Anti-Brony Cameo in IDW comics results in dismissal of Ted Anderson

Last week, we reported on the outrage that fans had regarding the inclusion of two OC's in the latest IDW MLP comic. The OCs belonged to two artists who were known to have anti-fandom messages and artwork, and a history of aggression towards men and male fans of MLP.

Today we have an update: According to response emails from those who sent messages of concern, Ted Anderson will no longer be working with IDW comics.

This message was apparently sent to a handful of people who had sent messages to IDW.

While these have not yet been proven 100% legitimate, it appears to us at this time that they are. The notable amount of backlash from fans, angered that official media would contain any endorsement of anti-fandom messages, seems to be the root cause of Anderson's dismissal, coupled with his numerous responses on messageboards following the incident.

We will provide any updates as they become available.

Comments (164)

  1. If this is true, I might start buying the comics again.

    Good riddance.

  2. Two OC's? I thought it was just DragonDicks'

    1. Ah, I must have missed that part. Thanks.

  3. If one works at a grocery store and goes outside after their shift still wearing their uniform, busts out a megaphone and exclaims that most people who shop at that store is a stupid jerk- should that individual get to keep that job?

    1. As sad as it sounds, it is a business decision. If the employee in question alienates the customers to the point they go to another grocery store, then the store owner will fire him in order to protect his business.

      Just replace 'employee' with Ted Anderson and 'store owner' with IDW heads, and that is basically this situation (more or less).

  4. hahahaa that's what this moron deserves

  5. Now that his usefulness is at an end, I wonder if dragondicks will continue to acknowledge his existence?

    1. Considering she will refuse to acknowledge a rape victim's rape if they aren't offended by rape jokes or disagree with any aspect of her "rape culture" dogma, I would say no

  6. In that last picture:

    >Saying "I hate all boys" (or drawing a pony saying it) isn't an expression of actual, vitriolic hatred so much as it is a recognition of the ways in which the voices of the disenfranchised, the marginalized, the powerless are silenced, and what they must do in order to be taken as legitimate.

    >A black comedia making fun of how white people drive isn't hate - it's a form of rebellion.

    All these things may be true, but you can not use someone else's venue (the comic book) to spread your own propaganda.

    1. Except it isn't true. We're pass the point now where women were silenced, they have with the internet as much power as male to pass their message accross and reach a big audience.

      However, they CHOOSE to use that free, accessible and easy to use system to spread hate messages and generalization, either for attention or for the "good feel" of "helping the world.

      She could've been witty, or satirical, but this was neither, despite Ted's pleas for it.

      As for the white people joke, I don't know what kind of comic artists he listen to but they even if they joke about white I doubt it's followed by "oh these whites, what a bunch of lowlifes losers" right? Because that's what SJW is doing. They don't "joke" they point stuff, then say "THIS IS WHY I HATE BRONIES". It's exactly how that fake babscon pedo story went. (story which was made up 3 days after the con ended, how convenient)

      A real act of rebellion are the FEMENS. Yes, they also use generalizations and hate messages against religions or states (and they lose lots of supporter doing it) but they ACTUALLY have a real fight in their hands and they often pay the price of their fight. To compare the fight these people do to the ones a bunch of angry ultra feminists nerds behind their computer throwing bad words and reblogs every other creepy nerds they can see and trying to protect the "woman culture" on their precious web is really, REALLY insulting.

    2. >All these things may be true

      Are you legitimately retarded?

    3. Yes because college educated, twenty something middle class American girls who have enough free time to whine about children's cartoons and the disposable income to blow on an abundance on pink children's toys are soooooooooo oppressed, marginalised and disenfranchised.

      If your biggest crises all relate to drama over children's toys and cartoons, then honey you are about as oppressed as Kim Kardashian.

    4. Okay article, I guess, though the comments seem to inexplicably think that this is someone who merely made an honest mistake, when I'm personally at a loss to conceive of how someone could "mistakenly" include an OC made by someone vocally against the male segment of the fandom, deliver a crappy non-apology where he not only establishes that he's aware of DD's stance but excuses her conduct as LOL WITTY SATIRE (of what? society's views on women? because in our society people brag about how much they hate girls? what planet is DD living on?), and then proceed to make multiple posts on another forum in which he openly approves of misandry. Either we're living in a magic realist novel or Ted really is a gigantic asswipe.

    5. The hell? Why did this end up here? I was responding to a comment below...

    6. >Yes because college educated, twenty something middle class American girls who have enough free time to whine about children's cartoons and the disposable income to blow on an abundance on pink children's toys are soooooooooo oppressed, marginalised and disenfranchised.
      Compared to an average world citizen yes, they are privileged. Compared to college educated, twenty something middle class American guys they are at a disadvantage.

  7. Ha ha ha! Cuteodicks ain't canon no more!

    1. Being canon to the comics is like being nominated the president of your high school homeroom.

    2. But now ol' floppy dicks ain't even got that!

    3. The sad fact is, for someone like her, having her My Little Pony OC be included in a spin off comic is probably going to be the proudest moment of her bitter, miserable little life.

