DrawPonies Scandal Day 2: Damage Report

Yesterday, DrawPonies (or as he is now being called "TracePonies") was caught tracing show screencaps, during a livestream by his own Fans, who contacted us in their understandable outrage. The post has since become the 4th most-read article on Horse News and continues to climb as fans continue to express their anger and disappointment at DP, who has yet to appear for comment. The damage continues to spread, as more and more complaints and testimonials roll in, even from admins of the Drawponies Facebook page, who have expressed their displeasure as more evidence of the issue surfaces.

Below we've collected screencaps of much of the fallout thus-far, as well as a screencap of DP tracing another face to create a piece.

This one was sent to us by a follower, who says that they didn't pause the screen at the right time, as it is shifted a fraction of a second.

Here is DrawPonies tracing Twilight's face during a livestream to create the head used in the final piece below it. The final piece was used as a commission.

Here's one of the now-ex admins stating that they are also mad at TracePonies, and awaiting explanation. 

Yesterday one member said "Yes, it's true that Neil traces over elements," on the post, admitting to having knowledge of this act.

That member has repeatedly asked us to remove this screencap, claiming that his comment was edited by some unknown person after he posted it. Horse News uses Blogger's default commenting system, which means it is impossible for comments to be edited by anyone after they are posted. Here's what Google has to say. https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/42398?hl=en

"It's not possible to edit comments. If you want to edit your own comment, you can simply delete it and then re-enter it with the changes. (However, the timestamp will be modified to reflect the time of the new comment.)"

The word has spread far and wide, to Facebook, Youtube, DeviantArt and beyond.

Here is a long list of pissed off fans.

At this point, the damage seems irreparable. There are some whiteknights, but they are being drowned out in the sea of justifiable rage.  We continue to wait for comment from the man himself, who has seemingly all-but disappeared. 

Link to RatioDaze's dropbox
Continue to send us your stuff.



Comments (148)

  1. he done goofed

    1. consequences will never be the same

    2. He backtraced it

    3. The cyber police have arrived http://pastebin.com/GFZ47gtS

  2. Flaming fucking toolbag.

  3. So what are we calling this?
    The Cappening?
    Just another day in the fandom?

    1. How about "Drawponies is being a douchebag", and quitting with the 'cute', asinine names for everything?

    2. I see "Traceponies" being used a lot. That's what I'm going with personally.

    3. yeah #traceponies is what is being used on the twitts

    4. I don't like that name at all in all honesty because that's blaming everyone in the group not all are guilty...so please take your anger on the artist not the whole group......even if some are trying to defend him

    5. "I Can't Believe It's Not February!"

  4. Let the never ending train wreck continue.

  5. Holy shit, I'm that ex-admin. I un-hid all those posts to his page, too. He deserves this shit. All of it.

    1. What made you want to be an admin in the first place?

    2. I was a genuine fan of his, who assumed that the similarity of his "art" to the show style was a coincidence, or just natural skill. I wasn't informed enough to know any better.

    3. Among other rumors it's been claimed that the Drawponies group is like a cultish fandom within a fandom. Any thoughts?

    4. I only started recently, in January, so my experience isn't the most... encompassing, I guess? I would agree that the fans can be pretty nuts, though.

    5. Whelp, since you're out of the group anyways want to give the readers any juicy stories?

      Actually, shit, HN could probably do a separate article interviewing you...

    6. I was only a comment mod, so my job was pretty small: just interacting with fans, replying to messages (usually redirecting potential commissioners to his DeviantART), and hiding the odd comment where someone cussed. Everything was a pretty smooth, organized operation, ran by an over"staffed" team (like twenty of us, to run a page that was basically a ghost town half the time, God damn).

      I was also just coming back from a hiatus when this all went down, too, so unfortunately, I don't have anything particularly juicy to share. I do apologize--I wish I did.

    7. Considering that there would have been repercussions not just for vendors but also convention staff for bringing this up, I think it truly was up to his customers/fans to set things right. Now his little niche community has been destroyed. I hope his fans move on to more talented fandom artists.

