NovalG vs PurpleT : An open letter (UPDATES)

Update: NovalG has requested that this post be removed, because of the comments section. HN's official policy is to not remove any post unless the contents are proven to be not true, when the object is to be factual.

So we can't go through an entire con without some form of drama manifesting itself in some way or other. While the rest of BABScon on the surface was overwhelmingly free of worry, somehow shitstorms began to churn in the background. We'll start with this one that has begun garnering attention; a dispute between PurpleTinker and NovalG that expanded beyond standard travel-irritation, into - according to Noval (aka SavingThrow) - someone getting "abandoned" in San Francisco.

At Noval's prodding, we've transcribed the long series of public tweets into a coherent open letter below.
"A lot of people have been asking me what the hell happened on Thursday on the way to BabsCon. Time to talk about it.
It started about 6 months ago when Purple Tinker asked me to help run her both at BabsCon. 
In exchange she was going to cover my expenses and pay me $300 for the weekend. Pretty good deal, no? I agreed. 
Fast forward to January. I planned a trip to MAGFest as a birthday surprise for @CherriLyme and invited Tinker to come.
She decided she wanted to make a goal of the weekend to raid the DC hot topic stores to buy stuff for her to sell at BabsCon.
I reluctantly agreed we could hit a couple. MAGFest weekend she was a total jerk.
She prioritized her wants at the convention over what Cherri wanted to do.She yelled at me repeatedly because we got there late and had to reschedule our appointment for Starship Horizons. 
Then the next day I had to drive her to hot topic, luckily we only hit one store, but she bought at least $1000 in pony before discounts. Cherri didn’t want to go, ok, but Tinker then decided to side trip for an hour to an international grocery store. I was there for Cherri that weekend and I wasn’t getting to spend as much time with hir that weekend as I wanted. Well after that weekend we had a big fight that resulted in her calling me some pretty foul names. I quit the BabsCon trip and didn’t talk to her for a few days. Well after an apology I told her I’d be back on for BabsCon. This was the big mistake right here, accepting her apology. 
The fight was with Tinker. I felt so bad for Cherri after that weekend.
Fast forward to last Thursday. I fly from Pittsburgh to San Francisco for BabsCon.
As soon as I get off the plane she starts complaining, through @Smurgen at first, that I’m taking too long to get my luggage and find her.

I get a message from Smurgen with a map. Which I tweet back my location.

Will if you notice the terminal is round and the original image is rotated 90 degrees.
She calls on the phone and starts yelling at me that they just missed a shuttle to the hotel and that her time it’s too valuable.
I finally realize the map thing and eventually make my way too where they are waiting outside for the shuttle. As soon as I  arrive she gives me a hug then starts insulting my intelligence and ability to follow directions.
I yell at her to shut the fuck up, because I’d had enough and someone needed to finally stand up to her. 
She then begins to insult my weight, the fact that I work at Target, and the fact that I still live with my parents, and my intelligence.
She then walks over to me and tries to pull me aide to yell at me some more. I refused.
That’s where she fired me from the booth and took away my con badge since it was going to be a vendor assistant badge. 
The shuttle finally comes, I get on with her and @BrowncoatPony while the others wait for the next shuttle (she had like 10 suitcases)
Then this text exchange happened while on the shuttle.

Luckily at that point we got to the hotel and @iStricer and @Sindiewen offered to let me stay in their room for free.
And @ChefSandy talked to @sonyalynn and got my badge transferred over to a normal attendee badge for the weekend.
But I’m still out the parking fees, bag fees, and other expenses Tinker promised to reimburse me for.
That total is close to $200. An expensive lesson to learn.
So that’s what Purple Tinker did to me. Essentially stranded me in San Francisco with hardly any money.
When you get down to it, she saw me as nothing more than an employee this weekend, not a friend at all.
I’ve tried longer than most to try and help her, to try and see the good in her, but I’m done. I can’t do this anymore."

And there you have it. Tinker, having evidently blocked Noval as evidenced by the first tweet may be reading this long account for the first time. So we're sure Tinker will be along with the other half of the story soon.

