The D is for Despicable, Disruptive, and small penis. What, you think that diaper bulge is all him? |
This was an amazing weekend for bronies and horsefuckers alike: Babscon attendees got to watch voice actors and writers drink like they were surrounded by retards, Capper general got to shag Boxxy two long nights of steamy passion in a row (special exclusive in-depth report on that when he gets back), and the rest of us got to see Final Draft make an ass of himself. Well, more than usual. And this time he actually faced consequences for it! More on this after the break.
On Friday those of us at home were treated to photos of Capper General in a general suit and PVL attempting to stream. There were plenty of tweets about Babscon, including people getting their photo taken with Final Draft.
And this was him before he got banned. Yeesh. |
One tweet in particular came off as a little odd, but it was from now former EFN member Kryptonlogic. I suppose all of us at the time thought it was some sort of inside joke publicly posted for everyone to see, but now it's just foretelling.
Whenever we tried to tell him that he just got louder. Actually, that probably happened this weekend too. |
So on Saturday we all know by now that Final Draft got kicked. The big question was why. Draft, of course, was way too much of a whiny pussy to say why, and left people guessing.
The only things low about this are Final Draft's self respect and dick length. |
There were a lot of theories as to why he got a boot up his ass thanks to this. Some say he had shoved a woman in the convention hall. Others claimed that woman was Purple Tinker. A few even went on to say that the two were actually fighting each other. Nice try guys, but we know when a rumor is too good to be true.
Although this one was realistic enough to believe, the guy ended up bullshiting it all up. Oh you! |
Finally, on Sunday Obsidian Winter posted on Twitter that not only was she sick of Final Draft's shit, but that she was also going to have Babscon make an official press release about the matter. The best part? They would have kept his ban on the down low if he wasn't such a hairy man baby about it.
Unenthusiastic con hosting aside, at least someone gave us answers to quell over the rumors. |
Luckily for us we don't have to wait for the press release to get the gist of what went down. T-thanks for noticing us Winter senpai.
Read it bottom to top. Just like one of your Japanese animes! |
In totally not related news, Kryptonlogic quit EFN earlier today. Yup, not related to Final Draft being publicly whiny and attention whoring at all. Looks like he's going to focus on Bronycon work now in the fandom. We wish you all the best of luck and congratulations on making a realization that some EFN members haven't been able to make over years. This could very well be the year that EFN goes under. Maybe you'd like to write for us too, Jose? We won't spank you too hard during initiation.
> Jose wouldn't want Ren Haru to paddle his adorable little ass, then be dressed up as a sanitary worker and forced to drink her breast milk
ReplyDelete> Implying newbies get to paddle.
DeleteNewbies paddle bewbies
DeleteI want to cum inside Ren Haru in the missionary position
Delete> Implying missionary isn't the most yawn inducing position possible.
DeleteOkay, fill a newfag in. What did this Final Draft fellow do BEFORE Babscon to earn all this preemptive hatred? Did he call the entire /mlp/ population by a bad word? Or did he do something more serious?
ReplyDeleteOther than his questionable practices with EFN there was also the time he gave Lauren Faust shit for going to /mlp/ and answering questions. (I think that's right, I don't follow horse gossip too closely)
DeleteDraft has been an utter shit to everyone that isn't him or one of his sycophants at some point or another over the rather short lifetime of this fandom
DeleteDidn't he also try to have Bronycon sign some contract so only EFN could stream? Or have more freedom than other streaming sites?
DeleteBelieve me, I'm well aware a huge article on Draft's history over the last 2 years is necessary to bring everyone up to speed on why the vast majority of Horse News at least jokingly hates the guy. I plan on doing it after I graduate, but it's going to take a lot of time and research to make. Hopefully it gets released before Trotcon with the help of Capper's caps.
DeleteI'm looking forward to that article when it happens.
DeleteWho would have thought that if you treat people like shit they'll treat you like shit right back to you! Sounds like Final Draft has a letter to Celestia to write.
DeleteYea. I figured that's what it was before I linked it too.
DeleteGod dammit, Horse News. You of all sites should know the only person you can't trust less than Final Draft is Obsidian Winter. We're literally talking about the two worst offenders in the fandom of taking advantage of unsuspecting or blissfully ignorant neckbeards.
ReplyDeleteObsidian is a power-hungry cunt who will stop at nothing to smear anyone who so much as looks at her funny. The history of her vs Draft goes back almost a year in an utter farce of "pony media coverage," where she blatantly recorded and posted phone calls between them without consent, bitched out BronyCon for not considering Ponyville Live in their initial streaming vetting (never mind that PVL didn't even EXIST until after the EFN streaming was announced publicly!), leaked all the confidential financial documents of Sweet Apple Acres Con with assistance from a cohort, accelerating that con's demise, apparently ragequit BronyCon when she was denied a promotion up to vice-chair and threatened to post every document she had her hands on, and actually left BABSCon at one point, then came back under what presumably was another threat to get things her way. ( http://imgur.com/G07UEMN )
Anything she posts or has a hand in I would take with three truckloads of salt. I'm honestly shocked BABSCon didn't collapse under the weight of its own hubris.