    4. DragonDicks will carry FOREVER the stigma of having ruined a writer's career just by merely existing.

    5. ...Which she and others like her will wear as a badge of honour, because it means that the patriarchy can't handle a strong empowered wxmxn taking a stand or whatever mental gymnastics she'll use to absolve herself of wrongdoing.

    6. >Being canon to the comics is like being nominated the president of your high school homeroom.
      ☐ not rekt
      ☑ rekt

  8. I can understand your feelings; I too believe in the right to freedom of speech, even if that speech is utter garbage. But the problem here was that not the fact that he was supporting a morally questionable person, it was the fact he was using someone else's body of work to spell out his support. Specifically, characters that were made to show that even though we're all different, we can still be friends. By putting DD in the comic, he was showing that he didn't give a damn about what the comic and characters were supposed to represent, just in how they could help him spell out his support for this philosophy of his, even if it was just as far as putting a background character who was the avatar of a misandrist. Had he put this bullcrap in his own comic, nobody but his fanatical fans would have cared, and I'd be fighting tooth and nail to have his right to publish garbage protected. But he didn't, so here we are.

    I can also understand why you don't want him fired, but I don't have any regrets simply because of his attitude. I haven't read all of his posts, but the ones I did read had a really passive-aggressive tone to them. "Oh, you guys hate cameos in comics? I guess I'll just never do them again! After all, if you hate one this great, then how will you ever be satisfied?" It was the sort of attitude that I doubt a slap on the wrist would have solved, and the kind of egotism that needs to be stamped out of this business.

    Oh, and the difference between this and the SJWs is that we actually had evidence that the offensive action in question had a basis in fact (i.e. numerous praise for DD on tumblr by Anderson). When the SJWs complained about Derpy, there wasn't really a large amount of evidence shown that could prove that the contributors to the show had it out for the disabled. One was baseless accusations, the other at least had some evidence to support its claims.

  9. There's a fine and important difference that sets any such case apart. If someone uses the power and fame working somewhere has given them to spread an agenda, especially using the company's product, especiallyx2 without the company's knowledge, they absolutely deserve to be fired. When SJWs ask for someone to be fired, it's more often than not due to them making comments on the Internet or IRL in their own free time that go against the SJW agenda. This fucker got fired for using the company's product for his own interests, not simply for his retarded opinions, even though those alone should have gotten him fired too, since he was clearly using his position to get anyone to care about him to begin with.

    The problem with the inverse situation also tends to be that it's often assumed that not being an SJW is an equivalent position to being one, when it's not. Being an SJW and saying SJW things is pushing an agenda, not being one doesn't necessarily mean anything, speaking out "against" SJWs happens very rarely due to an agenda being pushed, you're already an evil patriarchy-supporter oppressing them if you dare to ask for evidence for any of their claims.

  10. >ablebodied adult

    now thats a long shot, especially based upon his career and pictures supplied to us.

  11. Yeah I don't disagree with either of you, and as I said, the guy is a huge cunt. Just part of me always feels sorry to see someone lose their job for what essentially amounts to idiocy rather than inherent maliciousness. I do truly hope that this makes him think about his choice to try and be chummy with people at the expense of others, especially those who literally facilitate him even having a job.

  12. As someone with ZERO respect for dragondicks, I'm really sad to hear the Ted Anderson got fired over this. He was my favorite non-Katie-Cook writer on the IDW staff, and it is a shame to see him go.

    Just look at his credits: Pinkie Pie micro, CMC micro, Equestria Girls Annual, and the Spike and Celestia friends forever were all winners in my book. I haven't read the Magical Manehattan Mystery arc yet but this guy had zero flopped stories as far as I could see. And now he got fired over half of a face in the background?

    That just seems like an overreaction to me, at least on par with SJW overreactions in this fandom's past. I'm going to regret not reading future stories from Ted Anderson way more than I regret not getting more Molestia comics.

    1. No. He got fired because he supports hate speech, working for a comic that is supposedly about being inclusive.

      His work being good or not should not even factor in a decision about highjacking a platform that is not yours to spread your ideology. Talent doesn't excuse being a turd. Which he was.

    2. There's more to writing comics (or well, writing anything) than simply being a talented writer. You also have to be able to conduct yourself in a professional manner. Trashing on your own freaking FANBASE like that would have ended much much worse had it been allowed to continue. It was going to end badly, and it's good it ended badly only for him right here and now.

      There's also that this is a children's comic and even the slightest show of support for something like a hate blog can not be allowed. There was a lady on the IDW forums who heard about this through e-mails from other parents and was worried the comics weren't suitable for her kids anymore, for crying out loud. This was spreading FAST and it's good it was put an end to right here and now.

  13. So basically (oppressed) minorities are allowed to say whatever shit they want about majorities or each other because it's "rebellion", but when someone from a majority makes a joke about a minority it's wrong? It's only sexist if a man says something to a woman, not the other way around? Sure, he can have his hypocritical, idiotic opinions if he wants, but giving a shoutout and promoting someone with such opinions in someone else's comic? Attacking their own demographic and going against what the comic is for? Kind of reminds me of something similar that's been going on...

