Cringe Corner: MCDerpyDash9000

When coming across YouTube users who seem to produce the most abundant amounts of cringe, it's sometimes hard to tell if they're being serious or they're simply acting like miserable excuses for human beings. In this case one can certainly get the vibe that this is a horse fucker getting his enjoyment out of the disgusted comments of his viewers. Or he could simply be as autistic as someone who spreads mayonnaise all over the floor of a convention for attention.

Whatever the case, I'm sure all of you will be scratching your heads in the fifth installment of Cringe Corner, with our horny autist of honor, MCDerpyDash9000.

Now while I fully support the sexual exploits of all our disgusting viewers, sometimes your fetishes or extremely unsettling quarks or personalities can go too far. If you couple these things with the already unbearable act of a "let's play" series of videos it's even worse. If you can even go as low as to record it with a camcorder from 2006 then you are just hitting all kinds of lows.

Enter our man of the hour, MCDerpyDash9000, who seems to combine all of these things at once. His claim to fame? Masturbating in the background to the beat of what he's playing such as Super Mario World and pony flash games. Videos usually consist of leading viewers down the interesting road of your standard hentai pictures of school girls & Rainbow Dash, your favorite emulator games, and the glorious sounds of a whiny Jew voice mixed with skin slapping skin.

Not only is the man skilled in the world of masturbation let's plays (his series has 6 episodes) but he's also a virtuoso in the music world! Why listen to his pony metal tune he whipped up in only 9 days. The title? I'm going to assume it can only be "Sweet Pony Plot no. 9"

Horse News was put in to contact with MCDerpyDash9000 for several reasons when this article was decided upon. Along with being asked to contact Blackened Records, the label owned by metal super group Metallica, we were also given an exclusive interview from MCDD9K. Unfortunately the interview came in the form of 4 emails containing a total of 98 minutes of audio which mostly sound like someone slapping Jell-O and loud jew whinnying. Fortunately we were able to make out one statement made around 58 minutes in.

"Oi grandmah can't you see I'm playin my ponee games with my stiff shmalt stick out? Come on goyim" 

So is it all a ploy? Is MCDD9K really the greatest autist ever or is he more than that? Is this lonely, lonely person the greatest jimmy rustler, putting on the most autistic gamer act in history? For all we know, this could all be for the lulz and we've played in to his trap. Perhaps he's much smarter than we believe and we are the cringe inducing ones.

...Either way he's still a faggot.

Five. We've made five of these pieces of shit. Seriously keep the cringe threads going, the Horse News loves this. Side note: is Jose Mendoza dead? We want him for CC6

Comments (19)

  1. Who is this guy again, and why should I care?

    1. Cringe, that's why you should care

    2. Article was neither funny nor relevant

  2. When I saw the header, I thought someone had said something cringy to John DiMaggio's face at a convention.

    Also, what's with "hard to tell if their being serious"? Are you being serious?

  3. I can't spell worth a fuck and my editors miss simple things. But when it's pointed out I fix it.

  4. JEZUS. You need to give us some warning before you post an up close shot of that abomination.

    1. This thing should have some sort of NSFW tag or somethin'.

  5. This is either truly the most master of all trolls or a true super-autistic kid. Either way, it is truly cringe-worthy. Skipping through some parts, it does appear for him to be "fapping", but can we be sure? It just seems too real to say otherwise, but I've been fooled before. One video was enough for me. Congrats on finding this stinky turd in the midst of all the garbage that is the internet. It is truly horse-news worthy. ;)

  6. Still nowhere near wwwarea-tier.

    1. That man made a lot of good points to why this site sucks.

      You mean Tuxxy-tier?

  7. Honesty I'm pretty sure this is an act. Either way it's funny as fuck

  8. No way can this be real. He's either super autistic, or he's a really good actor.

  9. I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.

    1. I want to cum inside MCDerpy Dash

  10. This nigga's voice is giving me mad chills down my spine. I could fall asleep to this

  11. >That bastard shut down the channel
    Fuck this gay earth

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  13. has someone downloaded the videos to all 6 in the series? Maybe he is a troll but the videos are so funny

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