Draco--who formed BlueScreenBronies (now the Bowel Movements Button Mashers) after Equestria Gaming told him where to lube it up and gently shove it--is pretty pissed about his senpai's dethroning, and has taken to using Twitter as the publisher of his next novel.
Much like MRSA, BABScon fever is spreading fast, and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it, and that's got Draco's jimmies pretty rustled. So rustled that he burned through 20GB of his phone's data overage writing this fucking impossibly long rant 140 characters at a time.
In it, he tells us a whole bunch of completely true facts:
- Internet at any hotel anywhere costs $1,000 a day.
- If you threaten EFN, they'll get the FBI on your asses. They've got connections.
PVLEverybody loves making cheap Jew jokes at Draft's expense.- BABScon committed about 15 federal felonies, including violations of the Civil Rights Act, by persecuting Draft's right to be a
shekel-grubbing hebemedia professional.
![]() |
Now, let's say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor? |
It isn't just Draco that's ham-fistedly schlicking their persecution-boners at BABScon, though. A Tumblr warrior by the name of "Saint Cheshire" posted a lengthy rant about having to shield an innocent child from a wild and dangerously fat child molester at the con:
Won't somebody please think of the children?
The post was later deleted (and the blog replaced with Nicolas Cage pictures), but nonetheless had been shared over 20,000 times across the Tumblrverse.
Many have accused the OP of making up the post for useless Internet points, but a few intrepid reporters decided to get to the bottom of things and ask the booth owner themselves. Here's their response:
So, while it looks like the story may be at least partly true, the people involved never even told the BABScon staff about the situation, so they never had a chance to deal with it.
Never mind facts, though...the torches are lit and the pitchforks are out of storage, with the story even being favorited by an interesting source:
That's right folks, the questionably-true story about the child molester following around a little girl was favorited by none other than MLP-MSP, affectionately known to the fandom as "DraftCon", as it's co-chaired by Mike "Final Draft" Bernstein himself. Being the Jerk that he is, he's apparently taking every opportunity to ham up this controversy, if it makes his con look a little better by comparison.
Lawyer up, you goddamn sexy Golden Gates, because there's a shitstorm a-comin'.
Draco is fucking hilarious.
ReplyDelete>"Good thing I decided to work instead, I dare a legal company (convention) to threaten me, they'll regret doing so."
Watch out Babs this guy means business.
I was part of staff Thursday (day 0) and asked to go onto security on Friday (day 1) after someone on security saw how I handled a very questionable individual. I was never made aware of this situation, and had it occurred and someone on staff been made aware of this, my team on FLARE would have been told immediately. There was one incident of a gentleman becoming intoxicated and having to be taken away in a cop car, and of theft, but unfortunately things like this happen at ALL conventions, BABScon is no exception. There are people like this in ALL fandoms, the Brony fandom is no exception. I believe that just because there are some rotten apples, doesn't mean they are all bad. I had some people take me in when I had no where else to stay, simply because they didn't want me sleeping in my car in the parking lot in Burlingame. I had people become my body guards when I had creepers trying to hit on me. And I had a guy, who I had known for a couple hours, hold me and calm me down while I had a massive anxiety attack during the con. My point is not everyone in the fandom is bad, some are genuinely kind hearted people who just want to help.
ReplyDeleteWe at Horse News appreciate your dedication to conventions, your work ethic, and support. Best of luck to your future endeavors, and thank you for helping BABScon be as awesome as it was for everyone.
DeleteSo fucking sick of retarded >Tumblrfags spinning a tale about a single individual and then claiming "I know how your group works."
ReplyDeleteProve to me wrong that bronoes aren't degenerate scum, fucko. Prove me wrong.
DeleteNothing he could say would prove you wrong because you're most likely some bullheaded ox who's already made up his mind and won't consider changing it no matter how much evidence is presented.
DeleteHow 'bout you prove yourself right first, Anon?
DeleteBecause the basement is flooding and I'm taking a short break before plunging back in and sucking up yet more water, so I'd rather not argue with some Tumblr brat just now.
DeleteSorry mate, but you've drowned in your own stupidity. The person who wrote this Tumblr post has seen more shit than you've dared to admit. The whole fucking point is that men can be ignorant shit eating bastards when they don't get their way, and this was an example. It may not really matter with title, as it CAN happen in many a fandom, but the point of it is that you should never trust someone not to dick around at least once in their life.
