Tumblr user treats ponies as mouthpiece, gets bit

Tumblr, a social website designed almost exclusively for the reposting and remixing of other people's content, as well as being ground zero for levels of asinine social activism, once again lodged their own skulls squarely between their own buttcheeks today, with a post that sparked yet another shitstorm. Today a user called "plumsweet" stepped up to be the latest in a long line of SJW's who try to use Ponies as their mouthpiece (on the eve of one infamous user's 18th birthday no less).

What followed is exactly what you would expect.

The original image, seen above, makes the declaration that "Rape Jokes Are Never Funny" claiming that the character Pinkie Pie herself had said this. While this is typical behavior on Tumblr, the poster then went on to note "**do not edit, copy, or repost anywhere**" on the image.
This of course is the equivalent of putting on a wetsuit made of fish entrails and hopping in a shark tank.

Telling people that they cannot "repost" a tumblr post, is completely contrary to the very essence of the site, which is designed for reposting materials. There are only 3 buttons on tumblr posts, one to share to other sites, one to reblog WITHIN tumblr, and one to "favorite" an image.
The artist was making a clearly inflammatory post for attention and then telling people they weren't allowed to use 2/3rds of the site's features.

Needless to say, this did not go over well.

Hundreds of web users immediately began to edit the original image, and repost, as is their right on tumblr.

The images THEN circled back to plumsweet, delivering the reminder that free speech is still a right in this country, and that just because something hurts your feelings doesn't endow you with special privileges (we invite all our readers to check their respective amounts of privilege before commenting).

It became quickly apparent that this post had (as per usual) little to do with "rape culture" and everything to do with "Brony Hate Culture" on behalf of Plumsweet.

That's right; "Brony Hate". 

Because it's not okay to wholesale hate a subculture,unless its a subculture that has members that you disagree with.
Then it's totally fine to label millions of people.

Plumsweet ultimately closed the "submit" box on the tumblr, but not before discounting the opinions of 4chan users as a whole and using a metric fuckload of question marks. Which of course 4chan found amusing.

Also, apparently ALL Artists on tumblr ask people not to promote their artwork. So if you see an artist whom you appreciate, be sure not to reblog, that way they know you care. Artists; be sure to thank Plumsweet, who apparently has been granted the right to speak on your behalf.

So congratulations to Plumsweet, (http://plumsweet.tumblr.com/) who has taken the throne for being the latest hypocritical neo-feminist to crawl out of the tumblr wastelands and into the pony fandom's view. Hopefully you learn sooner rather than later that you do not get to dictate what constitutes comedy and that your opinions do not grant you special powers, and also not to use cartoon horses as mouthpieces for your propaganda.

Learn from history lest you are doomed to repeat it.

Comments (36)

  1. PlumSweat is worst brony.

  2. Hah let's reblog everything that fgt has

  3. And now Ronbodosh is a mouthpiece. These fucking children, I swear. http://plumsweet.tumblr.com/post/86432420684/sprinklewhiskers-rainbow-birdhorse-gives-a

  4. Oh horsefuckers, what would we do without you?

  5. S1 Griffon the Brush Off Let's-not-prank-Fluttershy Pinkie might have agreed that rape jokes are insensitive and what humor is there isn't worth it, but it seems entirely in character for S4 Pinks to crack rape jokes, specifically about Fluttershy first.

    I think Plumsweet just hasn't had the time to catch up on season 4. These nice bronies were merely correcting her on the most recent canon characterizations of Pinkie Pie.

    1. I'd like to think that Pinkie realized that "rape jokes" encapsulates ALL jokes about rape, from a wacky misunderstanding about canola oil to some Swedish asshole with a facecam screaming "RAPE!" at barrels.

  6. PlumSlut is worst faggot

  7. Shit like this just makes my day. I absolutely love SJWs making complete and utter fools of themselves day in and day out.

    "You don't have a RIGHT to use words like tranny and queer"

    Bitch, I have a right to walk in to Detroit and start singing http://youtu.be/hqIsc8ooXug through a fucking megaphone if I wanted. I'd get shot, but I sure as hell have a right to do it.

  8. God damn, get your facts straight, Reposting means re-uploading the image under your own account/site, while reblogging is what she /wanted/ people to do, as it still links back to her. The fuck you gonna be horse famous if you don't even know how to use the horse drama website?

    1. The point still stands, that telling people they cant repost an image is contrary to tumblr's entire purpose.

      Almost 100% of tumblr is:
      Gifs taken from movies
      Screencaps of TV shows
      Art stolen from deviantart
      Memes dug up from Reddit and 4chan
      And all of this gets reposted and "reblogged" or whatever the fuck you want to call it.

