Interesting Things That Happened At Draft Con

That image took up a lot of room, so check under the page break for everything interesting that happened at Draftcon!

Comments (14)

  1. 11/10 would attend again.

  2. Check under the break for all the fucks I give!

  3. Welp, I hoped for Draft embarassin' himself in front of everyone.
    What a shame.

  4. Well that was boring. Midwest Bronycon and now this? I thought maybe people screaming sexual harassment and racism would happen at this con. Oh well. It was small so whatever. Question is will they do this again.

  5. Nah it's funny, this con was actually pretty rad

  6. pictured: final draft shapeshifting into his lizard form live on camera

  7. During the auction Michele left her jacket on stage and went back to go grab it. Draft saw from the other side of the hall and waddle/sprinted down the aisle to try and get on stage with her, but when he realized she was immediately leaving he did an awkward 180 at the stairs and stumbled off.

  8. One of the funniest things there, besides saberspark and AC, was that people kept mistaking the windows looking into the secondary hall as doors and kept smacking into the glass. During the Brony Chronicles panel there was a loud thump and we saw someone sheepishly walking away from the window and heading out the door. At the end of the con the count was at 4 or 5. Drama wise it was pretty quiet.

  9. I was hoping there to be more of /mlp/arty presence. Spaghetti everywhere

  10. I was there asking MA Larson stupid questions. Like "Have any of your family members seen your work, and can they get through it sober?"
