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911 hours in MS paint |
It seems fandom conventions just can't catch a break, and the biggest of them all is no exception. After coming off a delicious bit of drama based on their autism badge decision, an online convention directory is now stirring some more interest with it's classification of BronyCon 2014. Listed along side names such as the Furry Migration in Minneapolis or Fangcon in Knoxville, upcomingcons.com has officially placed BronyCon in the category of Furry Conventions.
The long running debate constantly taking place on the internet's asshole of a site is now over, Bronies are nothing but over glorified Furries. But is it really a surprise? At all? I mean just look at some of these people.
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I'm going to keep using this gif over and over again and there's not a damn thing your disgusting yiff asses or the Horse News staff can do about it. Deal with it, furfags...Short article, right?
The truth has been evident for a long while now. Accept it, my fellow furs. Join us. It's pretty painless, having fun.
ReplyDeleteYay :3
DeleteThe Furr Fandom already has too much crazy already to handle Bronies I think.
ReplyDeletehow quintessential is this one
ReplyDeleteit's so /mlp/ to sperg out over something as small as a con website listing
Yeah bronies and furries are close to the same thing really.
DeleteWhy don't you tell us the differences between brony fandom and furry fandom and prove they are not the same?
DeleteOh yeah cause there are no differences.
Okay wanna know how we're not the same? Ever?
DeleteWe're not the ones who lost a board like /furi/ on 4chan. ALSO, we don't bombard other boards with furfaggotry shit like fursecution or furry porn where it's not wanted.
No, you bombarded all other boards with ponyfaggotry shit and pony porn where it was not wanted. So much so that any pony stuff was reason for a ban until the mods folded and gave you /mlp/ just to stop the pony stuff ending up everywhere else. Soo... No differences between furry or mlp fags there, either.
DeleteThis is truth. The two are close to synonymous.
Delete"fursecution" = "Anti-Bronies", both are imaginary hate movements created by the persecution complex of ponyfags and furfags, and everybody hate BOTH fanbases for that.
DeleteMore confusing: it's also being listed as a Sci-Fi con? http://upcomingcons.com/science-fiction-conventions
ReplyDeleteso this really is just a shitty con listing website.
Deletelololol i like how the very first time i ever used that pink thing of a costume was the only time i needed to. one of my worst costumes...... most infamous costume.
ReplyDeleteSecretly we all knew but now no one can deny it.
ReplyDeleteIs a good gif. 8/10
ReplyDeleteno surprise
ReplyDeleteNo no there is a huge difference between furries and mlp fans. Furries are into beastiliaty, mlp fans just want to CIRD or this thing: http://www.horse-news.net/2014/07/insect-scootaloo-cream-bunny.html
ReplyDelete*Vomits externally*
DeleteActually, not bestiality. It's Xenophilia, which is just like you cloppers.
DeleteXenophilia: Affection for unknown / foreign objects or peoples.
Bestiality refers to the act of sexual intercourse while Xenophilia is generalized to most Rule 34 art.
Plus, Anthropomorphic Animals tend to replicate human expressions just like your My Little Pony does, so you are a hypocrite.
How the fuck are we furries? All we want to do is cum inside magical talking horses.
ReplyDeleteIn a word, drama.
DeleteThis is why I prefer furries over bronies. We furries aren't middle aged males fantasizing about fucking a talking pony.
DeleteWelcome to the herd.
ReplyDeleteI can't stop throwing up. I hate furfags with a passion, which is why I can't let myself go to cons, on top of being vats of autism, I'd be setting some sort of record as I'm arrested for assault and battery charges.
ReplyDeleteBut then, I'm the kind of person who wants to trick Peta into marching into some furfag convention, taking care of two horrible groups of people by setting them against each other while I watch and drink the glorious tears.
Furfawgs and brownies are both highly autistic, and should be avoided at all costs.
ReplyDeleteSeems legit.
I'm both, but I slightly agree lol
DeleteIDK, some ponifags are also furfags but most of us are just run-of-the-mill horsefuckers. Also, some fag on the internet says bronycon is a furry convention, therefor brony=furry? Okay... bronies are now the sole legitimate government for the US. Seth is president and EQD is congress. Horse News can be the supreme court or some shit. Some fucking anonfag said it on the internet, it must be true.
ReplyDeleteIt's Horse News, did you expect these faggots not to blow something this autistic out of proportion?
Deletethere's times when you gotta stand back and remember that this site is for the most part the attempt at a national enquirer of brony fandom news sites
Deletethis is one of those times
No, bronies are not furries because the con listing, bronies are furries because they are. Anthropomorphic animals, it's the very definition of what furry is. Guess what ponies are? Anthropomorphic, and animals. Heck even without that the fandom's are exactly alike. In every detail. Including having fans that only want to fuck animals and deny being huge sperg fandom faggots.
DeleteThe difference between standard-issue horsefuckers and ponifags who are also furfags is in the sliding scale of anthropomorphism. I personally say fuck your no-hooves abominations, I'll keep my horses horse-like, but to each his own.
DeleteDeeper hole? Noah this is a hole thus fandom has been in from the beginning. Bronies and horsefuckers are furries in denial, I mean, anthropomorphic ponies how is that not furry. Where is the brony fandom different from the furry fandom? I'll tell you where... Nowhere.
ReplyDeleteUh, dude, Not every Brony is a Horsefucker, or a liker of Anthropomorphic animals.
DeleteNot all bronies are furries, not all furries are bronies.
^^^^^Pot calling kettle black in the above comments. Seriously we furries aren't as bad as that CSI show made us out to be. You could learn a thing or two from us, bronyfags.
