"Tumblr'n down the devil's hole" I : Kick-Neckbeards-ass (formerly Whoo)

So when you horsefuckers hear the word "Tumblr", does it include batshit crazy feminists, social justice worry-ers that fight for everything BUT social justice? Well, you are not alone! Lets be honest here: Tumblr sucks if you are Male, White, CIS, Brony, Dude-bro. Hell, recently being a gay man or a male-to-female transgender has gotten hatred.

Now, the sensical thing to do is to simply ignore the tumblrinas and let them rot in their echo chambers right?

But, did you forget this is >Horse News, you fucking newfag?

More after the break!

In our clickbait in-deph series of the "eww bronies are gross" tumblrs that have seen to infest tumblr around the same time the SJW's arrived on tumblr out of nowhere (which was COMPLETELY COINCIDENTAL, because we all know these 3rd wave "feminists" believe in equality regardless of gender, creed, or color), we are going to take a look at some of those blogs and see if we can find a pattern with all of them. 

First one on the chopping block: Kick-Neckbeards-Ass

Before we start: I created a checklist of everything that every SJW has in their blog so you can check it off at home! 

So who is Kick-neckbeards-ass? I kinda have no idea. All I know was the she was in the fandom for a while. Long enough to get into a feud with Purple Tinker and wasted enough time to make a entire page about everything she has ever said, which is TOTALLY NOT CREEPY

To save time, we decided to narrow it down to the "Bronies section". Lets see what tinker has to say about the often misunderstood....
So much >implying

I know this looks bad, but before we jump to conclusions: what if this was a misunderstand-
Seriously, how can one person be this dense? oh right this is dumblr

Oh and someone agrees with her.

Yea, she is a doozy. I mean let's be honest: a vast majority of the fandom dislikes tinker one way or another, but having a hateboner for Tinker bigger than Final Draft is a whole mother ballpark. What is also a doozy about KNA is that she has this as a profile pic 

Now, if anyone had paid attention to the lion documentaries other than to fap when they fucked, they would know that the lioness gladly served the male lion in the pride. Isn't it ironic for someone who dislikes the "patriarchy" and believes that it exist like Alex ">muh water filters" jones believe in the New world order? To have a animal that has a patriarchal system as a part of it's society?

Also, for someone who dislikes males sexualizing females, she really likes the unrealistic body expectations for men.

  I personally find it funny KNA acts like the neckbeards that she complains about, they do have a name for women like her too!

So enough jokes, lets go straight to her blog! which trust me: It's as dense as your grandma's Christmas fruitcake.

>dragondicks calling peoples opinion horrible
>did i forget this was DRAGONDICKS who said it

>angry for mocking the middle aged cat ladies
>angry because she is a angry middle aged cat lady
>I dont care how good bronies do, I'm just gonna hate them because of muh opinions.

>I hate it when bronies doxxed/harassed pinkiepony but if its not someone who has the same opinion it's ok!

>asked for a list of what bronies have done wrong
>does not

Nuff said.
>only social pressure apply to womyn

And there you have it: KNA summed up on one post. By the way, If you are here from your social justice tumblr to complain, send your asks here, where I can reply with reaction pics and laugh at your butthurt.

Want a "eww bronies suck" blog to be checked out? fill this form out!

Oh and Caitlin(?)? This isn't Doxxing.

Next week: Anti Brony Brotherhood

Comments (67)

  1. I love all the Worse Problems Fallacies here. "MY ISSUE IS MORE IMPORTANT, SO SHUT UP!" By that logic, everyone needs to stop talking about women's issues, trans issues, and racial issues, because starving children in third world countries have it far worse. Talking about issues while living in comfortable circumstances obviously means you're erasing all those other issues, right?

    I don't think these people get out much at all, they just selectively surround themselves with like-minded people, and in doing so, seriously damage themselves and prevent them from successfully surviving in the real world.