    As a side note, fuck The Round Stable.

  14. GG NO RE(hire)

    The Feminist IDF is out in force, crying "free speech". And they're absolutely right. Ted can spout off his feminist views, and we can reply with "we don't want to buy your shitty comic anymore" (>implying we bought them to begin with).

    In turn, his bosses can say "we don't want you writing our shitty comics anymore." :) It's funny though, how you never hear them "defending free speech" when Sterling says "nigger", or Firefox's CEO donates to a anti-gay marriage campaign.

    1. Bingo. Free speech does not equal free from consequences of that speech. Besides that only, if you want to get nuts and bolts about it, applies to the government taking action against for free speech. Private citizens/companies can fuck you over without lube if they don't like what you're saying.

    2. Even still, his freedom of speech isn't being impeded. He is using a platform that he does not own to speak. He still has the right to freedom of speech he just can't use someone else's work to do it, especially when they don't want to alienate the fanbase and lose money.

  15. It's hard to tell if they realize that they are doing SJW shit just to get into the panties of someone who hates men. If they do, at least on some level, then it is inherent maliciousness. If not, they are really rather stupid.

  16. I wonder if eqd will feature this. It's kind of serious business now...

    1. I e-mailed them, showing them all the proof and sources we have so far, and here's what Seth said:

      "We are waiting for an email from idw before moving with it. Can't really use 4chan as a source."

    2. I don't blame them, this is still unconfirmed as of now.

    3. "Can't really use 4chan as a source"

      Understandable, but hasn't the record shown that 4chan rumors typically turn out to be legit?

    4. "Discord is Starswirl" "Celestia is being killed of the show" "Ashleigh Ball is not coming back to the show"
      Man it sure was crazy when they all came out true...

    5. Okay, so list some 4chan rumors that actually did come true. It shouldn't be hard.

    6. Seth would say "not good enough" even if he was visited by IDW and told it was true.
      He is frightened of potentially alienating anyone, even if it means the unthinkable: telling the truth.

    7. Based on an e-mail chain I have with EqD at the moment, I think that they are really considering an article, and will post something if they get confirmation from IDW or someone official separate from e-mail screenshots.

    8. Why do we care? Ted got fired and that's the end of that. No need to blow this up even more by having it on EQD.

      Let EQD be the drama free window of the fandom and let HN wallow in the mud of horse drama.

  17. This news actually makes me want to start reading the comics

  18. I'm mixed with this as well.
    Despite this cuteosphere aka Dragon Dicks person is horrible I do feel bad for Ted.
    Everyone makes mistakes or bad decisions at some point and I feel him being fired for this is a bit of a too hasty decision.

    I do understand artistical freedom both writing and drawing wise but I'm surprise these "nods to people" aren't a collective decision from within IDW.. I mean throwing in the suggestion is nice but then slightly looking into it before actually doing it could prevent this issue from ever happening again... I don't feel like firing someone would be the proper solution.

    1. So what are they supposed to do? Tell him to give a cutout apology like he did?

      The problem is that he let everyone know he didn't mean a single word of his apology, by going to other MLP forums, and flat-out stating that they were better for discussion about his work than the official forums for his work.

      He's a shitty person, and he got what he deserved. Act like an idiot while representing your company? You won't be working for said company. And that applies to any job.

    2. That's true.. I read his comments in depth and do agree more now his opinion is pretty shitty.
      If he wants to do a nod as a fan to her he should have done it in more personal work.. not in this.

      What he is doing is raising a middle finger to the people that make sure he makes/made a living.

      Sure there are some shitty people in the fandom but to tuck all people to the side isn't fair.. every fandom has weird people or disgusting people and those are frequently the loudest.

    3. I don't know. I too feel for ted a little bit, I wanted him to fix this....

      Then he went on RoundStable and spouted that retarded shit to the same audience he had on tumblr.

    4. You have to look at it from his perspective, or at least that of a generic SJW. From his perspective, you, personally, are a terrible human being, as you seem to like Horse News, and HN has published articles that collide with the social justice viewpoint, HN is also related to 4chan, and as every SJW knows 4chan is the cathedral of misogyny.
      Another way to put it is that from the viewpoint of an SJW the vast majority of the fandom is filled with awful people, because they are not feminists and SJWs. Since they aren't, it means that they are all misogynists and racists. You can only stop being a horrible human being if you completely agree with SJW and third wave feminist ideology in general, and in addition to that you have to completely agree with the specific SJW you are talking to, because only partially agreeing also makes you a sexist and/or racist.
      The TLDR is that they have vastly different standards for considering someone a sexist or a racist or whatever else.

    5. So, basically they're hardcore religious fundamentalists of Westboro Baptist Church levels of fanaticism and manipulation

    6. This is what I'm afraid of.

      Look up for mass of tumblr denouncing bronies for FIRING this POOR INNOCENT MAN FIGHTING FOR THEIR OWN GOOD!

    7. Feminism and social justice people are essentially poorly organized cults.

  19. Good riddance Ted, you may have written some good stories, but acting like an asshole and flipping off people rightly mad at this was not a smart idea asshole.

