Free banging album about banging ponies

Just in time for Valentines day, we were sent a link to an album that has been released for free from a horse music man named DJ Buckalot. The album is called "The Mane Sex" and it is EXACTLY what it sounds like. 6 Tracks, each dedicated to a different pony and the singer's feelings for each of them. 

Let's take a listen.

We particularly find "Like a Butterfly" interesting.  The album was technically released nearly a month ago, but fuck if we knew about it. Each song is in a different style of music from Country to Jazz to Death Metal. Download this multi-genred masterpiece for free today.

EDIT: We actually recieved this twice, the first time was a month ago, but capper was too hammered to remember

Comments (13)

  1. hey...Horse News...I told you about this a month ago, faggots.

    1. I've told them stuff too they didn't listen.

      Also the voices in track 3. Back t' The Yard is actually as spergy as I would have expected.
      I guess the original singers didn't want their real voice in something like this. I can't bring myself to listen to the entire albulm.

  2. Strange that something like that didn't exist already. At least, not as an entire album. At least, I haven't seen any.

  3. I sincerely hoped it was gonna be good music with cheesy lyrics. It's not. It's shit.

    1. How shit? I'm curious.

      I would listen to it to make my own judgements, but I worry that the second-hand embarassment might overwhelm me.

    2. Cringe level is about a 5/8.
      Insect Cream Scotaloo sex plushie was about an 8/8 for reference.
      Embrace the 'tism anon.

    3. 5/8 is still too much cringe for my tastes. I already contracted terminal autism from getting on the ride in the first place, and this can only hasten my death.

  4. Death Metal? I already love this, the second one has a cheesy title tho.

  5. As a masochist I want to download this, but as a sane human, I do not want to see this on my computer and be plague by crippling guilt each and every time I do.

  6. The cringe wasn't the worst but God damn was the doubt shit

  7. I'm honestly conflicted about DJ Buckalot's gender.