Comments (87)

  1. Replies
    1. This article is as stupid as our feud with clan Steve-Mane.

  2. >trusting PT
    >expecting "her/him/whatever" to be generous and totally not a fucking prick
    I'd feel more sorry but it's known very well that this cunt isn't a person to fuck with. It sucks, but çest la vie.

    1. I do feel sorry for her. She says she was gonna get paid for running the booth for the weekend and only that and not be her whipping girl. Pt feels entitled to blame her for simple travel fuck ups and is threatened by her insubordination to fire her and strip her of her con badge. How many more times will Pt be allowed to pull this shit at our cons?

    2. probably whenever people start realising she(purpletinker) is just in general an unpleasant person to deal with professionally. Considering her reputation I'm surprised it hasn't happened but then I think half the time she gets involved in a con it's due to donations or something

  3. I saw Tinker at the con, she looked mad at something or someone, so I tried avoiding her in fear she'd punch me in the face or something.

    1. It's okay, Minty! I'll bodyguard your face!

    2. Well, I don't like my face that much, but I'd rather not ruin the parts which are not too bad of it.

    3. I would enjoy seeing Purple Tinker crying in a men's prison.

  4. I prefer Shakespearean drama over Brony drama.

    1. Why the fuck are you here then?

  5. At some point a person uses up their second chances. PT has used up the good will of this community a long time ago, she is just very good at buying people off. Those she has in her back pocket try and stay in her good graces, but the show staff from DHX want nothing to do with her and some will even refuse an appearance if they are aware she is involved with a convention.

    She is a nobody that so desperately wants to be a some body in this community, why I have no idea. In the end they have been decently in the spotlight, but when it is all said and done it as the butt of a joke, not because of anything she has actually accomplished. She will never be remembered for BronyCon, BAPCon, SeaBronies, or The Old Grey Mare, only for being a bi-polar lunatic that everyone wishes would just go away.

    You can expect BABSCon to not be as accommodating with her next year with her friends no longer running the show.

    1. this fandom is the only one that seems to give a shit about her trans-ness, she certainly doesn't get this support in the real world. she'll be buried under a headstone that says "Joe Blank" because even her own parents think she's just a mentally ill man

      i think she knows this which is why she's so desperate to be popular and liked here, unfortunately a leopard can't change its dick

  6. I'm actually surprised that PT did this. Genuinely surprised. I know she has a temper but I've never heard of her actually leaving someone stranded like this. Just... Wow.

    She's always come off as a bit unstable and lacking in certain social skills but I've never seen her be outright malicious like this. I'd advise anyone against doing business with her in the future; this is just not right.

    1. I think a group of people should just compile evidence like this and send it to any cons she's trying to attend. A good warning to anyone doing business with her.

    2. I like this plan but I lack the wherewithal to be the one to carry it out.

    3. @anon2 someone already did

      purple tinker's been spending the last year trying to harass this chick into deleting the post, including getting horse news to do her dirty work

    4. so PT trying to shut down/blackmail people into deleting any evidence of her wrongdoing isn't dramalicious enough for you?

      idk throw in some vague allusions to his chopped-off dick and you'd have a halfway decent article

    5. KNA is a fucking dirtbag and I hope she gets locked up, BUT that list is made up of stuff straight from the leathery old purple stallion's mouth.

      And OP, look at Tinker's history. Ignoring shit like getting butthurt over some con staff daring to pray for victims of the Boston Marathon bombing and calling 4chan such a terrible place then suddenly becoming their best friends during that Steven Universe drama thing because KNA was involved, there's still a fair bit of shady financial stuff that happened.

    6. @15:52, you do realize that you only know of KNA because of purple tinker's obsessive hateboner for her, right?

      like kna would literally be yet another tumblrite shouting into the void except that purple "I'm not a crook" tinker decided to try and make her famous

      do you always do what tinker tells you to?

    7. I didn't strand her (or anyone). I offered her a rooming option (1/6 of the total room cost, as there were 6 people in there) that would have cost her under $100 for the entire weekend. SHE chose to refuse. That's not on me.

    8. you stranded her by reneging on your verbal contract. you had offered her free room and board, where was she supposed to get that money from? she's not ""broke"" like you are, and can't skim money from one of her many overdone "charity" works when she's low on cash.

      on that note, how's the latest scam (I mean "charity") going?

