Drowning in Horseshoes Outshilled?

Based Jesse Wood is viewed by most as pretty much the only thing good to come out of the whole Analysis Spagfest. He openly admits that the My Little Pony fandom has more than a few autists in it, and claims to fight against it. However, while fighting cancer, he got shilled by it. Quite literally.

Patreon is a website that the Analysis youtubers have taken to as of late in an attempt to shill money out of the community for talking about colorful horseshoes. Jesse Wood is one of the few to successfully pull this off. Here's the fun part, though. Sheldog Poni, a podcast host, pledged $5,000 per review to Jesse. So Based Horsemask Reviewer obviously called him out on it, of course, and the podcast host was shamed afterwards.

Not really.

Drowning in Horseshoes not only bought it, but he bought into it before Sheldog had even explained how he could afford this. Nearly in tears of joy, he asked Sheldog why he was doing this for him. His excuse for being able to donate $5,000 a video was, "I have cancer, and I have all this money I've saved up laying around. And fuck charity."

After an hour of being in a call with several extremely autistic, annoying bronies (including myself), in attempt to give back for Based Sheldog's kindness, which can be listened to here, another analyst with half a brain by the name of Gibbontake informed Jesse that the entire thing was a scam.

Making his way to his Patreon page, Jesse proceeded to ban Sheldog from pledging, returning his income to $471.50 a video. Which, while a fairly large amount, now seemed to be mere pocket change by comparison. Finally, he proceeded to drown his shame in copious amounts of cheap beer.

It is written in our most ancient of books that, since Sheldog managed to outshill Jesse in a fair shill-off, he is to be crowned the new Fandom Hero. As we look forward to a new era of pointless drama, I, for one, welcome our new Canadian overlord who, quite literally, is fighting cancer at every moment.

And for all of you out there who pledge to give Mr. Wood your hard earned cash, for videos that he does not necessarily even enjoy making, we would like to offer you a different, more rewarding business proposal. Instead you should donate with enthusiasm towards our Mobile Action News Party Van. This van isnt some inane, trite petty virtual bullshit. No no no, it is a real life, rolling mass of 2 tons of pure drug induced lunacy. A simple youtube video offers you 5 to ten minutes of cheap tricks and silly laughs, and probably needs just the same amount of time to create. A party van though, lasts a lifetime, and is an investment you wont regret!

Comments (39)

  1. The HN material has been drying up lately. Hopefully Fiesta Equestria is gonna reignite the spaghetti casserole.

    1. Check the four cannon thread. The plushie fucker is selling stolen art at the con.

    2. We need more Tumblr faggotry

  2. Nobody cares about the analysis sperg community. Take a hike, Vido.

    1. >Not knowing who Jesse Wood is.

    2. why don't you take a hike into oncoming traffic you dweeb

    3. Patreon doesn't equal drama and reporting on the autistic mlp analyst circle-jerk community just makes you part of it, instead of being a truly based horsefucker.

    4. the fact that you like MLP in the first place is a pretty solid reason to hang yourself

    5. This guy gets it.

  3. Who cares? Maybe he needs some extra money to pay the bills. Some fanartists have Patreon accounts too. What's the huge fucking deal if they want to supplement their income?

  4. Sheldon here, you're all disrespectful idiots.

    1. wow. aggressive, much?

    2. *popcorn.gif*

    3. He just called us idiots.
      He's not the real ShelDOG, calling bullshit.

  5. Fuck the shitty MLP reviewing community. Report on some actually funny drama horse-news.

    1. This isn't a shitty MLP reviewer

      He's Jesse

    2. So, yeah. A shitty MLP reviewer.

  6. I'm just wondering when this bullshit horse drama is gonna end, and the actual legitimate brony content creators, i.e. Eli Monty, are going to move on to something legitimate like FeatherArtPony did. She got hired by an art company and is doing things on her own now under an employer. Hopefully the so-called "horse famous" voice actors, who are NOT Rina-chan, Dustyfatass, or anyone from EFN, can actually develop a legitimate career, and actually start watching what the fuck they are doing in the public eye.

    While it was a great run to use ponies as a stepping stone, it's basically time for these small time voice actors to move on to bigger and better things. Because the way I see it, the MLP fan community is fucked. It's been fucked beyond repair considering this community is infected with horrible, rotten, immature people. And frankly, some members of the production teams at Hasbro, and I daresay some of the voice actors, are just as bad.

    1. We got an estimated 5 years minimum of this shit and you know these people will never change, enjoy the drama and wait for the next one to come along it's a long ride.

    2. @ anon 1 If you think there is a future for many of these content creators, you're dead wrong.

      There are some that could capitalize on their talent, and Feather actually is a good example. But for every one of her there is a talentless hack like Nowacking, Rina-Chan, and any of the twat basket moral guardians like Osaka Jack. It's very rare to for fandom personalities to translate themselves into a professional environment. Their entire lives are up for scrutiny due to social media. All it takes is one little rant, one little incident where they lose their cool and they're fucked. That shit follows you forever. A future employer will see it.

      As for the show staff, no. Just because they engage with the fans does not put them anywhere near the same level. The staff, especially the VA's, all have very successful careers. Some of them VERY successful. They could walk away from this with their money and never look back. And like anon 2 said, this isn't going to change. Some people will just stick in the fandom. It's just a hobby to them, they don't have higher aspirations.

