Adorable Animation here - Japan Ponycon announcement

Japan Ponycon is returning in May and to promote that, they have sent us information and a brand new anime-style pony animation. And it is adorable as fuck. Read all the information below.

Shit that's kawaii.

Japan PonyCon Spring 2015 returns on May 4th at Hokutopia Bulding in Kita-ku, Tokyo. The whole day will be jam packed with panels, cosplay, artists and guests! Headlining our convention, the ubiquitous VA Cathy Weseluck (Spike the dragon, Mayor Mare, and MANY OTHERS) will be joining us by Skype for
an interview and Q&A session. There will be many panels on a wide range of topics, an artist alley,
and an auction featuring a season 4 original script signed by the writer Josh Haber!
The event will close with a fantastic dance party, with special International guests, The Living Tombstone and Eurobeat Brony in person!

Come and join us live, or watch the con livestreamed on Canterlot Hill. If you cannot attend in person, you can get a conbook, con badge and exclusive JPC goods sent anywhere in the world with  Spirit registration!(
If we can't see you there in person, we hope to see you there in spirit! Japan PonyCon Spring 2015,  in Hokutopia, Kita-ku, Tokyo.

Comments (13)

  1. Oh my god that animation was way too good for a pony convention. Darn it japan, get your priorities straight.

    You're supposed to make animated porn, not convention videos. God.

    1. Fuck you, I fapped to it. Japan can do what it wants and I say the more pony videos the better! :^)

    2. Oh but anon this what Japan does. Making cute Kawaii animations is a pastime in Japan, only now there doing our ponies and putting our efforts to shame.

    3. A shame they couldn't get anyone decent for the music.

    4. Precure Ponys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wait, wait, 5th ANNUAL?!?

    There's been Pony conventions in grorious Nippon since the show started in English???

    1. No, the previous Japan Ponycons were actually hosted in America, except for one where they went to New Zealand.
      It was a cleverly named ruse to attract weebs.

      Also, if any Japan Ponycon people are authorized to give HN writers free airfare for the con for media coverage, I'd be perfectly willing to help you guys out and I'd give you 100% positive reviews.
      Hell, maybe you guys could sponsored by an airline or some shit.

  3. Incoming tentacle bukkake loli rape porn, also fuckin weeaboo fags

  4. I want to cum inside Poniko

    1. >OC Alicorn

      3/10 would not clop to

  5. I'd sit on top of the highest peak in Canada and scream this information through an old-fashioned bullhorn if it would pay for a trip to the ever-fascinating, ultra-bizarre land of Japan. I'm certain I'd see things that would pop my brain-pan.

  6. Pretty cure Ponys!

  7. Japan PonyCon Spring 2015 is set for May 4th at Hokutopia Building in Tokyo, featuring panels, cosplay, and guest appearances. VA Cathy Weseluck will join via Skype for a Q&A, and the event will conclude with a dance party featuring The Living Tombstone and Eurobeat Brony.