DeleteWhen a person sees something like this happen and doesn't report it to the proper authorities, they are doing just as much an injustice as the offender. That guy went free to quite possibly pick new prey for all we know.
DeleteWhat I would say to this person who wrote this Tumblr post is that every fandom has it's weirdos and that conventions have ways of dealing with those weirdos. And they MUST be dealt with for societies sake regardless of whether the girl wants to avoid trouble or not, become a responsible adult, stop howling at the cause for a moment and actually DO something to make the world a better place, especially when the opportunity so clearly presents itself to you. If you see an opportunity to do good, like turning this guy in, and all you do is use it to bitch about the fact that it happened instead of actually solving the problem, then you are worthless to your own cause.
You see this chucklefuck above me? "When a person sees something like this happen and doesn't report it to the proper authorities, they are doing just as much an injustice as the offender. " if you've read past that, I feel bad for you, because that right there tells you all you need to know about Bronies and the majority of the fandom.
DeleteI've seen 'oh but it's not just us' here at least 5 times reading through the comments. Think about what you're saying...'yeah, we have sexual predators just like every other con', except when it's from a show aimed at young girls. You'd think it was priority one to weed out these sickos, but instead you try to justify it.
There is no redemption for bronies, only shame.
@Anon 19:25
DeleteNo one is defending the paedo, you stupid cunt. But what this entitled idiot did was grossly irresponsible to the point of infuriation. Someone she all but knew was a paedo, she let walk away. Walk away! Think about the gravity of that. This dumb cunt let a child molester off the hook! And now, because of her amazing irresponsibility, this guy will probably be able to be SUCCESSFUL next time! The point is to not cast stones when you're in a glass house.
This is, of course, assuming it actually happened. Which is a dubious subject.
Listen, you can try to bend it whichever way you want, but generalising an entire group of people because of anecdotes you read on Tumblr is for bone-head, self-serving fucks. We've been aware of the problematic nature of certain people in the community since the community fucking started. But it's been four years now and you dummies need to move on. You can attack the fucks see who deserve attacking—by all means do!—but if you're still on the subject of "The brony community is terrible because certain people in it are grossy!" you're a Goddamn slowpoke.
>still complaining about sexual deviants in brony community
Before I say what I want to say, I'd like to make it clear that I like mlp and the show. It's important to make that clear.
DeleteNow. What you said was that "Tumblrfags" judge a whole group based on certain individuals. But I'm pretty sure that's what you're doing. Judging Tumblr users because of certain individuals. Before you comment, I advise you to make sure you don't contradict yourself.
Actually, you're right. I'll concede to that point. I have an large hatred for Tumblr that gets in the way of most of my judgements. I still stick to what I say. The OP was a massively retarded bitch.
DeleteA broken clock might be right twice a day, but it's still wrong the rest of the time.
DeleteI actually come from Tumblr and 98% of people there really are flaming retards who will grasp at any straw to feel right. I'm honestly shocked so many people are genuinely offended by this whole "someone's actions let a child predator get away" thing. There are more than a few people defending this dumb bitch, but it seems like more people- "anti-bronies" included- are thinking this just went entirely too far. As one person said, "even PinkiePony never sunk this low".
I'm also from Tumblr and I honestly the thing I'm most angry about is the fact the person in question decided to let an 11 year-old, who is legally a minor and not old enough to make their own decisions, be the decision maker of whether or not she reported the incident to con security or not.
DeleteProtip: Don't listen to a minor if they tell you not to report an abduction, report it immediately.
The other thing that bothers me that I've yet to see anyone address, do we know if the 11 year-old was telling the truth? Why wasn't her mother looking after her? Did she run off from her mom without her knowledge? Is it possible that the reason why she didn't want anyone to tell security is because she ran away from her mom? If that's true, does that mean her mother is irresponsible or potentially an abusive parent that she wanted to get away from?
There's still so many unanswered questions I have about the entire incident.
Hahahaha what a fucking dipshit this guy (Draco) is. "The legalese on the website makes this a binding contract" "I learned the laws to protect my group" and some shit about Virginia District Court for some reason??? As a lawyer, watching non-lawyers attempt to threaten people with their version of "law" is some damn fine entertainment. Thanks for the giggles, Horse News!
