Tumblr user notices fire, tells no one

This weekend, tumblr user and supposed brony convention vendor "FuckBroniesForReal" made a post regarding an incident that happened at a recent ill-fated convention, involving an electrical fire.
FBFR, who is a vigilant and responsible adult, noticed a fire breaking out in a convention hall, which according to her, lasted several hours, and grew in intensity with every passing moment. She decided not to tell anyone about this enormous safety risk and instead waited until after the convention was over (and reportedly burned to the ground) to tell people about the danger.

The vendor, using all of her keen intellect and rationality, took to tumblr to inform people of how awful the brony fandom is, citing the supposed blazing inferno as an indication of how dangerous every brony activity is to the public.

Many people have questioned her logic of not calling the fire department or even hotel security to inform them of what would be a huge issue of concern, as both groups are tasked with public safety, but instead to just sort of "watch the fire and wait".

Other attendees, who were in the same convention, claim to have never even noticed the fire, which according to the tumblr user was so hot and dangerous that you could roast marshmallows down the hall from it, and many claim that no such fire happened. Most readers agreed that the most responsible thing to do would be to tell somebody about the fire, or at least try to stop it themselves using one of the numerous tools available to everyone (including fire extinguishers) instead of just watching everything burn and complaining later. "Children could have gotten hurt" is a popular sentiment. Other internet users ask for pictures of the fire, as surely a lightsource would be noticed even just in the background of the photos taken by hundreds of cameras at the convention.

The tumblr user responded to these suggestions by claiming that everyone who doesn't believe her story at face value is a "blaze apologist" or is a supporter of "fire culture", or are even "arsonists themselves" who have no sympathy for burn victims.

The tumblr has since been deleted.

Convention staff assure us that had any such enormous security risk been brought to their attention it would have been dealt with immediately, but to their knowledge, no part of the convention space was destroyed by a raging fire.

Comments (14)

  1. This is why you never trust ANYONE on tumblr.

  2. I could hear smooth jazz in the back ground as I read this. It was most enjoyable.

  3. Someone needs to forcibly remove this person's ability to reproduce.

    1. "This person" doesn't exist, because once again horse-news has decided to write yet another fake article about things that never happened instead of covering the real story about the BABScon attendees that had to secretly hide a little girl running from a pedophile at their booth because she didn't want to tell the con staff.


    2. You mean the BABScon vendor table that was three tables from the staff table. They chose not to report to people literally within casual conversation distance from them nor did anyone notice the event. This is also known as, didn't fucking happen. As for the one other person who collaborated her story it was a kneejerk response to save her from literal FBI involvement because if these actions had take place she would have been guilty of multiple federal crimes.

    3. "This person" doesn't exist, because once again horse-news has decided to write yet another fake article about things that never happened instead of covering the real story "

      lucariwoah please

      and I know its you because no one else is that dense to know this was a parody of that fake event.

    4. >implying Pinkie's girlfriend would post anonymously instead of namefagging and miss out on all that sweet sweet attention they crave

      tfw you realize you are a filthy casual who doesn't recognize a Poe even when they linked to the horse-news article about the story they said horse-news didn't cover

  4. If there isn't already, there needs to be a "Snowflake Awards" to mock these kinds of people and give the stupidest an award.

    1. I need to leave for class in a few minutes, but I'll gladly make a "SJW Real Life Fanfiction" tumblr for the archival of such works of literary mastery when I return.

    2. pls deliver, anon

  5. I really wish all of this isn't legit at all. I just don't want to believe such dipshits exist.

    And if it is... well, then I wish the whole Tumblr ceases to fucking exist.
    ...'cept maybe for some R34 artists, they cool.

    1. This article is a parody of a tumblr post that actually happened where somebody claimed there was an attempted child abduction at BABScon.

      The person making the claim however also said they didnt even try to tell the convention, the police, the parents, the hotel security, or ANYONE really until days later after they had already returned home.

      The table she was at was also a few feet from the Convention registration desk. You know, as in a casual "Hey we have a problem" at about normal speaking volume would have sufficed.

      It never happened.

    2. Not to mention they claim the girl was grabbed in the elevator, but there was no evidence on the security cameras in the elevators. Meanwhile not a single person in the very crowded foyer noticed a girl running up and begging for asylum, including the people at adjacent tables. And despite the fact that there were three staffers at their table, and they claim the girl was there for hours, they can't find a third person to support their story.

      Combine that with the multiple factual errors in the original story (the table in question was in the foyer rather than the vendor hall, there were no body pillows of any kind in the vendor hall, the convention was constantly patrolled by security and the pornographic artworks described were not allowed in the convention) and you have a shining example of bad self-insert fanfic from somebody who did all their research on SJW hateblogs.

  6. What?
    I respected the request of the fire and did NOT call the fire department!

    It doesn't matter if it was the right thing to do, the important thing is that I followed that adorable little fireplug's order and let them be on their way afterwards!