    8. Sorry, wrong comment thread reply. But I guess it still applies here.

  6. I put this on the original article, but can no longer see it. I dunno, just in case I'm putting it here too:

    It looks like the comments section has finally slowed down a bit, so as a brony vendor going on my 3rd year of vending let me give my two cents.

    As many people, (especially print artists on Twitter), have pointed out, tons of people have assumed Drawponies' art was traced for the last 2 years. It's just that nobody really went out of their way to prove it. Why? Well let's look at the possible repercussions of a vendor calling him out, aka the kind of person that would both be one of the first to notice and have the most to gain by kicking out a high selling competitor / fraud:

    - If the artist doesn't have the backing of tons of other people, they risk not only ruining their own reputation but their chances of vending at the brony cons Drawponies vends at. (You know, basically... all of them.)
    - The artist risks being harassed online and possibly being stalked in person by his rabid fans since Drawponies has gotten to the point where he has an entirely separate community revolving around him.
    - The artist also risks losing vendor friends that are friends with / currently sucking up to Drawponies.
    - Even if the artist isn't kicked out of brony cons that Drawponies is vending at, holy shit would it be awkward to vend at the same con he's vending at. Not to mention that he's notorious for using his assistants to draw attention away from other vendors WHILE THEY'RE STANDING AT OTHER BOOTHS BROWSING and gather them to his own table. I'm sure he'd especially emphasize stealing customers away from a... neighsayer.

    So yeah, basically the Traceponies rumors and gossip stayed within the vendor's rooms and private chats. In the span of two years less and less vendors have been friendly with Drawponies, and now that it's public knowledge many of them are immediately shitting on him. Now you know why, and knowing is half the battle kiddies~

    1. Well said, friend!

    2. pretty much spot on.

    3. As a fellow vendor, all of this was on the back of my mind every time I passed by the vendor booth.

    4. ^exactly that, and yeah, there was really no way to really go about saying anything without heavy repercussions, the funny part is that he outed himself because of his ego, otherwise how could he think tracing on a LIVESTREAM was a great idea?!

    5. Interesting. I think this is an exaggeration though regarding how he or his staff are at cons. A lot vendors are/were jealous of how popular DrawPonies art was/is even though it's so very un-original in style. It's frustrating as an artist to work hard to come up with your own way to drawing and painting ponies and then see someone whose work just looks like show vectors make a ton of money and it be so very popular with pony art collectors. I've been to quite a few of the same venues as Drawponies and I've never seen people being stolen away from other tables to visit his. I was stationed directly across from him at one show that wasn't even very busy and even then I never saw this happen in any way, shape, or form. His name is so well known in the fandom that it's not needed. The only pony fans who don't really know about his work are younger kiddos and people without internet. I see a lot of "ripped off" arts and crafts sold by vendors at pony cons. It's very obvious when people use vectors, show stills, ect. They may not be making prints of it but they are making it into something and selling it. This isn't really any different than tracing regardless of whether or not the crafters are admitting that's what they're doing. Why are we not pissed at ALL the artists and crafters that do not create original works to sell? Why are we not holding all artists and craftspeople to a higher standard?

    6. As a con organiser, I wish someone would have approached us. If we find out someone is doing some illegal shit in our vendor hall, the con will back you up. We actually give a fuck about our vendors.

    7. @19:38
      "Why are we not pissed at ALL the artists and crafters that do not create original works to sell? Why are we not holding all artists and craftspeople to a higher standard?"

      You're implying we're all aware of who they are, funny that. You also need to prove that they're tracing - or the equivalent - and selling it off.

    8. @06:28

      That is correct. I AM implying that we know and are able to tell when someone is using show stills or vectors to get the job done. It's visually obvious. Just like it was obvious with a lot of DrawPonies pieces and people were talking about it in hushed voices behind his back. People jumped on the "popularity" train and chose to avoid openly discussing the subject of the obvious. You don't have to have a "trained" eye to catch on to these things unless you're just choosing to remain ignorant to it. You are unable to realize when a vector image of a pony from a show scene is printed onto a button, bow, embroidered onto some article of clothing, or some other random piece of craft-whatever???? A quick search for "My Little Pony" on Etsy is a great example of a lot of craft pieces which are no better than DrawPonies yet nobody is raging out over stuff like that.

