>muh freedoms |
With the advent of Gamergate and the subsequent efforts pushed by /pol/ and /v/, a recent revelation has occurred concerning the internal structure of 4chan's moderation staff; it is plagued by SJW's who will stop at nothing to shut down and censor threads discussing Gamergate and calling them out on their shit. Even posts containing the word "nigger" have been subject to bannings, it's gotten that out of hand. Hell, the Samson Option was even enacted and /pol/ raided /mlp/ to no positive avail from either party. Luckily, another option has opened up for horsefuckers; 8chan.

8chan is a site that allows users to create their own boards and let others post much like how 4chan works. There are a few extensions in the site that have yet to be added that make it as user-accessible like 4chan is, but for a start, it gets the ground work done pretty well. /mlp/'s general go-to in times of strife has been the MLPchan board /anon/, but many prefer the speed of the 4chan board to the porn-enabled sister board. In the middle there is a compromise, a board fresh and open for porn, posting, and /mlp/'s favorite past-time, fucking generals, the 8chan board
/pone/ is still very much developing its own community, but can easily become just as 4chan-lite and just like home if enough anons and nor/mlp/eople give it a good post or two. Janitor positions are opening soon with applications, a writefag has already started his own "8chan exclusive" series, "The Adventures of RepoAnon", and the best part, the webm's have sound.
So drop by, go for a dubs get, draw some art, discuss porn, and fantasize about the old times in the next biggest thing, /pone/ - My Little Pony, "All thing pony, R34 is allowed".
Oh hell yeah, time to test these sound webms.
ReplyDeleteim scared of losing the old house, but the benefits you listed are pretty good.
ReplyDeletelet's hope that "sjw" shit blows over. if not ill see you friends elsewhere.
it probably will when chris realizes that his new mods have been acting like legitimate retards
Deletebut until then, we 8chan now
Well, our ancestors moved from Yurop to the America. Think this is similar
Delete>Think we're all americans.
Delete>Think it's similar.
>What about MLPchan then. Its Africa?
By the way, in addition to having WebMs with sound, 8chan also has APNG support. Not that many of you guys use APNG (because it doesn't work on 4chan), but it is infinitely superior to GIF in every way, so you should try out using it on 8chan if you'd like.
DeleteEven if isn't 4chan, you still have to admit that from the technical point of view, ∞chan is superior.
Doesn't have the [Update] button at the bottom of the page, I got really attached to that button.
DeleteIronically (or maybe it makes perfect sense), Presto-based Opera supported APNG natively a long time ago, and Firefox does, too. You know what only supports it when installing a separate addon? ...Chrome. ... And now Opera is Chrome-based and Chrome is being peddled to people like adware. As many global corporations, Google is very good at ruining things.
Deletehorse news is kill?
Blah blah blah new home. 8chan won't get any bigger than MLPchan. It will always just be the "backup". Even if /mlp/ is ever kill, 8chan won't catch on in nearly the same capacity.
ReplyDelete>they have milky way
Fuck /mlp/. See you next comic storytime.
How's 8chan doing now?
DeletePretty good still going strong
DeleteIt's bretty gud.
ReplyDelete>/pol/ shitposts on /mlp/, therefore we must leave 4chan
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot more to it than that.
DeleteWe've delt with the scruffening, just do what we did last time. Post porn
DeleteShilling this hard
DeleteFuck off.
ReplyDeleteWe don't need a new home, those that'll go there will be the worst kind of 4chan, the one leaving about a single thing because it became too big for 4chan's sake. Which means only the "lol leejun!" fag will go there, for us, that means the /b/tards shitposting the board and complaining about general because THEY CANT ENJOY THINGS u_u.
Doesn't surprise me that Rarifag is one of this kind.
So only Rarifag is migrating there? Perfect.
ReplyDeleteThe sad part is we'll never actually know if moot scored any pussy.
ReplyDeleteYes, please leave 4chan. All of you fags who regularly read horse-news and are this gullible.
ReplyDeleteJust leave already.
Thank you
This can only be good news for /mlp/. A mass exodus would get rid of all the cancer and newfaggotry that has been asphyxiating the board for quite some time now. Best case scenario is we become like /vp/: a slow, but dedicated board of core users who actually give a fuck.
ReplyDeleteThis so much.
DeleteThis isn't even RELATED to MLP at all.
So why the FUCK should we follow like sheeps /v/, /b/ and /pol/, who have the worst mentality of the website and is incapable of handling Gamergate correctly?
Even when we had reasons to leave the board MLPChan didn't survive.
So fuck off Rarifag, I hope the rest of the staff isn't in on this, especially Capper, I figure HE get why we stick around.
/pone/ was shaping up to be nice. Then it got infested with faggots pretty quick.
DeleteIf you think this SJW shit will blow over on 4chan and we can all go back home, you're setting yourselves up with disappointment.