    9. Why'd she refuse Tink? Is it because you treated her like an asshole? Yeah, you're not the bad guy here, you never are.

  7. How about that hiatu-

    Oh, it's over.....

  8. Did someone get butthurt enough to write a long post?


  9. Someone's on her period
    Oh wait

    1. From now I'm going to believe that it's the exact reason to why he took all that sex change shit going.

  10. I don't feel bad for idiots like this because tinker has been a horrible abusive fuckwit for the past several years, ever since joining the fandom even, but people just don't want to see it because "well (s)he's always been nice to me!"

    now we just gotta start getting her banned from cons. bronycon was a good start, let's work on babs next

  11. Holly shit tinker what the fuck.

    I knew about "don't stick your dick in crazy", but apparently "don't even try to befriend crazy" is what we need.

  12. Liki. Actual journalism? Well done. This is what it should be on this blog, exposing actual wrongdoing and bullshit of a serious nature (e.g. where money is involved). It's still a kids' show so this isn't important to the extreme, but it's still very important because it protects people. It might not sound like it but I've always had high opinions of the people that run this site, and I just wish more stuff on here was like this.

    1. The thing is that we don't get a mountain of evidence dropped on our laps every day. Liki is a master at this kind of reporting but there's often not enough hard proof to make an article, not to mention article after article about one person gets annoying as shit if it's the same old stuff (see the PinkiePony Era for proof).

      That being said, light your cigars mother fuckers the Tinker article is here!

    2. Be the change of want to happen. It's not hard to apply as a horse news writer.

      If you don't like he rest of Horse news' stuff then just don't read it. This is a /mlp/ reporting blog, which many times causes them to report on fandom drama, but not always.

  13. Why am I not surprised? PT has always been a disgusting peson. He's accusing everyone who disagree with him of being transphobic, and thus, every conversation degenerates into a logical fallacy that whoevers calls him out on his bullshit is harrassing him.
    Really, let's give him hell.

    1. Calling a trans woman by male pronouns (as you just did six times) IS transphobic.

    2. That's right, and as you are a woman, we can all openly recognize you for the kind of woman you truly are: a cunt.

    3. What's so wrong about transphobia? Thought everyone is free to think as they want to.

    4. But you sure don't mind sucking up to transphobes when it means you think you can use them as your personal army, huh?

    5. thanks PurpleTinker you, once again proved to all that no one can criticize you, because your only rhetoric is calling whoever expose your shit is an homophobic, right-wing transphobic bigot (autocorrect doesn't even recognize transphobic as a part of the English language! how cruel!) but it doesn't work anymore. you're not the queen of this fucking fandom. you have no life, you're only here to whine and throw tantrums, you hate this fandom. you also recruit fragile minds to back you up.

      the only thing you have accomplished so far is this kind of fame, for being the perfect victim, because of "muh gender"
      isn't that LGBTQINSDAP and feminist propaganda ironical, coming from someone who's sexually frustrated, and know nothing about what love is? regarding what you do to your friends, leaving them at the airport after bullshitting them is really a dick move.

      here's my opinion about you.
      just. leave.

    6. >T-that's transphobic, you cis scum!


  14. So who's more of a cunt, FinalDraft or PurpleTinker?

  15. I managed to grab the shuttle to the hotel with PT and two other people. PT was glued to her phone looking pissed and just would not socialize at all, one person was pretty quiet and the other kinda took the bait and chatted with me a bit.

    As someone who tries to make at least a little friendly smalltalk with as many dorks at cons as possible to kill time in transit/lines/general waiting things, it was kinda awkward.

  16. "entitled ass" - Funny coming from someone that raged at BronyCon staff about how she started it and literally flipped at table at BC 2013. I've seen better behavior from a 6 year old. I don't know Saving Throw but I do know PT, and she is a self entitled git with no sense of humility. Her only saving grace is she started BC which she refuses to let anyone forget even though many are trying too.
    Oh, She is "Saving TPM", she is only investing into them to take ownership of them when they can't pay her back for all her "kindness".

