Silva Hound predicts impending convention doom

Sweet Apple Acres. Appleloosa. BABSCon (gtfo obsidian). Las Pegasus Unicon.
These convention names echo in our heads when we think of convention failures. And today, Techno-Dubstep band DJ Silva Hound predicts another convention will follow in those infamous footsteps of implosion and failure.

Now, we at Horse News don't believe DJ Silva Hound is tweeting these rather chordstriking claims for no reason. Silva is a ridiculously seasoned musician at touring conventions, making appearances at nearly every major big room convention including BronyCon, BABSCon, Fiesta Equestria, and even the ill-fated Las Pegasus Unicon, and with that experience, DJ Silva Hound knows that running conventions is not just a copy & paste job. Thus, we believe DJ Silva Hound's foreboding warnings are to be taken seriously. DJ Silva Hound did also add that while he is indeed playing at BronyCon, the world's largest pony convention was not within his predictions of failure.

As always, House News Horse News will be paying close attention to the convention as we rip open our freshly popped bags of popcorn watching the drama unfold. We like it rough.

Comments (21)

  1. The next small horse convention Midwest Brony Fest before the end of the month, then DraftCon, Crystal Mountian Ponycon 2, and Big Apple Ponycon all on the same weekend in June, followed by Everfree Northwest and Fiesta Equestria in July. EFNW is the only sure bet to not be the doomed convention, and DraftCon is the only first year convention.

    1. SilvaHound's probably thinking of one of the non-EFNW ones, then. Good thing I was never planning on going to any of them anyway.

  2. I tried to get into other convention before Bronycon but trotcon, EFNW, and FE are all booked. Hence I have to force myself to use Draftcon as a restocking con. I hope to god I at least can break even there.

    1. I keep telling you there's anime conventions in your state you can sign up for. Hell, I even showed you one last night! You may not make thousands upon thousands of dollars but at least you'll do better than cross your fingers that you break even at Draftcon. WHY U NO LISTEN?

    2. Because he's ToxicMario, he never listens, doesn't matter if it's constructive critique or helpful advice.

  3. What's with those (un)related posts at the bottom of this post?

    1. Its a next-level joke because of all the DJ/EDM jokes scattered in the article, this article is more reminiscent of Wunderground Music's fare of satire and inside jokes, than typical Horse News stuff. #JustDJThings

  4. Hey, this is completely unrelated, but could it be possible to link the text entry of the captcha in anonymous mode to the "publish" button, so that it posts it when I press enter directly?
    At least 4 times now I've not send posts in time out of 4chan habit...

  5. MLP conventions just aren't even worth going to anymore. Plain and simple. The people who got horse famous just don't appreciate their audience anymore.

    1. 1. Not every con chair is horse famous.
      2. A number of conventions are still audience-driven.

    2. 1. The audience is shit too.
      2. Content creators are also what keeps this fandom going.

  6. Ummm... BABScon was fucking awesome, AND they kicked out Final Draft... why in Celestias name is it on the list of "con failures?"

    1. Because there was some serious drama that happened after the con and rumors that funds collected for charity went to pay off their bills. There was an article about it here not too long ago.

    2. Then again... are we actually going to take anything Obsidian says seriously? She's probably full of shit.

    3. BABScon on this list has a strikethrough on it for a reason, you know.

    4. Obsidian was just released from involuntary commitment this afternoon and has yet to release her damning Skype logs. Wonder if she's aware that if there is improper use of charity funds happening with BABScon that she could be held legally liable due to her prior position? In fact, maybe even more so, since she knows it's illegal and has failed to report it.

      But ultimately, until she produces the goods, it's complete and utter mule shit.

  7. nonon best gril

  8. I have no experiences with conventions at all, but judgin' from the said con's name, he must be referin' to DraftCon.

  9. Bronycon 2013 was a disaster, but from the looks of things, they have improved and (hopefully) it will be better, ESPECIALLY for the people who are performing. Trotcon, as I have several friends who are high up on staff there, looks good. Everfree is of course, Everfree, and the other cons are too small to become LPUs. :P

  10. Calling it now. They're going to show Rainbow Rocks at Bronycon.
