"Who are you, and why should I care" Episode 1: Flameheart Kindle

A few weeks ago, a interview was done. This was the result. This is why Mexicans shouldn't be allowed to do things.


Comments (15)

  1. Who is this guy and why i should care?

  2. >it's a Chelis article

  3. the guy seems like a normal horse fucker who just happens to also be a bible thumper. Based on his admission of a huge crush on a certain pony character, I believe he may be ashamed of his natural desire to come inside Rainbow Dash. Perhaps this is what drives him to his foaming mouth rants on Twitter.

  4. Interview starts at about 18:00

  5. Why has nobody drawn porn of this guy's OC yet? http://i.imgur.com/AcyCKVU.png

  6. Pfft. Where's MY interview?
    Joking of course, nobody would want to see that.

  7. Oh hey, someone who no one cares about made an hour long interview of someone else no one cares about

    when is the hiatus over, again?

  8. Let me be the first to say tl;dl (too long; didn't listen), and don't care.

  9. did chelis literally talk out his ass for 18 fucking minutes?

  10. Here's week old news guys. uhhhhhh, I like to drink a lot. (fart noises)

  11. Who is this faggot and why should I care enough to watch an hour long interview?

  12. You hate a guy so much that you wish he would go hang himself after losing all hope for humanity? Make him listen to George Cain's Friendship is Hip Hop. I know it's gonna work. It almost did for me.

  13. The Mexicans are a proud and brave culture, stemming from their Aztec and Mayan ancestors.

    Chelis is more like Tijuana, the Americanized, fatter, lazier version of Mexico that's been bastardized to the point where it barely knows how to say "hola gringa, estoy single!"