    1. Yeah, I feel bad because he did good work, and would rather him have been transferred to another Hasbro property, but he let the Tumblr shit go to his head and now he's paid the price.

  20. It's hard to know if what was done was of the correct severity. I didn't want for him to be let go necessarily, just that he should face consequences.

    But then, this is not the same deal as Molestia. This is an official comic. That kind of tumblr insanity is something Hasbro, or any company with brains should want to stay as far away from as possible. But what really pissed me off is the "satire" bullshit. That word has truly lost all meaning. There is nothing satirical about that garbage.

  21. I hear ya, Knighty, you're a cool guy.

    You think Ted will take a lesson from this?




    ... I hope his replacement is good ;_;

  23. why do i click on articles on people i never heard of

  24. That's okay, he was privileged in the first place. We actually helped him.

  25. He was a freelancer, which means he easily had the means to survive without this gig, and as he said he has other projects.

    So I'm sure he'll bounce back, if he knows to keep his mouth shut.

    That or he ends up becoming a full time tumblr sjw D:

  26. I was initially neutral to this whole thing.

    Then Ted went and said that it's okay to be a cunt and treat boys like shit since girls get treated like shit sometimes too.

    It was then that I didn't like this guy or his attitude. Acquiring equality doesn't involve throwing punches or being a piece of shit. No one wins anything with that mentality. BE THE BETTER PERSON.

    Until these social justice dickwads learn that, no one will take them or their plight seriously.

    Especially when you give a cameo to a person that is the complete opposite of what Lauren and Bonnie want MLP to stand for.

  27. Kill all fucking bronies already

    1. Hey DragonDicks. You mad sis?

    2. Why so mad? Act like a miserable little shit to your audience, you pay the price.

    3. Hi DragonDicks! ♥ Welcome to the par-tay! Have you had your hand stamped for re-entry yet?

    4. "Hey DragonDicks. You mad sis?"

      More like "CIS", am I rite?

      Hello, CISTER!

  28. Butthurt bronies celebrate because they managed to get a guy fired.
    This fandom gets more and more pathetic as time goes on.

    1. Yeah, it isn't like SJWs and the beta-knights have never celebrated or cried out for someone to be fired cause they didn't like them...nope..nope...never happens.

      And in this case he had it coming. He's actions dug his own hole and he just kept mining for stupid.

    2. Thanks for the site views you socialist justice communist affirmative action faggot.
      Move to Sweden, and never get on the internet again.

    3. Shut the fuck up Ted, no one is going to miss you

    4. Those in glass houses...

    5. Like you SJWs haven't gotten people fired because of the things they say and getting offended over non-issues?

      Shut the fuck up, hypocrite.

  29. Sadly, neither Ted Anderson nor Dick dragons or whatever will learn anything from this. They'll strike out on the warpath twice as butthurt as before, convinced even more of the righteousness of their cause thanks to the actions taken. It's sad, but I wish them both all the happiness together in their world of misery.

    1. Misery loves company, after all.

    2. We should start a company.

    3. Anderson might. When you need these writing jobs to make a living it's a wakeup call to lose one. Dragondicks, on the other hand, has almost certainly learned nothing.

  30. It's a shame he had to lose his job. His writing was solid for his comics. I think this could have been avoided had he not gone on the roundstable and spew whatever that was over there.

  31. Yeah, this guys was kind of an ass, but you guys cheering his departure have become what you hate. Now that IDW knows that the artists not only throw in little cameos, but cameos that get people angry enough to send emails, they are just going to lock down that much more on the comics. Before they were pretty much free to make any and all visual cameos they wanted, but this will probably make err on the side of caution to avoid backlash and greatly reduce their boldness or frequency. You guys celebrating this "victory" are just like those angry soccer moms and SJWs that cried foul on Derpy's able-ism. And although I am sure many of you are ready to call me DragonDicks or say that Derpy always sucked, that doesn't make it any less true. Y'all are the other side of the same coin SJWs are on.

    1. See here's the problem:

      Include cameo from OC
      OC turns out to be "problematic"
      Double down on the stupid and defend anti-fan/brony OC and go on a rant.

      The smart move:

      Include cameo from OC
      OC turns out to be "problematic"
      Say "My bad, but I just wanted to have a nod to the community we do it all the time, but you're right I should have researched it better. We'll be careful next time" And drop it there.

      He was an asshole and he paid the price for being an asshole. Try going to work and telling your clients/customers that they suck, they should die, etc, etc, and see how long you keep your job. And I'll guarantee you that people will point and laugh when they--rightly--sack your ass for it.

    2. Take it as retribution then.
      This was always a boiling point, and besides, Derpy's censoring was the removal of something harmless because of assumed "ableism", one of those -isms that is near nonexistent.
      If ableism was an actual problem with Derpy, it would be a valid gripe.
      Not only that, Derpy was adapted from canon, not an OC, and surely never an OC that was made to be a mouthpiece for the author's bigoted opinions.
      Derpy rose from love, this OC rose from hate.
      Hate breeds hate, just as violence breeds violence. This hate was left to simmer for far too long.
      Maybe he didn't deserve to get fired, but if I was supporting "kill all girls" on my public internet profiles and my bosses were informed, you bet my ass I would be fired.