ReplyDeleteI think it's just because they know most people don't understand the law and that it'd take a lot of time for them to check up on it, just in their mind making the 'threat sound'. I'm certainly not a lawyer, but I do plan on attending law school once I'm finished with college and always do my best to at least check up on the state laws when people make threats or claims, or demand they show me the law. But your average joe isn't going to take the time to look up some shit about a district court and try to decipher it (even though it's normally not as confusing as some people like to think, if confusing at all, in my experience). And great job making it through law school, that must have been a lot of work.
Deleteid be surprised to find a lawyer, who attended years of law school has a good sence of the law, reading an article such as this. but thats not my buisness
DeleteI honestly They shouldn't of brought Draftcon into this. They did nothing wrong.
ReplyDeleteLeave it up to SJWs to not even question WHY they wouldn't report an incident of attempted child molestation to the police or security.
ReplyDeleteOh! I get it! You're >implying they're hypocrites!
DeleteThey'd sooner write a long post about how the patriarchy is hurting that woman in the car accident before, you know, calling an ambulance.
DeleteFucking seriously. If this guy did exist, he's a Goddamn sicko that needs to be dealt with. Just 'cause the child "didn't want to get in trouble" doesn't mean you shouldn't have fucking called the police. These stupid fucks KNEW he was a fucking paedophile and let him walk the fuck away! What the hell is wrong with these dipshits? How can you be that fucking stupid? Now this guy is out and about and likely to get to some other child because you fucks didn't want to act.
Delete"I was ready to set this guy on fire." But you fucking didn't. You let him walk away scott free because kiddo "didn't want to get in trouble". Great job, fuckwits. You're really helping put an end to child molestation by passive-aggressively whining about bronies on Tumblr. You had a fucking opportunity to be productive in this cause and you couldn't even do that shit right. Fucking >Tumblrfags are good for Goddamn nothing.
at least they have respect for people's choices. The kid DIDN'T want to get ANYONE, especially herself into more trouble than she already had been in. I respect those people, because they didn't immediately jump at the child molester immediately, because that would've gotten THEM in trouble, ruining the whole chances of getting him caught. Just because they ranted about this on Tumblr, does not give you the right to call them "Tumblrfags" either.
DeleteThe important thing is that acting doesn't always have to be the right decision, and this will make sure he doesn't cause any more damage by letting other's know.
You're letting anger cloud your judgement on the whole situation.
^ this person. Excuse me WHAT? You respect people because they didn't jump at the child molester immediately? *does double take* WHAT? They didn't need to attack the dude, all they had to do was alert one of the MANY MANY staff and security people everywhere, which they didn't. Their actions were deplorable, and no- not telling someone who can do something about ti when an 11 year old kid comes to you and says she is being followed by a creepy adult is not "respecting other people's choices," it is being a fucking douchebag. HOW is posting about an anonymous dude on Tumblr with no identifying information "making sure he doesn't cause anymore damage"? Ahh yes, now folks will know to be on the lookout for one of 2,400 people who were there this weekend. Brilliant deduction, Watson! Seriously? Fuck you.
Deletein what motherfucking planet do you skip over your parental instincts and not call the fucking cops when someone tries to take advantage of a little girl just because the girl asked you to not do it
guess what fuckface: that skeever is still running around and it's all your goddamn fault. you had the chance to get him booked and you did NOTHING
this tumblr faggot honestly deserves to have the California state department come down on their ass for not reporting it
I was on their blog earlier today (roughly... Twelve? Thirteen? Hours ago) before it got deleted and turned into The Cage, and they mentioned multiple times in response to people that they actually did alert authority figures of some kind, but were ignored and dismissed because they didn't have any proof and the girl didn't want to talk.
DeleteAnon @ 2:27
DeleteWhile they did mention that on the tumblr before deleting it I have sincere doubts that they contacted anyone. And only said that as a means of Damage Control. It's still an act of negligence on the part of this Woman and pettiness that she uses this situation as a means of acting out her vendetta against the fandom. Absolutely disgusting
to Anon that wrote:
Delete"at least they have respect for people's choices. The kid DIDN'T want to get ANYONE, especially herself into more trouble than she already had been in..."
That, THAT is the worst thing I've ever heard, the only one putting her in trouble is the pedophile for starters. Then you use the "glass half full" approach to somehow frame it as though the sanctity of the little girl would be violated if someone stood up for her. And then you get into "ruining the chances of him getting caught" as though this is some 'To Catch A Predator' stake-out or some bullshit.
THIS is supposed to be where all the ranting and raving pays off one would think.
