Jack Black is a brony; no one cares

Miranda is that pony porn?
Jack Black gave a large shout out to bronies today on facebook.

Sadly he's late to party and nobody cared. We didn't really even want to write this, it's just a slow news day.

Jack Black, sort of comedian, sort of actor, and musician known for his band Tenacious D and roles in movies such as "School of Rock", "Kung Fu Panda", and nothing else, showed a little bit of brony pride today on his facebook page.

Of course Jack Black took the ironic path of choosing Applejack for his pony photoshop session, which means we have to refer to him further on as AppleJack Black. With the selection of AJ for this, I now question why I ever enjoyed her as a character.

The subsequent thread had anons simply asking "why the hell does this matter anymore" or "big deal". To these comments I must reply that I don't fucking know, there's never any news on Sundays.

But the best reaction which ended up being completely wrong was the following.

Well you were wrong, faggot. We talked about it first.

Take that, EQD.

Horse-News would like to remind you that we're not opposed to celebrities being part of the fandom, so long as they're as autistic as the rest of us. And Jack is, so we'll let it slide

Comments (17)

  1. You know you're desperate for attention when you're trying to "connect" to bronies. Hell, I even forgot this asshole existed until a moment ago.

  2. He was likely being ironic. I mean, the fandom has been officially dead for a year now. I just cone here for a laugh and the nostalgia.

    Mostly the nostalgia. None of you are funny.

    1. Man, the fandom died too soon :'C RIP Bronies 2010-2011

    2. Loving the "show's not been good since Season 2" circlejerk.

    3. I really don't think the fandom died. Just like any other fandom based on a tv series, it will slow down during the off season. So I just think that people over reacted to not much happening.

    4. It's back in season 4. You're just not paying attention.

  3. You know it's a big deal when 4fags come out to tell everyone it's not a big deal.

    1. "Hey everyone! Come look at this non-event!"

    2. >/mlp/ in charge of not getting buttblasted

  4. we get it, you dont like jack black. geez...

  5. You should probably update the link in the post to be the archive, instead of the original thread which will expire soon. http://archive.heinessen.com/mlp/thread/17146388

  6. Enjoying AJ as a character makes me doubt the reasoning powers of someone.

  7. What's the latest from Andrew W.K about ponies? Seriously, you tell me.

  8. You're Welcome! Not like i linked you to this in your horse news email or anything?! AM I THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO LIKES JACK BLACK? HELLO? -Echo-

  9. even tho he doesn't do shit anymore i was always a fan of him back in the day so im happy

  10. Still like him.

    Thou art all a bit strange. He attempts to drum life back in the Fandom and thou art gangbanging him? Why?