Obsidian may be a bleh person, but until we get someone else from Babscon saying otherwise her word is the closest we'll get to an official response.
DeleteFull of shit or not, she is a core staff member of Babscon that would have had enough power to make this kind of decision about Draft. The nice thing about her story is that it means there were tons of eyewitnesses watching Draft make an ass of himself. Crossing my fingers on this, but if we're lucky one of them either took a photo or recorded some video of the pathetic attempt at power grabbing.
DeleteMANY would agree with you on the general unlikability of Obsidian as a con lead- there were serious staff shake-ups and issues with BABScon and she was a big part of why... BUT credit where credit is due, despite being the root of much drama throughout the whole process, she came through in the end and was a big reason the con ended up getting it done and seems like folks had a good time- the VIPs definitely did, they've been tweeting their asses off about the damn thing and still are a day later. Obsidian also kind of apologized for being nasty to staff, which amidst all the goddamn brony drama and her past take-no-prisoners bullshit was actually refreshing. There WERE witnesses who aren't Draft's underlings, and BABs staff (including Obsidian) handled all this the best they could, but he fucked up, pissed off a VA, acted like a little shit kid when called out for violating con rules (the fucker seriously HID in a corner to escape detection where he wasn't supposed to be), and it was time somebody actually stopped giving more candy to the child in the supermarket throwing a shitfit. -Babsconanon
DeleteMan, I had no idea people loved me so damn much. I didn't LEAVE BronyCon, I was fired by my deputy when she was promoted over me. This was after putting on a very successful event. But, what ever, I found a better home.
DeleteNext, I didn't leak any documents. It was determined that actually another staffer that was brought on by the Con Chair as a "Legal Adviser" released those. I had BronyCon documents for a long time before deleting them and never did anything with them. I was FURIOUS with BronyCon after they used me and kicked me out. If I was ever to do anything underhanded, it would have been then, but I didn't. My folks raised me better then that.
Lastly, Draft and I have very little Drama between us other then the phone call. That getting leaked was my mistake. I was upset, sent it to a friend to listen to and they took off with it. I apologized but broke no laws and I learned from that..
I will be the first to admit I'm a harsh person sometimes. I'm very passion driven and sometimes that gets out of hand. I follow my heart and don't always do the most logically thing, but again, I can admit when I'm wrong and did, many times this weekend. BABSCon was a HUGE success, and that wasn't just because I was there. That entire staff was equally as important and without the entire package there would have been no Con, let alone one of such huge success.
BABSCon was more then willing to keep quiet over the Draft thing. He was the ONLY one to lose his badge, not anyone else. He has forced us to release the public report minus names, in order to show the Con acted within its rights. He was in fact given FOUR chances. The last thing we wanted was drama hanging over our heads at Con time, but sometimes you just have to say enough.
Like me, love me, dislike me or hate me, I'm in this Fandom, I'm not going anywhere and I'm going to keep doing all I can to give back to the community that has been there for me and my family through the worst.
I hope to one day show more people I am a likable person and a great friend if they meet me, but lets face it. In the world of Pony Politics and back stabbing abound, you have to have thick skin. Maybe I let it get too thick.
DeleteHas the public report/press release thingy already been released, or is it still being worked on? Where is it, or where will it be?
DeleteHey Winter, if after the press release people still have questions about what went down would you like to have a Skype interview with me?
DeleteFound the paid EFN shill!!!!
DeleteNice sliding there hombre, but no one defeats the Shilly™
I guess Larson was right. BABSCon was another Las Pegasus all over again.
ReplyDeleteexcept everyone got paid, the attendees had a good time, and the hotel didn't kick the convention out.
Deletetotally like LPU.
No, at LPU bad things happened to unsuspecting guests and attendees while Final Draft was able to powergrab and look like a good person himself. The exact opposite happened at Babs.
DeleteYou dare slander the good name of the Great and Powerful Larson with such shenaniganry?
DeleteNopony asked me, but this whole fiasco seems to be something that if anything, it only serves to bring out the worst in fellow ponies, and that itself is quite shameful. I may not know all the little details of protocol, much less have a right to speak in defence of either accuser or accused, but it doesn't take much to see how all this blatant insulting, degrading and tearing down of others, fellow bronies, is justified to anyone who strives to practice what the genre itself preaches, which is something that most bronies seem to strive for: that of honouring the virtues of friendship, which include forgiveness, patience, kindness and understanding. This isn't playing devil's advocate to anyone like Final Draft or Obsidian Winter, in the face of negatism upon them. This is speaking out against the shameful behavior that fellow bronies would conduct themselves into displaying. It is unbecoming of anyone who takes the genre for its values and positive principles that have inspired good people to become even better people from the experience. In closing, this whole incident is tragic and sorrowful in the most depressing sense. The better response would be to extend the olive branch towards both accuser and accused, and if there cannot be peace between them, let there remain no sense of hatred or hostility, because those vices are what destroy what's good in each and every one of us, leaving us in misplaced resentment and worse, hypocrites in the face of the genre. Forgiveness is Magic, too. Let that be held in consideration for future circumstances akin to this, and may it serve as a healing agent in due time regarding the previous events.