As for the "reported but ignored" concept the Anon right above me mentioned, I call horseshit all the way, three booth workers specifically know what this guy looks like enough to supply descriptions, she verified it to them, they can verify it to security, the little girl did not need to say a word thereafter. And with a charge like this NO con officer is going to just brush the whole thing off.
If something happened, it's kind of grossing me out that people here are putting the onus on one of the witnesses of what happened, rather than the perpetrator.
DeleteIt kind of sounds like to me that no one even doubts that it happened anymore, now that they can focus their anger on the poster not doing something. I thought her post was over dramatic tripe (even for something as heavy as a possible confrontation with a child molester) but i think it's important not to fall into an Us v. Them mindset, when the real enemy is not in either camp. There's no reason to fight about this, even if the OP did want to fight. If you think she had a point that there's an atmosphere that encourages child molesters (I also don't agree with this at all) then there's STILL not a reason to be Us v. Them because of course you want to better your own community. That'd like getting mad at a termite inspector for telling you there's termites in your home. All you would want to do is get them out of there as quickly as possible!
A discussion about how to handle potential child abuse is great but I think when it's tacked on a discussion about "that bitch didn't do something" it sends sort of the wrong message.
If that guy could've been stopped here and now, then that poster COULD'VE stopped it. But that doesn't mean they're to BLAME for the actions of someone else. The actions are the fault of the person. The end.
No one is blaming the the witness for the actions of the perp! I have no clue where you are getting that conclusion. People are putting the onus on the OP for the fact that they DID NOT report the actions to convention staff like they should have in the first place. Instead they took to tumblr trying to make themselves look like a hero all the while admitting they were willfully negligent in this situation. All for the sake of grinding an ax against a fanbase. I should also mention that they subsequently made posts claiming they tried to report but "no one cared" since the girl wouldn't talk about and that they respected the wishes of the to not report because she asked them not to. Give me a freaking break.
DeleteThere were multiple times during the convention that police were called in to help with situations including the possibilities of a missing person. The story of which can be seen here
I'm not blaming the people at the staff for what may have happened to the child. However I will certainly hold them in contempt for not acting as adults should have in the first place.
The guy should've been stopped there, the poster SHOULD HAVE taken the correct action but no we get some lame excuse such as as respecting the child's wishes and letting the perp run free.I don't know about you but to me that is a critical failure on many levels as an adult and should be met with harsh criticism. I applaud them for keeping the girl safe but what they did afterwards is unacceptable on many levels.
As a member of the BABSCon staffing unit, you're first initiative should've been to alert any staff member that's nearby. We had numerous staff members manning the vicinity, especially since the Con store was in there too. I patrol that place at least twice this weekend for about an two hours a piece, and, going with what I saw in the time frames, this accusation is as fictional as it could come.
ReplyDeleteShould it have happened, any of the staff members (and even the attendees) would have access to FLARE's dispatch, which was Boardroom II on the Atrium floor. The vendor should've been smart and took her there instead of harbor her under the table, because now you're not only endangering yourself AND the girl, you're also endangering bystanders if the supposed stalker was going to create a scene. Lesson of the day: ALWAYS. TELL. THE STAFF. WHATS. GOING. ON.
Just WOW! One person takes a peek at one aspect of the fandom, witnesses an incident which could have had a horrific end, and suddenly, she characterizes EVERY adult (actually, everyone, adult or not) as a creepy pervert.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I would like to point out that the apparent pedophile was NOT a symptom of the fandom, but is part of a problem within OUR SOCIETY as a whole. If he did not have this convention nearby, I am very certain he would have been stalking children somewhere else.
Furthermore, this situation was NOT handled as it should have been. Con Security should have been immediately notified, and they, with the guidance of those running the Convention, if needed, would have taken care of the situation by removing him as a threat to the safety of those attending, and very possibly informing the local law enforcement to the situation. Granted, this is probably realized by now, as it has been pointed out already, and all I am doing is reinforcing the facts.
I happen to know numerous people within the fandom. Some of them are pretty well known, and some are not, but, for the most part, they are generally decent people. Some of them, are beyond decent, to the point of being OUTSTANDING individuals. To have this person who wrote the deleted blog characterize the entire fandom in the manner she did was typical of what I see every day; someone who always views the negative, then claims that EVERYONE is that way, but looks upon herself as a shining example of what is "right".
