Denver Brony looking for love

It's no secret that bronies are by and large, some really lonely people. So it should be no surprise that some go looking for companionship the only way they know how-using the internet. That, however does not fully explain this craigslist personal ad on the "male for male" section from Denver.

"Looking for a pet Scootaloo"

"I am looking for a pet Scootaloo.Scootaloo is a well liked filly from the cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on the Hub Network. She is an orange pegasus pony with difficulty flying, and a founding member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
I'm seeking a man who will dress up like Scootaloo and act like Scootaloo full time. This posting is the only time you will be referred to as anything other than Scootaloo.
I have a good job and can support you as fillies stay home and don't work!
I'm a 26 year old Brony with short black hair and an athletic build, green eyes and I wear glasses.
I don't care what you look like or your age so long as you want to be my beloved Scootaloo.\
Pictures attached are of my favorite filly, Scootaloo."

Is it a joke?
Maybe. We have no idea.

But we're going to find out.

"Dear Denver Brony..."

Comments (13)

  1. And then we never see Rarifag again...

  2. And naturally leave it to the Brony to look in the "Male Seeking Male" section first.

  3. Replies
    1. Post results in the "Rants and Raves" section, then link here.

  4. I live in Denver! I should respond....
    If I was gay, I would totally do it. I hate working & love cosplay

    1. But do you love pina coladas?

    2. More importantly, making love at midnight?

  5. And the funny thing is, by making fun of this guy, they are giving him free advertising directed at the group of people most likely to take him up on the offer

    1. I'd say it's a win-win, There's some new content here, and the dude might actually find a Scootaloo

  6. Oh god it lives in my state

  7. There are lots of different things in your city, what a great place!Thank you so much for sharing..heating and cooling