    1. Isn't that the point of Tumblr? The site isn't built at all to voice dissent. It's about sharing and reblogging things you like or agree with.

      The main features of Tumblr are Follow and Reblog. Never before has a site been built so perfectly to be an echo chamber... ever. People seriously say 4chan is the worst of the internet? It's just a god damn image board. Tumblr is far, far worse.

    2. @anon2 Holy shit. I never thought about it before, but you're absolutely right. I thought Tumblr users were terrible because that was just the chosen hang-out for terrible people, but now that you've pointed it out, I can't believe I never saw it before for how obvious it is. Of course a site turns into an echo chamber of the worst sort when that's what it's built to be.

  2. This turbonerd boasted that they wanted to get a job at the CIA.

    Let that sink in.

    1. https://mlpchan.net/anon/src/1418078770030.jpg

      Every kind of fan is included in that link pic above, including pony feminists you guys despise just to even it out I guess. Thank fuck I left this fandom 2 years ago.

  3. Bronies are run by neckbeards
    Feminism is run by legbeards
    Grossly misshapen offspring when?

    1. Neckbeard + Legbeard = Dwarves..?

    2. Necklegs? Beardbeards?

  4. To be fair we really shouldn't try to force Lauren in to anymore conventions unless she wants to. I love and respect the woman for all her work but she's done with pone, so just leave her be.

    1. I second this motion. I mean, yes, it would be nice to see her at a con again. But she's moved on. She comes back every so often, but I think it's time we just let her do her own thing and just cherish the few times that she does actually come onto fandom sites to talk with us. Who knows, maybe one day down the road, she'll have a clearer mind and will want to talk about pone/interact with the fandom more on her own accord. But let's not be as foolish as to coax her into doing so or bother her about it at this point.

  5. It's a phase they're all going through. Don't worry or give a shit. It'll pass. We all have to grow up sometime.

    1. She is 30

    2. Oh. Well uh... to be fair, older people can be stupid, too. Just look at George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Thatcher, Obama, and Osama.

      Also totally unrelated whenever I hear misogyny I can help but hear the word SODOMY.

  6. So that chick in the white floral shirt is KNA?

  7. PT has shown a picture of Whoo/KNA/Brickleberry, but without any indentifications of who was in the pic. It was Whoo/KNA/Brickleberry that came out and said that PT showed her pic, therefore Whoo doxxed herself.

  8. Y'know, we don't even really need to bring in the feminist bullshit. Even just the very concept of crusading against a fandom is, by itself, magnificently retarded. Fandoms don't go away. You can't destroy a fandom. Not unless you destroy what they're fans of. No amount of internet crusading will ever do that. All movements like this can do, all they can ever hope to do, is drive a few individuals they don't like off the net, and piss off all their target's friends. If they were 4chan, maybe they could also hope to wreck some of their sites, but Tumblrfucks can't even do that because most of them aren't hackers.

    Which leads me to the big question: What is any of this supposed to accomplish? This isn't an actual war. Nobody is dying. So that means that no side is getting wiped out. The victory condition of an internet war is that most of the other side gives up, and that's usually dependent on your side being bigger and more persistent, and more importantly, being able to do some serious fucking damage. So why in the fuck would you pick a fight with possibly the largest fandom on the internet when you've got no weapons and all of your troops are mentally handicapped? This is the equivalent of the Neighbourhood Watch saying that they plan to invade Russia.

    1. Nice wall you got up there also I think all this crusading just give raisin's for some people to feel important and it's easy all you have do is yell more than anyone else to be the leader and get more followers.

    2. Well, I guess it makes sense for Tumblr, even if not for us.

    3. >no side is getting wiped out

      Nigga, the reason this war is on going because it's too destroy sides.

  9. I like drama as much as the next faggot who visits this site. But this post was TL:DR.
    If you're going to get this in-depth about an issue that only a few hundred people even partially care about you need to do it in a format that is a lot more dynamic. Try a YouTube video or something that ties in with a text post, a slideshow anything to break up the monotiny that is a post that with so few punchlines.