  17. You guys take as a source someone who regularly begs for money for transitioning meanwhile publicly bragging about what new $$$ board games she's buying. Noval is an entitled asshat, always has been, always will be which is why no one in the Cranberry area has wanted to do anything with her in years. Go ahead and ask her how many friends she has alienated. The answer will be 0 because nothing is ever her fault. Now you're just making her head bigger with #horsefamous. Good job.

    1. Tinker pls go

    2. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. Looking over the story as NovalG describes it, there are parts that strike me as vague or blown out of proportion or otherwise seem a bit fishy to me. Purple does still seem like a prick though. For PT to have dropped her ass like that lends credence to NovalG's claim that PT regarded her as an employee and not a friend... presuming that that's not how PT treats her friends.

      In the end though, drama between two melodramatic cunts is still drama, so what difference does it make.

  18. setting aside what is known about these two people, the situation can be boiled down simply to a verbal contract. Noval was being offered all expenses and some income to assist Purple Tinker with her work where she was sharing a table with TPM for a price. The contract was quickly dissolved as soon as they arrived at an airport because Noval got lost, Purple lost her temper and treated Noval like a peon. New airports can be confusing and regardless of "simple instructions" one should not dissolve an agreement over a delay. I am sure Tara would have understood that there may be a slight delay (which could have happened if the flight landed late or the airport was having problems). Instead, someone took it out of proportion and held the convention and hotel over the other persons head. I could understand if something worse happened like if Noval was treating the con-goers poorly consistently. At any job, which being paid that for a few days is still below minimum wage, managers and bosses have certain codes of conduct when treating their employees. A professional warning should have been placed WITHOUT using duragatory words about a persons intelligence, vocation, or personhood. If you are to keep people working for you, you have to treat them as equals not like you are somehow above them. The more equal you treat them, the stronger the bond, and the more likely you will maintain assistants that you can fully trust. That should be expressed more thoroughly in this fandom. Working for almost free does not mean that someone can be treated inhumanly. Noval, word of advice, it may be best next time to just walk away and find another hotel room. We have all been there, its not worth being treated with little respect for little money

    1. 1) I DID give her a warning. I asked her at least 3 or 4 times to step aside with me so we could discuss this away from the group. She refused each time. On the last time or so, I said that if she didn't step aside to talk, "Bad Things" (i.e.: her getting fired) would happen. She still refused to move. I gave her a verbal final warning. She still refused to move, and according to Smurg flipped me off. (I don't even recall that part; I just remember the insubordination.) Finally, I told her she was off my staff.

      2) Repeated, public insubordination is a totally valid reason to fire someone.

      3) $100 per day, for a workday that lasts 8-10 hours, is not "below minimum wage".

      4) I insulted her -after- I fired her, actually. Not before. (I'm not defending having insulted her, just setting the order of things right.)

      5) It's worth noting that I didn't go to Horse-News to write a shitposting article about her, but she did to me.

    2. still you could have handled that better don't you think

    3. hey tranny

      you're a man

    4. Ooh boy. Let me add my two anon-cents.

      I'm a tranny too (MtF in case you care). I say this only because I'm going to say shit and want people to see where it's coming from. I'm posting anon because I don't want people here to think of me as a SJW, and not because I'm ashamed of my status. A lot (and I mean a whole lot) of transsexuals tend to be big SJWs. Stereotypical sure, but I have anecdotal evidence.

      Purple Tinker, what you did was very wrong. Noval probably fucked up but you let your anger get the better of you and made a bad situation worse. You never leave someone high and dry like that in a foreign town. You should have handled it like an adult and dealt with it after the con was over.

      Honestly, I never knew who you were outside of a few minutes of seeing you on a documentary. I knew that you started BronyCon (because you said so) and that you were a tranny (because we can sense our own). After this article, I read a huge amount of stuff about you. Even if I give you the benefit of the doubt and only a tenth of what was said is true, that still makes you a pretty disgusting individual. So I'm proposing this: Summon your own internal Sunset Shimmer and start redeeming yourself. You need to work on your anger management and your realization that all actions have consequences. It's going to be a long road, but you can't afford not to do it.

      To everyone else: I'm not suggesting that you like her, but don't hate her because of who or what she is, hate her because of what she has done. She's got a long road ahead of her and if she ever wants your trust, she has to earn it.

