In order to enter, participants must upload a video to YouTube of themselves showcasing their voicing talents and tweet the link to @babsconsf with hashtag #thevoiceequestria. Also you must email pr@babscon.com with your name, BABSCon badge name, email address, and phone number (including some low-res pictures of yourself
But since every other person in this fandom thinks they're en route to becoming a professional voice actor
1. Imitate as many pony voices as you can in your video
Everyone knows the best way to become a professional voice actor is to be able to imitate as many voices as you can. I'm sure if you show the judges that you are really good at imitating voices of MLP characters, they are sure to recognize your great vocal talent and immediately give you a spot voicing characters on the show.
2. Quote popular phrases from the show, especially if they are said by Twilight Sparkle
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, fellas! If you show Tara how much you obsess over her character to the point of being able to recite specific dialogue from the show, I'm sure she'll have only feelings of happiness and immediately bump you up in the standings. Because hey, what could be more appealing to a professional voice actress such as Tara than
3. Suck up to your celebrity judges
Remember, kissing ass is the best way to win contests like this. If it comes down to you and someone with actual talent, why in the hell wouldn't they pick you if you make them feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The best way to do this is to tell Tara about how you ship your OC with Twilight Sparkle. I'm sure she'd love to hear all about the imaginary relationship your OC has with the character she voices. Maybe even read her one of your shipfics and do the voices for all the characters as your audition!
4. Show Tara how much you love her and her work by imitating as many of her VA roles as you can
The more the merrier! Bonus points if you go with some of her more obscure works. Remember, as I told you earlier, people like Tara love it when you obsess over them! If you show her just how obsessive of a fan you really are and that you follow basically every little voicing role she does, she's bound to select you for the finals. Hell, this whole thing could easily turn into a contest on who can fit the most Tara Strong impressions in their three-minute video.
Deadline for contest entries is March 31, and you must be 18 or older to enter, just like you should be to use this site. That counts as a disclaimer right?
To be honest it's better than HerpDerp asking for the #235th time: "What should I do to be a voice actur?"
ReplyDeleteI don't think I can participate in something like this. I'm on the east coast, and I'm out of my league.