Cringe Corner: "Love Gone Insane" Comic

A rational person's face upon first viewing
Art is defined in the dictionary on the internet by google as "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination". Then there's a comic like Love Gone Insane that exists thanks to bronies. 

God forgive us all.

Created by Deviant xStOoiEx (however the hell it's pronounced), Love Gone Insane has become a cancer icon of fan art on /mlp/, sending many of us to question why Hasbro allows such horrid fan work to remain, but then we're reminded that Cadence is still an official character. For those of you who haven't seen the comic, and please save yourself from the horror, you may be wondering what exactly is so bad about it? Is there anything good at all?

Well we do get reaction images like this.

>mfw season finale
Unfortunately, that's the only positive. First of all, what the fuck is with the colors radiating from all the characters? I understand the concept of make up, blushing, or added skin tone, but seriously just look at Luna in this.

What does adding blue shingles disease to her nose, cheeks, and shoulders do, exactly? Do her tits turn blue too? A-actually that's kind of hot. While we're here, what's with everyone's faces in this? Yes, the reactions are golden at times but my god it's eye gouging the rest of the time. They all look like they're going through gender re-assignment. Both bodies and faces alike lack proportion, instead looking like a clown's LSD fueled wet dreams. Hell, just look at what happened to Rainbow Cunt Dash and Pinkie.

Now this comic isn't just terrible coloring and terribly drawn humans, it's also based on an awful fan fiction from another author. What happens in it? Well so far the comic starts out with Twilight & Co. bringing back Discord after his first escape attempt in season two. After they leave, Discord breaks free again because apparently when they tried replacing Rainbow Dash's element with Spike and blasted him the first time, it gave him immunity. Seriously.

And you thought Meghan was a shit writer
Fast forward three months to Twilight's tree house where she some how makes Eros's (Cupid for you Roman plebs) arrow of love. That's when Spi- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO SPIKE.

I'm done. These designs are too horribly done, I can't even go on. I made it to page twelve and there are a grand total of sixteen and counting. Even if the fanfiction was on the level of Hemingway or Shakespeare, and trust me it's not, the visuals and delivery are Cringe in it's alpha form.

This comic's only true purpose is to serve as an emetic. Even then, your latest Spike centered episode can work just as well. Now that this article is done and I no longer have to look at this comic anymore, I can now cleanse myself with a rough bar of soap and some sand paper.

Got something cringe worthy? A famous staple in the /mlp/ cringe threads? Send it in to the official Horse News email and we might actually see it!

Disclaimer: Horse-News is not responsible for loss of vision, bodily fluids, jimmies, or life in the event you read this comic.

Comments (22)

  1. *cringes*
    *stares in disbelief while slowly scrolling downward*
    *breaks into laughter*
    *goes back to listening to The Devil Wears Prada*

  2. >*goes back to listening to The Devil Wears Prada*
    *goes back to listening to ITAOTS*

    1. Ehh, as much as I love ITAOTS I can't just be stuck listening to it forever, so I try listening to a different album at least once a day in order to broaden my musical tastes.

      *shuts up before the mods get annoyed*

    2. We are amused by your little mortal quarrels.

    3. What if all the commenters are actually Horse News writers and MLP critic is the only one openly namefagging in this massive circlejerk?

  3. We'll never know

  4. I dunno, guys- as horrific as this comic is, and much of what the artist has done, isn't taking swipes at this fan art batting at low-hanging fruit? I mean, are we really THAT petty? (inb4 "of course we are, stupid.")

    1. batting at low hanging fruit is how we evolved god damn it. This is the natural order

    2. Fair point, but man does not live on fruit alone! Why aren't we going after a more worthy pray? ARE WE NOT (presumably) MEN?!

    3. I'm still not sure at this point

  5. Wow, so it's cool to disparage someone's artwork? You're all entitled little shits I swear. You must hate applebeans and netherlips too because their drawings aren't "nearly show accurate" like Pixel's.

    1. This is your first day here, isn't it?

    2. xStOoiEx, pls go.

    3. applebeans and netherlips are god damn amazing artists, and the fandom should be considered lucky we have such masters of line and color. Truly they will save is in the hiatus.

    4. Someone must be butt-hurt about some the comic getting criticized.

  6. omg I thought someone drew this as a joke


  8. My take on this comic:

  9. That's not very nice guise

  10. Why is everyone in this comic staring at me?! What is it you want?! WHO ARE YOU=?!!!?11!

  11. No, fuck you!

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