  7. I decided I'm gonna write a short (book or story or whatever) of my experiences as an artist alley vendor that has been to many the same cons as him and my experiences with him. I hope it'll be enlightening because there is way too much to write here in a comment. If I would of wrote about it before it just seems like sour grapes because he's selling more than me but now it can actually be seen for what it is. I don't plan on putting out my artists table name or talking about my art, it's not to promote me, it's just to tell others what happened and show how it was really easy to see. Somehow people were blind to all the signs.

    1. If you're not doing this to promote yourself, please post as Anon. "Nix" could be a hint to who you are.

    2. Your short story, Nix? It's already too late not use that moniker, but I am excited to read your accounts as a vendor. Please post it soon.

    3. I would be very interested in hearing about your own experiences with him. I myself have quite a few and it would be nice to compare.

    4. I'm gonna create a new fimfiction account to put this story up some point today then link it on here. I'm creating a new account so I don't mix it with my normal account and can stay anon. Pay attention to this comment thread so I can post it. If Nix is already taken on fimfiction I'll do something related (nix85 or something similar)

    5. Use this link and password "nix" as it's unpublished so far. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/260999/the-unnofficial-dirt-on-drawponies


    6. A lot of this reads like it's just hard business and advertising tactics. There's nothing wrong with that. It may be off-putting and poor etiquette among fellow vendors and artists which I understand. But look at how many followers, fb friends and deviant page views he has. And then of course he has the $$ business to show for it and has been able to make a living off of it. It obviously works and paid off. Some people are in it for the money and honestly that's ok. I'm not really sure why artists think that it's not ok to be into art for the money. Why is it wrong to want to do what you love and make a great living at it to support yourself and your family? That doesn't give people the right to trace and resell or lie about their work or anything like that - that aspect of this whole thing I am not excusing. He's not shy or introverted like a lot of artists and he works hard to draw people into his booth. His personality will make the sale even when his art would not have otherwise. Of course if you have 2 people in a venue that are there to make money and sell, and the rest of the group is there for the sake of the art and the appreciation of it more than the money, then yeah....chances are the guys who are there to sell are going to go home the financial winners.

    7. Nix- the story you've been writing is quite rough, and does seem a little sour grapes (despite your sincere attempts to not come off that way). I'd work on the narrative a little more, as it DP just comes off as a doofy choad, and probably a harmless one at that.

      I agree with 21:08- there's nothing wrong with art for bread. Creativity is nice, and I pride myself on having it too, but I think that to hold up "durr he'z nut cree-at-tive liek me is" is a dumb criticism when there's more at issue here.

    8. I don't have any complaints about what's been said above here. I'm just putting up my accounts and I don't have any insider knowledge of DP. Just what things looked like from a different perspective. I'm personally upset because I think the fan artist community should be more friendly and not as cut throat. Everyone is trying to make sales, and wanting to make as much as you can isn't necessarily greedy. The main point and TL;DR summary is someone who is more worried about making the bucks and less worried about pride in art has some questions. How much someone is worried about the money is an opinion but my instincts usually turn out to be correct in the end.

  8. Should we even feel bad for the dumbfuckers he's ripped off? Not to be a dick, and if you think I'm victim blaming here fuck off, but those idiots should have known they were being swindled for art theft. All his stuff should have raised some red flags if it was this easy to tell he traced.

    1. Well, just because someone has their front door unlocked like an idiot it doesn't mean you should steal from them, but they're still an idiot. Kind of the same thing here: they should've seen something was off and thought before they threw money his way, but he could've conducted himself with higher standards.

      (and yes, fuck that victim-blaming nonsense)

    2. Not really much to do victim blaming in this case, because the sources where he's tracing from is not any artists in particular from the actual show.

  9. A lot of us artists knew he traced his stuff...the problem is if we spoke out we would get blasted by his over 70,000 followers. The real shame is he used to legit draw stuff back in 2012 but then he got greedy. He literally robbed vending halls the last 2 years with his traced stuff....trust me if MLP cons still keep him around I will be pissed cause there are conventions that are not only still keeping him but are even letting him be a community guest. :|

    1. How is he gonna reappear if selling at cons was his main source of cash and everyone knows his face there?

    2. That's some bullshit. They really ought to bust out the banhammer. Not to mention the lawsuit that is ever so due to fall.

