Wisconsin Brony charged with Murder

February threw us a curveball we would have never expected, as a 17-year-old Wisconsin man, Dean Suttcliffe "fatally shot two people in their home" in Mazomanie. The part that some people are sure to latch onto in this tragedy?

He's a brony.

You can almost hear tumblr already.

According to the Wisconsin State Journal:

"Among the items found on Sutcliffe were a picture of Amanda and some “My Little Pony” collector cards in one of Sutcliffe’s shirt pockets. His Facebook page indicates that Sutcliffe belonged to a culture of teens and adult men who are fans of the show and refer to themselves as “Bronies."

We located Sutcliffe's facebook page.

We suppose it had to happen eventually, as every large group of people will have a criminal who happens to be in their midst. Bronies, with their population of millions around the world are clearly no exception.

Suttcliffe is charged with 2 counts of first-degree intentional homicide. One for his ex-girlfriend Amanda's sister, 16-year-old Ariyl Brady, and another for Chris Schwichtenberg, 39, who is the boyfriend of Mary Brady, the mother of Amanda and Ariyl.
Our condolences to the community of Mazomanie and the Brady and Schwichtenberg families.

According to local news, a fund has been set up to benefit the four children of Schwichtenberg and his girlfriend.

Chris Schwichtenberg Children’s Fund
The People’s Community Bank
222 W. Commercial St.
Mazomanie, WI 53560

Comments (32)

  1. A 17-year-old's girlfriend was with a 39-year-old man?

    1. No, a 17 year-old's ex-girlfriend's mom was with a 39 year-old man.

  2. >he was also a rwby fan

    1. See, now that makes sense. Anyone who watches that shit is going to end up going insane and killing people eventually. Well, more insane, you'd already have to be insane to willingly sit through more than a minute of that crap.

    2. What's wrong with RWBY? I'll grant that I didn't find it that thrilling either, but I don't remember it being bad.

  3. Where did you learn about this though?

    I'm curious about wether you found that or tumblr or wether tumblr now follow you guys and take the stories from you.

    1. Was sent to us via skype
      Not sure if it's made it to tumblr yet

    2. Huh, now watch them use your article and use "TYPICAL BRONY".

      Also, are you going to tack on the Derpibooru Drama?

  4. Wait, never mind, it's just a really shitty sentence.

  5. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/201/1/4/o_princess_my_princess_by_leighanna-d414k52.png

  6. Love how they just throw out there that he was a brony. I'm sure that played a major role in the murders.

    1. >Go to horse news site.
      >Read stories about horse people and things that are happening to them.
      >Read article where one Brony kills people.
      >Immediately SJW all over the horse site.

    2. Look at his facebook, the man was posting lewds like the scruffening never happened.

      Kinda hard not to notice that stuff. He was obviously mental though

  7. "39, who is the boyfriend of Mary Brady, the mother of Amanda and Ariyl."

    What do you expect when society's gone to shit?

  8. So... uh... how much money do we have to give them to keep the SJWs at bay?

    1. >Implying they'll care, or even look it up, and not just make a single extremely biased "THIS IS WHY I HATE BRONIES" post that'll get 50K notes for attention.

    2. They'll probably also try to bring GamerGate and MRA's into it somehow

    3. We just reply "Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath" and argument over.

  9. Do you think EqD will tack on THAT?

  10. This is what happens when we've waited almost a year for the next season...

  11. >Schwichtenberg
    Oy VEY! This is truly anotha shoah! I bet that anti-Semite Sutcliffe is related to Ben Garrison!

  12. So many people like Cartoon Horse these days that this is probably no longer a news story.

    I heard that some guy that really liked football raped a girl once.

    1. how else are people with the mentality of an angst-fueled teenage girl gonna be able to prove a stereotype is true

      gotta go for the one actual example and circlejerk to hell and back over it

    2. I heard that Hitler detested smoking, Stalin was a mama's boy, and Mao Zedong used to be a librarian.

  13. a luna fan, typical

  14. Will he be the first brony to get the death sentence??

  15. Okay, seriously?I typed like two long winded rants about how jealous I am that this guy gets people on his side because he's a brony and every time I've gotten cuffed I have received absolutely nothing for being a creepy old man with a fixation on pastel equines and none of them posted! That guy doesn't even lift.

  16. >He's also a RWBY fan
    Good thing Monty Oum isn't around to see this shit.

  17. Well I just plain love ponies! :D

  18. This is horrible news. Murder has been committed. Who cares about our reputation as a fandom when two people have been murdered? The murders are much worse than a blow to our reputation. The guy was probably a clopper anyway.

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