    3. No doubt he was a bonehead. I am in no way shape or form defending him. I am rightly comparing those who actually mailed IDW and celebrate his being fired as a victory to those moms who mailed and celebrated the censorship of derpy, because instead of seeing something stupid on the internet and then simply moving on with their lives like a normal person would do, they took the SJW route of crying until they had their way because they heard something they didn't want to hear.

      And you are blowing this way out of proportion. He never told his clients that they sucked or should die. His endorsement of someone who did is not quite the same. But even if he did, that's the difference between a dead end office job and an artistic career. You can say some controversial shit in your art, because it is about expression, not about crunching numbers. Disagreeing with it is fine, because he was an ass, but trying to get him fired for it is a Sheila Broflovski.

    4. You do realise that the majority of the comments that are not fully autistic actually say that it's a shame it had to go this way, but he got what was coming to him? Which he did.

    5. For the record, I don't think he should've been fired for it, but IDW doing something about it would've been the only thing that could've changed my mind about boycotting the comic.

    6. Most people didn't want him fired.
      Only a few chantards wanted. And by the way "the soccer moms" of derpy gate was either >SJWs led by Yamino or >/b/tards pissed at bronies on their board, it was never soccer moms.

    7. This the problem with being a little goodie two-shoes: At some point, your morals are going to be impractical. Your "high road" nonsense is going to prevent you from actually getting anything done. The most impassioned speech in the world doesn't mean anything when it falls on deaf ears.

      We might not be that different, but who cares? You can hold on to your morals with a death grip and let everyone else change the world as they see fit, or you can adapt to the situation and change the world yourself. The important thing is to find a balance between being completely amoral and being such a do-gooder than you refuse to do what needs to be done.

  32. I wish this was true, but it's so obviously fake.

    1. How is it "obviously fake"? Multiple people e-mailed IDW, and those same multiple people got replied back the same response from IDW.

  33. >That's okay, he was privileged in the first place. We actually helped him.

    10/10. Best comment.

  34. Hatred is hatred, regardless of where it comes from or who it's directed to. In any form it is volatile.

    1. hatred =/= being pissed off at being insulted or degraded. See, I get it, I really do: I'm straight, white, male, and American; I'm the enemy. I get that. Doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed or encouraged to speak out and be angry or annoyed when someone put me down for being those things. If it sounds bad when you substitute a monitory into the phrase, then it's not "ok".

    2. Glad you understand that.
      Next time wrap your head around this: hatred breeds hatred.
      The only way to end this never ending cycle is to know who you point fingers at.
      When some black guy mugs you, you shouldn't say "man, fuck black people, one of them mugged me".
      You should say "man, fuck criminals".
      This writer is quick to insult an immense portion of his fan base by supporting this tumblr that directly attacks his fan base.
      I can only hope that Mr. Anderson learns from this, rather than letting the hate fester, and uses the experience to guide him in his future experiences.

  35. Based on the lack of butthurt on Teddybear's Twitter and/or Tumblr, I fear that this may in fact be just a rumour.

    1. Implying either would make it worse by talking about it.

      I think Ted's sabotaged his career enough without embarrassing himself more via Tumblr, and Cuteosphere either doesn't believe it, wants to ignore it, or is shoring up some brony rage for her to spew in the next few weeks.

    2. Still, wouldn't Tiddles have at least said something along the lines of 'oh by the way it looks like I've been fired'? Like isn't that something that would merit mentioning or am I just autistic?

    3. Does he talk a lot about himself on his Tumblr, or just reblog shit? I haven't checked

    4. I don't remember what his Tumblr name is, but I seem to remember he mostly just reblogs stuff.

    5. Yup. His last post was a Bob's Burgers gif today.

      It's possible he hasn't gotten the news yet. Wonder how the thread at the Round Stable is going.

    6. Round Stable forum has been dormant for quite a few hours now:

    7. That's the wrong thread, Jordan. They're talking about it in the feminism thread

    8. I never saw that thread until now, and I can't make sense of who's on what side without more in-depth reading. All I care about is their reactions to the news Ted was let go.

  36. >You think Ted will take a lesson from this?
    Yep. By getting him fired you managed only to validate his worldview.

  37. So where is Ben Bates, the actual comic artist, in all this?

    1. Nowhere, Ted himself said they have nothing to do with this and he just told him who to pick.
      Which explains why its traced, or the wrong color, since Heather Becker or whatever wasn't contacted on the model to copy.

  38. >Yep. By getting him fired you managed only to validate his worldview.
    If he's a moron with literally ZERO self awareness, then yes.

  39. Remember the time that Yamino got an animator on Adventure Time fired?

    Isn't this basically the same shit?

    Is /mlp/ now just as awful as Tumblr SJWs?