    5. Hey purple twanker, you know what you do to people when you pull them aside for "little chats"? you throw an adult-sized tantrum, curse and call them names, and generally act like a spoiled little brat until you can bully them into getting your way.

      -that- is why no one wants to talk to you "in private," because they know what that means. It doesn't mean NovalG was being insubordinate, it means she was a fuckton smarter than your dumb ass gives her credit for.

      go fuck yourself with a knife, maybe it'll help open up that scarred-over crater you call a vagina

    6. 1) If you were a normal person maybe discussion would be possible, you're not.

      2) What do you think you are to give orders?

      3) $100 per day, for something like this, ahving to deal with someone with a shit personality like yours is not enough.

      4) I insulted her, which is enough, you have not a single notion of respect, for anyone, not even animals.

      5) that's your poinit of view, but i think there's enough reasons here, also including in your CV to know the kind of human scum you are.

      You are certainly not the worst person this fandom ever brought, but one of them, and as a member and active person in this fandom and community you claim to be part of, rejecting its morals, you are hereby asked to leave. get a job, and seek professional psychiatric help.

  19. 1.) This was at the airport before Noval started working. The person is not "working" for you until they are at the vendor booth, or setting up the booth. If you want to count every moment from the plane there till home, that is certainly more than 8-10 hours per day (so $100 and per day and 24 hours in a day is $2.40 an hour). The twitter and posts indicate only a small period of time taking place. Again if you fired her because she was not doing her job correctly, which was to work for you as a vendors assistant not grovel at your feet and take every duragatory word you say to her with a grain of salt, then the fire would be completely justified.
    2.) You have never been known to set aside anyone to speak your mind. You often open your mouth and spit out whatever comes to mind without thinking then apologize later for it. There are many many many instances of this.
    3.) it is worth noting that since this incident has come about you starting posting donations and how you helped TPM. Prior to this, there was little mention of either. Money cannot water down bad press.
    I think it would be prudent that you devise a contract for all persons you decide to assist you at a convention so they know what they are getting themselves into. They will know that they will have to deal with being treated however you feel like treating them and they will have to take it. They will have to deal with that during the entire convention, not just went they are at the booth. This way when these situations go public, you can show your agreement to the world and say "this person signed up and knew what they were getting into" and the situation would be over. There would still be trolls calling you names, but you would have a contract to back it up. Even grimy corporations like Walmart and Comcast have contracts that people sign and have to deal with how they are treated as employees.

  20. Considering that update where Noval is suddenly being a hypersensitive punk bitch, I'm actually inclined to agree with you. I bet this whole thing was just some scam to get 4channers to do the dirty work for this asshole.

    Given that Tinker loves pulling this exact same shit, though, I'm glad someone finally gave the old fruit a taste of his own medicine.

  21. First off I will say, yes, I got lost at the airport and walked past the location they were waiting. I was walking inside the terminal, and they were waiting outside, across a road, so I never would have seen them. By the time I finally realized what had happened she had already started to text me things such as "Where the fuck are you?" That's when I turned around to make my way back.

    Second I asked the article down because I do not wish her to be misgendered despite what she did. I'm fine with everyone knowing what she did, but the misgendering is something I do not like.

    1. Like 2 out of the 10 top comments are misgendering her.

      This is really using the details to avoid the conflict, and it's something PT and tumblr in general does way too much.

    2. >Misgendering
      He was born male so he will always stay male, whether he wants it or not.
      If he can't accept whom he is and instead has to pretend he's something he isn't, then it's a serious mental issue.
      Just you wait till we have people who think they are flowers and expect everyone to treat them as such.

    3. You're a spineless little punk-ass bitch, you know that? You wanted to use us to attack an asshole for being an asshole to you, but what a surprise, that made you look bad with the other little bitches, so now you're trying to save face and beg us to give a shit about your gender otherkin bullshit.

      Mr. Tinker is right. You knew exactly what would happen, which is why you did it. What you didn't know is that you're not the one in control here.

  22. Misgendering? Holy shit. People like you put the lie to the statements that gender and orientation don't matter. You'd think that every instance of misgendering involved a hit team breaking down bedroom doors and sewing a dick back on or chopping one off. Get over yourselves. One anon earlier got it exactly right. Tranny drama is the worst drama.

