Watch Dogs gets /mlp/ Easter Egg (Also Odds and Ends - Pony Videos, Abe Lincoln, and IDW jokes)

Throughout the course of a day or week, we often come across little bits of shit here and there that in no way warrant their own posts. So tonight out of boredom, we've decided to compile some of the little odds and ends together into a post for you to peruse over. Arranged from least to most important, finishing off with the /mlp/ Easter Egg in the game "Watch Dogs".

First up is this video that is popping up as a "suggested" video on Brony Youtube feeds everywhere. It's supposedly an educational video for children made by Wiki for Kids on their "Cool School" channel.

We're really not sure what the kids are actually supposed to be learning with this video, but there is a lot of pony shit going on. Like, a LOT of pony shit going on. At one point the narrator actually teaches kids about making edgy pony OCs

We wish we were making that up.
This may be more entertaining when you're drunk. This video is obviously directed at the actual "target demographic" of My Little Pony, but is of course ending up on the feeds of the types of people seen in this OTHER video.

If you can't tell, that guy is a brony.

Speaking of #JustNeckbeardThings...

The comic book illustrators have officially called us out on our shit. Another artist made us at Horse-News a little piece to go with the pending lawsuit, in commemoration of the MLP Fandom Civil War that has been raging all week. Behold Pony Abe Lincoln, as drawn by our friend Petirep.

What else...
Oh yes.
BronyMate is now advertising on 4chan.
We find this quite amusing.

Some of our favorite people had some fun on Twitter.

Lauren checked in to let us know she's still alive, and Tabitha seized the opportunity to hit us square in the feels. M.A. Larson went all respectable on us, appearing in public in proper dress clothes to promote his book "Pennyroyal Academy" (which we promised to condemn prior to reading).

We would like to announce a bounty for anyone who managed to get their hands on one of those copies of Larson's book this early in the game, considering the pre-orders don't ship out till October 7. Ian and Claire Corlett both got confirmed for Brawl Bronycon this year.

The infamous "IWTCIRD" pose made it into the game Watchdogs, hanging from a keychain in a vehicle. 

Supposedly, the Easter Egg was placed there intentionally by a Ubisoft developer who is also an /mlp/ user.

Update: there's a SECOND Easter Egg - It's TRIXIE!


Another one from SweetieBot

Comments (21)

  1. weren't kidding about the /mlp/ easter egg. I guess Watch Dogs has now been...key-chained.

  2. >Bronymate advertising on /mlp/

    What the fuck is this shit!?

  3. It's a tiny little Rainbow Dash keychain inside a car, only visible through a scope. Are there only one or two cars in the game, or are you fuckers just so obsessive that you check every single one?
    Who am I kidding, of course you are.

    1. Why are you acting like such a faggot?

    2. Stay mad /v/

    3. Actually, the developer who originally took the suggestions for /mlp/ references back in the day came on a day or two ago and gave out hints as to the locations of the easter eggs.

  4. Pretty fuckin epic.

  5. I hope that dev gets executed for associating with Ubishit. What a terrible company.

    1. Calm down, you edgy faggot.

  6. Now if they could only fix Uplay

    1. Honestly, I just don't understand why companies don't just use Steam if they feel the necesity to use that type of a platform. It might not be the best but it is for the most part reliable, and well liked.

      Uplay is infamous for being utter shit yet they choose to continue using it... why the fuck.

  7. I wonder if he will pull this stuff off in the future, it's nice knowing we have a man like him on our side.

  8. Someone should re-dub that Watch_Dogs commercial:

    "I hack this city. To make it my weapon...
    Everything, is at my command, and I'm not afraid to use it...
    My enemies might run Chicago, but I control it...
    [explosions and car chases]
    I, want to cum inside Rainbow Dash..."

  9. >A picture I posted on /mlp/ and a thread I made on /v/ were posted in a Horse News article
    Am I horse famous now?

  10. you are all faggots you are all bronies

    1. True on both counts, but I don't get what your point is.

    2. How am I a faggot,Im a girl. -.- and dont say im a lesbian. and,I cant help that I like ponies, they are just too magical! So bye sir. I dont why your viewing this if u hate ponies but, what ever.

  11. If I don't watch my dogs they'll eat all the chocolate in the house, which is harmful for dogs so watch them if you can!

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