  10. So, no news about Atryl's being back?
    Also, BREAK PLZ

  11. Jezuz fuk! Put this shit under the cut. What is it with HN today?

    1. It's a hiatus you dumb as a nigger fuck. How do you not know these things? How long have you been in the fandumb?

  12. goddamn this is some tl;dr stalker bullshit

    we get it, you like her, just ask her out already you pleb

  13. I don't get it: who's side is Purple Tinker on?

    1. If this fandom were a deck of cards Tinker would be one of the Jokers.

    2. There are too many people I can't keep track of them. I am just going to go back to jacking off to pastel horses k?

  14. I can understand why you insects enjoy being anonymous. You must love the fact that you can be as gross, ableist, racist, homophobic/transphobic, and sexist anonymously without ever having to deal with the consequences of your shitty actions, like the fucking cowardly shits you are. So keep going. Keep typing shitty stuff with your grubby fingers and give more publicity to the ones who are in the right to call out your shitty fandom.

    A kind fuck you to HN and every anon above. Good day.

    1. You do know that getting mad at bronies won't put manmeat into your hamgash any quicker, right?
      I think there's probably a mathematical equation to describe how the louder the feminist is the less penis they have in their life.

    2. It's funny because your posting anonymously dipshit

    3. ^- what this anon said.

      You had a chance to try and make a point by posting with a username... but you pussied out, and now you just come off as gloriously ironic (just like 90% of the users of blogs that "call out [our] shitty fandom").

      gb2tumblr and stay there.

    4. It's also funny because she's acting like Horse News giving more publicity to the SJWs constitutes a victory, when the movement can't possibly gain new members or anything meaningful from the attention because only anons and people who hate SJWs read this site.

      Only trolls are in it just for the attention, anon 1.

    5. Pot, this is Kettle. He's black.

      This dumbass rant about anon and decided to post as anon.

      Shut the fuck up, you hypocrite.

  15. I'm just trying to understand what the big deal is being anonymous. And now I know exactly why you shitstains enjoy being cowardly fucks. It's soooo easy to send death/ rape threats to others and never having the guts to come off anon to do all that gross shit. Stay mad anons & HN. And keep typing your long ass rants against people you claim to despise yet can stop talking about with your grubby fingers.

    1. Y'know, it's easy to hide behind your anonymity while you just type out your gross insults about grubby fingers and direct them at an entire group of people like that. You sound pretty mad yourself.

      >people you claim to despise yet can stop talking about

      Okay, anon. I confess. We all secretly luuuuuuuuurve you feminist crusaders.

      Seriously, what is this? Middle school?

    2. Most of these tumblr dumbfucks are still IN middle school (or early high school, at the most), so you should expect them to have the mentalities befitting of an angsty teenager.

      >implying that making petty insults puts you on higher ground than others
      >implying that showcasing and making fun of retards is being mad

      Stay mad, tumblrina.

    3. Middle school sounds about right around these parts. I'm pretty sure most of the HN staff were drop outs though.

    4. unless they're trigender demisexual unicorn-kin like tumblrfags can be... I'm having a hard time seeing how they're anywhere near middle school status

    5. Wow you totally showed us!

  16. "But, did you forget this is >Horse News"
    Oh, that stupid excuse again. "Therefor everything they say is no longer bad.. Not"

    Kersh: 2+2=5. Josh: No that's not right, it's 4! Kersh: Aren't you forgetting something? Josh: Oh yeah, it's horse-news. Therefor you are always rightz..... right? Kersh: Yep! Josh: >_> Umm OK, well, back to real news again..