    3. I was just looking at Everfree Northwest and he is on the guest list. Just over a month until the con, time will tell if he's still going to be there.

    4. We actually just announced that Drawponies would no longer be a Community Guest or Vendor at Everfree NW 2015. He has been removed from the Community Guest page and will be removed from the Vendors page soon.

    5. Good of you at EFNW not to stand for this behavior.

    6. Hey EFNW you guys gonna get that sexist tumblr piece of shit Steve Holt while you're at it or what.

  10. The best part is that the shit began thanks to his own fans.

    1. Nice to see that even in a cult-like following, there are still people with standards.

  11. Oh hey, I'm in the news.

  12. A problem I have is that some of the comparisons show that things don't look traced they look literally cut and pasted in Photoshop. I've also seen some other Artists who have art that look just like the show and admits that they try to make it look just like the show dumping on Drawponies. You guys/gals are suspect too now. I think artists usually take pride in making their own art and having it be different than what it's based on and if someone is bragging about how they can copy the show so well it makes me start to wonder. That and hard selling customers and worrying about money more than people enjoying your art is another sign that it might not be your art.

  13. report likiweaks for tracing my article idea

    1. Original article, do not steal

    2. What if we just ship the two of you instead? <3

    3. What if we just ship the two of you instead? <3

    4. How are people responding to nothing?

  14. Happy 420, btw!

  15. The only escape for him is to an hero

  16. the bad thing is not that he traced,tracing is great for learning it's that he sold the traces as his own original art! people paid him to sit down and draw them something awsome and all he did was trace it from a screen capture and photoshop it. who wants to bet he will do a Flim Flam brothers and disappear/change his name and pop up somewhere else and start selling it again?gotta give him props though, making all that money selling people crap he traced and photoshoped while they pat him on his back and tell him what a great and talented artist he is , Flim and Flam would be proud! I feel a meme coming on LOL

    1. Tracing is not really great for learning, no. Also if you insist on doing it then do it for your own enjoyment only and don't post it online, unless you have express permission from the original artist to do so, which I doubt you'll get from Hasbro or really anyone else with common sense.

  17. what is so bad about him tracing?

    1. No one's pissed off with him for tracing, people are pissed with him because he is using said traces to make a profit, and to a lesser extent, not crediting those traces. Tracing is and always has been fine to do in many scenarios, but to sell without permission or acknowledgement of the source is not one of them.

    2. Read the above comments num-nuts.

  18. Why is Horse News frowned upon on EQD?

    1. Because EqD's a hugbox where everyone tries to avoid fandom drama, while HN loves calling it to attention until EqD is forced to write an article about it.

      Seriously - there's been several articles on EqD about fandom drama that probably never would've been posted if HN didn't report on it first.

    2. But... I thought Horse News was evil.

    3. Because we use such naughty cuss words and actively shit on everyone

    4. I wouldn't say Horse News is evil. They're just brutally honest and possibly bored.

    5. Basically:
      EQD - Content aggregator and hugbox for mindless pony fun.
      HN - Raw, uncensored, and harsh chan humor and drama for young and old.

      They both have their place in this fandom, I like them both.

    6. Because EqD is shilling H.Q while this place is not.

    7. Pretty much what one of the anon's said above:
      "EQD - Content aggregator and hugbox for mindless pony fun.
      HN - Raw, uncensored, and harsh chan humor and drama for young and old."

      EQD and HN are diametrically opposed in most respects, therefore frequenters of either are going to have a dislike of the other. EQD hate getting involved in drama, for instance, but HN loves it, so of course the crowds aren't getting along.

    8. Well, I like both websites. When I want news i go to EQD. When I want to have a good laugh I come to HN.

    9. In spite of the sites being opposites, the folks that run EQD and HN are surprisingly close. There's nothing like watching Capper and Ren Haru hang out with Sethisto and Calpain at the /mlp/arty

    10. You have to remember that Sethisto is/was a channer. Maybe some of the other site staff too, I dunno. Point being that the site staff don't relegate themselves to the insulated hugbox that some of their site visitors have.

