Announcing launch of sister-site "Universe-News"

We're just sad we didn't think of it first! 
Recently, Equestria Daily announced the launch of a sister-site project to cater to the buddng Steven Universe fandom, which has all of tumblr talking with excitement. The same hard-hitting journalism that has served the Pony fandom so well for over 4 years will now be serving the thriving community that is Steven Universe. Well, we're never ones to be out-done and seeing the outpouring of positivity that SU has shown, we're happy to announce the launch of our very own sister-project - Universe News!

That's right, because why should Equestria Daily be the only ones to bask in this completely rational and totally called-for warm welcome by the hordes of tumblr? We can't think of a single reason. So get ready Universe Fans! We're bringing Horse-News's special brand of total-positivity and 100% factual information to your doorstep, because we know how much you LOOOVE us!

Just remember when we get going, that it's all due to the response you gave Equestria Daily, and how you have only yourselves to thank for everything that's going to come!

We're currently trying to decide what our first post should be about. Should we investigate the "racists lurking about" as mentioned in this post?

Or maybe we should just kick it off with a masterpost of all the Steven Universe pornography that Tumblr has made, including all the stuff that features the underaged human protagonist (because that's totally fine).

And to our future loving-fans, just remember it was DragonDicks and KickNeckbeardAss's thoughtful, welcoming posts, and your 3400 notes of total agreement that brought us to you. We've already submitted a petition to 4chan to launch a /su/ board!

Oh yeah we can see it all now.
Universe-News here we come!


Comments (57)

  1. I thought KNA finally acquired some braincells and quit tumblr.
    Well, shame on me for thinking that any of these autistic little twerps would actually grow up, I guess.

    Seth, you may go forth and conquer SU. Take it away from the grasp of these annoying women-children.

    1. SU´s website was Calpain´s idea, not Seth´s

    2. Steven Universe is a shit show basically. It's small fanbase resides only on tumblr and that's not enough in the eyes of CN. I hear CN might pull the plug on it since they see it being only popular with girls. Whatever so long as they don't pull Uncle Grandpa or Adventure Time too all is fine.

    3. Universe News is online! don't forget the www part

  2. I can feel the all the cringe flowing through my monitor

  3. /su/ needs to happen.

  4. I still don't see where this whole "Bronies are misogynist" thing comes from. A lot of the stereotypes about us are silly, but I never understood where that one even comes from. I can at least somewhat understand the others.

    1. Probably because of our 4chan affiliations.

    2. It's something like this:

      If you take the stereotypical tumblr user (female and/or queer with the mental age of a teenager and a victim complex the size of Texas) and add in a typical fanboy that likes something marketed to women, you end up getting a very volatile mixture of tumblrina that thinks rule 34 never existed before bronies, and that guys who don't accept whatever diarrhea these fruitcakes spew out of their mouths is an instantaneous dislike of their sexual and gender preference (instead of, you know, a dislike of the retarded logic they believe).

      tl;dr they hate us because we don't buy into their dumb shit and that somehow makes us sexist for it.

    3. Boys are in a girl fandom. That's literally where this whole "brony are misogynist" bullshit comes from. They are the female manchildren. "Womanchildren", if you will. They're pathetic basement-dwelling virgin nerds who like squicking to underage rape porn.

  5. Ridiculous. EQD is not quite 4chan, SU is not quite pony either, our barbaric hordes aren't going to invade some random fandom just 'cause Calpain said so. Well, I guess sometimes it's just really fun to be scared! I only wonder why internet's definition of fun must include anus bonfires.

  6. "Fandom Destruction LLC"
    "internal drama, daily reminder of rule 34, spilling oil in the fire, objective debates and much more!"
    make it happen pls

  7. For the Tumblr kids at home, guess what: every fandom out there has people in it that you personally won't like. As someone who's been in various fandoms over two decades, find people you do like and only pay attention to them. You'll be far happier for it.

    1. these guys are like how I was when I was fifteen or sixteen

      then I grew up and stopped caring so much about other people's personal opinions and preferences

  8. tumblrinas are bitter and resentful about "dudebros" possibly liking the same things they do.

    This isn't news. (But I still want to hear every detail.)

  9. You should write an article about this drama capper, it's much bigger

    1. Obviously he won't. But YOU can, Anon. That'd be delicious.

    2. I'd love to see that. Purple Tinker has pulled so much bullshit, but that's all ignored because what? Because there are bigger retards that hate him? Because he more than willing to drop the Tumblr act when it means sucking up to the cool kids at Horsefuck Central?

      Inquiring minds want to know!

  10. All my yes. fuck yeagh. Steven Universe is the one thing that's been getting through this hiatus but it's been missing something. Now with its season final done with I need the talk and the drama in the su fandom. And I can't think of a better journalism institution like horse news and it's brave writers give it to me. Your the fan news we want capper we just don't deserve it.

    1. Site is up. How can we help, anon?

    2. le gasp. This you my chance

      Ok I would like to see three kinda arcticles.

      1. Show makers. What's cartoon network's plans for Steven Universe after the finale. The creators plans. Producers. Va's. I think you see Were I'm going.

      2. Fan service. Were can I throw my money at. Shirts, cons, keychains. Legit or not I want to know. Fan made art and crud Too I guess.

      3. Stupid waste of time posting click-baiting drama spottlighting tumblr sucking ass cheeks cringe inducing laughing perverted gemfucking gemfucjkers gemgymgem I'd hit that I've looked into the abyss and all mercy for humanity has left me* but keep it classy

    3. I tripeled checked that for basic grammar and spelling errors. Let me know if you need anything else rari fa.

    4. Stares at screen
      This is my chance
      <This you my chance
      <This you
      Goddamn whiskey

    5. Also I can't find Universe-news
      just a bunch of space sites
      did I spell it right?

    6. Universe News is having a similar issue as Horse News did at launch where you have to type in "" and not just "". It has something to do with the godaddy hosting that I'll figure out eventually.

      and thank you 05:14, I'll relay this to the new talent.