ReplyDeleteLOL, I agree you furfags do have a lot of the technical fandom stuff already down like a Fursuit sitter's and Fursona's etc. You all been at the lack of a better term in the game longer. Too bad your fandom devolved into nothing but a fetish thing.
DeleteNothing but a fetish thing... Posted on the place where people insist they are not bronies but horsefuckers because bestiality yay and rest of fandom stuff boo. Pot and kettle indeed.
DeleteAlso furries have been in the game longer but bronies are very close to catching up and even surpassing furries in every field.
>bronies are better furries than furries.
DeleteDamn right.
It's funny how I can classify you in a classification you wouldn't want to be classified as.
ReplyDeleteIt's all a matter of perspective, and the perspectives are horrifying.
Let me read the EXTENSIVE description for you, from the website, about Bronycon.
ReplyDelete"About Bronycon 2014
scifi furry
BronyCon brings MLP fans to Baltimore."
Sci-fi, Furry. Fucking Sci-fi.
And Horsenews make a big story about it? Are they really that desperate for attention? I can't believe some people actually quote these shitheads.
We crave attention. Best Horse harvests it from every comment so he may feed, mate asexually, and slumber. The key to not feeding him is to stop having fun and to gtfo.
DeleteYou've finished the first step now kindly follow the second one, faggot.
Good thing we're our own special snowflake name for 'obsessive mlp fan' unlike those filthy furfag bronies.
ReplyDeleteR-Right, my fellow anons?
I think it comes down to Fur-Fags who are also Horsefuckers (Fur-Horsefuckers if you will) than Horsefuckers = Fur-Fags.
ReplyDeleteWould probably cause some people to assume it's one and the same when it very well may /not/ be the case.
Also, relative intelligence levels of the targeted species for the respective fandoms /might/ play into a significant difference between the fandoms.
Fur-Fags are after your regular dumb animal>
Horsefuckers are after your talking magic ponies (Which incidentally may be dumb)
Also, there are Fur-Fags who were/are into G1 MLP
Which may make some of the Fur-Horsefuckers older than Horsefuckers in general
You can ignore the fact that you already arrogantly/blindly subverted an existing subculture with 20+ years on the Brony fandom but it won't change a damn thing when you dress up like Rainbow Dash. You ARE furry. You ALWAYS have been.
ReplyDeleteNope. I didn't give a fuck about talking cartoon animals until FIM came around.
DeleteYour "subverted an existing subculture" bullshit is invalid, furfag.
If it wasn't My Little Pony, then there would be anthropomorphic animals. The character designs appeal to you and that's what makes you a furry since the character designs are anthropomorphic animals.
DeleteIf they weren't anthropomorphic animals, then it wouldn't be My Little Pony, wouldn't it be?
He's right. You guys are just a large chunk of the furry fandom that happen to exclusively like My Little Pony and not the rest of any furry characters.
I was totally a furry before FiM, but the reserved kind that kept his regular FurAffinity visits sans interaction and advertisement. Becoming a browny was actually totally different: it was about liking a charming little girl's show and joining the quickly growing notion that it was okay to show & share it. And it felt good.
ReplyDeleteJust like my eventual hard-on for Princess Molestia.
Bronies tend to despise being compared to furries which really bothers me.
ReplyDeleteFurries and bronies are more alike than different.
The only difference is one fandom has a show made by a shitty toy Company while the other has an artistic fanbase with people who don't fucking trace reference sheets or take a base into MS Paint, scribble a mane on the base, and claim they made something.
Plus, try doing some fucking research before commenting about how bad furries are. They're kinder and tend to be hurt more by the media than you bronies ever were.
What defines being a furry is liking Anthropomorphic Characters. The Ponies are already Anthro.
Claiming 'all' furries fuck each other, fuck animals, or only draw porn is a stereotype you bronies would absolutely hate if people told you that. Only a minimal percentage of around 3% tend to have an interest in Zoophilia while the other 97% still think Bestiality is wrong. These demographics get heavily exaggerated when compared to those of how the media describes them. (Well, until NBC made a short Documentary. Thanks NBC. =3)
Why do you bronies get so defensive when people say terrible things about you? Us furries kind of got used to it and it doesn't bother us. Your cosplay bothers me more than fursuiting. (Fursuits don't bother me because fur is soft.)
Your hypocrisy bothers me as to how to bash on furries just because you're often compared to them. You act like a complete victim when any other fandom bashes on you.
Easy Warau Chan / TehAwesomeFace, careful about degrading bronies. We are a young fandom and a lot less reserved. Why do we defend ourselves? MLP is not a sissy show. Au contraire, MLP teaches to stick together and give the finger to opposition! The best lesson of MLP is: the worst betrayal is to betray who you are.
DeleteIt really saddens me to see Bronies and Furries slugging it out. Why?
I'm not a furry. Before MLP I believed Furries to be an abomination. After MLP I realized it's the content of character that matters. I realized that the character a Furry displays is who they really are. The human we see everyday is the mask. Everyone wears a mask. There are no exceptions.
BRONIES: I am disgusted with the way some of you foment hate toward Furries. Your hatred betrays everything MLP FiM is about. As a Brony you know the most important qualities are: GENEROSITY, LOYALTY, HONESTY, KINDNESS and LAUGHTER. That's the crux of MLP.
FURRIES: Ignore these guys. You add an awesome twist to the fandom and you rock the Cosplay. I'm a little EEEK! at some of the body paint jobs but I'll do my best to overcome any indoctrinated tendencies.
CLOPPERS: It's your thing. Who am I to judge?
Here's a cool afterthought: where can you go and meet someone who believes themselves to be a particular character, scratch that, they ARE that character?
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