Anon Finds Pony Porn on Dead Suspect's Computer

An anon on /mlp/ working at his police tech job discovered a "holy grail of horse porn" on the hard drive of a deceased suspected drug dealer. According to anon, who lives in a European country with no respect for privacy (typical yuropoors), the first thing he noticed after getting a laptop to scan was a sticker of Twilight on the keyboard.

"About 6,4 gigs to be exact. Mostly animations and Futashy"

After doing some digging, he came across a folder named "pone".

Like any sane brony, he did the natural thing and instantly began looking for the inevitable pony porn. 

The total size of the folder was "about 6,4 gigs to be exact. Mostly animations and Futashy. (I suspect he got much of it from the 14 gig google drive)."

Naturally, these discoveries raised several questions: Who was the owner of this PC? 

Was he a horsefucker, a nor/mlp/erson, a real human bean? 

Why did he like Futashy so much? Why did he kill himself? 

And most importantly, will OP upload the files? 
You can find the collection OP found here, as well as much, much more. You can also view the thread here, provided it is still live.
And to the drugdealing, horsefucking son of a bitch who killed himself: my next clop will be in memory of you. See you in Equestria. 

Editors tip to the reader: Next time you go pick up drugs, ask your dealer to show you his search history. You might have more in common than just vice and degeneracy. ;)

Comments (18)

  1. I'm looking through a dead drug dealer's pony porn stash and I don't know what to feel right now.

    This is interesting.

    1. Only thing you should be feeling is cock in your hand

    2. last night i was fapping and my cock felt pretty big in my hands. Man I love my cock, it just fits in so nice and tight, unf. man cocks.duuude

  2. Damn, RIP another horsefucker, I'll clop to your memory, whoever the hell you are

  3. Where's part 2 of his greentext

  4. Show pics of laptop for proof, faggot.

  5. RIP in horse pussy, Anon. You were an hero to us all.

  6. >Futashy
    He was a great man.

  7. If he had that much, he probably had a low bar for quality.

    1. Then again, it took horsefuckers only 4 years to surpass what furries could churn out since 1991. Volume aside, it's not like it takes a lot of skill or braincells to throw together a flat 2D shape. Add in the official character files leak so now every weenie and his granny can make show-accurate models, and the thing that's low is that it's ONLY 6gigs.

  8. Another of our own has fallen. I feel it is our duty to honour our fallen brother's memory by shifting ten times the usual product this week.

  9. Bullshit. No police department would actually boot a suspect's computer. They'd analyse the harddrive in a different machine. 0/10

    1. No police department in the world? In the entire world? You're sure?

    2. Europeans in denial in the comments, as per usual

    3. not entirely true some people use programs that can make programs only run on that computer and no where else, thats why police would have to boot up the guys computer due it may have program that only allowed to view the files from that computer, i know i do the same thing when i write computer prgrams that are prototyped when i burn them to the discs i make sure that the disc setting is set to only playable on the laptop cd burner and no where else

  10. Okay, How do I downloaded all these treasure?

  11. only 6.4 gigs? Ive got 35.4~

  12. Acknowledges for paper such a beneficial composition, I stumbled beside your blog besides decipher a limited announce. I want your technique of inscription... porn