    But at least it's dependable drama. Thanks for the laughs. It's better than television.

    1. Pronouns are super cerael and can lead to someone being triggered, don't cha know?

      Honestly though, how can people that claim gender does not matter turn around and claim they are one gender over another? If it does not matter, what difference does it make? Unless gender does, in fact, matter.

    2. race, gender or sexual orientation should not be an excuse to not treat people for their personality.

  23. If you are anyone that knows how PT's operates by now, her first step is of course an attempt to shift any and all blame away from her self with her lackeys giving near sockpuppet levels of support, because she is always the victim in these incidents when her temper get the better of her.

    Failing she cannot win sympathy through rage induced finger pointing, her next course of action will be to play the sympathetic victim while profusely apologizing to everyone for her misbehavior and promising to do better. They will do this of course knowing that this individual incident will eventually blow over as the internet has a short attention span, but will also be working to get the details covered up as so no one can use them against her later.

    I mean, hell, you ever wonder why she no longer has an article on encyclopedia? PT knows just the right people to threaten and buy off to bury stories like this.

    1. You mean that PT used to have an ED entry? I remember searching for it and being legitimately amazed that one didn't exist. There are articles for much less drama-laden #horsefamous individuals.

    2. Yeah, they somehow got the entry removed and has been able to keep another one from written.

  24. why isn't there an article about how tinker failed to fulfill one of her charity obligations? namely, being hit by a pie by horse news?

    she has a history of scamming at this point, why does anyone give her money anymore?

  25. When stupid con drama goes public, it's always funny. Keep up the good work.

  26. Purple Tinker needs to be thrown in a mental asylum. I thought Brianna Wu was insane.

    1. Brianna Wu was a moderately savvy con artist. Did you ever hear of her before GamerGate? She wanted fame and those dipshits gave it to her. I heard that in the end, she struck some deal with a major developer and walked out on every SJW that supported her.

      Tinker, on the other hand, has failed every scheme he's tried.

  27. A tutorial for anons on the "misgendering" phenomenon:

    Trannies believe they really are the opposite gender, and so get annoyed by people getting their gender "wrong". It's offensive to them on the same principle by which you might be offended if someone called you by the wrong name when you expect them to know it. What's different for trannies is that it happens much more frequently, because reality does not actually match with their fantasies, so most normal people will use the "wrong" pronouns with them by accident (at least until they get some decent enough surgery that reality does a passable imitation of their fantasies).

    In the name analogy, the world is a restaurant where we're all employees wearing nametags, and trannies are people who've recently had their name legally changed and are waiting on new tags. So of course customers will get their names wrong, and yes, they're being fucking retarded to actually get mad over that. The less retarded ones know this and will calmly tell an individual customer their name once if they think it's an honest mistake. Except that once they do this, they expect to be called by the name they gave. And to keep calling them by the wrong name after that is an intentional insult.

    THAT I'd argue they do have the right to be offended by, even if being offended accomplishes nothing and carries no real weight, but it can hardly be called a form of prejudice. Calling PT a man is definitely an insult, but it's not really transphobic any more than deliberately calling someone by the wrong name is prejudiced against people with incorrect name tags. It's just that trannies have categorised themselves as a minority and are trying to treat "misgendering" the same way they'd treat an actual slur, because actual slurs aren't used against them often enough to justify their collective victim complex. And PT deserves any insults hurled his way anyway.

    TLDR - Deliberate "misgendering" IS an insult, but it's only considered a particularly bad insult by thin-skinned fucking snowflakes who should be used to this shit by now if they've supposedly lived with it all their lives.

  28. Purple Tinker is misgendered only because it pisses her off. That's the only reason.

    She throws a huge childish tantrum anytime anyone so much as accidentally calls her "he", and 4chan picked up on it immediately and throw it in her face at every opportunity. That's what they do; if they can tell that someone is ripe for trolling, they'll "poke the bear" until something big happens, and Purple Tinker never fails to blow her top in a big way, thus rewarding the misgendering and assuring it happens again.

