Tidbits: Brony burlesque, Daring Do C&D, #shutdown4chan backfires

Horse News has been pretty busy celebrating America and less busy celebrating ponies. So now that Murrica Weekend is winding down, we've got some tidbits for you.

Up top; a promotional video for the Brony Burlesque show we posted about earlier has popped up. We're going to try to embed it below.

HN made an appearance at EFNW apparently.

Tumblr stuck their dicks in a beehive, and went through with their "Shutdown 4chan" campaign on July 4th. Needless to say it failed, and also backfired on Tumblr.

They tried to include us in it.

The 4chan Cup had their draw for the 2014 Summer Cup, placing /mlp/ in Group E with fellow boards /x/, /diy/, and /lgbt/. We will have full analysis on these developments at a later time.
/mlp/'s first match is on July 19th at 5PM.

Catie put out a new Friendship is Recapped - this week's is Power Ponies.

/mlp/'s critically acclaimed Fanfic Series of Daring Do received a C&D from Hasbro.

And MLPchan turns 2 years old on the 13th. So congrats to them.

Comments (23)

  1. I am excite for Summer Divegrass.

  2. The textual content of the Daring Do books can still survive on places like Fimfiction and Fanfiction.net

    1. Google.docs as well. And they will always have a place on my mobile's harddrive

    2. Care to share?

  3. Based InternetAristocrat on the weekend's activities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TdUieDIXe0

    Now watch as tumblr learns absolutely nothing from this.

  4. Do you have an image of that Tumblr backfire that is actually capable of being read?

    1. Anon2, I love you.

    2. Anon2, the link's dead.

  5. Yeah, that surely will make things better, and not just get you into federal prison. Good thinking, anon.

  6. You got a better idea, anon? Besides, nothing gets results faster than a death threat.

  7. Why not send them folders and folders of the vile stuff that actually deserves to be C&D'd?
    Like, i don't know, mouthpiece pages, crystal obsessed creations, diaper fetishists, fluffy ponies (that shit's still going on hidden away. Not well enough unfortunately). The filth list goes on and on...

    Granted, this could end up shutting down all artistic venues, but they would finally see how absolutely blinded they really are by their dosh

  8. It doesn't sound at *all* like a "C&D" was received from Hasbro regarding the Daring Do fanfics. In fact, there's no mention of Hasbro - or Cease and Desist - at all, anywhere.

    What it looks like, and in all likelihood is the case, that Lulu.com - which is not fanfiction.net, or fimfic, or anything like that - a self-publishing site, found copyrighted characters and content on its website and removed them in accordance with its terms of service. For all we know Hasbro doesn't even know about this, let alone instigated it. This doesn't say "cease creating these stories." It says merely "we removed this copyrighted content from our website." That's not a cease and desist in any universe, let alone one manufactured by Hasbro.

    Now, Hasbro has done a lot of stupid things with their MLP property, much of it of no benefit to anyone, including themselves, but I don't see any indication they did this. I mean, be >mad at them all you like, but at least do it for some legitimate reasons. (There are many to choose from.) Stating "this shit got a C&D from Hasbro!" is somewhat irresponsible.

    Everyone else, calm the fug down. Read first, speak second.

    1. Here's how this works: Hasbro is a massive company, and has an uncountable amount of places to watch its content. They solve this by contracting firms that overlook certain outlets for them. In order to appease their overlords and rake in the shekels, they block any content THEY deem unworthy. The more they take down, the more they can report on their wonderful skills, the more they can claim from Hasbro. Hasbro itself can't check all their reports individually, so they just take their word and trust they're properly protecting their creative claim. Rinse, repeat.
      An impersonal system that just hurts everyone else.

    2. Those are good comments, and true.
      In either event, this isn't a cease-and-desist; nor is their any indication Hasbro is directly involved (or even any contracted firms, even though that's quite possible.) Lulu has every right to remove copyrighted content from its self-publishing service. It isn't even in question that it violated the Lulu.com Membership Agreement and terms of use. However it came to their attention, this isn't some breaking news or example of Hasbro being heavy-handed. The content is still readily available at non-self-publishing sites and no one (including Hasbro) is telling anyone they can't write these stories or to cease from sharing them. I recommend my friend Capper edit this to be more accurate.

  9. Come back when you think of something less retarded.

  10. I think you could just cut them up with your sheer edginess.

  11. How about you get a job and stop being such a leftwing fucktard anon 1. It's THEIR product meaning THEIR rules. Who fucking cares what YOU think?

  12. Oh wow Capper General is promoting Catie Wayne and Catie Wayne promoted capper in her last video.
    I thought horse-news was supposed to get away from the circle jerking the pony autist community is known for.

  13. If you read the e-mail you'll see he wasn't C&D'd by Hasbro, it was from the website he was using to self-publish them.