  19. Is that even possible though? With most artists, that may be an option. But this guy is extremely well known, and many people know his full name and what he looks like.

    If he does try starting over with a brand new identity, and then appears at a convention, does a livestream with a camera, or even sells commissions (Since Paypal's confirmation emails state the name of who you send money to), he'd be found out rather quickly.

  20. for you traceponies all I have got to say is a shit storm is blowing in your motherfucking direction you fraud I liked your comics still do but now iam not so sure anymore

  21. This faggot here is whiteknighting Traceponies with all of his might: https://derpibooru.org/profiles/518c33587f123b123500037f

    The faggot's own Deviantart account: http://jarkes.deviantart.com/
    His whiteknighting efforts to create confusion: http://comments.deviantart.com/4/22314511/3810123960

    1. "There are screenshots of a comment that is supposed to be written by one of this team members, saying that he traces sometimes to be quicker. However, they can be faked too."

      Oh dear.

    2. Yeah, that's the thing, if someone provides evidence, and you say it's faked, it's then your burden to prove it's doctored. If it is doctored, it probably wouldn't be too difficult for someone learned in editing to find out.

      But Jarkes seems to be hand-waiving legitimate evidence.

  22. I'm interested in what you people would think about people like me who use show-style Flash puppets (traced from the show, not using the DHX leaks), in their work.

    1. i will try to give you something about this:
      its okay if you like to do something close to show style.
      its even okay if you even use DHX puppets and use them for your own fun.
      mlp-vector club trace their vectors all the time directly from the show itself, but no one used them for their own profit like traceponies.
      when you use it for money, (in traceponies's case, a patreon) then things will get different, as you can see what happened with this article.
      for animations, i think there is something different about it, because you will be making a different kind of art, that doesn't consists of just drawing, you will be animating, you will put a lot of effort making the things moving accordingly, and most of the time, you can't just trace a movement, and even if you do, rotoscoping each frame of the movement, you can't really get sued because of that.
      i do'nt know if someone can copyright a movement, cases like this happens with animes all the time and nothing happened as long as i know.
      they even rotoscoped sweetie belle's dancing movement from an anime in equestria girls.
      also, tiredbrony's puppet rig is made in a way that you wouldn't get sued fro using it, because its not a blatant tracing of the show, nor a blatant tracing of DHX puppt
      another thing is that you might constantly keep making new parts to fit your animation and acting needs, so you will be still putting a lot of effort in what you do.

    2. Its like this:
      You're using a cake mix to make a base so that you can show off your cake-decorating skill. The cake is a component to your product, yes, but the selling point of your product is solely what you bring to the table with the fondant and the piping and all that jazz.
      DP guy is using that same cake mix in the baked goods he's actively selling, with his selling point being from-scratch versions of your favorite store-bought cake. Even if he bakes from scratch most of the time, the fact that you are not even informed of the possibility that the cake you've purchased is a bad practice. At worst, you wind up questioning why you need hand-made cake in the first place if you could get a similar thing elsewhere, cheaper, and without the deception just muddles the whole experience. Who wants all that existentialist "what is art" drama over a damn slice of cake? Or in this case, funny pictures of ponies?

  23. Whenever I hear "tracer" I am reminded of that scene from fucking Chasing Amy.
    And the streams of autism in both articles cements that.

  24. This entire incident is giving me flashbacks to the SuperPsyGuy shenanigans.

    Only this one seems like it'll blow up even bigger.

  25. Too bad every vendor knows his face and full name. The moment he tries to pull that crap at a con is the moment he's caught and loses his vendor table.

  26. Great Scott, can we apply tags to comment sections? "Too stupid to make up" is all too fitting for these posts in Traceponies' defense.
    While it is amazing how the scandal of this has slipped by the collective fanbase's notice until now, this doesn't make it any less important to call out.

  27. i'm not gonna become the advocate of Drawponies here, but really he's been doing it for like, over two years.

    over TWO years of making these comics, obviously traced from the cartoon, it's so obvious it's coming out straight from the
    cartoon you watch all the time, which poses and faces have made it to the state of internet memes and copy pastas, gifs, avatars,
    poses and expressions you see everywhere and it's only now, only after that that someone had.. a spark. has analyzed, compared...

    and came to the conclusion: "it's traced!"

    it's beautiful. really. i wonder how much money he made selling whatever drawponies managed to sell with that, but really, it took y'all a while.

    two years.
    brb, need to go after my sides.

