Hasbro's Planned Live Action Equestria Girls Stirs Controversy with Tumblr

*Trigger Warning: the following article is satire.

Due to rising pressures to whore out tired old content from competition such as Disney, Nickelodeon, et. al., Hasbro eagerly announced the first live action rendition of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls. Though, much like the remakes of its competitors, Hasbro's announcement does not come without controversy.

Recently, thousands of users across tumblr and sponsored Gawker feeds have taken up arms against the toy conglomerate, urging the company to be more socially and racially sensitive in its character choices.

In an online petition dubbed "Thats the Wrong Shade of Blue, You Cis-Shit Scum," petition creator and blog aficionado Anne L'Seches writes "De-saturated skin tones tells people of color that too much color is bad... and everyone might as well be white... [The color] leaves [people of color] to think that [blue skin] is [inferior]."

Hasbro's miasma of brightly colored, rainbow pastel-ed anthropomorphic horse people things may seem like the perfect melting pot of diversity to some, if not most people. With characters skin tones ranging from puke green to red and black, Hasbro ostensibly looks to be embracing many minority cultures, some of which dont even exist. But many fans still criticize Hasbro for its hostile attitude towards PoC, most noting the companies lack of effort towards creating a rich and diverse environment within the show.

Fashion and lifestyle blogger Cathy Homestuck12135 would like to see more "Moderate cerise eyed people... Or maybe even a periwinkle skinned girl from out of town. That would be nice."

Cathy Homestuck12135 after watching the newest trailer
The petition has yet to be noticed by Hasbro executives. Some signers believe that once they reach their target of 10,000 signatures, a number they are only a short 9,999 away from, Hasbro will finally notice their mistakes and start towards making progressive changes.

Comments (14)

  1. man I would side with the tumblrinas on this one
    eg existing is bad enough, the last thing anyone needs is a live action spin-off

    1. The tumblrina who started this petition doesn't want to stop this live action train wreck (although it's not to late to start a petition to stop live action eqg), she is mad rainbow's skin isn't blue enough and is petitioning Hasbro to make it bluer.

  2. Shirley, you surely can't be serious. Is this for real, or some half-informed nitwit spinning a off-hand joke between friends they weren't involved in into something real?

    Even if they made, oh, I dunno, Twilight black, some assholes will argue she's not "black enough," or if Fluttershy was made Asian arbitrarily, that she's too white despite having Asian eyes and eyebrows.

    1. Label tag says satire.

      Sad thing is is that Poe's Law makes it incredibly hard to tell some times.

    2. glad I saw your post. the mobile site doesn't show tags

    3. i think i fixed that now. thanks for pointing it out. i had no idea we had a mobile site. lel

  3. Worst Idea Ever! EQG Must Stop Now! Monster High Is Still Better And More Popular Than EQG!

    1. Having seen a bit of MH while my nieces were watching it, I must say no, no part of EqG is nearly as bad as that.

  4. I honestly don't mind EqG as it is, if it just sticks to the trilogy of films and the YouTube shorts, then I am perfectly happy with its existence.

    However if this live action thing exists (which something tells me it won't as I haven't seen anything about it anywhere else), then that would be shocking.
    Or maybe it could be cool, who knows.

  5. this is what sjws are fighting for people things that really don't fucking matter like making characters more blue or other stupid shit like that also to hell with an eqd live action version we were fine with the animated ones Hasbro

  6. lol, look at Twilight's eyes

    1. I can't. If you look away from Pinkie, she eats your soul.

  7. But then Hasbro announced that the live action show was intented for children and that Lauren Faust had nothing to do with it, causing /mlp/ to lose its shit and start a petition!

  8. "De-saturated skin tones tells people of color that too much color is bad... and everyone might as well be white... [The color] leaves [people of color] to think that [blue skin] is [inferior]."

    You know, I wouldn't even be surprised if tumblr said something like this.