I seriously hope that she does not attend Bronycon this summer. I suspect that, in the end, she would just end up causing hate and discontent.
I myself am proud to consider myself a Brony.
Justin P. "Biker Dash" Emery
"One person takes a peek at one aspect of the fandom, witnesses an incident which could have had a horrific end, and suddenly, she characterizes EVERY adult (actually, everyone, adult or not) as a creepy pervert. "
DeleteI feel like you didn't read the entire thing, dude. There's even a paragraph in it about all the great people they met there, not to mention they themselves are adults at the same convention?
I love MLP as much as anyone here, but you're getting your judgment clouded by getting overly defensive over things you shouldn't be getting defensive about; defending aggressors (by attacking the people worried about the problem, you're basically defending the problem) is not the way to fix anything.
We have a major problem in our fandom and it's been dragged out for too long because of too many bronies insisting that the problem isn't a problem at all, and just getting upset at people that worry about it...
and you decided to skim the rest of the post, or even the replies that followed up on tumblr
Deleteone fucker at a con that NO ONE ELSE LITERALLY NOTICED apparently means all bronies are just like him and it's their fault they didn't do anything
So the SacAnime folk and that tumblr dumbfuck didn't do anything.
ReplyDeleteWhy is tumblr so buttmad that it's somehow all the bronies fault? Their tumblr savior should have done the right fucking thing and called security or 911.
But nope, gotta rake in the attention.
That's how they usually do it. No one has the right mind to actually do the smart thing and get us staffers or something, even though we're literally five feet away (or right behind them, in the case of the Con store).
DeleteTypical of tumblr spreading bullshit.
Delete.... d-did I go to the same con as Saint Cheshire? I wasn't that drunk, but if I recall correctly, I never saw ONE kid at the booth in question. All the art I saw was pretty appropriate and I may have only seen one or two people in fedoras, maybe, and none of them were discussing anything sexual, and there were no "body pillows". There was a female vendor selling small pillow cases that were pretty far from being close to body pillows.
ReplyDeleteI'd say the only sour notes was a minor altercation with someone I knew previously, but yeah. Isn't this awfully similar to what happened with another convention?
EverFree Northwest 2012.
DeleteWasn't that the one where people said that bronies where yelling sex things through their fedoras at the IRL CMC and then IRL Apple Bloom went on Twitter and said this didn't happen?
DeleteOh wait! That's not what happened at all! Now the story is that bronies said sex things out of earshot of the voice actresses, and it's totally true because it's easily to mix up "saying things about someone" and "publicly yelling shit at someone in front of a crowd of witnesses". If you think this story is a total load, you're a transphobic racist rape apologist!
>it's totally true because it's easily to mix up "saying things about someone" and "publicly yelling shit at someone in front of a crowd of witnesses".
DeleteMoving the goalposts - a tumblr tradition.
I'm glad they protected the girl, but livid that they did not contact security - they prevented one disaster and caused another.
ReplyDeleteThing is, if I didn't take time out to do the research, figure out exactly what convention and table they were at, and send emails to Babscon and SacAnime staff, would anyone else have had the notion to do so? If not, odds are it would still be nothing but a flame war between brony supporters and anti-bronies.
I'd also like to take a moment to thank most of the population for not dragging me into the screaming matches that were going on (I did receive one or two negative messages via Tumblr) for reporting everything as the information came to me.
-- Thomas, drawsomeponies tumblr
"Hey, we should really call the police."
ReplyDelete"But then what an I going to post about on my Tumblr?"
"Good point."
"Let's include a part about body pillows."
Delete"But there weren't any."
"My followers won't know that."
"Oh okay."
Saint Cheshire deleted the post because it was pointed out that it's a crime to NOT report child abuse. http://www.cga.ct.gov/2012/rpt/2012-R-0058.htm
ReplyDeleteIs there a reason nobody's commenting on the massive amounts of antisemitism and antisemitic-slurs in this post. I mean is this some kind of inside joke or something I'm missing because I haven't encountered this site before? Or is this type of bigoted douche-baggery just so par-for-course on here that no one cares? Seriously what the hell is wrong with Rei Hōōmaru and by extension everyone else on this site for not calling him out?!?
ReplyDeleteLeave kike
DeleteThis is /mlp/'s (a board on 4chan) website
DeleteIt's a running gag for shock humour. No one here is ACTUALLY anti semitic.
DeleteThanks for the good writeup. It actually was a amusement account
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