HORSE NEWS HITS 2498411! + Also a New Challenger Appears

That's right folks. Horse News has finally hit 2,498,411 for the very first time. Two Million, Four Hundred Ninety Eight Thousand, Four Hundred and Eleventeen clickity clacks. This is truly a thrilling time to be a shitty author in one of the least moderated, lowest bar-having sites on this side of the google servers. According to very trust worthy random hobos; Horse News has surpassed Equestria Daily in growth-over-time by a long shot.

VERY "trust-worthy" hobos from Boston

This and much more after the break.

According to this graph we at Horse News have been pleasuring your observation glands since... mid 2004? Wow, really? I cant quite recall, Bronycon11 must have been pretty wild for me to forget 6 whole years, I mean, those hobos did look pretty trust worthy.

Who wouldn't trust an anon like that?

But with Inflated graphs  growth and success comes the scum of the planet, the scourge of the West in the East; The Britons. Yes, that's right my burger-holding, star-spangled-shirt-wearing readers, the Brits have literally declared war on HN.

... the nerve, how dare they?!

Yup, that's right, the god damned Brits literally-LITERALLY (for reals this time) stole our name and just put Central behind it, as if we wouldn't notice. They are smearing the name of what this website stands for, whatever that is. Sure we might put up "allegedly" misleading articles with even more misleading articles filled with inflammatory content, but at least our teeth are no yellow. And as if it wasn't already enough with their fake fancy accents and stupid cylindrical black hats. They also seem to have a Horse "centered" magazine.

Not gonna lie, i kinda wanna see that weed-horse hybrid

Lets not give those imperialists, tea-taxing bastards the chance to ruin a great milestone. after all, it is our 2,498,411th anniversary of our first page view, all the way back in 2004, I guess.

Also, here is their shitty link so you can IP ban it and never speak of it ever again ever.

really tho, don't click it, its British in there.

Comments (13)

  1. Ever heard of HN, as in Hacker News?

  2. HN: House Niggers

    1. Why the hell did I laugh at this?


    1. So even when the search terms are right, Horse News is still slightly above.

    2. Except you're not taking the noise into account. Horse News, as in this site, is well below EqD and in fact hardly noticeable in those statistics.

  4. Those central horse news guys are really cunning bastards. They know something is up

  5. If GamerGate were still relevent, I'd go "WE'RE WINNING! EQUESTRIA DAILY IS GETTING DESPERATE! HASHTAG!".

    But it's not, so I won't.

  6. Laugh all you want, you cheeky wotsits, but the colonies will be back in our hands soon enough. God save the Queen.

    1. They won't be laughing when we send in the fleet and make Britain Great once again.

  7. Good for you, you lovely peoples!

  8. "Your Horse's Vaginal System"

    relevant to HN's interests