    3. And for some reason, my post didn't appear in the right place. Hopefully you saw it, and you'll respond to it.

    4. Anon I have never heard of 'feather' so I think I'd be suprised if he captalized on anything. From what I've seen if you want to do pony shit you can get #horsefamous and that's it, people expect you to commit to it and when you decide to move on as the few who actually want to do their own thing do their audience won't let them I.e 95% of their audience will ignore it. Alex S is the perfect example.

      As for future employers 'scrutnizing' sorry but you're wrong unless they use there real name they won't see it. Don't forget that the #horsefamous crowd almost never have aspirations outside the fandom. DIH is the perfect example he tried the video game journalist route, didn't get the exposure to really push through, despite actually being way better at it then the pony shit, so when he got success doing this he hasn't tried to transition back because his numbers would be way too low to make any $$. The only person I have seen who can be #horsefamous and successful elsewhere is CatieWayne but then again no one in this fandom has more than 1% of her fame.

    5. Future employers are NOT going to care about your dumb rants on the Internet. You wish, right?

    6. Everyone has some stupid shit on the internet. Just look at the casuals on le facebook, twitter, reddit etc. No one I know has ever had it affect them. You're letting the Jews control you anon and with no cause, nobody cares.

    7. To anons 4 and 5, I blatantly disagree with you. Here's a song lyric in response to that.

      "You should care, you should care
      What people think of you.
      Of goals that you could claim
      Reclaiming your good name
      is what you ought to do.

      You should care, you should care
      If your reputation is in disrepair.
      It's not gonna hurt you, to reclaim your virtue
      for you should care."

    8. It ends when the Sun explodes.

    9. Thats's the gayest song I've ever heard anon.
      Go back to Tumblr.

  7. Fighting cancer with cancer.
    Yeah okay let's see how that goes.

    1. Dis nigga gets it, don't encourage it to spread.

  8. @Anon 3, your argument intrigues me a great deal. Though I have to beg a question. How is Nowacking talentless? She seems decent enough, but that's just me. Rina-Chan is an over entitled bitch who's GOTIS and awkwardness is just disturbing to the point that you don't want her hanging around you, that much I know. As for Osaka Jack, I agree with you. But I need more information. Basket moral guardians? What do you mean? I mean...he comes off as sort of an elitist over opinionated douchebag, but what experiences have you observed from the guy? Getting back to the point, you're absolutely right. They just behave so badly in the general public. It's almost as bad as the people who were on TGWTG.com

    Now, onto the show staff. I don't know. I'm starting to think/feel that a lot of them hate our freaking guts. Applejack/Rainbow Dash's voice in particular. I mean...why did she engage in that documentary? Why do I feel like she wanted to find a bigger reason to hate the fans? If she does hate the fans, I do not blame her one bit; her hatred of the MLP fans are 100% intellectually justified.

    On a related note, I was talking with a friend of mine about Tara Strong. And he told me this. "Tara sold her soul to the brony cultist shit, I really don't care about her anymore after seeing that she panders to them so damn much, as if that fandom was her stepping stone in being a celebrity, when we all know she voiced many other characters before the pony thing started. I feel as if she just turned her back on all fans that knew her as Batgirl and other characters from shows that were favorites. heck her twitter account, all she does is talk about that fandom but never seems to even mention anything else. I can't see myself following her anymore nowadays. Tara Strong seemed to get drunk into the entire attention she got from those neckbeards unfortunately." Then you have other celebrities who feel the need to inject their personal politics into their twitter pages, or their material and shove it down your throat or in your faces. Mara Wilson, Mary Jo Pehl, and a variety of other left-wing, socialist assholes who act so big because of their stardom, and think they don't have to give any respect to their fans. It makes my blood boil to no end.

    1. What the fuck is your friend talking about? Tara Strong's pony content on twitter has declined severely since Las Pegasus Unicon. She talks about Harley Quinn and PPG more than Twilight Sparkle.

    2. butthurt. Tara can't enjoy fame to these people, it's a betrayal. There's such a thing as going too far yes, but nothing wrong with enjoying it

  9. Hmmm... that guy is using the same headphones as me.

  10. Tara Strong has always craved attention. She just never had millions of dedicated fans in a show in which she was the protagonist. If you look through her past PR you can see she went to conventions did signings tweeted etc. She had dedicated fanbases before but she was only a cult figure. She was in Final Fantasy X-2 after all and we all know how insane that fanbase is. The only difference now is that the pandering has increased in line with her current fame. Also what is she supposed to do? Talk about her old jobs not the current one, she has always promoted her current work it is her career after all. I don't like how obnoxious and immature she is but that's her personality it hasn't changed just a lot more people have been exposed to it since late 2010.

    1. I guess. So I suppose the old saying rings very true to this day: "Never meet your idols."

  11. >the only good thing to come out of the MLP Analysis Spagfest

    May I offer up AntonyC for consideration? He's charming, intelligent, and entertaining with his take on the analysis thing, whenever he does it. And he doesn't even do it very often, so its not overwhelming.

    1. AntonyC is alright. Not fantastically amazing, but he doesn't make me the cringe.

    2. He make's me cringe, he's one of the worst along with Tom and Digi.

      On the elements of brony circlejerk he openly admitted he thinks 2/3 of the shows audience are bronies. You can't GET more autistic than that. His accent isn't charming, and his humor is awful. Listening to his smug smarmy voice makes me want to take a drill to my ears.
