It was a day like any other in the top secret Horse News skype chat. Until one person said he had a very special guest who wanted to drop by.
Worth Noting is when Killer changed the skype chat topic to something not-offensive. Anyway...There were some minor technical difficulties...
...followed by awkward smalltalk.
And more awkward smalltalk. geez, it's like Horse News has no social skillsOH WAIT. RIGHT.
At this point, the fangasming.
This was of course followed by discussion of booze.
Everyone ragged on Capper.
Some people showed how much they TOTALLY SUPPORT everything Mama Faust does.
No interaction with a VIP is complete without "Did you see X fan project?"
Here we go!
I can only imagine a group of neckbeards seated indian-style around Faust. It's disturbing.
Yes, that's RobCakeRan53, the guy who wrote My Little Dashie. He was there too. Faust then continued:
And that, friends, is the time I trolled the entirety of Horse News in Skype on a Saturday night for about an hour. Entire text available HERE.
Good night.
Faust confirmed for master trole 2013+1
ReplyDeleteThats fucked up
ReplyDeleteThat's Pony Toast! *laughtrack*
ReplyDeleteThe amount of people still falling over themselves for this woman is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteGot'em good, though.
Horse News is easily fooled. It's almost like they come from 4chan...wait.
ReplyDeleteAnon is easily butthurt. It's almost like he came from Tumblr...wait.
DeleteSo wait, was this actually Lauren or is it just Pony Toast with an alt?
ReplyDelete>Being this retarded
DeleteFuck off newfag, everyone knows Pony Toast has been Lauren's alt the whole time. 90% of all "bronies" are really show staffers talking to themselves on the internet. God, don't you know anything?
Delete~Big Jim Miller
ReplyDeleteToast if you were black would you be the FireNigger or what?
ReplyDeletePonyToast is a fat annoying cunt.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's my fetish
No dum dum, a little birdy told me you were the reason why the /mlp/ panel was so cringy
ReplyDeleteYou bitch, you didn't even get the lyrics right. "EveryBODY walk the dinosaur."
Ok, I gotta admit that's pretty fucking great. Thanks for the laughs, makes this ban a bit easier to get through.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see Lauren is still alive.
>Am I master trole yet
ReplyDeletethe /mlp/ panel was so cringy because it was the /mlp/ panel. What else were you expecting?
ReplyDeleteIt was pretty fucken obvious m8, but yeah, way too many ppl fell for it
ReplyDeleteI should of known this site had PVL affiliation.
ReplyDeleteWow you are slow
DeleteI fap to PonyToast every Saturday while singing Toby Keith.