4chan Janitor Applications open soon

For the first time in many months, Christopher "Moot" Poole (or as his homies call him "CP") will be opening applications for new Janitors on 4chan. What does this mean for /mlp/? It means we're getting a new Scruffy, and it might be you!

Who will join the clopper-canning-custodial-council? Well if you fit the qualifications and probably if you don't have a ban-log that needs a scrollbar like some users, it could very well be you. The re-opening of the application also reminds users the abilities a Janitor actually possesses. You can find the application here, but we will also highlight the major points. 

From the application:

Janitors CAN...

  • Remove comments/images on their assigned board(s).
  • Submit ban requests to moderators.
  • Access the reports queue to more easily identify rule-breaking content.

  • Janitors CANNOT...
    • Ban users.
    • Access any administrative functions.
    • Use capcodes, make "official" posts, or set rules.
    A footnote mentions that they will not accept applications for /b/ or [S4S].

    A long discussion about the best course of action for the application was held, with some anons arguing that as many horsefuckers as possible should apply for a better balance of power, others arguing that it would be best if the board received NO new janitors, leaving the current status-quo. Of course there's no such thing as a consensus so somewhere in the middle is where you will find the number of applicants. If you want to throw your name in the hat for consideration, and put your sanity on the line, prepare your application - the form goes live at MIDNIGHT EST on Sunday, February 23rd and will only be open for a day.

    The reign of Neo-Scruffy is at hand. Prepare yourselves.
    February Happenings should have it's own article tag.

    Comments (7)

    1. FYI, boards have multiple janitors.
      The new janitor drive is probably because a sizable number of the old ones were let go due to inactivity or burnout.

      >with some anons arguing that as many horsefuckers as possible should apply for a better balance of power
      The current janitors are nor/mlp/eople as well.

      >others arguing that it would be best if the board received NO new janitors
      Yeah, tell that to the drawthread who have been suffering from flooding/general shitposting for the last few months. They'll fucking love you.

      Don't be retarded. Janitors are there to enforce the rules, and that's it. Your own "hurr but I want muh milky" agenda won't mean shit.

      1. nowhere in this post does it contradict anything you just said

      2. and I'm not blaming the newspost.
        I'm just saying that /mlp/ is acting like a bunch of rebellious teenagers again.

      3. "Breaking news: /mlp/ throws a hissy-fit. In other news, the sky is blue, water is wet"


    2. what /mlp/ really needs is more fetish porn to scare off normalfags
      do janitors even get paid?

      1. >Do janitors even get paid?
        Why would they? There are enough power hungry people who have no idea how shitty a janitor/mod job is and will gladly do it for free.