    1. You are just the most precious thing. I want to squeeze your little cheeks and name you Chips.

    2. You are just the most precious thing. I want to squeeze your little cheeks and name you Chips.

    3. Behold! Autism incarnate!

    4. can i fuck you wwwarea

    5. "Therefor everything they say is no longer bad."
      First off, it's "therefore," not "therefor" you fucking noob.
      And secondly, do you realize again that you are arguing from a fallacious standpoint? You're invoking a straw man argument, like you always do.

      wwwarea, has it ever occurred to you that maybe >Horse News doesn't quite think of themselves as this "monolithic juggernaut" of a news-site that you seem to think they are? Like, whenever they say >Horse News, or refer to themselves in any way, more often than not, it's supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek joke. HN knows full well that they're flawed, and the fact is, they're not afraid to admit it. Ever see a lot of the crossed-out text in some of their posts? It means they're deliberately trying to portray themselves in a particular, more often self-depreciating way. I know, they do often go about that by acting superior, but it's all an act. They were legitimately surprised recently when they found they were the second most visited site in the fandom. That's how "seriously" they take themselves.

      Also, seriously, wwwarea, you not only provoke half of the backlash you get because you simply refuse to just let things go, but because you don't actually debate in a fair or rational way. You (and the Tumblr SJWs for that matter) partake in what is called polemics.

      And before you fry your brain trying to figure out the meaning of that word, I'll tell you what it means.
      Polemic: a person who argues in opposition to another; controversialist. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/polemic
      Key words: in opposition. You never try to meet any of us half way. You always seem to want somehow prove that you're right and that Horse News or the people who support the site are wrong. You want to claim there's a debate (a two-sided argument), but really, all you're doing is spewing polemic bullshit (a one-sided argument). You won't let your opponent win and will in fact censor them if you're able to. Just admit, wwwarea, you suck at arguing your point. You always shift the burden of proof onto your opponent rather than trying to prove that what you're saying is accurate and you always construct these stupid straw man arguments to try to make yourself look either witty or intelligent, when you are very obviously neither.

    6. Stop being "butt-hurt" over my comment. They attack my blog, and every other, I attack it back, even if this website wasn't serious.

      Get over it.

      Also, stop being a grammar nazi. (To the bottom Anonymous.) It's a god damn comment section, not a science study section.

      "HN knows full well that they're flawed"
      Doesn't mean I can't bring this out..

      Face it, even if it knows, I'm still going to say that it's not a news site.
      I can argue it, even from what they claim isn't serious.

      For the rest of that last comment, I'm just not going to bother reading it.
      Probably more name calling and such.

      Seeing people bitch about my complains with no open argument in sight, already means they lost.
      The End.

    7. "Yo", I was wondering where you've been the last few days, "my dog". What's "cracking" with you? Me? I've been pretty "chill" lately. Hey, can you pass me that "blunt"? Man, that's some good "shit". So hey, what do you think of my new "threads"? They look pretty "gangsta", right? My "nigga", Little Jimmy, hooked me up with a discount.

      ...Seriously, wwwarea, why do you feel the need to put quotemarks around the word "butthurt" whenever you use it? I mean, you're not quoting anything. You're just using the word in a sentence.

  17. You know Chelis, and aggregate HN community, just as most bronies aren't perverted sociopaths, most Feminists aren't men-hating lesbians. The bad apples seem to work their way to the top, to butcher an idiomatic metaphor.

    1. You know, that's a fair point. Still, those bad apples are ripe for the picking on.

    2. so basically you're saying...

      yeah guess what, for some, this shit with tumblr goes beyond just what they think of us dirty menz appropriating their pone

    3. Trampoline, with respect, you don't need to clarify that not all feminists are like this. We know. We can tell the difference between a reasonable person and retard like wwwarea, and nobody knows better than anons that the entire concept of internet hiveminds is bullshit. Stop worrying about getting lumped together with this lot, because it doesn't work like that. You only get mocked by HN if you do something hilariously dumb. If you aren't a man-hating lesbian, I think you're safe.