  11. Everyone here reblog this for immense saltmining if you have a dumblr:
    holy shit this is gonna be so fucking triggering.

  12. Why do people say or think Rebecca Sugar has autism? Where the fuck did that even come from?
    God dammit /co/...

    1. Because if there's one thing Tumblr and 4chan can agree on, it's that everything and everyone under the sun is autistic

  13. 20:27
    Spent way to much time on that post.
    Capper General did you really retweet a fundraiser tweet from purple tinker.


    denounce tink and move on.

    1. HN posts ALL fundraisers that are pony-related

    2. then why are they kissing tinker's ass in every damn post

    3. Purple Tinker is a lolcow whose utters are full to bursting, but Horse News NEVER milks those swollen teets. On one occassion they even promoted a fundraiser in which Purple Tinker exploited some kid's suicide because the fucker's last name was one letter away from "alicorn".

      I dont want to see things get to the point where #HorseGate becomes a thing (which will, of course, be about ethics in horse journalism), but damned if we aren't headed in that direction.

    4. Hi anonthony! Still the little autist I see. Having fun babysitting the spergs over at mlpshillchan????

    5. >Purple Tinker is a lolcow whose utters are full to bursting, but Horse News NEVER milks those swollen teets.

      exactly my point. he is the biggest source for drama in this fandom, 4chan already knows and hates him, and yet capper thinks it's best to suck up to him for fleeting e-fame

    6. It was the weekend before Saint Patrick's day when this fan hit the shit. I say we Let ole capper get a slide this time and blame it on the whiskey and sneaky sjw's bullshit. But the next arcticle about tinker better be about you sneezing in the pie before throwing said pie. Or no arcticle at all.

  14. >Your petulant response to people not being 100% on-board with a SU site being made by trillby-toting dudebros

    In what universe does dudebro mean "neckbeard turbo nerd" and not this:
    Fuck's sake tumblr get it together.

    1. This is tumblr we're talking about, a site that glorifies all things dainty and feminine, where flower crowns and cutesy aesthetic are the norm and teenage angst metamorphoses into a saccharine emotional frailty, where the concept of masculinity is benign at best and an act of violence at worst.

      From their warped perspective, of course they would be pin neckbeards as dudebros.

    2. Case in point, I literally clicked on a random blog in the notes of that post and this is what I got:

      To people like that, nerds may as well be butch jocks.


    KNA is confusing "sooo maaad" for "loling at our autism"

    1. I feel like we made them mad, like we're not allowed to like what they like. Sounds like this person's overcompensating for something else.

    2. yeah, we sure showed her! we went to the effort of creating an entire new blog and twitter account to show how angry she is!! what an autist!

      there's good reasons why 4chan hates rarifag

    3. what the hell are you even talking about bro?

    4. Mad?
      Bitch, you and your sperg buddies made my weekend by pissing and moaning about this.

  16. I don't think people should make a fandom for every thing ever. Some things are too small and do not deserve a separate following. Why cannot we just be "cartoon fans" sometimes?

  17. because you're a fucking weeaboo who faps to loli and claims its not pedophilia

  18. Oh yeah, let's not forget that MLP fandom was always shitty—if not outright worse—long before boys got involved. According to collector friends, pre-G4 drama was way worse than anything we've come up with.

    No, Tumblr, you're just as good at fucking up your own fandoms as any. Spouting negativity and venom is a *fantastic* way to start.

    1. >According to collector friends, pre-G4 drama was way worse than anything we've come up with.
      We better step up our game

  19. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!

    ..... I don't know why I'm oh'ing it seems appropriate. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh snap!

  20. Does anyone honestly take tumblr seriously anymore? I mean, when you really boil it all down to brass tacks this is just tumblr crying more bitch tears about a childrens cartoon. These people are all teens and adults that do nothing but cry about cartoons, and the fact that people they don't like like the same cartoons. Oh, that and regurgitating the same old "fedora dude-bro manchild-misogynistic" bullshit they love so much.

    Look at it this way: going to a special ed class and laughing at the mentally disabled kids is in very poor taste. Now, replace the special ed class with tumblr, and the mentally disabled kids with furry otherkins, multi plural systems, mayonnaise gendered star children, neckbearded male feminist, 40+ year old male to female transgendered "womyn", and self diagnosed disorders of every type imaginable. Poking fun at them is really going after the low hanging fruit.

    Don't get upset with these people. When a mentally challenged person calls you and your friends stupid, the only appropriate response is to laugh. And then feel pity for them, since they will never be able to comprehend why you laughed.

    1. While pity and laughter are both appropriate, even preferrable responses to the idiocy of Tumblr, I don't think that anger is unwarranted, and I would not begrudge a fellow anon were they to get legitimately pissed by any of this. The crucial difference between a special ed class and Tumblr is that Tumblr's issues are not real. They make most of them up. So they can't use their issues as an excuse. An actual mentally retarded person may not know better when they say something monumentally fucking stupid. But in the case of Tumblr, it's their personalities that are the problem.

    2. But that said, yeah, they really are fish in a barrel by now.

    3. It's literally the only major website that actually gives a damn about it's users.

      Sadly it cares just as little about its reputation I guess...

  21. >there are people who don't want porn off their favorite characters
    >there are people who don't know what rule34 is
    >It's just porn

  22. Reminder: Derpy Hooves News has been reporting on Steven Universe for quite a while now. This is the second foray.