    1. Well, kinda hard to believe something if there's no evidence, which we didn't have until now.

    2. two years, McFly! it's been over TWO YEARS DP's been making profit out of it, and it was obvious as fuck, no one would actually complain as long the comics were done for free and they get their merch. i hope you all knew it was traced but shut your mouth waiting for someone to care because at this point, all hopes are gone! if you had the decency to say like, "yeah but now he's a popfur, it's different"

  28. Hang on, MISTY DASH is crying foul? That unethical hypocrite. The Artist Formerly Known as ChuckyBB has the sheer gall to call someone else out on making money from scamming people and claims he does everything just for fun!? Hey, ChuckleBBrother, what about the money you scammed out of people by charging them in advance for commissions you don't deliver? That £30 unfinished sketch and offensive strings of message you gave me when I asked for my money back says you need to get out of the gene pool, quick, before you pass on your stupid.

  29. gosh, I'm glad that honest artists like myself are still around to post their nipple fucking art in peace

    I hope more honest artists (like myself) can get more commissions after this clown is blacklisted from the fandom!

    1. Thanks for promoting my art for me, anon!

    2. does 'king of the autists' come with a crown, or is it more of a volunteer role?

  30. I crai erytiem. If there was a box, and that box was filled with various tools, Traceponies would be in that box.

  31. I was going to bitch about someone using "incourage", and then I saw that fucking video.

    1) Learn what cyberbullying is, you tool. Me calling you a tool? Opinion, not bullying. Anger at someone intentionally scamming others? Definitely not bullying.

    2) I know you're just using your phone, but you're using your fucking phone. Two shaky faces smushed into the camera. Stop it. You weren't even aiming the phone at the right part of the art board, and you didn't bother to check the recording, you lazy fuck. Get a fucking webcam and learn 2 steady.

    3) His disability has not a fucking thing to do with this, you absolute shitbiscuit. People hiding their actions behind their disability is bad enough, but other people doing it for them is white knighting of the worst degree. Throwing that up as a defence is ludicrous. So disabled people can do no wrong? We can never be angry at a disabled person? How very patronising of the disabled!

    4) No evidence or ability to judge evidence exists outside of a criminal court? Are you seriously trying to say that? Seriously? Really? Honestly? Seriously? Are you a creationist?

    5) Comparing "learning via emulation" to what DP is doing is fucking bullshit, you whitest of knights. I learned how to play instruments via emulation, but I DIDN'T FUCKING SELL MY RENDITIONS OF THEIR MUSIC. I didn't call myself a professional musician, I didn't make a living selling knock-offs of other peoples' guitar music.


    I fucking hate fanboys, and you two are now some of the worst I've seen. Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off.


  32. At Trotcon 2013, I was checking out the Artist Ally or whatever it was called. Neil was there and I was checking out his stuff, and honestly it all seemed legit to me. Didn't go through everything with a fine-toothed comb, but nothing really struck me as traced.

    After I was browsing a bit, he asked if I was looking for something in particular. I told him I fancied his Trixie poster, but was actually looking for something unique rather than mass-printed, so he sold me both the poster and the sketch he made it from for $20.

    Obviously I got a non-traced thing, and since nothing really struck me back then as traced, I'm wondering if the tracing isn't maybe a recent thing. Don't really know, and honestly don't really care.

    If you guys are bitching because you bought something from him and it ended up just being traced, that's cool, I can see why you're mad (though it's really partly your fault, unless he told you or specifically implied it was an original drawing). If you're bitching just because... well, I guess that's cool, too, since so many people seemed to be getting duped. Still, you're whiny fuckers, heh.

    But comparing this to huge happenings in the fandom? Dafuq, guys? Hiatus is over, we don't need to make mountains out of molehills anymore. "Artist cons the fandom" is not something unique or even rare.

