and joining the herd.

    1. Who the fuck would want that?

    2. Never said it'd be a good thing.

    3. There already is a brony murderer, and that didn't bring over /b/


    You sheep need to wake up. I'd be proud to have one of our own lead the revolution. I'm disappointed to find out he wasn't one of us.

  17. Lol this guy is just a troll. Move on.

    1. Right. Because if someone has opinion that you can't agree with they are a troll. Grow the fuck up faggot.

    2. Except that this guy literally posted on his twitter that his twitter was a troll account...
      Maybe if you pulled your hands out of your pants every once and a while you'd learn a thing or two.

  18. Stay classy, Anti-Bronies!

    1. that "antybrony"thing is that a funny way to describe gamers and otakus?

  19. Let the salt flow from both bronies and anti-bronies alike, especially from those that either take this phtoshop seriously or wished it was true.

    1. Of all the possible flavors, you chose to be salty

  20. Kek what a fucking faggot. The rest of the world isn't mad enough that somebody likes something that they will fake photos to make fans of it look worse.

  21. Bronies don't need anyone to make them look bad. They have Christian Weston Chandler for that.

  22. Has someone sent this article to all those Twitter users who were fooled?

  23. Low quality bait.Did you even tried ?

  24. "Bronies are fags"

    yeah. and that makes you very macho/Alpha male Mr call of duty fan boy


  25. This is all just a big misunderstanding. He went to church saw people praying for salvation and decided to help them by sending them to Equestria. He just wanted to help. And I'm sure those who got sent off are now much happier than they were.

  26. This is getting bad guys it's spreading to other forums, Dylann Roof is BRONY! We don't need this bad publicity right after the rumors about Capper, this could ruin us!

    Is he brony or not?

    This is so sad :(

  27. Bundles of sticks are fags

  28. the rumor wouldn't have taken off so fast if it wasn't so believable

    I'm pretty sure this bro clopped to a couple ponies even if he hid his power levels

  29. I gotta say when I heard "20 year old while male" I prayed a little that he wouldn't be a brony. There are so many of us its only a matter of time until some psycho with a Pinkamena fetish does something terrible.

  30. Dear Diary,

    Today, Capper General was a faggot.

  31. Average day on the internet.

  32. Anyone getting upset about this just link this:

    Make sure you include source:

  33. He IS BRONY!!! The NY Times confirmed it

    Oh this is so bad what are we going to do?

  34. It used to be /mlp/ was untrollable, now they lawyer up over a harmless -- and pretty funny -- gag.

    What a shame.

  35. Ohh goodness, why are most comments anonymous?
    Still, this is such a sad thing :(
    I couldn't even feel sorry for the guy.....

    1. >why are most comments anonymous?
      >implying this isn't a 4chan site where everyone is anon

    2. I posted as anonymous for my own safety. There's a lot of nuts out there who will attack any person over something they don't agree with. Especially with how many people are now attacking Bronies. Although that has been happening for years. :( Even though I'm a grown woman, people still attack me for being a fan of My Little Pony... when I've been a fan since it first came out!

  36. Say that to my face, not online faggot. :)

  37. Seeing them continue to place blame towards inanimate objects really upsets me. Especially when it is poorly photoshopped. But alas, history repeats itself. How many times were video games to blame for violence? What about Marilyn Manson being banned in Colorado after the Columbine attack? Blaming an object is not going to do anything apart from cause more hate. Instead they need to concentrate on the individual responsible and the people close to them. They need to concentrate on how his parents/friends/teachers/neighbors did not do anything to teach or correct him. By turning away or encouraging his behavior, it led to this. Blaming things will not solve or do anything, you need to blame the individual and the people who didn't do anything to correct that individual. Hate is taught.

  38. 23:20

    yeah...that could might work


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