    If Purple Tinker responded with "who cares, it's 4chan," then people would have lost interest in goading her with the "you look like a man" jokes years ago. As it stands, any Purple Tinker related thread is guaranteed to devolve into at least 50% mockery of her Adam's apple/patchy beard and 50% mockery of her uncanny resemblance to Tim Heidecker.

    The fact remains that she has fucked over a lot of people at multiple cons, and she's gotten away with it for this long because she's become good at threatening/bullying/bribing people into silence. She tried to do it by deleting her tumblr (and by harassing anyone who saved reblogs of her most damning posts), she got herself taken off of encyclopedia dramatica, she has teams of people scouring 4chan to spam-report bad press about her, and now she's trying to do it to horse news.

    The fact of the matter is, Purple Tinker is playing respectability politics. "Because some 4chan people called me 'he', I'm not obligated to recognize anyone's legitimate claims of abuse" is bullshit. She's just using the 'wah wah I'm trans!' story to get out of any repercussions for her heinous, indefensible actions. News flash: trans people can be just as much of an asshole as straight people can. Purple Tinker may not be a hulking he-beast, but she's one of the shittiest people in this fandom - and I'm including Final Draft in my number, because at least Final Draft didn't desperately insist that 'people only hated him because he's trans'. He was an asshole, but I didn't want to put him through a plate glass window face first.

    So here's where we stand: Purple Tinker scammed Horse News out of a charity event (the pie-throwing she promised for making her Sea Bronies shirt goal), she scammed NovalG out of time, money and stress, and she scammed multiple artists out of commission money by losing/forgetting their prints to sell in her booth of price-gouging resold Hot Topic shit.

    Why is she even allowed at conventions anymore? She only uses them to throw tantrums and create a headache for the con-orgs.

    She stinks, ban the Tink.

    1. The guy you're thinking of is Eric Wareheim.

      Who, by the way, I've never seen in the same place at the same time as Purple Tinker. Funny, that...

    2. Whoops, you're right! Here's a gif of Eric ... or Tinker????

  29. "Please take down the article"
    And God may bless you for not listening, HN. Censorship would destroy this website.


  30. it's reassuring, in a sense to see there's some members of this fandom who are just beginning to open their eyes on Tinker and his little guild of SJWs defending his actions. that was a dick move, and if that's what friendship is all about...
    also i like the "omg this pictures me very badly, take down this article!" rest assured: you can not erase anything from the internet. we know what he did and we learn more about PT everyday. starting donations won't white-wash that, even if i almost fell for one.

  31. "...she scammed multiple artists out of commission money by losing/forgetting their prints to sell in her booth of price-gouging resold Hot Topic shit. " So she is TPM? Perhaps they should merge...

    1. That's in the works, actually.

  32. And once again, people don't know the difference between "slander" and "libel".

    Neither is occurring in the comment section, by the way.


    tl; dr: in her defense, PT claims NovalG did it all to be "horsefamous" and Stinker brings a screenshot.
    I wonder which of these two are the most pathetic but I'm starting to like it.

    1. Ha! Not so "please don't be INSANELY CRUEL" right there, are we?

      I figured Noval was being a manipulative cock when he/she/it/kye suddenly went and tried to do damage control. Doesn't mean PT is any less of a sack of crap, but it is amusing to see him get a taste of his own medicine.

    2. personally I don't feel bad for novalg getting a taste of his own medicine, because he spent so much time backing up purple tranny in his hate-brigades against other people, and now it's coming back to bite him in the ass

      karma's a bitch

  34. I shake my head when I see something like "I thought she was a pretty cool person before this." So many people who don't know about the years of shitty behavior and second/third/fourth chances. Why do people keep letting her have any presence or say in their conventions and events? After the Bronycon blowup, that should have been the death of her involvement in any convention.

    That being said, is she still involved in that sea cruise thing? If so, anyone feel like being stranded out in the middle of the ocean?

    1. Well, it is a good chance to drown .

  35. I'll pray for your mental illness to go away, he-she

  36. AND NOW Purple Tinker is acting all buddy-buddy with Horse News again, just days after this happened and after screwing them out of that charity thing.

  37. Great news, NovalG was pressured - erm I mean, FULLY OUT OF HIS OWN VOLITION, chose to become friends with Tinker again! All's well that ends well, r-right?

  38. Minty? :D
