Lindsey Stirling Confirmed MLP fan

Adding to a long list of Celebrities who are known fans of My Little Pony, the latest entry comes to us from Roy, (the evil villain behind our affiliate site PBK - Which gets no love... Ever... Not even from us.) who is happy to inform us that Lindsey Stirling - the incredibly talented musician - is in fact a fan of My Little Pony.

Beyond that, it is suggested by Roy  that Lindsey should cover a song from MLP, a proposal that she very well may take, given the fact she "loves" the show.

So there you go Bronies, add her to the list, after Jack Black. (Yes, there is a list).

Comments (15)

  1. Why do we care about celebrities and their opinions anyway? Wait... I don't care. I didn't even know that this chick exists minute ago. So, why do people care about celebrities and their opinions anyway?

    1. Because she is a hot lesbian, and might get to cum inside Rainbow Dash

    2. Hmm, plays a violin, accompanied by dubstep, and is a "hot lesbian chick"? She's like a real life Octavia!

    3. >Why do we care about celebrities and their opinions anyway?

      Because people are fucking stupid.

  2. Ah yes, the violin waifu

  3. When a girl says they love My Little Pony, it does not necessarily mean they're a fan of MLP:FiM, it most likely means she was a fan of the MLP toys when she was growing up.

    Horse News: Turning Unimportant Garbage into News!

    1. The article is tagged with "Author is a faggot" "blatant filler" and "absolute boredom"
      what were you expecting?

  4. Day 139 -

    Still nothing pertinent to report on. Hope wearing thin

    1. I'm probably gonna do an article about MWBFKC 2015 being announced.

  5. Replies
    1. Ya know, STIRling. Legendary violinist? Forget it...

    2. Sorry, I am more interested in legendary guitarists.

      Also, Darryl Way is more legendary. Less popular maybe, but contributed more.

  6. In the words of the wise Peter Griffin: "Oh my god! Who the hell CARES!"

  7. Not only is Stirling a great musician, but she's been pretty smart about marketing herself.

    ~Super Trampoline