    About the tracing itself, honestly, I could care less. My occupation requires we "steal" each other's "art" and basically "trace" it and then improve on it. It's not art (well, not to you, the common faggot), it's coding, and the principles are so different that these art-shit squabbles never make much sense to me.

    1. Programmer? Me too. Lemme put it to ya this way: we're classmates, working on homework together. The Drawponies scandal is like if I not only took your code and completed my homework with it (cheating), but I've also been doing that all year with no credit to you and I've been making bank off an app made up of mostly that stolen code. No credit to you, no mention of any assistance, nada.

    2. Eh, not really an accurate analogy, but even that I wouldn't care about. It's not that Neil is tracing other fanart (er... unless he is, in that case disregard, I suck cocks). THEN it would be an appropriate analogy.

      This is more like we're classmates, you copy your homework from some huge corporation or open source project, and it has shit all to do with me. And some of my classmates were dumb enough to buy his code without realizing it already existed elsewhere.

      In fact, that's a pretty good analogy of this--the peeps who got ripped off by this guy were gullible when it comes down to it.

  33. He done fucked up. Not that we're losing much, his stuff looks like crap anyway.
    And there are actual crappy photographs [not even scans!] of sketches just like any noob starting out posts...
    His colours clash and look muddy overall... and there's a ridiculous amount of variation in quality between one image and the next.
    And this is [was... lmao] considered a pro?
    There are lots of people making fanart who are absolute masters at what they do~ Wish people would dig deeper into the immense wealth of content in the fanart community instead of just jumping on the first thing they see... especially if it looks shitty and ends up being a scam. Pfft.

    1. Even if you were right, that wouldn't counter my arguments.

    2. Why does it affect you so much if people self-promo?
      There's nothing wrong with it, especially since we have to go against assholes who hire others to promote their art for them.

  34. wait.
    people want DP banned from cons, and some are seriously thinking of not going to cons because DP would still be going?
    fucking seriously?
    there are cancerous shitheads like Steve Holt being venders at cons, you think DP is someone to be worried about? give me a fucking break.

    1. For as much as a toxic shit Steve Holt is, she is not accused of selling traced art. I do agree she needs to fuck off from vending at brony cons, it's pretty shitty how she wears her hatred of the fandom on her shoulder and still has the balls to show up and sling her art to the very people she hates, same goes for DD.

    2. it's not like I would have supported DP anyway. IMO the only fanshit worth buying is stuff that looks cool but NOT like the show, like 3D printed models or vector shadowboxes.

      so DP got nailed for tracing. big deal. it's not like he's a hypocritical, sexist bigot like those two jackasses are.

    3. gustav you just hate her because she doesn't draw lactation fetish

      you like lactation fetish don't you squidward

    4. twitter.com/SteveHoltIsCool/status/590392586373730304

      Dear Holt,
      "Improvement" apparently means shaming people for their gender and preferences. I've seen your typical tumblr bullshit. You got some hits over on reddit for it.
      If you want to come here and talk like a grown person, we're here.
      Or stay on twitter like a little bitch.
      Your choice.

    5. Agreed.

      >I'm going to this con to have fun, get trashed, and buy some swag!
      "Uh, drawponies will be there..."
      >Oh my God, for some reason, this means I will stay home because I can't have a good time if one person is there selling shit!

      The people who are actually talking like this are complete over-dramatic retards.

    6. ya, look DP was a retarded tracer but it's not like any of these holier-than-thou fuckfaces are any better in the art category.

      most are relatively generic and samey, with thin lines, soft shading, "mushiness." bonus points for pastel coloring and hearts for irises when drawing eyeballs, AKA "how to draw" as written by tumblr and hello kitty.

    7. Just thought I'd throw something extra in for you guys: remember that other artists will be there, those who haven't squandered their reputations, effectively boycotting cons that DP is at hurts them as well.

      And if you don't care about that, you're still kind of cheating yourself out of a good time and merch from your favourite artists.

    8. Boycott DP, don't boycott the cons. Fucking simple. Also Steve is more than welcome to come over here and chat if she feels my opinion of her is wrong. But I mean doing shit like throwing babscon under the bus because you posted a pic of Ratofpony's wall of horse sliz that was in his own room and let people think that was the vendor hall really shows what kind of person you are. By all means lets talk, or if you want we can talk at a con! I know I'll be at NMND maybe we can talk over coffee at that Starbucks. You just have to promise that you won't take pics of Braeburned drawing gay porn at the starbuck and say that he is doing it in the con.