    1. This is such a retarded argument and it was pointed out earlier why it is but apparently no one reads comments before commenting.
      He got fired for using his position to push an agenda.
      When SJWs get someone fired, it's because they don't push the SJW agenda.
      If someone was pushing an ultraconservative agenda, ie Westboro Baptist Church, they would deserve to get fired just as much as Ted deserved to get fired for his shit, but the people SJWs attack are nowhere near Westboro levels, the SJWs get them fired merely for questioning the SJW ideology.

    2. Hardly. There was no big trolling effort or crusade to have this done. IDW fired this guy at the drop of a hat, practically the instant they heard about it. We've been bitching about it all weekend, but they no doubt didn't come to work until monday, and some of the e-mails concerning this went out at as early as lunchtime.

      They would have let him go the instant they found out about this, whether they heard it from us or stumbled across it themselves. Not only did we, as consumers, have the right to be concerned about the behavior of one of their employees, but they, as a company, had the right to know what kind of shady shit one of their employees was up to.

    3. I kind of think that jumping straight to getting him fired (assuming that's what happened) was a bit much, but still, there is the fact that when the ball was in Teddy's court and he had an opportunity to defuse the situation, he not only gave a pitiful quasi-excuse that basically went 'yes this person I reblog from spouts bigotry like a fire hose but it's okay because she totes doesn't actually mean it', but -- as someone else put -- doubled down on the stupid and hopped over to another forum, at which point he *openly excused and even advocated hate speech against men*. There's being politically incorrect and then there's alienating a significant subset of your own goddamn customers.

      Like, kudos to him for not compromising on his political beliefs I guess, but he really should have kept his mouth shut instead of outing himself as basically being a PR disaster waiting to happen.

    4. "He got fired for using his position to push an agenda."

      Saying he was pushing an agenda is a bit much. All he did in the context of the comic was give a small background appearance to a psychotic bigot's OC which most people wouldn't even recognize and nobody would have even noticed if said loony hadn't made a post bragging about it.

      Like, he's still a sack of shit, but let's be real here.

    5. The problem is less the cameo (I mean for us it is, but not for IDW), there problem is that he openly credited the cameo and then said, "I agree with this person who is attacking the people who buy our comics!"

      At that point its just good business to make an official show of dissociating yourself from the guy before his words reflect badly on you. It would be like if Liki Weaks worked for Life Time and they saw this post. His ass would be fired and there would be an official statement about how Life Time dose not agree with his stand on SJWs, est.

    6. >The problem is less the cameo (I mean for us it is, but not for IDW), there problem is that he openly credited the cameo and then said, "I agree with this person who is attacking the people who buy our comics!"

      The cameo originally just let us know that Anderson supported a tumblr nutcase.

      It got serious when this guy first gave a crap apology for the fact that he supports a shithead tumblr user, then immediately went to the Round Stable to say that it's okay to treat boys like trash all because girls get shat on the internet sometimes as well.

      It's a possible PR nightmare that IDW nipped in the ass the second they could.
      Of course, I can hear tumblrinas already using that angle as a reason to turn this in their favor... so GG on the foresight?

    7. "All he did in the context of the comic was give a small background appearance to a psychotic bigot's OC which most people wouldn't even recognize"
      That's true, but aside from what's been said above on the OC in the comic, he used his position as the writer of these comics to get recognition online, and then spread his agenda there.
      Some might argue that he should be free to express whatever he wants, but if he specifically uses his job at a company to get an audience, and then tells that audience, the one his job is closely related to, to fuck themselves, the company has every right to fire him. He uses the brand to get a voice, then fucks the brand over by shitting all over the people that support it.
      Even if he hadn't shat on bronies specifically but pushed any given agenda while using the company's brand to get noticed he would have deserved to get fired. This of course isn't applicable if the company is already pushing an agenda for one reason or another, like Bioware, only when it's conflicting with what the company is aiming for, in IDW's case neutrality.

    8. Ted didn't really get "fired." He's a freelancer, so what's happened is they've said they won't contract with him to do work for them again. No unemployment, no severance, just no more work. In that context it makes a lot more sense- any book he wrote would likely see lower sales and remind a segment of the market of his asshattery, so it's easier and more cost-effective to not use his services in the future. Depending on his other work this may or may not be much of a problem for him- his writing was good, so it's possible another publisher will contract with him.

      TL;DR, bronies didn't get Ted fired from a full-time job. They convinced IDW that he has enough baggage to cause them PR trouble, so they won't get him to write a few comics each year.

    9. Nice damage control, SJW. But you guys already lost, and HARD.

      Now go back to the Round Stable to cry and talk about your autistic version of "Feminism"

    10. >SJW

      Shut the fuck up and go back to Tumblr. And yes, I can tell you're from Tumblr because I've been on Tumblr for three horrible, terrible years now. I know my own kind. But you see, I'm anti-SJW because a bunch of insufferable little contrarian shits took everything I believed in and turned it into a three ring circus of strawmen and hypocrisy. People like YOU are anti-SJW because you're just sick of all these holier-than-thou cocksuckers preaching shit you don't care about. You don't give a shit about civil rights issues, whether they're real or silly made-up bullshit. You're just another one of these apathetic "too cool to care" punks that were so popular back in the mid 00s. It's people like you who completely fucked up GamerGate and kept it from being anything other than retards whining about other retards ruining their toys.