You guys have no idea what you are talking about, /mlp/ is way worse than /pone/ in terms of shitposting and faggotry. Everyone on /pone/ seems to "give a fuck" and wants to make the best out of the site.
DeleteLet me guess, you think the generals are cancer.
"If you think this SJW shit will blow over on 4chan and we can all go back home, you're setting yourselves up with disappointment." - Waiting on actual proof for SJW moderation. So far all logs / screenshots were edited/fake.
DeleteSo what you're saying HN is that all the shitposters, edgey mcfaggots, and faggots in general are leaving. FINALLY. Thank fuck.
ReplyDeleteI think you have it backwards, all the shitposters, edgey mcfaggots, and faggots in general are staying. People who give a fuck are leaving.
DeleteYeah, the /pol/, /v/, and /b/ crowd are leaving.
DeleteAgain, thank fuck.
From what I've seen on 8chan, the people that have migrated are still in the regrouping phase mainly, with some content being produced. They already had some writefagging and voicefagging threads.
DeleteOnly time will tell if /pone/ will produce its own content, or it will end up just reliving old times on 4chan then die away. The main determining factor here is if they have good OC being produced.
>/v/ can't shut up about GamerGate to the point where it floods half the board
ReplyDelete>mods prune threads so discussion of video games can actually happen
>/pol/ catches wind of it/receives butthurt refugees from /v/ and decides to throw a shitfit for a grand total of one day on other boards because of SJWs
>therefore /mlp/ has to abandon ship to another site because we got raided once and we're still butthurt over the loss of a few inconsequential generals from a incident over a year ago
Clearly, this is sound logic.
/pone/ - My Little Pony, "All thing pony, R34 is allowed".
Over the years, many sites rose to claim 4chan, throne.
ReplyDeleteAnyone remembers 7chan?
moot bought 7chan after a while. It's still around, but sucks balls more than its /dicks/ board.
DeleteWell, I guess Moot and the moderators of all boards of 4chan clearly don't have a problem with fascism, as they clearly don't have a problem practicing it.
ReplyDelete>Thank fuck, all the shitposters are leaving!
ReplyDeleteYou have it backwards you dumbass faggots, only 3 days in 8chan and it's already better than the shithole with sjw mods you currently reside in. And it's going to get better with hotwheels currently working on 8chan x and other functionality superior to 4chan's.
Also we have redtext.
fukkin' this
DeleteShill harder, OP.
DeleteA month from now 8chan will be a barren wasteland that gets two posts a day, just like all the other flash-in-the-pan "backup" sites that have come and gone over the years.
>B-b-but 4chan mods are being mean!
Oh noes, you're not being allowed to spam 800 threads about the same topic, boo hoo.
Does /v/ still think Gamergate is worth giving a shit about? All its done is make gamers look like whiny crybabies and made Zoe Quinn a household name. She's now the most talked-about game developer in the country, whereas before /v/ threw a shitfit about her she was a nobody.
ReplyDeleteNice job, /v/, you make Sarkeesian famous and now you've done the same for Quinn. Next time, why not cut out the middleman and just donate a million bucks to a radical feminist group, you morons?
Just who in the world is this 4chan?
ReplyDeleteBut the guy who claimed /pone/ is a newfag. My freedom to post porn isn't worth being moderated by some power-hungry faggot who came to /mlp/ and thinks he can just up and take a slice of the pie.
ReplyDeleteThat's explains why he made a fucking clarification in scruffening sticky copypasta thread.
Delete8chan is just a place where /mlp/ fags can make NSFW threads
ReplyDeleteSo fucking what? Is that really a bad thing? I support such threads. If assholes on /b/ can make NSFW threads, then hypocritical asshole moderators on /mlp/ shouldn't be banning NSFW threads. No part of 4chan should even be SFW in the fucking first place? What the fuck are you doing even surfing 4chan at work, you asshole!?
DeleteA lot of the older users on 4chan left /mlp/ myself being one of them and its painfully obvious this is the case, all I literally see now on /mlp/ is incessant circlejerking not to mention all the tryhards on there who are most likely 18 and underers who call people newfags just to try to sound cool.
ReplyDeleteAt least on 8chan people give much more constructive criticisms of things on there and people actually don't have this toxic elitist culture which btw the whole "lurk moar" culture didn't help 4chan at all, in fact all it did was discourage a portion of people on the site from posting. As much as it pains me to say it /mlp/ has become the new Facebook in terms of vitriol and censorship. If people don't want to move on over to 8chan oh well, the toxic people on 4chan can just stay there and continue shitting up their boards while jerking each other off and living in denial
Joke of the year.
Delete8chan isn't full of as much faggotry as 4chan is. So let's fill up the boards and eventually change that..
DeleteEveryone is probably to busy fapping to be assholes on 8chan.
ReplyDeleteNice to know the ones who stay are ponychan wannabes.
ReplyDeleteGood riddance and keep on sucking M00t's cucked penis you faggots.
We'll be enjoying our r34, Milky Way and Butts on 8chan.