    9. Welp, I just had a conversation with Steve on twitter and most of my personal gripes are worked out. So disregard my previous posts. Also to the one with the hate boner for me, thanks for advertising my art blog!

  35. I hope this doesn't blow over in a week.

  36. I wish I could put my dick in you all

  37. I am not a MLP fan, but my daughter can accurately draw the WHOLE frigging cartoon without tracing, down to the last detail!

    If this TracePony has been stealing/tracing work from one source and distributing it as his own original artwork, who among you is his next victim?? Who among you has ALREADY provided material for this thief to profit from? Where does this creep draw the line? Answer? HE DOESN'T!!! In his "apology", he attempts to JUSTIFY?? his crimes by saying he was in a hurry???? Will he steal from my daughter next???

    Which Pony convention will support his profiteering from the hard work of real artists?? This person should not be permitted to attend ANY convention EVER again!

    1. >I am not a MLP fan, but my daughter
      Sounds legit

    2. holy melodrama batman

      >Will he steal from my daughter next???
      don't you worry, the big bad brony isn't gonna hurt your hypothetical daughter

    3. Are you trying to start a witch hunt?

      le kek

  38. So, who gets the honor of tracing a coffin from an episode of horse to represent his career situation?

  39. He just got removed from Everfree Northwest:


  40. I looked at his DA page tried to find old pieces that may not be traced work, but when I looked at them I feel like every single piece "might" be traced work... :I

  41. well at least he just now admitted and apologized for what he did sadly though the damage is done as far as iam concerned

    1. His "apology" reeked of "sorry I got caught but please still buy my stuff anyways."

  42. Art and creativity? Read this shit if you got upset at Tracie McFucknuts over "creativity."
    (really, page 56 is the money shot)

  43. Too many people wrote on his fan page that they don't mind him tracing pictures at all, so he will sustain himself regardless of EQD or cons.

  44. No matter how many people don't mind that he traces if Hasbro minds.

  45. Drawponies? Unless he's improved since last I got to know him, he is an artist who specializes in sort-of-official merchandise. He has successfully found an audience and capitalized on the fandom pretty well.

    Tracing is a totally valid technique if the work you do requires you to draw a subject with perfect likeness, because an artist's eye is often not perfect and we might not replicate what they see perfectly. It becomes a problem when drawing show-accurate is basically your career in the case of Drawponies, and is basically the only thing you can do.

    IMO, it's not entirely Drawponies' fault if drawing uncannilly show-style is basically his career, I am personally dumbfounded that an artist like Drawponies would have a fandom to begin with that Drawponies had to be in this situation to start with.

  46. Wait... In that video, is the guy nekkid?

    Shit though, if he's an artist and blind, that's pretty fucking impressive...

    1. He's not blind. His disability is in his legs.

  47. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    You are officially forgiven, Neil.

    1. Ah yes, because everybody in the fandom not only traces, but then lies about tracing and sells the traces for enough money to make an entire living off of it and then some. Really, it's such a common problem around here!

      Nice try Tracepony whiteknight, but he's still fucked himself over.

    2. How typically myopic.

      I never said that everybody did this thing in particular. I said "Without sin". This is the armpit of the MLP fandom. Im sure everyone here did stuff like torrent a game or something off Pirate Bay or jerked off to a picture of Applebloom or something. None of you are innocent.

      I'm not a Drawpony White Knight. Im more of a "I'm above you shitlords in the fandumb" White Knight. Huge difference. Someone has to rise above you people and take the moral high ground. Because none of you are entitled to

  48. Apology accepted, Drawponies

  49. Rumor has it that horse-news.net is violating a specific Terms of Service and there are rumors that this website WILL be taken down.

    1. lol okay whatever you say

    2. If it's so specific then why don't you say where it's coming from, Neil?

  50. Most of them include a man in energy, not a female. This asks the question: Does energy impact everyone's behavior? Risk scandal, in a way