      And to the dumbass above this dumbass, there are only two people who still call anyone "bronies": The huge fucking turbo-nerds whose lives revolve around a cartoon for little girls, and the pathetic losers who need to feel big by bashing said nerds.

    11. >still getting mad and being pedantic over the term "brony"
      ... and this is why you fail

  40. I don't know what you're talking about.
    The modern variety of feminism states that patriarchy is capitalist in nature. If Ted subscribes to that, then he would expect capitalists to persecute their employees for speaking in favor of social justice.

  41. So has Anderson never actually interacted with real people before? Because he seems to get all his ideas about women and black people and the world in general from shitty TV shows and the like.

    1. No, he gets them from Tumblr, which in turn gets it from shitty TV shows.

  42. Replies
    1. as spineless as ever
      thanks EqD

    2. Okay article, I guess, though the comments seem to inexplicably think that this is someone who merely made an honest mistake, when I'm personally at a loss to conceive of how someone could "mistakenly" include an OC made by someone vocally against the male segment of the fandom, deliver a crappy non-apology where he not only establishes that he's aware of DD's stance but excuses her conduct as LOL WITTY SATIRE (of what? society's views on women? because in our society people brag about how much they hate girls? what planet is DD living on?), and then proceed to make multiple posts on another forum in which he openly approves of misandry. Either we're living in a magic realist novel or Ted really is a gigantic asswipe.

    3. Their reaction is hardly surprising considering that each time we got fucked in the ass, bronies would politely thank Hasbro and ask for more.

  43. >While these have not yet been proven 100% legitimate

    Exactly, so change that headline. He's not been dismissed yet, as far as we know.

    1. Don't partially quote. Liki Weaks said "While these have not yet been proven 100% legitimate, it appears to us at this time that they are." Multiple people have received back the same e-mail from IDW.

  44. I think people are missing something important here, that show staff has repeatedly made clear: The legal issue with origanal content of third parties in the show (or in this case in the comic). I was on a panel of MA Larson about writing, where he got the usual questions about if he ever checked out any fanworks. His answer was, that he is simply not risking it. He signed a contract, that he would not use an original content of a third party or draw any inspiration from that. To not unconsciously write anything into the show, that belongs to some fan, he simply doesnt read any fanfics or watches any fan animations. He said, that if he would ever do that and it would come out, he would never get a job in the industry ever again. So he is not risking it. If by some accident his storylines would match up with that of a fanfic, he could always truthfully say, he never read that fic and therefor never used the content of its creator.

    Hasbro is scared of being sued using original content. That's why everyone, who works for them, has to sign a contract, that explicitly forbids the use of content of a third party. Ted Andersson violated the contract he signed. That's why he will no longer get any jobs from IDW.

    Imgine the comic issue with the OC appearance becoming very popular over the years and selling idk maybe 200k copies. That DD person might just decide then, that these are alot of copies with her OC in it without her consent. She will sue IDW/Hasbro and very likely win. She will get then some amount of money per copy. Let it be 5$ which will sum up to a million. She would be dumb to not do this, if the comic becomes that popular.

    Hasbro doesnt want a situation like that nor does any other big IP owner. Chances are that this stunt will cost Ted Anderson his career in the comic business. Non of the big IP owners will give somebody a job, who plants legal timebombs into their works. I dont think it has that much to do with the timbomb being DD, that's just coming ontop of that. It could have been a cameo of Flufflepuff and wouldnt have been much different.

    What i wonder is, what will happen to the comic now that the legal timebomb is planted. I guess IDW is talking with their legal department now or with that of Hasbro what to do about it. Worst case scenario for IDW is, that the legal department will deem the potential loss of money due to a sueing by a third party higher than stopping sales of the comic in its current form and reprinting it with the panels in question fixed. Either way they will lose money or they just gamble and hope the OC owners will not sue them.

    ---- tl;dr ----

    Legal timebomb planted in the comic, potential loss of alot of money -> violation of contract, no more new contracts.

  45. I dunno. I'm really glad I don't say shit online about anything regarding my personal life or beliefs.

  46. I have mixed feelings about this. Fuck up and face the consequences, it's really only fair if he doesn't get away scot-free. On the other hand, outright firing him may be excessive.

    That being said, I strongly doubt that the mail is legit. The suspension of a staff member is not something you just write in a response mail to unrelated (as in, no members of IDW or connected companies/people) people. At most, they'd say that actions may considered/taken, but they wouldn't outright say that he won't "work here again as a result of this".

    If, unexpectedly (for me), it is legit, then IDW certainly looks unprofessional as hell now.

    1. Why does everyone assume he is an employee of IDW? They all work freelance on a contract basis for IDW. Read the Post i did 2 above yours. He isn't fired. He violated his previous contract and therefor will not get a new one. That's the beauty of hiring freelance to do the work. If they "fuck up", you can get rid of them very easily by simply not giving them any additional work. Thats not unprofessional by IDW, thats the norm for the whole writing business for IP. Read your contract, stick to it, and you might get additional work of the IP owner. Violate it and you are done in the business.