      Posting any image online and asking people not to put it elsewhere is contrary to the whole point of it. ESPECIALLY on Tumblr.

    2. ^That is what the author is referring to

  9. This literally violates every aspect of the element of laughter. It's like she doesn't even remember the motherfucking series pilot. giggle at the motherfucking ghostie bitch. We laugh at things we're afraid of. When we make something a joke, we rob it of the power it holds over us. Using pinkie to give a message that is literally the opposite of her character is some top grade egotism. Laughing at something and taking action against it are in no way mutually exclusive actions.

    1. There's also the fact that the show will never touch a subject as serious as sexual harassment, thus making Pinkie saying such a thing even more laughable...

      But still, yeah, tumblrinas just want to keep using their favorite characters to parrot off their opinions.

    2. The mane six were confronting lethal hazards since episode two. I think that's more serious than sexual harassment.

    3. >comparing sexual harassment with encounters with fictional, mythical creatures
      is this nigga serious

    4. >Comparing situations in which a threat is largely based in fear, doubt, and destruction of self worth is this nigga serious?* fixed it for you

  10. >Her whole blog
    I couldn't even pass the first page

  11. YOU?????GUYS????DON'T?????U????N????D???E???R???S???T???A???N???D???

  12. Oh, why it doesn't surprise at all that it is leftfags who always stir the most drama...

  13. Hey, everypony! Did you know Ponies for Parents and other fandom police don't think this was a big deal:


    Oh yeah, and the lady who made "a blog supporting the creation of safe spaces for the younger fans of My Little Pony, discussing how to work as a community to stamp out bad behavior in our fandom, and teaching everyone how to utilize their safe searching features for a cleaner browsing experience" TOTALLY isn't a moral guardian, you guys! She blogs about orc fetish porn, which no one needs to clean up because kids don't play World of Warcraft or Lord of the Rings games or anything like that!

    1. >because kids don't play World of Warcraft

      Oh, wow.

    2. Taberisms is that you? Did we hurt you? We're sorry if you're mad. Hug it out. Hug it out.

  14. >Feminist Pinkie
    Because there is no such thing as men being raped.

    1. It's funny when a guy's raped tho. Or at least that's what everyone including rabid feminists think. Cause guys are supposed to tough it out since they're macho. Or they're really pathetic or ugly to get raped.

    2. Please go cry a river. You are making major issues seem as they are nothing because "waah men get raped too"- how about both are very valid issues and neither needs to be treated as if it's lesser than another.

    3. I think another commenter said it best: rape jokes and helping to prevent rape aren't mutually exclusive. The problem is FemPinkie was made by someone who subscribes to the notion that yes, one kind of rape is more important than another.

      By pointing out that men also make up a big percentage of victims of violence, and debunking claims like the 1-in-3 or 1-in-5 women rape stats, the actual crimes are being understood and put into perspective while removing harmful, fucking useless stigmas like 'all men/bronies are rapists' or 'all women are (potential) victims'

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  16. Why is mando still relevant?

  17. this is sick why would you edit that like that

    1. For lulz. You haven't been here long, have you?

  18. " for teh lulz!!!!!11111111111111!!|"

    go back to 2008, bronies are always so fucking butthurt. you're all more hurt than these girls, considering you ALL got SO upset that you attacked anyone who made this art. cried about it so much on 4chan, got SO upset that someone's opinion art didn't match yours that you pour time into making shitty parodies of it, creating tumblrs to feature these arts, AND written an entire article about it.
    looking at this from afar not being from tumblr OR the brony fandom, it's really easy to see who's the upset little child here, and big surprise it's not those tumblr users.
    god it's like the furry fandom all over again except it's WORSE because bronies have some "4chan" complex on being the world's baddest internet tough guys.

  19. Bronies are such fucking cry babies

    You whine that you're a poor pursecuted minority and scream that you're not neckbeards yet you do shit like this

  20. wtf is going on i dont get it

  21. It's worth noting that reblogging and reposting are two different things.
    Reblogging using the actual reblog button shows up in the notes of the original post, giving the original creator a heads up that someone shared it and adding to the note count. Reposting on the other hand is copying the content and posting it to your own account without using the reblog feature. When you do that, the artist won't hear about it. Another drawback to reposting, especially if it's to other sites, is that a lot of people don't bother to credit when they repost so it means people won't be able to head to the artist's page without back-searching the image (which is one more thing to do so most people won't bother)... That's a loss of views, potential followers, ad view revenue, potential customers, etc. Or, of course, the image could get used for something the artist doesn't approve of, like someone reposting their art in a collection of "Worst Art Ever".

  22. Reposting and reblogging are two completely different things. Reposting is saving the image and uploading it as your own work, but reblogging you just hit the reblog button.