  18. Wow. I've been annoyed at Tumblr before, but it takes a special level of butthurt to write a gigantic article about how some girls on the internet hurt your feelings.

    1. because the article is obviously not a response to faggots with mental retardation disguised as people fighting for equal rights

      stay butthurt tumblr

  19. What I find funny is that they are claiming PT is pretty much anti-SJW. How fucking ridiculous.

  20. if you go against one line of logic in their fucked up mental gymnastics, you're automatically anti-SJ in their minds

    they're THAT protective of their circle jerk

  21. i'm surprised you know some cunts like this horsenews. i always thought tumblr was your source of horse porn and more horse porn not... whatever the hell this article's about. weird.

  22. I'm not the first to say this, but this article looks like shit, and badly-written shit at that. You seem to think that we should all hate this person because they hate Purple Tinker (along with most of us numbnuts), their choice of avatar (unlike you, the namefag namefagging for attention), the fact that they can't come up with a ready list of things Bronies have 'ruined' (wouldn't that be a point in their favor), and lots of other bullshit minutiae.

    The entirety of this article could be cut and replaced with "I dislike this person because they disagree with me on Tumblr [which I am also a member of but I'm totally not lame lel top kek insert 2011 meme here]" and it would be better, because it wouldn't be whiny tl;dr grudgeposting.

    This is the lamest attempt at a grudgepost I've ever seen. If this is the best you can dredge up from Tumblr, I feel sorry for you, son.

    1. I think every person who has a name like "Kick Neckbeards Ass" is autistic enough to merit an article about them, and by virtue of their atrocious behavior DEMAND that someone make an article about them. Have you simply never heard of Encyclopedia Dramatica?

    2. While this article is, indeed, shit, I can't help but feel that you somehow took away all the wrong messages from it. I should've thought that the real reason we're meant to hate a SJW would be obvious.

    3. That's what makes it so ridiculous; SJWs give us plenty to froth over, and more than enough to mock, but all this retard could come up with was "she has a bad avatar, dislikes Purple Tinker, and a tumblr-famous SJW liked one of her posts once." They are literally handing him SJW anecdotes on a silver platter, and he still fucked it up.

      He literally ends the article with "send me messages on my Tumblr!" Are you people fucking stupid?

      What the fuck is he gonna say next week? "Anti Brony Brotherhood has an avatar of sexist penguins, and they dislike Pinkiepony! Follow me on Tumblr! kek!"

    4. >taking horse-news this seriously
      I feel sorry for you, son.

  23. >runs out of potato chips
    >complains on Tumblr
    >subsequently spammed for being insensitive to rape

    What? I ran out of potato chips! What's the fucking problem!?

    At least I still have plenty of rape. No big loss.

    1. have you seen chelis? he hasn't run out of potato chips in a long, long time

    2. ^ this fucker speaks the truth!

  24. Not a fan of KNA and their ilk, but sometimes they have that one nugget of a post that's decent. Her post about donating to Bronies with Disabilities was actually nice.

    On another note, anyone on the HN staff going to cover the scandal about Psyguy? I can't be bothered to trawl through the abuse masterpost.

  25. While I agree this lady is a bit too much of a zealot and comes off as crazy, some fairness is in order. On one of the last points you made on the MRAs and "man up" post -">only social pressure apply to womyn"- I think you have completely misinterpreted what she was saying. In that same post she absolutely admits men are held up to crushing societal standards. She does think they apply. What she's saying is that the issue is literally a point brought up by feminism, the thing she sees people championing that viewpoint (of mean needing sympathy too) blasting all the time. The notion that men have to be strong all the time and women are helpless dainty flowers is one that was/is trying to be fought by feminism. She's trying to point out the hypocrisy of certain MRAs laughing at feminism as irrelevant, but then bringing up some issues brought up by feminism.

  26. Fuck KNA. I'll never forgive her after she made equestrianstrumpet have an eating disorder.