  47. Dragondicks is attacking LAUREN FAUST now.
    Claiming Faust is not a "real" feminist like herself.

    1. Good! She isn't. Lauren Faust isn't a feminist like most feminists. Neither is Christina Hoff Summers.

    2. Only thing is Faust seems to think feminism is cool these days and is happy for it. I don't think she knows what's going on.

    3. Uh, where Anon? I don't see it on her Tumblr.

    4. You know what Faust is? A decent Human being, same can't be said for Dragon Dicks.

    5. And dickosphere isn't a real woman.

      He and people like him are just like Chris-chan: They don't feel like they're trapped in the wrong body or anything. They're just pathetic sexual deviants so ruled by their lust that their entire lives revolve around their fetishes and fantasies.

      Speaking of Chris-chan, you ever see dicks' "girlfriend"? I saw a picture once and I swear to God, he looked just like Chris-chan.

    6. Exactly where did she say this?

    7. In the "Feminist" thread from the Round Stable.

      Dive into that cesspool at your own risk.

    8. Aaaaaand screencapped. Thanks Anon.

    9. People like Lauren Faust, Christina Hoff Summers, and Tammy Bruce are actual, logical, decent, level headed women who don't live up to the Feminazi agenda, and actually believe in equal rights for ALL people. Not just women alone.

      People like Dragon Dicks, Anita Sarkeesian, April Davis, Zoe Quinn and women like her, are proof that all they care about is the goddamn attention, propaganda, and money. And I will continue to say this about those same people:


    10. I agree with the anon above me.

    11. What the fuck is that place? Round Stable?

      Can anyone tell me more about that site?

    12. The hell are you talking about? What do you mean Round Stable?

    13. Round Stable used to be the Ponygoons forum, which was born from SomethingAwful banning MLP talk. Back then it was kinda like 4chan in that they liked to make fun of themselves for being bronies. Some of them took it to extreme levels of hate, but not many. Later it became the Round Stable when someone made a front page for it to pimp out the forum's content, which would mostly consist of MLP analysis. One of the notable articles was deconstructing Love and Tolerance as a thing.

      They became the ivory tower SJW hugbox we know today when SJW newbies started pouring in around 2012 or so.

    14. Thank you, anon.

  48. @Anon that posted Feminist thread:

    I couldn't even make it one page. GG at some of their logic.

    1. It is ridiculous. I'm not sure I'd call it logic because it sure isn't logical. They supposedly seem to want equal treatment, but they sure as hell don't look like it. "Oppressed group striking at the oppressive group isn't mean to the oppressive group", "Sexism only goes one way", "It's not our job to educate but we are perfectly willing to yell at you for not knowing about 'our issues'", "I don't mind if they feel offended because this is a non-issue to me". Hypocritical dicks. Ends don't justify the means, ffs.

    2. Cuteosphere is shameless. Besides that, unless you're willing to argue about Molestia again there's not much point to arguing with them.

      Well, other than to mess with them.

    3. I also like how dragondickhead is acting like she did nothing to earn the reasons why people hate her.

      What a completely unaware little retard.

  49. According to an IDW mod, Bobby Curnow will not be releasing a statement at this time:

    I'll just hold off on buying them comics until he's ready to say something.

    1. Expected. Either they're all face-palming hard over this, legal is is making sure they don't break any HR laws/set themselves for a lawsuit, they've been told to avoid commenting in public forums/profiles, or all of the above.

    2. Well, then my money will remain in my pocket where it belongs.

    3. I don't see any HR law problems. Anderson is not an employee of IDW. He is freelance like the rest of the artists. It's a copyright law problem. IDW/Hasbro is selling a product, that contains stuff they don't own. That's why i suspect Anderson is riding the satire train. The only way to get away with the use of a work of somebody else without their consent is in a satirical way.

  50. I'm torn:
    On one hand I do love me some petty revenge and it's about time the SJWs got some well deserved comeuppance. We all know they'd give us the exact same treatment had this situation been reversed and Anderson would've been right there with them demanding that artist's head on a pike.

    On the other hand I'm not so sure I enjoy the idea of the precedent IDWs decision further cements in. I'm sick and tired of people being fired for their opinions, even if those opinions are stupid. If nothing else, IDW is probably going to be monitoring their artists and writers more closely which means less artistic freedom which means we all lose because of it.
    I'm not saying Anderson should've gotten away from this scott-free, but I'm not so sure firing him was the right decision.

    1. When he dragged his job into this mess, dragged their product into the fray, and decided to carry on with it on forums dedicated to the company's product he set himself up for the fall.

    2. There was definitely justification for reprimand and consequences. I'm just getting tired of people being fired because they had the audacity to have an opinion.


    >adding one more comment to an ocean of comments

  52. The implication that if one opposes SJWs than they are against women's rights is much akin to saying that if one opposes ISIS than they hate all Muslims around the world...

    tl;dr, shame on Mr. Anderson, and the lunatics he looks up to for some bizarre reason

  53. That kinda sucks, this jerk wrote Pinkie Pie's Micro Issue, which I heard is excellent, and I'd wanna read it...
