/mlp/ actually finishes creative project

After months of hard work, a group of 3D modelers on /mlp/ have done the unthinkable, and actually completed a quality creative project. They have re-created, from scratch, the entire "Awesome as I want to be" sequence from Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, in CGI using Blender.

Despite what you've read on EQD, it is actually NOT made in Source Filmmaker, and those commenters have no idea that 4chan made this.

Here's the original video for comparison

Not sure what the 3D General plans on making next, but they're currently working on a series of outfit swaps on all characters.

Comments (14)

  1. 2,000 years...later.

  2. The animation is actually really shit compared to some other things I've seen. 4/10

    1. examples of these fan animations that do a way better job?

  3. It's still >no hooves tho.

  4. That tackle is still as satisfying as every to watch.

  5. "/mlp/ actually finishes creative project" Yeah, unlike that "/mlp/ sings" project, where we all sang "Under Our Spell". Whatever happened to Songfag anyway? Why hasn't he responded to anything? Is "mlp sings Under Our Spell" dead?

    1. F-fuck... I almost forgot about that. I so wanted to see it complete. RIP Songfag.

    2. This is all we have: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnHfboalYjA

    3. Well, it's better than nothing. I can hear my voice pretty clearly in this, so that's cool. I remember SongFag said he was going to do an elaborate video.

  6. Next goal: animate the entire movie

  7. Watched with the sound off (cause couldn't stand it otherwise). The animation is really good, 10/10. 3D models are 7/10.

  8. I can feel all these people who are egotistical about themselves and treats /mlp/ as if it makes a lot of good content every single day.
    For fucks sake, it's ONE project that got finished. It's good and all but don't go around flagging that /mlp/ is more superior.
