The Big Poll of Now

It was once a concept that could tear the fandom apart at the seams - the prospect of a member of the fandom working on the show in any capacity. Well as we head into Season 5 we know that it's happening for real, and it's time to see where the hordes stand on the issue nowadays.

A poll has been built, with a simple yes or no question:

"Do you like the idea of fandom people working on the show?"
Let's see what the other fans have to say.

Comments (33)

  1. I voted for "No", since I really don't like the thought of that. But as long as it's a small thing (which the BG thing appears to be), I doubt that it's even a big deal (of course, this fandom likes to make a big deal out of nearly everything).

    1. Pretty much this. As long as it's subtle and classy.

  2. I don't know. It doesn't seem like much. Most people won't even notice it. But that rule is now broken, and it'll be a lot easier to break it the second time. By season six, you'll be seeing fucking Flufflepuff in the background.

    1. This is exactly what I'm afraid of. Hopefully they know better than that.

  3. Where's the "I don't have strong feelings either way" option?

    1. Spoken like a true filthy neutral.

      What were you born with a heart full of neutrality?

    2. Goddamn neutrals, you all just have to be so rational and detached, don't you? You make me sick, I spit on you!

    3. >All these opinion-having scrublords

      I swear, if I wasn't so neutral, I would probably greatly dislike this hostility. Maybe.

  4. I don' t like the wording of the question. I voted no, but I wouldn't regret fan inclusion if it was done right. The question presented forces the read to imagine the possibilities of the outcome of a fan being included in the show (which is ironic because technically it has already happened. The show staff would likely be bronies if they weren't on the show already, and Josh Haber, who is totally based, was a fan before he became a writer for season 4. Will fan inclusion be the downfall of pony? Probably not. Do I 'like' the idea of fans working on the show? Not really. I don't really 'not like' it either.

  5. Holy shit, who invited EQD to vote? That poll was holding steady at around 70/30 for the longest time, and now suddenly it's almost 50/50.

  6. Eh, it's whatever. Work/fans don't exist in a vacuum. No one would bat an eye if someone they considered a "professional" actor/musician/VA was a fan and then also did work on the show. The only difference here is that BG and others are either getting their start or at least a strong push because of the work they are/were doing as fans of the show. Otherwise, they are just people looking for work in a career they want to pursue. They would probably be working on other professional jobs at this point except that the show has been going on for half a decade.

    As for why they got the job over anyone else it's just like anyone getting hired. The directors, producers, writers, other VAs, etc. are all interacting with the fans in a big way, so they are seeing, hearing, and through cons and other projects are working with people already, so it's not a mystery when they give somebody a call when they've already been working with them in some capacity assuming they fit what they want for the show.

    The only problem I would have with anyone on the show is if the performance is complete ass and they keep it anyway because of who the person is. I would criticize that but be more understanding it if it was some universally known personality vs a "big in the MLP fandom" personality because the argument is for money purposes.

    tl;dr I don't care who you are or where you came from as long as the show is good.

  7. It's not always a cut and dry "yes" or "no". What if we feel somewhere in the middle?

    1. "Oooh boo hoo hoo… I'm a namefag, and indecisive as a school child choosing regular milk versus chocolate milk- u guise! Y U no offar sort-of-chocolate-but-not-quite-chocolate option?! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW…"

      (actually, I completely agree with you.)

    2. I believe the milk you are referring to is chocolate chip.

  8. As long as it is a professional who happens to be a fan of the show I don't mind "fan" people working on it. The issue that arises like my cock however, is when they allow nonprofessionals and amateurs onto the show simply because they are big in the fanbase. All to often these people do not have the professional level talent needed to be on the show and actually be good.
    tl;dr if they are weird al and happen to like the show, but have a professional grade talent then I don't mind, but outside OC cameos I don't wanna see some half baked fan artist start appearing in episodes.

    1. >half baked fan artist

      That means you BG

  9. Incoming Rina-chan voicing Vinyl Scratch.

  10. If the result is good then it's good.
    If the result is bad then it's bad.

    Anything else doesn't really matter.

  11. I'm k w/it :B

    I mean, I can think of some non-fan people who actually work on the show I wish weren't there.

  12. There should have also been a "who gives a shit" option. I just like watching rainbow horses and could give less than a fuck about who makes them so long as the story is decent and no one pushes an agenda down by throat.

  13. Like most here, I lean to no, but if they do a good job and it's pander-free in the final product then more power to them.

    Also, I think more should recognize that the reason this guy got a job was because he was all buddy buddy, and favoritism should be kept in mind.

  14. Fuck that, fans intrude on Equestria and Im out 2010-2015.

    1. I'm confused. Wouldn't Sibsy count as someone from the fandom working on the show? She's not the only one either, just the most recognizable one.

      So shouldn't your dates be 2010-2011? What are you even doing here?

    2. Sibsy wasn't a fan that turned into an employee.
      She was a storyboard artist that got horsefamous because she is an attention horse.

    3. @First Anon: You idiot, Sibsy has been doing Story Board work on other shows since 2004 starting with Ed, Edd and Eddy.

    4. Maybe I'm wrong, but Sibsy was a fan of "Ed, Edd and Eddy" before she went to work on the show. So I have no misgivings about fans working on shows, as long as they don't turn them into spaghetti.

  15. I'm sorry, can you make the question a little more polarized and loaded? Thanks.

    1. Pretty cut and dry. Do you want fags to ruin the show, or don't you?

    2. Any fag or just you fuckers?

  16. If it's Jan Animations, sure. Else, nah...

  17. A talented brony artist/writer/etc hired for creative qalities? Yes.
    Some le horse famous socialite? Please no.
